How to search contain text in column and return data in new column using PowerShell? - excel

I have an Excel file with many columns, and I need to search and get data that contains a search text and return it to a new column. My data as below.
Column A:
I want the following result.
Column B:
My code is below, but it returns the position of the search text instead.
$File = "C:\\Testt.xlsx"
$SearchString = "detail\" + "*"+ "\"
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($File)
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $($Workbook.Sheets.Count() + 1); $i++) {
$Range = $Workbook.Sheets.Item($i).Range("A:A")
$Target = $Range.Find($SearchString)
$First = $Target
do {
Write-Host "$i $($Target.AddressLocal())"
$Target = $Range.FindNext($Target)
} while ($Target -ne $null -and $Target.AddressLocal() -ne $First.AddressLocal())


Find a value in Excel via PowerShell

I have a script that find a row with a specific background color. I want to add a condition that if the cell has a color 14 and contains the word cab and I will copy it to a different folder. All the greens (color 14)will copy to other folder. currently all the green cells (14) copied to the same folder
Maybe I need more if condition ? or one more object that holds all the cell that has color 14 and with the string inside? (patch is the name of the column)
I need an object with all the 14 colors and one object with all the 14 colors and has a name like cab
$ExcelFile = "C:\Temp\SharedFolder\Side VIP - Bulk Tool.xlsx"
$searchValue = ''
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $false
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $False # Disable comfirmation prompts
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelFile)
$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item("VIP List")
# get the number of rows in the sheet
$rowMax = $worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
# loop through the rows to test if the value in column 1 equals whatever is in $searchValue
# and capture the results in variable $result
$result = for ($row = 1; $row -le $rowMax; $row++) {
$val = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, 27).Interior.ColorIndex
if ($val -eq 14 -and $val -ne "cab") {
[PsCustomObject]#{Patch = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, 1).Value2}
-join("Number of patches:" + $result.count)
#$val = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, 1).Interior.ColorIndex; if ($val -eq 3) { ... }
foreach ($res in $result)
{$vars = foreach ($res in $result) { "\\\global\Patch Managment\$($res.patch)\*" }}
$des = "C:\Temp\SharedFolder\SideVIP"
foreach ($var in $vars)
write-host $var
Copy-Item -Path $var -include "*.VIP","*.ZIP"-Destination $des -Force

Powershell using ImportExcel to delete rows

I am trying to delete rows of data from an Excel file using the ImportExcel module.
I can open the file, find the the data I wish to delete and the DeleteRow command works on a hardcoded value however does not appear to work on a variable...any ideas?
# Gets ImportExcel PowerShell Module
if (-not(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ImportExcel)) {
Find-module -Name ImportExcel | Install-Module -Force
# Open Excel File
$excel = open-excelpackage 'C:\temp\input.xlsx'
#Set Worksheet
$ws = $excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"]
#Get Row Count
$rowcount = $ws.Dimension.Rows
#Delete row if Cell in Column 15 = Yes
for ($i = 2; $i -lt $rowcount; $i++) {
$cell = $ws.Cells[$i, 15]
if ($cell.value -eq "Yes") {
#Save File
Close-ExcelPackage $excel -SaveAs 'C:\Temp\Output.xlsx'
You should reverse the loop and go from bottom to top row. As you have it, by deleting a row, the index of the ones below that is changed and your for ($i = 2; $i -lt $rowcount; $i++) {..} will skip over.
You can also do this without the ImportExcel module if you have Excel installed:
$file = 'C:\Temp\input.xlsx'
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $false
# open the Excel file
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file)
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
# get the number of rows in the sheet
$rowMax = $sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
# loop through the rows to test if the value in column 15 is "Yes"
# do the loop BACKWARDS, otherwise the indices will change on every deletion.
for ($row = $rowMax; $row -ge 2; $row--) {
$cell = $sheet.Cells[$row, 15].Value2
if ($cell -eq 'Yes') {
$null = $sheet.Rows($row).EntireRow.Delete()
# save and exit
# clean up the COM objects used
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($sheet)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($workbook)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel)

Replacing multiple texts not getting saved

I've a bunch of files in which I need to replace content like for e.g. wherever there is 'AA' I need to replace with 'E1', 'A1' with 'P4'. The same content needs to be changed differently in different files. So for example in the 2nd file 'AA' would become 'P1', 'A1' would become 'E1', etc. To accomplish this I've an Excel sheet with 2 columns like the below:
TC CodeChange
086 AA-E1; A1-P2
099 AA-P2; A1-E1; A2-E2; Z3-E3
100 AA-P2; A1-E2; A2-E3; Z3-O3
PowerShell script which I wrote for the above:
Script 1:
function func3 {
Param($arr3, $pat)
$arr3.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.key -like $pat} | ForEach-Object {
$output = $_.value
return $output
$src = "C:\...xlsx"
$src1 = "C:\...\..."
$sheetName = "Sheet1"
$arr = #{};
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$workbook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($src)
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item($sheetName)
$objExcel.Visible = $false
$rowMax = ($sheet.UsedRange.Rows).count
$rowTC, $colTC = 1, 1
$rowCodeChange, $colCodeChange = 1, 2
for ($i=1; $i -le $rowMax-1; $i++) {
$TC = $sheet.Cells.Item($rowTC+$i, $colTC).Text
$CodeChg = [String]($sheet.Cells.Item($rowCodeChange+$i, $colCodeChange).Text)
if ($arr.ContainsKey($TC) -eq $false) {
$arr.Add($TC, $CodeChg)
$inputfiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $src1 -Recurse)
foreach ($inputfile in $inputfiles) {
$pat1 = $inputfile.Name.SubString(8, 3)
$val = func3 $arr $pat1
$arry1 = $val -split ';'
Write-Host $arry1.Length
$j = 0
do {
#skipping these 3 items from getting replaced
if (($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S1") -and ($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S2") -and ($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S3")) {
(Get-Content $inputfile.FullName) | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace "$($arry1[$j].Split('-')[0])","$($arry1[$j].Split('-')[1])"
} | Set-Content $inputfile.FullName
} while ($j -le ($arry1.Length-1))
Script 2:
function func3 {
param($arr3, $pat)
$arr3.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.key -like $pat} | ForEach-Object {
return $output
$src = "C:\...xlsx"
$src1 = "C:\..."
$sheetName = "Sheet1"
$arr = #{};
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$workbook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($src)
$sheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item($sheetName)
$objExcel.Visible = $false
$rowMax = ($sheet.UsedRange.Rows).Count
$rowTC, $colTC = 1, 1
$rowCodeChange, $colCodeChange = 1, 2
for ($i=1; $i -le $rowMax-1; $i++) {
$TC = $sheet.Cells.Item($rowTC+$i, $colTC).Text
$CodeChg = [String]($sheet.Cells.Item($rowCodeChange+$i, $colCodeChange).Text)
if ($arr.ContainsKey($TC) -eq $false) {
$arr.Add($TC, $CodeChg)
$inputfiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $src1 -Recurse)
foreach ($inputfile in $inputfiles) {
$pat1 = $inputfile.Name.SubString(8, 3)
$val = func3 $arr $pat1
$arry1 = $val -split ';'
Write-Host $arry1.Length
$j = 0
do {
#skipping these 3 items from getting replaced
if (($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S1") -and ($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S2") -and ($arry1[$j].Trim() -ne "S3")){
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($inputfile.FullName).Replace($arry1[$j].Split('-')[0], $arry1[$j].Split('-')[1])
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($inputfile.FullName, $content)
Write-Host $arry1[$j].Split('-')[0]' replaced with '$arry1[$j].Split('-')[1]' in file: '$inputfile.FullName
} while ($j -le ($arry1.Length-1))
The folder where the files are has the files having names containing the same digits in the 'TC' column in my Excel sheet. Example:
TC 086.txt
TC 099.txt
That way after I import the contents of the Excel into a hashtable I extract the digits from the filenames and get the corresponding values for the same key in the hashtable. For example the value for the key '086' from the hashtable would be 'AA-E1; A1-P2'. Then I split the items to be replaced from the hashtable value (separated by ;) and then store that in an array. The using a loop I try to replace the contents of each file based on the data retrieved from the spreadsheet.
The issue I'm facing with both the approaches is that only the 1st item in each file is getting replaced. The rest of the items are not getting replaced. For example only 'AA' value in file 'TC 086.txt' is getting replaced with 'E1'. 'A1' is not getting replaced with 'P2'.
I found out what the issue was. I basically had to trim the elements of the array
after splitting them (separated by ;) and before passing them as parameters to the 'Replace' function. Apparently there was a space before every element in that array except the 1st element (that's how they were stored in the source: excel spreadsheet). Hence the 'Replace' method was not finding that element in the file and hence not replacing it. Removing the spaces before the elements solved the issue

Excel add Row Grouping using powershell

I have below csv file, I want to import into excel and add the row grouping for the child items using powershell. I was able open the file and format the cell. Not sure how to add row grouping.
,value3 ,value4
I want to convert like this in excel.
Here is the code I have it to open it in excel.
$a = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
$a.visible = $True
$b = $a.Workbooks.Open("C:\shared\c1.csv")
$c = $b.Worksheets.Item(1)
$d = $c.Cells(1,1)
$d.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
$d.Font.ColorIndex = 11
$d.Font.Bold = $True
How do I add row grouping for this data?
Logic Applied:
Group all the consecutive rows for which the value in column A is blank
In the following code, I have opened a CSV file, made the required grouping as per the data shared by you and saved it. While saving it, because of the row grouping, I was not able to save it in csv format. So, I had to change the format to a normal workbook. But, it works.
$objExl = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$objExl.visible = $true
$objExl.DisplayAlerts = $false
$strPath = "C:\Users\gurmansingh\Documents\a.csv" #Enter the path of csv
$objBook = $$strPath)
$objSheet = $objBook.Worksheets.item(1)
$intRowCount = $objSheet.usedRange.Rows.Count
for($i=1; $i -le $intRowCount; $i++)
if($objSheet.Cells.Item($i,1).text -like "")
$startRow = $i
for($j=$i+1; $j -le $intRowCount; $j++)
if($objSheet.cells.Item($j,1).text -ne "" -or $j -eq $intRowCount)
$endRow = $j-1
if($j -eq $intRowCount)
$endRow = $j
$str = "A"+$startRow+":A"+$endRow
$objBook.SaveAs("C:\Users\gurmansingh\Documents\b",51) #saving in a different format.
Output after running the code:
Also, check out how easy it is to do using my Excel PowerShell module.
Install-Module ImportExcel

excel/powershell - find multiple cells that match a string not just the last one

Is it possible to find all cell references that contain a specific string in powershell? $Range.Find always just returns the last cell in the sheet, I want all the cells (or do I have to loop through each row? groan).
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $true
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\some.xlsx")
$MySheet = $Excel.Worksheets.Item("somesheet")
$Range = $MySheet.UsedRange
$Targets = $Range.Find("Cheese")
Foreach ($Target in $Targets)
Write-Host $Target.AddressLocal()
I think you should use:
$Target = $Range.Find("Cheese")
$First = $Target
Write-Host $Target.AddressLocal()
$Target = $Range.FindNext($Target)
While ($Target -ne $NULL -and $Target.AddressLocal() -ne $First.AddressLocal())
