core 2 web and api development oauth2 -

Now i am working on developing api based application . Web , android and IOS my own apps call this api for getting data . My question is identity server4 needed for this application cause my users login using their user name and password . And not any third party application is not connected with me .
But i want token based authentication with refresh token . I need a guideline which authentication system I use for my application


Single sign from a windows service

My company utilizes single sign on using a few different providers (Azure, Integrated Windows Authentication, Open ID Connect) exc.. We have a windows service that runs on the clients server and makes web service calls on a regular basis to our web application. Currently we suggest the client install a Non SSO instance for the windows application to make calls into the web service.
My question is there a good way for the window service to makes calls into the SSO instance of our web application that will work for all SSO providers.
This feels like a problem unless you design for it architecturally:
Your web app should call a Web API
The Windows Service should call the same Web API
It is not standard for a Windows Service to call a Web app
In OAuth terms:
A web app will use Authorization Code Flow and get a token containing the logged in user id (sub claim)
A Windows service will use Client Credentials Flow and get a token that only contains a client id and no user id
Your Web API will need to deal with both cases
It feels like the client should only use one fixed SSO provider for the Windows service. Either that or you work out which one is used at runtime based on the iss (issuer) claim in the access token.

Authenticating a user who logged in in an external app within a web api

I am using Microsoft Authentication (Azure AD) to log in a user to an app.
I have a separate node.js API which I'd like an authenticated user to call but as it is an external API how do I check that the user who is requesting a resource is authenticated?
What is the flow, are there any good Node.js resources?
You need to protect the node js api with Azure AD. After that, you can implement a client(the app you used to login) that is able to pass authentication tokens to the API.
Here is an sample which contains a web API running on ASP.NET Core 2.0 protected by Azure AD. The web API is accessed by an ASP.NET Core 2.0 web application on behalf of the signed-in user.
The scenario is the same as yours, but I only find .net samples.

ASP.NET Core Web API template with AAD authentication - where is a tutorial to make it work?

I have created new web service using VS 2019 ASP.NET Core Web API from the project template with AAD authenticalion. It creates a simple ValuesController and sets up AzureAdBearer authentication in StartUp, but there is no pointers of what do next. There are no doc links in the created project, and no comments. I could not find any documents on referring this template, all examples there refer to other sample projects, which use different code constructs, authentication types, etc.
Out of the box, the project simply returns 401, whether run locally or published to Azure Web Service.
Is there any guidance on what to do next and make this template work?
A WebApi is out on the internet waiting for a client to call it with an access token in its headers.
Usually, to learn about this scenario, you would create a couple of projects in Visual Studio, a Web Api and a client app of some sort that calls this web api.
The client app will request an access_token for this web api from Azure AD and sent it along in its call to the api.
The generated code validates this access token to ensure that its a valid one and issued for this Api (among other things).
I'd suggest you try one of Please use the samples provided at Azure Active Directory Home page for developers
You can refer to code sample : Calling a web API in an ASP.NET Core web application using Azure AD .
Your web api is now protected by Azure AD , if any client call your api , it should append Azure AD Access token as a Bearer token to the Authorization header in an HTTP request . Your web api will validate the token and authorizes the user using the JWT bearer authentication middleware(AzureAdBearer middleware) .
Your client app could uses the OpenID Connect middleware and the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL.NET) to obtain a JWT bearer token for the signed-in user using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. Then the client app can use that token to access your protected API . See TodoListWebApp project .

Azure Mobile App Service / Xamarin iOS client / Okta Identity Provider example

Here's my current situation:
Xamarin iOS mobile app (using MobileServiceClient to login)
Azure Mobile/App Service (ASP.NET Web API) with Azure AD authentication
I would like to modify the Authentication part of this process to be handled by Okta instead of the Azure AD. How can I setup Okta or any other 3rd party Identity Provider Service similar to Okta as the ipd for both my mobile app and the api web service? Azure claims that you can use any Auth capable 3rd party provider but I don't see any way to integrate such a provider in Azure portal.
I found this url to a tutorial for custom Authentication:
From this post:
IdentityServer 4 as Identity Provider for Azure App Service
Is this really the only way to do it? I would really rather keep using the server flow through MobileServiceClient and configure Azure to use the 3rd party OAuth identity provider, does any one have an example or additional information on how to do this?
Thank you for your help, maybe someone from the Azure team can enlighten us on this topic, I have not seen any documentation or examples of how to do it in their documentation so far.
Found a working library for OAuth2 and OpenID that worked for integrating with Okta:
with a Xamarin wrapper:
Tested it with Okta for client Auth with 2 factor authentication and it works well. On to figure out the App Service part.
After more research and trial and error, I've found the right combination that works for what I'm trying to do. Here's an outline of what it is:
Okta (identity provider)
set up a native application with an Implicit (Hybrid) grant on it
Mobile Client
use an OpenID Connect component for Xamarin.iOS, in my case
Server / Web Api
converted my web api webservice to an core web api webservice so I can use the latest owin middleware to validate jwt bearer tokens submitted in the header of calls to the secured endpoints, here's an example of how to set that up with Okta:
One thing to note that tripped me up along the way:
in the client, after successfully authenticating with Okta through an OpenID Connect component, you will receive user information which will include an id_token and an access_token, although it might seem natural to use the access token to send with your api calls to the server, that's actually not the case, the access token is supposed to only be used to get userinfo and is not a validated token because it gets regenerated regularly, id token on the other hand contains the signature that the server needs to validate that the header and the payload of the token haven't been tampered with, this difference between these two tokens can be observed by the number of . delimited parts contained within the token, access token has only 2 . delimited parts, header and payload, id token has 3 such parts, header, payload and signature
read more information about jwt tokens here:

Integrating Native iOS Azure SSO with Multi-Tenant Web Application

Scenario: I already have a registered multi-tenant web application that is compatible with Azure SSO. I'm now in the process of developing an iOS application that will support SSO authentication for the app as well.
Based on the example provided in I created a Native application for the iOS app with delegated permissions from my WebApp (ref:
This works for any user that exists within the AAD that the app was created. However, as soon as I want to SSO from a different domain that has previously authorized the WebApp I get an error:
Application with identifier 'CLIENT_ID_HERE' not found in directory
This implies that the native application is not multi-tenant? This seems a bit bizarre considering it should be possible for users outside of the domain to SSO to an application.
Right now, for my browser based SPA I'm simply able to manually call the common Azure login page to consent and get an authorization code for a user. I then send this code to a backend (the WebApp) that performs the OAuth handshake and gets a valid token. This does not require a client_secret from the application because the SPA isn't actually performing token retrieval.
So when I attempted to use the WebApp's client_id instead (similar to what is suggesting) I was met with an error with the Azure AD iOS SDK requiring that I provided a client secret as well. It seems that the SDK is abstracting a fair amount of this and grabbing a token for you rather than performing a step when I can simply get an authorization code and send it to my WebApp.
TLDR: My requirements are very similar to the ones outlined in multiple-tenant, multiple-platform, multiple-services single sign-on using Azure Active directory where I have multiple clients (browser, iOS, Android) that all need to be able to use Azure SSO. I'm assuming the mobile apps should be able to use my existing WebApp to authenticate the users.
The question posed in the answer of the previous SO post somewhat explains my issue:
How can my mobile app access my multi-tenant web api on behalf of the user?
At present the native app which register on the Azure portal doesn't support multi-tenant. You may consider using the V2.0 endpoint which also support the Microsoft accounts.
TLDR: My requirements are very similar to the ones outlined in multiple-tenant, multiple-platform, multiple-services single sign-on using Azure Active directory where I have multiple clients (browser, iOS, Android) that all need to be able to use Azure SSO. I'm assuming the mobile apps should be able to use my existing WebApp to authenticate the users.
Did you mean that have different font-end and the Multi-Tenant Web Application is the back-end? In this scenario, there is no need to register another native client application on the portal, you can refer here about add authentication for the iOS app.
So the majority of Microsoft's tutorials use their AAD SDK to generate OAuth access tokens whereas I needed to simply get an authorization_code to send up to a backend that's registered as an existing multi-tenant web application so it could properly generate a token using its own client_id.
This was done using the correct redirect_uri in the AD OAuth code documentation:
For native & mobile apps, you should use the default value of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Note that sending up urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob will actually result in a schema error for the multi-tenant OAuth login page ( so you must use instead.
