How create build .net with MSBuild in Jenkins on Server Linux - linux

I tried to configure jenkins that is mounted on a server with linux, is it possible to install msbuild.exe to compile a .NET application? or is it necessary for Jenkins to be on a windows server?

The .NET Core SDK can be installed on Linux and comes with a tool called dotnet which can work pretty similar to MSBuild when you run it as dotnet build.

It depends on what purpose. If it is to study, I recommend installing Jenkins on a Windows Server, then installing the .Net Framework SDK that you want to use.
If it is a productive environment, I recommend installing Jenkins Master on Linux Server and a Slave on Windows Server, then installing the .Net Framework SDK that you want to use. So you do not overload the Jenkins as you compile.
If you look at the version of the .Net Framework SDK, because if any font needs something specific, you will have to install the Microsoft Windows SDK.
For configuration see this link.


analyze windows vs c++ project in sonarqube

I have installed sonarqube 6.4 on ubuntu 16.4 following this guideline
i am googleing about how to analyze windows vs c++ project using sonarqube server, yet find no thing useful. it seems that i need to install sonarqube server on windows specifically to do this specific windows vs c++ project, am i right?

Deploy a package on Windows by Jenkins running on Linux

I have a Jenkins installed on a Linux build server and I need a project to be deployed on a Windows machine. Jenkins builds a simple zip package that contains an executable. The package can be uploaded with FTP.
But how to deploy that package after uploading? Call a batch script for example. For Linux servers I just use "Publish Over SSH Plugin" plugin.
Using Jenkins ver. 1.638.
You need to know some powershell and use the Jenkins powershell plugin.
But i propose your to Dockerize the project and deploy like that.

install Web Deploy tool using puppet

I am automating the deployment of our web application build using puppet.
I have added scripts for installing .Net and configuring IIS web server in the .pp file . I also need to install Microsoft WebDeployment tool 2.0 as the deployment command uses msdeploy. can you help me with the puppet script required to install Microsoft WebDeployment tool 2.0
There are many ways to install anything, especially on Windows. One way to make life easier is to use chocolatey as a package manager. You could then use the following resource to install Web Deploy 2.x:
package { 'msdeploy':
provider => 'chocolatey',
ensure => latest

Can we install a ROR web app developed in Windows platform to Linux machine?

We have developed a Ruby on Rails application in Windows 7. Now we want to try installing it on a Linux machine and see if it can work.
What all points should I consider here?
Can we directly deploy the code in Linux? and Should i consider some gems being specific to windows?( I remember using win32ole gem for interacting with excels) Linux is completely new to me. Any help is appreciated.
Ruby version - 1.9.3p327
Rails - 3.2.9
Database - MySQL

Problem in creating package through "Package for Linux" in Mono 2.8

I am using mono 2.8 with Visual Studio 2008. I have installed "mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9".
I am creating a windows application and its setup solution is working fine on Windows OS. But when I am creating package for Linux and follow the instruction from
Step-1 to Step-5 are done but after Step-5, I am clicking on Create Package and its do nothing even its not create any file into selected folder.
Please help..
When you choose the host for it to build the package on, make sure you are choosing a SUSE or RHEL server, or the process will silently fail.
