Integration of GPRS printer - printers

I need to Integrate a GPRs printer to my WordPress with woocommerce website to print orders generated by the website. What is the File Path (or name of the file) that generates orders in active server page? And then Call Back url, Active Server Page that replies back?
The Printer has an INI file supplied by the manufacturer. It needs 2 pcs of information. FILE PATH and CALL BACK URL. I cannot figure out these addresses for my website.
There is no code involved only the file paths.
Will highly appreciate if someone could help.

GPRS printers expects order details to be supplied in specific format. Unless your printer came with custom WooCommerce plugin (seems unlikely) you will have to create ether custom WordPress/WooCommerce plugin or vanilla php scripts that would interact with printer and your backend, in this case WordPress/WooCommerce.


Automatically add attachmends based on input field

I would like to know if there is a way to automatically add attachments in my PHPMailer script based on the value of input field.
I have a folder named on my desktop and I would like to add all the attachments from that folder as soon as I type in in my subject input.
No. A script running in a web browser has no direct access to your local files. Many years ago browsers used to allow this, but it (unsurprisingly) turned out to be catastrophically bad from a security perspective. You can select multiple files yourself via a normal file input, but it is up to you to select them, not the code running in the page. Also, this has nothing to do with PHPMailer.

How do I capture the URL after an external website login in ReactJS?

I want to retrieve the URL after opening an external website pop up in my ReactJS/NodeJS application. Basically in my application, I have a button that redirects the page to microsoft online login page. What I want is the URL of the page after the user logs into microsoft online.
Is there any way that's possible? If so, what are my options?
If you navigate to another webpage, your React application is no longer being served to your browser, and can't do anything. You would need to have a script running on the microsoft website, either by writing it in the source code (which I doubt you can do) or by some other method such as a browser extension.
There is no way to track different systems like methods #izb mentioned, if they already dont provide.
Many systems provides information from their servers, push/ping systems.
One of the payment systems, I redirect request, customer pays, and they redirects the page I entered before in their panel, like successful or fail pages.

Identify web push notification device from endpoint url

Is there a way to identify the browser based on web-push-notification endpoint url?
I would like to add a list of endpoints to the user settings page, so he could see what devices are connected and remove the ones that he does not need, but all I have is the endpoint (and auth data) in format like this one:
I would like to convert it to something like:
Chrome on Samsung Galaxy 8
Firefox on Windows 7
Internet Explorer on IPhone 6
Is there any way I could do it, or do I need to collect this data in advance?
I know I can get the browser form domain, but is there any list that contains all of the possibilities?
I think there's no way to do this without collecting information in advance.
The domain will be the same for the same browser on different platforms.

Download links from email

I am trying to download pdf available in email as hyperlinks. The reason I need this is that I get emails with several such links that needs to be downloaded and saved on a location.
Is there a way this could be automated. Tried checking out ways to do it using python or VBA but no viable solutions so far. This is O365 that I need help on and the hyperlink is embedded in the text highlighted in blue..
You should check the smtp,smtpd modules for a direct interaction with the server.
In the smtp server module you could download the mail locally and extract the info directly and locally, it's useful if you want to keep a backup of your mail, and keep clean your inbox.
In the smtp client module, you could read the email, save it as a object and extract the elements with the mime module, the extract (file) should be translated to a file object and/or saved in de pc as a file with it's extension.
Note: you should look in the internet for the configuration of your mail service to connect in the correct way and the correct sequence of steps, because some servers need a validation of the connection before login and others after the login.

Accessing Gmail, Calendar and Contacts using Exchange ActiveSync

This maybe very noob and unworthy of, but nonetheless here goes:
I'm trying to write a custom application that syncs my Google data (emails, calendar and contacts) to the desktop (I know that there are several tools that let you do that, but curiosity only killed the cat!!).
I know that is the sync sever I need to use. I've gone through [MS-ASHTTP].pdf, and got all the protocol information down.
Now, using either the cURL command-line or a tool (in Windows) such as Fiddler (, I'm unable to make valid ActiveSync requests to Moreover the URI /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync doesn't exist on, and searching Google turned up nothing for me. Need help!!!
Connecting to Google using ActiveSync should work (I have an Android app - Corporate Addressbook that does that successfully)
Use the following URL
Edit the email address and the command you are sending. Also you will need to send the auth string in the header
I have a blog post that should help.
