Understand Azure Websites Pay-As-You-Go - azure-web-app-service

I have a Pay-As-You-Go subscription on Azure and I created an "app" with intention to have a small blog. I didn't add or setup any other services or anything else.
It says "App Service Plan: Default1 (Free: 0 Small)"
What does it mean?
I'd like to understand how it works, how am I being charged?
Shouldn't be free considering I didn't add any service?
How do I know I am on the free tier?
Sorry if it sounds stupid

In Azure when you create a Web App, you need to have a server to host it on. To achieve that Azure creates a think called an App Service Plan (Think hosting server). The App Service Plan is what your billing is based on. Depending on the App Service Plan selected, you can host multiple sites on a single app service plan like you would on an on-premise server.
Azure App Service Plans come in the following tiers:
F - Free - No cost but limited compute time (60 minutes a day)
D - Shared - $9.67
Basic - Starts at $55.80
Standard - Starts at $74.40
So from the looks of it, it says you are using a Free plan. To verify, go to the Azure Portal, navigate to your App Service. Then under that section got to App Service plan.
Which should give you the answer that you posted. So indeed you are using the Free tier of Azure. With that in mind, you app will only run 60 minutes a day, after that compute time has been used, your site will be shutdown. In addition realize that your site will "sleep" in between visitors causing the initial load to be affected.
Hope this helps.
More about costing can be found here.


How to Scale up an Application Service from PremiumV2 to PremiumV3 when it's not available

We are planning to scale our Azure App Service to PremiumV3 to decrease our costs, however there is a limitation of Azure and so the documentation guides to create a new app service and then redeploy the application. But we really need to perform a complete migration for the following:
We have more than 170 domains pointed to this Application Service
We need to keep our public IP, otherwise we will lose the pointers from our customers.
We have tried:
Create new V3 plan, in the same region and in the same Resource Group but the console informs that this is not possible.
Cloning the app from the console, but nothing happens.
Does anyone have any suggestions on this situation?

Trying to deploy docanno to Azure

New to Azure and looking for some support. I'd like to deploy docanno https://github.com/chakki-works/doccano to the free school/work subscription I have for Microsoft Azure.
I have been totally unsuccessful so far. On the docanno page for deploying to Azure it states that it uses Web App for Containers + PostgreSQL database - do these come with the free account for Azure? The Web App for Containers page reads that my subcription does not include that.
I'd appreciate any help here and it's probably really apparent I am new to this so I apologise if this message is not clear.
I tried to deploy doccano in my Azure subscription, and I found the reason why you can't have progress. The App Service SKU starts from B1, that is the virtual machine family, this machine is not free, you need to pay to use it, the value is not too much, however a free account will not have sucess to deploy this way. What can you do is to deploy this application manually, however It's not to simple to do this, because is your first time using Azure. It would takes you almost 1 hour. If you need any help fell free to contact me back.

How to Pause or Stop Azure APP service in Night/Day Time when not required?

Is it possible to put app to sleep during night time anymore?
I have the app service setting NOT on "Always On", but this setting is not respected.
The bills used to be twice as much as they are now, because in past they app set itself to sleep. How do I know this? The service hours are now around 730 (that's a full month). Is Azure no more "Pay-As -You-Go?"
#Joonas, There was never an option to put the app to sleep in Azure Web Apps. The only way to ensure that you are not getting billed is to Scale down the corresponding App Service Plan of the web app to FREE tier.
You can configure scale settings based on a specific schedule so that the app service plan can be scaled up.
Always On is a setting used to keep your app up and running at all times. Assume that you have 10 web apps hosted on a server, out of which 8 are your dev or least used sites, while the other 2 are busy sites accessed throughout the day. In such a scenario you don't want the dev sites to be running at all times as they will hold system resources. The Always On feature is handy in such scenarios. You can set Always On to true for the 2 busy sites and false for the other 8 sites.
Check the number of App Service Plans in your subscription and
also their pricing tier. This will help you understand the costs. In
Azure App Service, you get billed for the App Service Plan and not
the Web App.
This image should help you understand App Service Plan
You can get the answer from this official FAQ:
Am I charged for apps while they are in stopped state?
Yes. Rates listed apply to apps in stopped state. Please delete apps that are not in use or update tier to Free to avoid charges.

Azure Web Service Options that are "Legacy"

I am looking at possibly running some of our business on Azure.
I am trying to pick the services that would work best for my company, but I am getting mixed signals.
Because I am starting a new system, I want to pick the offerings that are not "legacy" (aka "current"). But there seems to be no way straight forward way to know that.
For example, this page of the Microsoft Documentation says
Cloud Services is similar to Service Fabric in degree of control versus ease of use, but it’s now a legacy service and Service Fabric is recommended for new development.
This page clearly states that Cloud Services is "legacy". However, you would never know this by going to the Cloud Services overview page. It has great marketing material that sells Cloud Services as a great option. But if I picked it, then I would be starting out on a platform that is in a legacy status.
Now I know that about Cloud Services vs Service Fabric. But there are tons offerings on Azure. I am trying to research them one by one to find out which ones are the most recent incarnation, but I feel like I am wasting my time.
Another example is storage. Lucky for me an Azure MVP answered my question on this one. Apparently, there is "older storage account" based disks and "managed" disks. Turns out managed disks are the new, easy way to do things. The storage account is harder. Still available, but not really what a new user should be picking. But again, this is very hard to find out unless someone who has been working with this stuff for a long time tells you.
I was about to start in on App Services and Web Apps, but I thought I would ask first to see if I am doing research that is already done and posted out there.
Is there somewhere that shows the current list of Azure services that you should look at if you are starting a new project?
I asked the similar question almost a year ago, and I even spoke with Azure Support Team after that. At that time, Microsoft did not officially state Cloud Service is legacy.
Does Azure App Service/Web App replace Azure Cloud Service?
We have been hosting our enterprise applications in Cloud Service since 2013, and a couple of them are in App Service. Here is my thought -
4 years ago we only have Cloud Service - Web Role and Worker Role,and App Service (formally named as Web App) is not fully ready for enterprise applications yet. Since App Service came up, Microsoft heavily promote App Service compare to Cloud Service. In addition, what I notice is Cloud Service did not get new features like App Service.
Service Fabric is quite new, and it doesn't have all the belts and whistles like App Service, so we might have to wait a bit for enterprise applications.
Only advantage of Cloud Service is you can remote desktop to a role instance, after the application is deployed.
If I host a new application in Azure today, I'll definitely use App Service.
Microsoft has published a list of Azure reference architectures. It was last updated in November 2016. You can browse it here, and there is some guidance given. But for example, you mentioned using Service Fabric (which is a great way to go for a robust app that really needs to scale), but Service Fabric isn't mentioned in the aforementioned resource.
I spend a lot of time running down Azure resources in relation to web applications (not to be confused with App Service Web Apps), and I have not found a definitive source of the type of info you're looking for personally.

Does Azure offer free test credits to test a Mobile service?

I'm developing an app with a mobile backend. I've thought of using Azure. How am I supposed to test run the service? do they offer dev/free credits? I know Parse offers this facility. They offer 30 API calls per second for testing.
You can test Mobile Services for free with these options:
When you create a new Azure account, you get over $200 of free credits to test the various services. Note that these credits must be spent during the first month. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/
Mobile Services has a free tier plan: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/mobile-services/
Are you working for a startup? Check the BizSpark program that includes free Azure credits: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/member-offers/bizspark-startups/
Are you a student? Check the DreamSpark program that includes free Azure credits: https://www.dreamspark.com/
Are you an MSDN subscriber? Then you have free Azure credits: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/member-offers/msdn-benefits/
You can try Mobile App for free without creating an Azure account. The caveat? Your service will last only an hour ;-) https://tryappservice.azure.com/
