Spark - Stream kafka to file that changes every day? - apache-spark

I have a kafka stream I will be processing in spark. I want to write the output of this stream to a file. However, I want to partition these files by day, so everyday it will start writing to a new file. Can something like this be done? I want this to be left running and when a new day occurs, it will switch to write to a new file.
val streamInputDf = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrapservers", "XXXX")
.option("subscribe", "XXXX")
val streamSelectDf =
.option("path", "xxx")

Adding partition from spark can be done with partitionBy provided in
DataFrameWriter for non-streamed or with DataStreamWriter for
streamed data.
Below are the signatures :
public DataFrameWriter partitionBy(scala.collection.Seq
DataStreamWriter partitionBy(scala.collection.Seq colNames)
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system.
DataStreamWriter partitionBy(String... colNames) Partitions the
output by the given columns on the file system.
Description :
partitionBy public DataStreamWriter partitionBy(String... colNames)
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If
specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to Hive's
partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a dataset by
year and then month, the directory layout would look like:
- year=2016/month=01/
- year=2016/month=02/
Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize
physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for skipping
unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the partitioned
columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the number of
distinct values in each column should typically be less than tens of
Parameters: colNames - (undocumented) Returns: (undocumented) Since:
so if you want to partition data by year and month spark will save the data to folder like:
Option 1 (Direct write):
You have mentioned parquet - you can use saving as a parquet format with:
df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month','day').format("parquet").save(path)
Option 2 (insert in to hive using same partitionBy ):
You can also insert into hive table like:
df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month', 'day').insertInto(String tableName)
Getting all hive partitions:
Spark sql is based on hive query language so you can use SHOW PARTITIONS
To get list of partitions in the specific table.
sparkSession.sql("SHOW PARTITIONS partitionedHiveParquetTable")
Conclusion :
I would suggest option 2 ... since Advantage is later you can query data based on partition (aka query on raw data to know what you have received) and underlying file can be parquet or orc.
Note :
Just make sure you have .enableHiveSupport() when you are creating session with SparkSessionBuilder and also make sure whether you have hive-conf.xml etc. configured properly.

Based on this answer spark should be able to write to a folder based on the year, month and day, which seems to be exactly what you are looking for. Have not tried it in spark streaming, but hopefully this example gets you on the right track:
df.write.partitionBy("year", "month", "day").format("parquet").save(outPath)
If not, you might be able to put in a variable filepath based on current_date()


In Apache Spark's `bucketBy`, how do you generate 1 file per bucket instead of 1 file per bucket per partition?

I am trying to use Spark's bucketBy feature on a pretty large dataset.
.bucketBy(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
The problem is that my Spark cluster has about 500 partitions/tasks/executors (not sure the terminology), so I end up with files that look like:
That's 500x500=250000 bucketed parquet files! It takes forever for the FileOutputCommitter to commit that to S3.
Is there a way to generate one file per bucket, like in Hive? Or is there a better way to deal with this problem? As of now it seems like I have to choose between lowering the parallelism of my cluster (reduce number of writers) or reducing the parallelism of my parquet files (reduce number of buckets).
In order to get 1 file per final bucket do the following. Right before writing the dataframe as table repartition it using exactly same columns as ones you are using for bucketing and set the number of new partitions to be equal to number of buckets you will use in bucketBy (or a smaller number which is a divisor of number of buckets, though I don't see a reason to use a smaller number here).
In your case that would probably look like this:
dataframe.repartition(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.bucketBy(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
In the cases when you're saving to an existing table you need to make sure the types of columns are matching exactly (e.g. if your column X is INT in dataframe, but BIGINT in the table you're inserting into your repartitioning by X into 500 buckets won't match repartitioning by X treated as BIGINT and you'll end up with each of 500 executors writing 500 files again).
Just to be 100% clear - this repartitioning will add another step into your execution which is to gather the data for each bucket on 1 executor (so one full data reshuffle if the data was not partitioned same way before). I'm assuming that is exactly what you want.
It was also mentioned in comments to another answer that you'll need to be prepared for possible issues if your bucketing keys are skewed. It is true, but default Spark behavior doesn't exactly help you much if the first thing you do after loading the table is to aggregate/join on the same columns you bucketed by (which seems like a very possible scenario for someone who chose to bucket by these columns). Instead you will get a delayed issue and only see the skewness when try to load the data after the writing.
In my opinion it would be really nice if Spark offered a setting to always repartition your data before writing a bucketed table (especially when inserting into existing tables).
This should solve it.
.bucketBy(1, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
Modify the Input Parameter for the BucketBy Function to 1.
You can look at the code of bucketBy from spark's git repository -
The first split part-00001, part-00002 is based on the number of parallel tasks running when you save the bucketed table. In your case you had 500 parallel tasks running. The number of files inside each part file is decided based on the input you provide for the bucketBy function.
To learn more about Spark tasks, partitions, executors, view my Medium articles -

Spark Clustered By/Bucket by dataset not using memory

I recently came across Spark bucketby/clusteredby here.
I tried to mimic this for a 1.1TB source file from S3 (already in parquet). Plan is to completely avoid shuffle as most of the datasets are always joined on "id" column. Here are is what I am doing:
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")
.option("compression", "snappy")
On a different EMR cluster, I create a table and access it.
CREATE TABLE newtable_on_diff_cluster (id string, day date, col1 double, col2 double) USING PARQUET OPTIONS (
path "s3://my-bucket/folder/1year_data_bucketed/"
Create a scala dataframe and join it with another table of same 20 buckets of id column.
val myTableBucketedDf = spark.table("newtable_on_diff_cluster")
val myDimTableBucketedDf = spark.table("another_table_with_same_bucketing")
val joinedOutput = myTableBucketedDf.join(myDimTableBucketedDf, "id")
Here are my questions:
I see that even with repartition, shuffle is still removed in the explain plan, which is good. Is there any issue with using repartition, partition, bucketBy in the above fashion?
The above join is not looking like it is using memory on my EMR cluster from Ganglia. When joining Regular files in parquet format without bucketing, they seem to be running faster in memory for smaller number of day partitions. I havent tested it for more days. How exactly is the join processed here? Is there anyway to avoid the CREATE TABLE sql statement and instead use parquet metadata to define the table schema using scala? I dont want to repeat the column names, data types when they are actually available in parquet.
What is the ideal number of buckets or individual file size after bucket by in terms of available memory on the executor? If the unique number of values in ID column is in ~100 MM range, then if I understand correctly, 20 buckets will divide each bucket as 5MM unique IDs. I understand that the sortBy in here is not respected due to multiple files being produced by Spark for BucketBy. What is the recommendation for repartition/end file sizes/number of buckets in this case.

Spark Streaming to Hive, too many small files per partition

I have a spark streaming job with a batch interval of 2 mins(configurable).
This job reads from a Kafka topic and creates a Dataset and applies a schema on top of it and inserts these records into the Hive table.
The Spark Job creates one file per batch interval in the Hive partition like below:
Now the data that comes in is not that big, and if I increase the batch duration to maybe 10mins or so, then even I might end up getting only 2-3mb of data, which is way less than the block size.
This is the expected behaviour in Spark Streaming.
I am looking for efficient ways to do a post processing to merge all these small files and create one big file.
If anyone's done it before, please share your ideas.
I would encourage you to not use Spark to stream data from Kafka to HDFS.
Kafka Connect HDFS Plugin by Confluent (or Apache Gobblin by LinkedIn) exist for this very purpose. Both offer Hive integration.
Find my comments about compaction of small files in this Github issue
If you need to write Spark code to process Kafka data into a schema, then you can still do that, and write into another topic in (preferably) Avro format, which Hive can easily read without a predefined table schema
I personally have written a "compaction" process that actually grabs a bunch of hourly Avro data partitions from a Hive table, then converts into daily Parquet partitioned table for analytics. It's been working great so far.
If you want to batch the records before they land on HDFS, that's where Kafka Connect or Apache Nifi (mentioned in the link) can help, given that you have enough memory to store records before they are flushed to HDFS
I have exactly the same situation as you. I solved it by:
Lets assume that your new coming data are stored in a dataset: dataset1
1- Partition the table with a good partition key, in my case I have found that I can partition using a combination of keys to have around 100MB per partition.
2- Save using spark core not using spark sql:
a- load the whole partition in you memory (inside a dataset: dataset2) when you want to save
b- Then apply dataset union function: dataset3 = dataset1.union(dataset2)
c- make sure that the resulted dataset is partitioned as you wish e.g: dataset3.repartition(1)
d - save the resulting dataset in "OverWrite" mode to replace the existing file
If you need more details about any step please reach out.

How to avoid writing empty json files in Spark [duplicate]

I am reading from Kafka queue using Spark Structured Streaming. After reading from Kafka I am applying filter on the dataframe. I am saving this filtered dataframe into a parquet file. This is generating many empty parquet files. Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file?
df = spark \
.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", KafkaServer) \
.option("subscribe", KafkaTopics) \
Transaction_DF = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
decompDF ="value").alias("decompress"))
filterDF = decomDF.filter(.....)
query = filterDF .writeStream \
.option("path", outputpath) \
.option("checkpointLocation", RawXMLCheckpoint) \
Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file.
Yes, but you would rather not do it.
The reason for many empty parquet files is that Spark SQL (the underlying infrastructure for Structured Streaming) tries to guess the number of partitions to load a dataset (with records from Kafka per batch) and does this "poorly", i.e. many partitions have no data.
When you save a partition with no data you will get an empty file.
You can use repartition or coalesce operators to set the proper number of partitions and reduce (or even completely avoid) empty files. See Dataset API.
Why would you not do it? repartition and coalesce may incur performance degradation due to the extra step of shuffling the data between partitions (and possibly nodes in your Spark cluster). That can be expensive and not worth doing it (and hence I said that you would rather not do it).
You may then be asking yourself, how to know the right number of partitions? And that's a very good question in any Spark project. The answer is fairly simple (and obvious if you understand what and how Spark does the processing): "Know your data" so you can calculate how many is exactly right.
I recommend using repartition(partitioningColumns) on the Dataframe resp. Dataset and after that partitionBy(partitioningColumns) on the writeStream operation to avoid writing empty files.
The bottleneck if you have a lot of data is often the read performance with Spark if you have a lot of small (or even empty) files and no partitioning. So you should definitely make use of the file/directory partitioning (which is not the same as RDD partitioning).
This is especially a problem when using AWS S3.
The partitionColumns should fit your common queries when reading the data like timestamp/day, message type/Kafka topic, ...
See also the partitionBy documentation on
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to Hive's partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a dataset by year and then month, the directory layout would look like:
year=2016/month=01/, year=2016/month=02/
Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for skipping unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the partitioned columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the number of distinct values in each column should typically be less than tens of thousands.
This is applicable for all file-based data sources (e.g. Parquet, JSON) staring Spark 2.1.0.
you can try with repartitionByRange(column)..
I used this while writing dataframe to HDFS .. It solved my empty file creation issue.
If you are using yarn client mode, then setting the num of executor cores to 1 will solve the problem. This means that only 1 task will be run at any time per executor.

How to partition and write DataFrame in Spark without deleting partitions with no new data?

I am trying to save a DataFrame to HDFS in Parquet format using DataFrameWriter, partitioned by three column values, like this:
dataFrame.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).partitionBy("eventdate", "hour", "processtime").parquet(path)
As mentioned in this question, partitionBy will delete the full existing hierarchy of partitions at path and replaced them with the partitions in dataFrame. Since new incremental data for a particular day will come in periodically, what I want is to replace only those partitions in the hierarchy that dataFrame has data for, leaving the others untouched.
To do this it appears I need to save each partition individually using its full path, something like this:
singlePartition.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet(path + "/eventdate=2017-01-01/hour=0/processtime=1234567890")
However I'm having trouble understanding the best way to organize the data into single-partition DataFrames so that I can write them out using their full path. One idea was something like:
dataFrame.repartition("eventdate", "hour", "processtime").foreachPartition ...
But foreachPartition operates on an Iterator[Row] which is not ideal for writing out to Parquet format.
I also considered using a select...distinct eventdate, hour, processtime to obtain the list of partitions, and then filtering the original data frame by each of those partitions and saving the results to their full partitioned path. But the distinct query plus a filter for each partition doesn't seem very efficient since it would be a lot of filter/write operations.
I'm hoping there's a cleaner way to preserve existing partitions for which dataFrame has no data?
Thanks for reading.
Spark version: 2.1
This is an old topic, but I was having the same problem and found another solution, just set your partition overwrite mode to dynamic by using:
spark.conf.set('spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode', 'dynamic')
So, my spark session is configured like this:
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('AppName').getOrCreate()
spark.conf.set('spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode', 'dynamic')
The mode option Append has a catch!
.parquet("/data/hive/warehouse/mydbname.db/" + tableName)
I've tested and saw that this will keep the existing partition files. However, the problem this time is the following: If you run the same code twice (with the same data), then it will create new parquet files instead of replacing the existing ones for the same data (Spark 1.6). So, instead of using Append, we can still solve this problem with Overwrite. Instead of overwriting at the table level, we should overwrite at the partition level.
.parquet("/data/hive/warehouse/mydbname.db/" + tableName + "/y=" + year + "/m=" + month + "/d=" + day)
See the following link for more information:
Overwrite specific partitions in spark dataframe write method
(I've updated my reply after suriyanto's comment. Thnx.)
I know this is very old. As I can not see any solution posted, I will go ahead and post one. This approach assumes you have a hive table over the directory you want to write to.
One way to deal with this problem is to create a temp view from dataFrame which should be added to the table and then use normal hive-like insert overwrite table ... command:
spark.sql("insert overwrite table table_name partition ('eventdate', 'hour', 'processtime')select * from temp_view")
It preserves old partitions while (over)writing to only new partitions.
