How Process can Share array2(the oracle array) in Spectre Attack? - security

In spectre paper, the PoC place Victim and Attacker code in same process.
The code is like this:
if (x < array1_size)
y = array2[ array1[x] * 256 ];
So Attacker and victim can use the same array2(because they are in same code, process).
But in real world, Attacker and Victim is separated(they are different process), so they can't share array2.
So here is my question, in this case, How can Attacker measure access time to array2?
How can Attacker know array2's address?
I have no idea how to attacker access to array2. What is misunderstood here?

The code from the question refers to Spectre Variant 1, also known as bounds check bypass.
What is misunderstood here?
Instead of thinking of Variant 1 in terms of victim process and attacker process, think of it as sandboxed attacker code, whose goal is to read memory outside of its sandbox.
In other words, the attacker controls some code which runs within a software sandbox, and this software sandbox would normally enforce that each code domain only accesses its own data.
However, Spectre allows the attacker's code to bypass such sandbox's enforcements.
For example, the attacker provides Javascript code for a malicious website which will be sandboxed by the Javascript interpreter upon execution.
The Javascript interpreter would check that code such as y = array2[ array1[x] * 256 ] can only execute if x < array1_size.
This is called bounds check and serves to ensure that the website is not allowed to read from the address space of the browser process running it.
Upon execution, the attacker (who controls x) can perform conditional branch misprediction by having their own code train the branch predictor to take the branch if (x < array1_size).
Finally, the attacker will set x to a desired, out-of-bounds value which, because of Spectre, will allow them to bypass the bounds check of the sandbox and read memory from the address space of the browser process.
In summary, the attacker here controls the code of a (sandboxed) website and Spectre allows them to read memory of the browser where the website is opened (which would normally be prevented by the sandbox).
The second example uses eBPF, where the attacker injects and executes some code from the Linux kernel.
The eBPF interface allows unprivileged users to do so.
This code would normally be executed in a in-kernel VM/sandbox which performs bounds checks to prevent the loaded code from reading arbitrary memory.
However, Spectre allows an attacker violate this sandboxing outside of the BPF sandbox and leak arbitrary memory.
In summary, the attacker here is an unprivileged user of the host and Spectre allows them to read arbitrary memory on the host!
But in real world, Attacker and Victim is separated(they are different process)
Not in this case.
As explained above, in Spectre Variant 1 the "victim's code" encapsulates the "attacker's code" within the same process.
The attacker's code would normally be isolated by the victim using a software sandbox, but Spectre allows to bypass that and read any memory in the victim's address space.

To attack across address spaces without shared memory, you'd need a different side-channel.
Maybe you'd have the spectre gadget result in eviction of one of the lines in your array, so you have to time groups of 8 entries (that all index the same set in cache) instead of 1 at a time, because the eviction could have been any line of a set.

It can be done without shared memory.


Can kernel code make things read-only in a way that other kernel code can't undo?

I'm under the impression that the Linux kernel's attempts to protect itself revolve around not letting malicious code run in kernelspace. In particular, if a malicious kernel module were to get loaded, that it would be "game over" from a security standpoint. However, I recently came across a post that contradicts this belief and says that there is some way that the kernel can protect parts of itself from other parts of itself:
There is plenty of mechanisms to protect you against malicious modules. I write kernel code for fun so I have some experience in the field; it's basically a flag in the pagetable.
What's there to stop any kernel module from changing that flag in the pagetable back? The only protection against malicious modules is keeping them from loading at all. Once one loads, it's game over.
Make the pagetable readonly. Done.
Kernel modules can just make it read-write again, the same way your code made it read-only, then carry on with their changes.
You can actually lock this down so that kernel mode cannot modify the page table until an interrupt occurs. If your IDT is read-only as well there is no way for the module to do anything about it.
That doesn't make any sense to me. Am I missing something big about how kernel memory works? Can kernelspace code restrict itself from modifying the page table? Would that really prevent kernel rootkits? If so, then why doesn't the Linux kernel do that today to put an end to all kernel rootkits?
If the malicious kernel code is loaded in the trusted way (e.g. loading a kernel module and not exploiting a vulnerability) then no: kernel code is kernel code.
Intel CPUs do have a series of mechanisms to disable read/write access to kernel memory:
CR0.WP if set disallows writes accesses to both user and kernel read-only pages. Used to detect bugs in the kernel code.
CR4.PKE if set (4-level paging must be enabled, mandatory in 64-bit mode) disallows the kernel from accessing (not including instruction fetches) the user page mode unless these are tagged with the right key (which marks their RW permissions). Used to allow the kernel to write to structures like VSDO and KUSER_SHARED_DATA but not other user mode structures. The keys permissions are in an MSR, not in memory; the keys themselves are in the page table entries.
CR4.SMEP if set disallows kernel instruction fetching from user mode pages. Used to prevent attacks where a kernel function pointer is redirected to a user mode allocated page (e.g. the nelson.c privilege escalation exploit).
CR4.SMAP if set disallows kernel access to user mode pages during implicit access or during any type (implicit or explicit) of access (if EFLAGS.AC=0, thus overriding the protection keys). Used to enforce a more strictly no-user-mode-access policy.
Of course the R/W and U/S bits in the paging structures control if the item is read-only/read-write and assigned to user or kernel.
You can read how permissions are applied for supervisor-mode accesses in the Intel manual:
Data writes to supervisor-mode addresses.
Access rights depend on the value of CR0.WP:
- If CR0.WP = 0, data may be written to any supervisor-mode address.
- If CR0.WP = 1, data may be written to any supervisor-mode address with a translation for which the
R/W flag (bit 1) is 1 in every paging-structure entry controlling the translation; data may not be written
to any supervisor-mode address with a translation for which the R/W flag is 0 in any paging-structure
entry controlling the translation.
So even if the kernel protected a page X as read-only and then protected the page structures themselves as read-only, a malicious module could simply clear CR0.WP.
It could also change CR3 and use its own paging structures.
Note that Intel developed SGX to address the threat model where the kernel itself is evil.
However, running the kernel components into enclaves in a secure way (i.e. no single point of failure) may not be trivial.
Another approach is virtualizing the kernel with the VMX extension, though this is by no way trivial to implement.
Finally, the CPU has four protection levels at the segmentation layer but paging has only two: supervisor (CPL = 0) and user (CPL > 0).
It is theoretically possible to run a kernel component in "Ring 1" but then you'd need to make an interface (e.g. something like a call gate or syscall) for it to access the other kernel functions.
It's easier to run it in user mode altogether (since you don't trust the module in the first place).
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean:
You can actually lock this down so that kernel mode cannot modify the page table until an interrupt occurs.
I don't recall any mechanism by which the interrupt handling will lock/unlock anything.
I'm curious though, if anybody can shed some light they are welcome.
Security in the x86 CPUs (but this may be generalized) has always been hierarchical: whoever cames first set up the constraints for whoever cames later.
There is usually little to no protection between nonisolated components at the same hierarchical level.

2 questions regarding ASLR

I've been reading about ASLR and I have a couple of questions. I have little programming experience but I am interested in the theory behind it.
I understand that it randomizes where DLLs, stacks and heaps are in the virtual address space so that malicious code doesn't know their location, but how does the actual program know their location when it needs them?
If the legitimate process can locate them, what stops the malicious code doing the same?
and finally, is the malicious code that ASLR tries to prevent running in the user space of the process it is attacking?
As background, ASLR is intended to complicate code injection attacks where the attacker tries to utilize your overflow bug to trick your application into running the attacker's code. For example, in a successful stack buffer overflow attack the attacker pushes their code onto the stack and modifies the call frame's return pointer to point to the on-stack code.
Most code injection attacks require the attacker to know the absolute address of some part of your process's memory layout. For stack buffer overflow attacks, they need to know the address of the stack frame of the vulnerable function call so they can set the functions return pointer to point to the stack. For other attacks this could be the address of heap variables, exception tables, etc...
One more important background fact: unlike programming languages, machine code has absolute addresses in it. While your program may call function foo(), the machine code will call address 0x12345678.
but how does the actual program know their location when it needs them?
This is established by the dynamic linker and other operating system features that are responsible for converting your on-disk executable into an in-memory process. This involves replacing references to foo with references to 0x12345678.
If the legitimate process can locate them, what stops the malicious code doing the same?
The legitimate process knows where the addresses are because the dynamic linker creates the process such that the actual addresses are hard-wired into the process. So the process isn't locating them, per se. By the time the process is started, the addresses are all calculated and inserted into the code. An attacker can't utilize this because their code is not modified by the dynamic linker.
Consider the scenario where an attacker has a copy of the same executable that they are trying to attack. They can run the executable on their machine, examine it, and find all of the relevant addresses. Without ASLR, these addresses have a good chance of being the same on your machine when you're running the executable. ASLR randomizes these addresses meaning that the attacker can't (easily) find the addresses.
and finally, is the malicious code that ASLR tries to prevent running in the user space of the process it is attacking?
Unless there's a kernel injection vulnerability (which would likely be very bad and result in patches by your OS vendpr), yes, it's running in the user space. More specifically, it will likely be located on the stack or the heap as this is where user input is stored. Using data execution prevention will also help to prevent successful injection attacks.

Linux System Calls & Kernel Mode

I understand that system calls exist to provide access to capabilities that are disallowed in user space, such as accessing a HDD using the read() system call. I also understand that these are abstracted by a user-mode layer in the form of library calls such as fread(), to provide compatibility across hardware.
So from the application developers point of view, we have something like;
//library //syscall //k_driver //device_driver
fread() -> read() -> k_read() -> d_read()
My question is; what is stopping me inlining all the instructions in the fread() and read() functions directly into my program? The instructions are the same, so the CPU should behave in the same way? I have not tried it, but I assume that this does not work for some reason I am missing. Otherwise any application could get arbitrary kernel mode operation.
TL;DR: What allows system calls to 'enter' kernel mode that is not copy-able by an application?
System calls do not enter the kernel themselves. More precisely, for example the read function you call is still, as far as your application is concerned, a library call. What read(2) does internally is calling the actual system call using some interruption or the syscall(2) assembly instruction, depending on the CPU architecture and OS.
This is the only way for userland code to have privileged code to be executed, but it is an indirect way. The userland and kernel code execute in different contexts.
That means you cannot add the kernel source code to your userland code and expect it to do anything useful but crash. In particular, the kernel code has access to physical memory addresses required to interact with the hardware. Userland code is limited to access a virtual memory space that has not this capability. Also, the instructions userland code is allowed to execute is a subset of the ones the CPU support. Several I/O, interruption and virtualization related instructions are examples of prohibited code. They are known as privileged instructions and require to be in an lower ring or supervisor mode depending on the CPU architecture.
You could inline them. You can issue system calls directly through syscall(2), but that soon gets messy. Note that the system call overhead (context switches back and forth, in-kernel checks, ...), not to mention the time the system call itself takes, makes your gain by inlining dissapear in the noise (if there is any gain, more code means cache isn't so useful, and performance suffers). Trust the libc/kernel folks to have studied the matter and done the inlining for you behind your back (in the relevant *.h file) if it really is a measurable gain.

Can protection mode be turned off with inline assembly?

If a user didn't have root privileges, could that user still write a user space program with inline assembly to turn off protection mode on the computer to overwrite memory in other segments assuming the OS is linux?
Not unless the user knows of a security vulnerability to get root permissions. Mechanisms like /dev/mem allow root to read and write all userspace memory, and kernel module loading allows root access to kernel memory and the rest of the system's IO space.
Assuming the system is working as intended, no.
In reality, there are undoubtedly a few holes somewhere that would allow it -- given a code base that size, bugs are inevitable, and a few could probably be exploited to get into ring 0.
That said, I'm only guessing based on statistics -- I can't point to a specific vulnerability.

Sensitive Data In Memory

I'm working on a Java password manager and I currently have all of the user's data, after being decrypted from a file, sitting around in memory at all times and stored plainly as a String for displaying in the UI etc.
Is this a security risk in any way? I'm particularly concerned with someone "dumping" or reading the computer's memory in some way and finding a user's naked data.
I've considered keeping all sensitive pieces of data (the passwords) encrypted and only decrypting each piece as needed and destroying thereafter... but I'd rather not go through and change a lot of code on a superstition.
If your adversary has the ability to run arbitrary code on your target machine (with the debug privileges required to dump a process image), you are all sorts of screwed.
If your adversary has the ability to read memory at a distance accurately (ie. TEMPEST), you are all sorts of screwed.
Protect the data in transit and in storage (on the wire and on the disk), but don't worry* about data in memory.
*Ok, there are classes of programs that DO need to worry. 99.99% of all applications don't, I'm betting yours doesn't.
It is worth noting that the OS might decide to swap memory to disk, where it might remain for quite a while. Of course, reading the swap file requires strong priviledges, but who knows? The user's laptop might get stolen ...
Yes it certainly is, especially since you quite trivially can debug an application. Most code dealing with encryption and unsafe data use char arrays instead of strings. By using char arrays, you can overwrite the memory with sensitive details, limiting the lifetime of the sensitive data.
In theory, you cannot protect anything in memory completely. Some group out there managed to deep freeze the memory chips and read their contents 4 hours after the computer was turned off. Even without going to such lengths, a debugger and a breakpoint at just the right time will do the trick.
Practically though, just don't hold the plaintext in memory for longer than absolutely necessary. A determined enough attacker will get to it, but oh well.
