How to open database in web browser locally with IBM Notes - lotus-notes

I have Domino Server running locally. I can assess for example the log.nsf and names.nsf databases in the browser (ie. http://localhost/log.nsf).
But I also created my own databases for example test.nsf
when visiting http://localhost/test.nsf, I see this:
Error 404
HTTP Web Server: IBM Notes Exception - File does not exist
What do I need to do to access views and agents from my own created databases

I try to -basically- answer this from the dialog that we had in the comments:
IBM Notes / Domino is a Client- Server solution where IBM Domino is the server and IBM Notes is the client.
Usually you work with the client and connect to the server that is on another machine.
Notes client is -by default- installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Notes and the Data- directory (containing the personal addressbook of the user named names.nsf, the bookmarks and desktop and the client log.nsf) is in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Notes\Data (ignoring multiuser setup on purpose as it makes things to complicated).
A Domino server is -again by default- installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Domino, its data directory is in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Domino\Data.
There is a names.nsf and a log.nsf there as well, but names.nsf is the Domino Directory of the server and log.nsf the log of... you guess.
Now one can of course install Notes and Domino on the same machine, but still they are two distinct programs.
To access Databases from a Domino server, you NEVER access them directly via file system but use the Open- Dialog to open them from the server.
If you want to access the files via admin- client (that can be installed along with the Notes Client), then you select "Open Server" from the File- Menu to access it. AGAIN: Don't access server files "directly" although they are on the same machine.
When creating new databases (from client or admin) select the Server to create them, NOT "Local".
What is the problem with the question: You created a database in the Data- directory of the client. The server does NOT know of this database as it has its own Data- directory. it will show the message you wrote.
Create it in the Data- Directory of the server instead then it will work.
Of course one could just copy the database from Notes\Data to Domino\Data.
But this will -by default- not work either: Out of the box the Notes Client encrypts every local database with the user's ID file. When copied over to Domino the server will not be able to read it. You need to decrypt to database before copy, you can do that in the properties of the database.
All together seems, that you need a training for whatever you try to do, otherwise this question will be your least problem.


How can I access my SQLite3 database on a live application?

So basically I have a SQLite3 Database that I am using for a Discord Bot. Is it possible for me to access my database file to check what's inside while the application is hosted and live?
I've considered that it is probably possible to do this from the command line within my terminal that I use to access the virtual host, but I do not know where to begin/what to input.
Ideally I would want to be able to view the file inside the DB Browser for SQLite program, for visual purposes, but for starters I want to know if its possible to see the live-updated database remotely, as my application is hosted on a virtual host/machine.
You can install phpliteadmin ( on your server to view your database.
Otherwise your can download your database file and view it in a client (Example of online client:

Select directories on client and upload info to node

I need to allow users to select directories locally (similar to the html file selector), with the path info uploaded to node.
I appreciate that sounds pointless, but it's to create a config file on the server that will match the client's requirements. So the user can select, say 'c:\documents' and 'd:\data\stuff' and have those paths passed as strings via http POST to the node (express) process.
How might I achieve this?
EDIT More info:
The data is for a client app, that works with the SaaS I'm working on. So the user (of which there will be many - I hope!) can make all their changes in one place, rather than having to configure settings in the portal, and then settings in the client GUI.
When the client app runs, it will pull the config (ie the directories it needs to process) from the server.

Export report to Excel

I want to export a table to an Excel file. I need to export a report.
ORA_EXCEL.add_sheet('Sheet name');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from mytable');
I saved my table to blob.
How do I export/respond to the user (client)?
I need something that is simple to allow a user to be able to download an Excel file to their own computer. I tried doing this procedure in an Oracle workflow:
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
But this did not help, because it is saves the file to a directory on the server and I need it in the real server.
The way I have handled similar issues in the past was to work with the systems people to mount a directory from either a web server or file server on the Database server.
Then create a directory object so that the procedure can save to a location that is accessible to the user.
If the files are not sensitive and there are a limited number of users then a file server makes sense as it is then just a matter of giving the user access to the file share.
If files are sensitive or this is a large number or unknown users we then used the Web server and sent a email with a link to the user enabling them to download their file. Naturally there needs to be security built into this to stop people being able to download other users files.
We didn't just email the files as an attachment because...
1) Emails with attachments tend to get blocked
2) We always advise not to open attachments on emails. (Yes I know we advise not to click on links as well but nothing is perfect)
Who or what is invoking the production of the document?
If it´s done by an application, which the user is working on, this application can fetch the BLOB, stores it at f.e. TEMP-Directory and calls
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("..."); to open it with the associated application. (see Open file with associated application)
If it´s a website, this one could stream the blob back as Excel-Mimetype (see Setting mime type for excel document)
Also you could store in an Oracle-DIRECTORY, but this one has to be on the server and should be a netword-share to be accessible for clients (which is rarely accepted in a productive environment!)
If MAIL isn´t the solution, then maybe FTP can be a way to store files in a common share. See UTL_TCP - Package, with this a FTP-transfer can be achieved (a bit hard to code, but there are solutions to find in the web) and I guess, professional tools that generate Office-documents out of Oracle-DB and distribute them do it like this.

Open lotus notes database using ssl vpn connection

i try to open lotus notes database form my personal pc connected by SSL VPN to my company
but when i try to open a database lotus notes retrive me the following message:
This database is currently being used by someone else. In order to share a Notes database, all users must use a domino server instead of a File Server
and i can't access to database...
Someone can help me ?
Sounds like you try to open a Notes database on file system which is stored in IBM Notes Domino server's data folder or subfolder. That doesn't work. The Domino server manages those databases and don't let you open it directly. You have to access this database from Notes client opening it on Notes server with menu "File / Open / Lotus Notes Application" and selecting the Domino server.
This error message occurs also when you try to use a personal Notes data directory twice. This happens when you open Notes client from two computers and both are using same Notes data directory on a company server (usually on user's home directory). If this is the case you can copy Notes data directory to somewhere else and link data path in notes.ini to this new directory.
NRPC (the Notes proprietary protocol) uses port 1352, which may be not open in your VPN setting.
From your remote PC, try this :
telnet serveripaddress 1352
If telnet fails, see with your network admins to have port 1352 opened.
(on a side note, having the file system of a Domino server shared and remotely accessible is a terrible security practise)

XPages error when running in web browser and saving new document

So I've finally move my application from development(inaccessible through internet) server to production(accessible through internet) server and I got the following runtime error whenever I'm trying to save a document:
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=23, col=10: [TypeError] Exception occurred calling method not allowed to access or modify file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\notesC053A6\xsppers\22\DHRRDLYBXJ
not allowed to access or modify file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\notesC053A6\xsppers\22\DHRRDLYBXJ
I've done some testing to see where this would occur and found that it only happen when running the application in a web browser (including the Notes 9 web browser) and creating a new document and saving it.
If I run the application via XPiNC, create a new document and save, I'm able to save the document. And this document can later be edited and saved whether in XPiNC or web browser.
I'm not aware of this problem because during development I usually only test in notes client. When it come to web browser, I'll just create a local copy to test because the development server does not allow access through web browser.
Is there any server setting that I should change? I'm not admin but I could inform my boss to change. Thanks.
After further testing, I found that uploading a file could be causing the problem. My XPage has fileUpload control for user to upload attachment with the document. But since it worked on XPiNC I need to know why it doesn't work in web browser and the solution to this.
Check to see if the user running the service of the domino server has full access rights to the c:\windows\temp folder
If your server is running Windows 2008 and no specific user is added to run the service.
Make sure that both system and Services has full access to that folder.
