Twilio Video Startup - node.js

I am fairly new to React and am trying to run an example to get started with understanding how Twilio interfaces with React/Node. I am currently using the repo, and am trying to run the test > framework > twilio-video-react, but when I npm install then npm start, the server starts, but throws the error:
Failed to compile
Module not found: Can't resolve 'twilio-video'
I did `npm install twilio-video`, but still throwing error. What am I missing here? Can anyone else get this example started? I want a base example with Twilio Video working with React so I can learn from there, any other resources would help, thanks!
I tried these two examples as well, but they are outdated:

Okay, got an example up and running with a little fudging.
I followed this example:
But there were a few old libraries that were causing errors.
Posted a working version on my Github linked here.


Webpack loading wrong version of Node Module for Angular project

I have a project in Angular 13. I want to use quillJS and I want to add tables so I tried to install quill-better-table in my project.
For some reason the package is not working. I used the web inspector and found this to be the issue:
ERROR TypeError: quill.keyboard.bindings.Backspace is undefined
The problem seems to be located at: quill_better_table_BetterTable quill-better-table.js:2979 and when I check the debugger I can see the line:
let thisBinding = quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].pop();
quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].splice(0, 1, thisBinding); // add Matchers to match and render quill-better-table for initialization
// or pasting
I found a github repo that had this issue fixed:
The problem I'm running into is I dont know how to get that particular repo into my project. I have tried updating the current package and webpack continues to load the old one. I've tried clearing the npm cache and reinstalling the node packages.
I found this guide: which seems to indicate what I should do but I'm not quite npm literate enough to figure it out. Specifically, I dont know that I understand how to create the NPM link.
I'm looking for advice as to how to fix this package. I am going to be reading up on NPM link but I figured if there was another easier way to get this fixed then I would ask. I can load that repo into my node module folder, but I dont know how to make webpack reload the updated module.
Thanks in advance for the help, let me know what details I for got to add.

TypeError: resolver.resolve is not a function

When trying to truffle compile smart contracts and deploy them to an RPC testnet, I keep encountering
TypeError: resolver.resolve is not a function
at Profiler. (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/truffle/5.3.6/libexec/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/compile-common/dist/src/profiler/profiler.js:55:1).
In visual studio code I can't find resolver.resolve anywhere in my code and even cloning projects straight from github it always displays this message when truffle compiling. I have searched everywhere for the resolution and tried debugging myself in the terminal and my current thinking is it's a webpack error but I can't figure out how to solve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I was also in same situation then i find the solution. Follow these steps
Remove node_modules directory & package-lock.json (Not package.json)
Go to your cli & run npm install command
You are done
Hope this solve your problem

Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'

Hi so we have something interesting happening in our builds.
Nothing regarding the gulp build script changed from our side for one of our projects. But suddenly today when we try to do a pipeline build on one of our repositories we get the following stacktrace error:
Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:128:35
at load (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:147:43)
at onex (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:172:17)
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:13:69
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:152:21)
Has anyone come accross this before? (we are using node 10.17 for our builds)
We tested the same code from our local builds and get the exact same issue. It seems that something in the aws-sdk package changed?
Since this error suddenly appeared this morning, we looked at our aws-sdk package and updated it to the latest version (2.643.0), but we still get the same error. No code that uses the aws-sdk package has changed.
Also seeing this as of this morning. I find this somewhat sus (adding dist-tools to npmignore).
I wonder if pulling the package directly from GH would resolve.
I've got a convo going on over here about this
We downgraded to the previous version and our issue went away.

Cannot find module 'assetmanager'

I'm trying to run the MEAN stack on windows. I've installed all the pre-requisites (I think) but when I try to start the server via the gulp command I get the error:
Error: Cannot find module 'assetmanager'.
I have tried running npm install assetmanager which run fine but I still get this error.
This is my first time trying to run node on a machine (I should have used a linux box) so go easy on me as I am learning :-).
Any and all help appreciated.
I had exactly the same problem on Linux Mint 17.2.
The failing way: This was my first project that I'd generated and I don't think I had all the dependencies installed before I ran the init command (g++ was missing).
I tried the npm install assetmanager command as you did and then install worked. Running gulp after this, it got further but this time I was missing mongoose. I installed that then it couldn't find .../config/env/all so I sylinked the default.js config. Then running gulp again, errorhandler was missing. I figured it shouldn't be this hard so...
The working way: I deleted that failure of a project and init'd a new one and it worked. Unfortunately I'm not sure if the init didn't work the first time but I missed the error/warning or something else caused it. All I can recommend is try creating another project and see if that works.

node.js server.js module'simple debug' error

I am fairly new at node.js, I am using the most recent node.js available .12 on windows 8.1 OS. I am tring to run a program that controls some robotics using a gesture control device, but whenever I run the node server.js I receive the following:
throw error
module cannot be found 'simple debug'
I ran npm install simple debug to see if the modules didn't install correctly with original node.js. There are two modules simple and debug and they are installed. I tried the faye install and express solutions and got nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this?
Assuming you're using this module, you should consider adding the hyphen for simple-debug instead of simple debug.
