Vuejs - SEO Prerendering - node.js

I have created a project using vue-cli and webpack (not webpack basic) and added pre-rendering using prerender-spa-plugin , since my application uses laravel API so i only pre-rendered some of the static pages like about us, contact us and not the login or signup page. so my question is that How will I serve (host) my application? two serves, one for crawler and one for users? or can i do that with the single serve?
NOTE: I dont want to use server side rendering.


How does React work with Github pages isn't github pages only for static websites?

There are tutorials on how to make your with React, but isn't only for static websites? Will the server side with Node work?
You can use React to build "static" websites. "Static" in this context means that:
no data is dynamically retrieved from the server
there are no APIs running on the server
the server is stateless
the files can be served by a "dumb" web server, like nginx
You cannot run a Node server from Github pages, or any kind of server. You can only build static sites, as you've mentioned.

Angular Universal Deployment

I would appreciate if someone could clarify if it is necessary for hosting server to have node.js support in order for Angular Universal to work. And will I need to upload both browser and server folder in dist to the hosting. If yes, any recommendations on hosting a which offer such support? Secondly is there another way apart from node.js to make server side rendering to work?
Before answering this question, lets understand some basics of SSR and CSR in a layman language.
CSR or Client-side rendered
When a web-application gets rendered on the browser (Client-side). Here browser downloads all the html css and js first. Than the JS(your-some-awesome-framework) runs on browser and decide how the final webpage will look and act.
SSR Server-side Rendering
When a web-application gets rendered on the server (Server-side). Here the JS(your-some-awesome-framework) does most of its work on server already. So on your browser you gets the webpage without any delay of your JS booting and binding and rendering.
Now there are two types of rendering -
Dynamic SSR and Static Pre-rendering SSR
Dynamic SSR
when a live server dynamically generate and serialize the application. When a user hit a URL of website , the server first generates the webpage and serve the content.
Static Pre-rendering SSR
when there is already a pre-rendered static files and the browser simple serve those files.
Now comes the answers to your question in regard to angular framework.
Is it necessary for hosting server to have node.js support in order for Angular Universal to work ?
For Static Pre-rendering SSR - NO, there is no such need.
For Dynamic SSR - technically Yes, see below
And will I need to upload both browser and server folder in dist to the hosting ?
For Static Pre-rendering SSR - browser folder on any server which can host files
For Dynamic SSR - server folder on a nodeJs support server.
is there another way apart from node.js to make server side rendering to work?
There are some ways to run node through ASP.NET
Core and other options too. But for dynamic ssr nodeJs will come the the way.

Use existing ExpressJS app as Firebase app

I have existing app that runs on Heroku. It's a simple web app with no background jobs or database.
Basically it has three endpoints. One of them serves the HTML, the other is POST endpoint for communicating with backend and third is GET endpoint that renders error HTML content as well.
Now the frontend is not single page application and the goal is not to be one. It's just HTML page with a form and some links. The front end can be used without Javascript.
My questions are:
Can I re-use existing ExpressJS code? I was thinking about importing route callbacks and use them inside the "functions".
I know there is Firebase hosting that can serve static content. However, as I mentioned the server can respond with HTML content so I'd need traditional routing (such as /error url for rendering HTML error). In my ExpressJS app I use .ejs templating so I'd like to load the template and render it.
Can Firebase be set up so the "backend" (functions) can be placed on my own domain? I'd like to call relative URLs from my index file (like that POST endpoint) instead of using Google Firebase URL.
I'm really just trying to find out if my use case can fit the Firebase infrastructure. I think it's a good candidate since I need the web app to respond infrequently and it's not really demanding, not many people would use it. This is also my hobby project so I'm trying to minimize costs.
To answer your questions:
Yes you can, but keep in mind some things are limited. In my case, I had tried to use multer library for multipart forms but didn't work and had to resort to using busboy instead. To use an Express app for a function endpoint, you simply just pass your app as the onRequest function parameter like so: functions.https.onRequest(app).
The hosting is for static files only. You can't use that with .ejs. Unless, you're thinking to use that as a proxy to your Express app..
Yes, you can set custom domains so you can use your domain(s) instead of default ones. Reference:
From your project's Hosting page, enter the wizard for connecting a custom domain:
If you have only one Hosting site, click Connect domain.
If you have more than one Hosting site, click View for the desired site, then click Connect domain.
Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to connect to your Hosting site.
(Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom domain
to a second specified domain (such that and redirect to the same content).
Click Continue to initiate the validation process.

Angular 4 and SEO

I have a simple Angular 4 project served by Express. When I tried to fetch my site using Googlebot, it just showed a blank page (the innerHTML of AppRoot). I thought Google claimed its bots support Angular 4 / JS websites?
If this is still issue, is server side rendering using Angular Universal really the best solution? Like I have to set up another server that serves the server-side rendered app in addition to the main server that serves the normal client-side rendered app? And if it is, how do I tell googlebot to go to the port for the server-side rendered app and normal http traffic to go to the port for the client-side rendered app? Aren't crawlers http traffic?
The issue is not Angular4 specific. Any data generated dynamically by javascript will show first as blank, and then load its content. I assume you are looking at google page speed Insights.
To see what google see:
comment out your external css
comment out your external js
This will be google initial view. After that google will fetch the external files, run your javascript and render the page. Google page speed will penalize you for any changed pixels above the fold before and after fetching the external assets.
Angular Universal (or any server side rendering as this is not an angular issue) will solve that problem.
Hope that helps.

How to serve frontend and backoffice with a NodeJS application on Heroku?

I am using Nodejs with AngularJS for my backoffice application.
It stays on
But what I need is, this url points to my frontend, and a subdomain like
opens my backoffice.
I tried some nodejs libraries like subomain, but I couldn't target the static files.
What is the best approach?
