Azure event triggered function for blob creation - azure

I've been trying to create an azure function which will move blobs from one container to another. For this purpose, I created a function following this tutorial.
Now when I add blob in container, I can debug the rest in local. Problem starts when I try to deploy the function. I'm using CICD for function deployment. After that, when I'm trying to configure the event subscription, it's failing.
I cannot edit the ENDPOINT DETAILS when creating event subscription
If I try to "Add event grid subscription", it gives a strange error message - Deployment has failed with the following error:
{"code":"Url validation","message":"The attempt to validate the
provided endpoint
failed. For more details, visit"}
All the tutorials I found are either irrelevant or outdated. Does anyone have any suggestion what I should do or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in adance


az managedapp definition create: DownloadItemFromBlobFailed due to a failed connection

I want to create an Azure "Managed App" definition, in preparation for making an Azure Marketplace offering. I am following these MS instructions, and I had specifically been using this MS example managed app. There were was an error(s) in the documentation, which I posted to the MS team (along with my proposed fixes). Nevertheless, I did get the MS example working!
My next step was to replace the original MS sample deployment bundle...
...with my own deployment bundle...
This didn't work. When issuing the az managedapp definition create command, I received the following error:
(DownloadItemFromBlobFailed) Download of the item from blob at '' failed due to a failed connection.
Code: DownloadItemFromBlobFailed
Message: Download of the item from blob at '' failed due to a failed connection.
It makes no sense to have a "connection" error, so I assumed that the REAL error was something inside of my deployment bundle. To test that theory, I copied the original MS sample bundle to a variety of places that I control, including Azure BLOB storage. One example location I placed the copied MS deployment file was here:
When using this latter URL, I still received the same "connection" error.
In short, the only way for me to bypass the "connection" error is if I use the original sample MS deployment, from the original path that MS supplied. Incidentally, I also tried a variant URL of the original MS sample:
Suddenly the deployment works! However, that location is still the original MS-owned repo "azure-managedapp-samples". This simply seems to confirm that if the deployment does not come from a MS-owned repo, I am then unable to make the deployment.
What am I doing wrong?
Update 2/3/2023
I finally found a way to make this work! When using an Azure storage account, simply having a publicly visible URL for the deployment bundle is insufficient. I need to have a "shared access signature" URL for that deployment bundle...and then the az managedapp definition create command works!
However, my overall question still is unanswered:
What are the valid file-share platforms that the az managedapp definition create supports? Besides github and Azure BLOB, what else?
What exact configuration do I need to make with a github raw link, before it is considered "kosher" by the managedapp definition create?

AzureBlobCredentialMissing Error only occurs when triggered, versus no error in Debug

I get the following error in a pipeline that's first activity is to do a lookup on a storage container to get the contents of a file. When I test the connectionns, linked server, datasets or debug the pipeline I do not receive any errors. However when the pipeline is triggered by the storage event, it throws this error:
ErrorCode=AzureBlobCredentialMissing,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Please provide either connectionString or sasUri or serviceEndpoint to connect to Blob.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'
As per your scenario, where the debug is successful but the trigger runs failing. This make me assume that your dev changes have not been published which is why the trigger run fails. In simple terms the most recent published version of your linked service is different than that of your development version which haven't been published.
In case if you are using Source control then I would recommed following this tutorial for best practices - Automated publishing for continuous integration and delivery
If you are using CI-CD, then the issue might indeed cause by the DevOps pipeline not overriding the linked service parameters. Try redeploying the resource bye following below step and it should work as expected. (Linked service parameters had to be overwritten on the Azure resource template)
For example, if you have a linked service such as below:
Then you will still have to add below values into the overrideParameters section of the AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment task.

I get 429 status code for microsoft.web/serverFarms when I create function App on azure

I have azure functions developed in node js. When I create a cloud instance for function app, it gets stuck on deployment process with all the resources OK status. Microsoft.Web/serverfarms returning 429. The error message reads as:
**"status"**: "Failed",
**"error"**: {
**"code"**: "429",
**"message"**: "App Service Plan Create operation is throttled for subscription <subcription_id>. Please contact support if issue persists.",
Please let me know what the possible solution will be for this
Turns out, you just need to create a new function application with different server location. and delete all the related instances of the previously deployed azure function.

Azure Data Factory throwing "Invoking Azure function failed with HttpStatusCode - InternalServerError."

I am getting this error while trying to invoke azure function through the data factory. Snap of the error is attached.
I then again tried with the same parameters, and the next instance of execution just worked fine.
I just wanted to know if this problem is from azure server side or due to from my code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Call to provided Azure function 'OnCopySuccess' failed with
status-'InternalServerError' and message - 'Invoking Azure function
failed with HttpStatusCode - InternalServerError.
Has nothing to do with Azure DataFactory, it fails because of the Azure Functions, HAs from the error you will not be able to detect any issues so, you may examine the output of your azure function app using logs in kudu, in addition to the monitor of the azure function.
In addition, kudu log files are more timely than the Azure function's monitor.
Simply navigate to this website's address.
Click on the URL
Go To: LogFiles\Application\Functions\Function\yourtriggername
The log files can then be found. The log file in Kudu is real-time, whereas the monitor takes a while to show (typically 5 minutes).
HTTP Function is supposed to actually return an HTTP result, See the Original Post - So you might check your Azure Function Code.

Azure function activity in adf v2 not connecting to function

I am using an azure function activity in adf v2 .But whever I am tryin to connect it always giving me error.
Error details
Error code3608
Troubleshooting guide
Failure typeUser configuration issue
DetailsCall to provided Azure function 'ReadMsgQueue' failed with status-'NotFound' and message - 'Invoking Azure function failed with HttpStatusCode - NotFound.'.
As per the ADF troubleshooting guide, you may receive the error message when you passed incorrect Azure function details in the activity definition:
To fix this issue, make sure you had provided correct Azure function details in the activity.
