Datatable show hidden elements upon search successful - search

I have some HTML elements which are hidden by default until user try to search for it. I am thinking to change the class of the element to show when the DataTable search completed (if found).
Refer to the jQuery code below where I implement the search, what is the next step to show the parent or the container of it?
E.g. if the search key is c or cc or ccc, how to show its parent (in this case is <li class="show">)?
$("#txtSearch").on('keyup keypress blur change', function(e) {
var val = $(this).val();
<li class="hide">aaa</li>
<li class="hide">bbb</li>
<li class="hide">ccc</li>

Take a look at this code Snipp,Iterate over the Hide classes and extract the inner text then compare your search results.
$("#txtSearch").on('keyup keypress blur change', function(e) {
var val = $(this).val();
var numItems = $('.hide').length ;
for(var count = 1; count<=numItems;count++){
var index = count-1;
var searchResult = $(".hide:eq("+index+")").text();
if(val.indexOf(searchResult) > -1){
$(".hide:eq(" + index + ")").removeClass("show").addClass("hide");


Input multiple with tags without autoCompletion

I have two inputs.
I want the two inputs to have the same look and feel see below:
The first input use autocomplete and allows the user to select a list of terms => I use p:autocomplete (see Primefaces documentation on autocomplete)
This input works fine.
For the second input, I would like to have the same display but without any autocompletion : the user just enter a list of terms with no autocompletion at all.
I tried to have a fake autocomplete that return the value given by the user but it is too slow and the behaviour is not correct when the user quit the input.
Any idea is welcome.
After a quick look at the PrimeFaces javascript code of the autoComplete and a few hours experimenting with it, I came up with a solution. It involves overriding the bindKeyEvents and in it deciding to call the original one or not, adding detection for the space key ('selecting a tag') and when pressed, add the tag and fire the selectionEvent (if ajax is used). Place the following code in your page or in an external javascript file
if(PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete) {
PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete = PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete.extend ( {
bindKeyEvents: function() {
if (this.input.attr('data-justTags')) {
var $this = this;
this.input.on('keyup.autoComplete', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode,
key = e.which;
}).on('keydown.autoComplete', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
$this.suppressInput = false;
switch(e.which) {
case keyCode.BACKSPACE:
if ($this.cfg.multiple && !$this.input.val().length) {
$this.removeItem(e, $(this).parent().prev());
case keyCode.SPACE:
if($this.cfg.multiple) {
var itemValue = $this.input.val();
var itemDisplayMarkup = '<li data-token-value="' +itemValue + '"class="ui-autocomplete-token ui-state-active ui-corner-all ui-helper-hidden">';
itemDisplayMarkup += '<span class="ui-autocomplete-token-icon ui-icon ui-icon-close" />';
itemDisplayMarkup += '<span class="ui-autocomplete-token-label">' + itemValue + '</span></li>';
$this.hinput.append('<option value="' + itemValue + '" selected="selected"></option>');
if($this.multiItemContainer.children('li.ui-autocomplete-token').length >= $this.cfg.selectLimit) {
$this.input.css('display', 'none').blur();
$this.invokeItemSelectBehavior(e, itemValue);
} else {
//console.log("Original bindEvents");
For deciding on when to call the original one or not, I decided to use a passThrough attribute with a data-justTags name. e.g. pt:data-justTags="true" (value does not matter, so pt:data-justTags="false" is identical to pt:data-justTags="true"). A small html snippet of this is:
<p:autoComplete pt:data-justTags="true" multiple="true" value="#{myBean.selectedValues}">
And do not forget to add the xmlns:pt="" namespace declaration.
I found a component that could do the job :

Template binding with nested for loops WinJS

I've got an issue where I'm using template.render to render an array of items based on a html template. Each item in the array also contains another array, that I want to bind to another template, within the parent element for the area. I know I can use a grid layout for groups, but I'm trying to accomplish this another way, so please, no suggestions to use a different control, I'm just curious as to why the following doesn't work correctly.
//html templates
<div id="area-template" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<h1 class="area-title" data-win-bind="innerHTML:title"></h1>
<div class="items">
<div id="item-template" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<h2 class="item-title" data-win-bind="innerHTML:title"></h2>
// JS in ready event
var renderer = document.getElementsByTagName('section')[0];
var area_template = document.getElementById('area-template').winControl;
var item_template = document.getElementById('item-template').winControl;
for (var i = 0; i < areas.length; i++) {
var area = areas.getAt(i);
area_template.render(area, renderer).done(function (el) {
var item_renderer = el.querySelector('.items');
for (var j = 0; j < area.items.length; j++) {
var item = area.items[j];
item_template.render(item, item_renderer).done(function (item_el) {
So what should happen, is that after it renders the area, in the "done" function the newly created element (el) gets returned, I'm then finding it's ".items" div to append the items to. However, this appends all the items to the first div created. If it was the last div, it might make more sense due to closures, but the fact it happens on the first one is really throwing me off!
What's interesting, is that if I replace my template render function using document.createElement and el.appendChild, it does display correctly e.g: (in the done of area render)
area_template.render(area, renderer).done(function (el) {
var item = area.items[j];
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.innerText = item.title;
although I've realised this is el it is appending it to, not the actual .items div of the el
I'm not quite sure what could be going on here. It appears the value of el is getting updated correctly, but el.querySelector is either always returning the wrong ".items" div or it's getting retained somewhere, however debugging does show that el is changing during the loop. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I've worked out what is going on here. The "el" returned in the render promise is not the newly created element as I thought. It's the renderer and the newly created html together. Therefore el.querySelector('.items') is always bringing back the first '.items' it finds. I must have misread the docs, but hopefully someone else will find this information useful in case they have the same error.
I guess one way around this would be to do item_rendered = el.querySelectorAll('.items')[i] and return the numbered '.items' based on the position in the loop
for (var i = 0; i < areas.length; i++) {
var area = areas.getAt(i);
area_template.render(area, renderer).done(function (el) {
var item_renderer = el.querySelectorAll('.items')[i];
for (var j = 0; j < area.items.length; j++) {
var item = area.items[j];
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.innerText = item.title;

Orchard CMS 1.4.2: how to add a pager to a projection

It's thick o'clock on Monday afternoon...
How do I add a pager to a projection list?
I have a list of 135 Recorded Species content items that comply with a Query. So how do I page them? :(
Checking Show Pager box in the Edit Projection page just adds:
<< Older Newer >>
links at the bottom of the page. The html rendered is, for example:
<ul class="group pager" shape-id="3">
<li class="page-next" shape-id="3">« Older
<li class="page-previous" shape-id="3">Newer »
<< Older increases the page number. Newer >> decreases the page number. This looks like a bug to me, as I would expect Previous and Next links, as well as page number links. Not older and newer...
Is there some module that needs disabling?
This is a feature: the default frontend pager is just like that (page 1 is always the newest page).
For a richer pager just take a look at the one in the TheAdmin theme (Views/Pager). This below is a stripped down version of it, displaying also the page numbers:
Model.PreviousText = T("<");
Model.NextText = T(">");
var routeData = new RouteValueDictionary(ViewContext.RouteData.Values);
var queryString = ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
if (queryString != null)
foreach (string key in queryString.Keys)
if (key != null && !routeData.ContainsKey(key))
var value = queryString[key];
routeData[key] = queryString[key];
if (routeData.ContainsKey("id") && !HasText(routeData["id"]))
Model.Metadata.Type = "Pager_Links";
IHtmlString pagerLinks = Display(Model);
var pageSizeTag = Tag(Model, "ul");
if (Model.RouteData != null)
foreach (var rd in Model.RouteData.Values)
routeData[rd.Key] = rd.Value;
#if (Model.TotalItemCount > 1)
<div class="pager-footer">

Yui hide and show nodes

in this example its replace the div container with other element but its get the other element from the yui function how can i make same example but with replace two divs in the html
<div id="demo">
<p><em>Click me.</em></p>
YUI({ filter: 'raw' }).use("node", function(Y) {
var node ='#demo p');
var onClick = function(e) {
// === node || #demo p em
var tag ='parentNode.tagName');
// e.currentTarget === node'em').setContent('I am a child of ' + tag + '.');
node.on('click', onClick);
You mean, You'd like to replace another div or select another div?
In this example, em is selected and then its content is changed by setContent( "your new content" )
You can just select the e.currentTarget (the node or #demo p div) and setHTML() and build your div inside like string for example <div>content<div>, this is just one out of millions of ways to accomplish this.
have a look to this:

TinyMCE Setting focus in text part

Consider the following HTML:
<div id="block-container">
<div id="some-background"></div>
<div id="text-div">Focus should be here when this HTML goes into the editor</div>
I want the caret be in the text-div -- more precisely in the first text element -- when it opens in the TinyMCE editor.
There could be a way to add some class like ".default-focused" to such element and set focus based on the class. Is there any other (generalized) way to achieve this?
The reason why I can't go with the ".default-focused" way:
1. It could be huge task to add class considering the amount of data I have and
2. More importantly, user can change the HTML and can remove the class.
Well, if you know in which element the caret is to be placed you may use this short function
// sets the cursor to the specified element, ed ist the editor instance
// start defines if the cursor is to be set at the start or at the end
setCursor: function (ed, element, start) {
var doc = ed.getDoc();
if (typeof doc.createRange != "undefined") {
var range = doc.createRange();
var win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
var sel = win.getSelection();
} else if (typeof doc.body.createTextRange != "undefined") {
var textRange = doc.body.createTextRange();
