How to catch child_process restarting/forking itself - node.js

I am trying to get a node script to run another command with child_process, which starts up a server, but this server has 'live reload' functionality.
As far as I understand, as soon as anything changes, the child process restarts, and my parent process continues as if the child died/exited.
I want my parent process to re-connect to a newly forked/spawned child.
Is there any way to do this?
const command = 'server --listen 7070';
const process = child_process.exec(command);
process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
process.on('exit', (event) => {
console.log('The child process exited')
In this example, the server keeps running, but the stdout processing stops after the child process restarts itself for the first time.


Node.js child process shutdown delay

I have a node.js process that kicks off a child process (via spawn). When the main process receives a request to shutdown (e.g. SIGTERM) it has to perform some clean-up before the process exits - this can take a few seconds. This clean-up relies on the child process continuing to run - however, the child process is independently responding to the SIGTERM and closing down.
Can I prevent the child process closing until the main process is ready for it to shutdown?
After spawning child processes in detached mode, you can handle them individually. This can be of use to you: Node child processes: how to intercept signals like SIGINT.
The following assumes your child processes are detached:
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
console.log("Intercepted SIGINT on parent");
// Do your magic here, if you just need to wait for X time, you can use a delay promise:
delay(5000).then(() => {
// Kill/handle your child processes here
process.exit(0); // Then exit the main process
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

Detach a spawn child process after the start

I start a spawn child process this way:
let process = spawn(apiPath, {
detached: true
process.stdout.on('data', data => { /* do something */ })
When I start the process I need to keep it attached because I want to read its output. But just before closing my Node process (the parent) I want to detach all not finished children processes to keep them running in background, but as the documentation say:
When using the detached option to start a long-running process, the process will not stay running in the background after the parent exits unless it is provided with a stdio configuration that is not connected to the parent.
But with the option stdio: 'ignore' I can't read the stdout which is a problem.
I tried to manually close the pipes before to close the parent process but it is unsuccessful:
// Trigger just before the main process end
After many tests I found at least one way to solve this problem : destroying all pipe before to leave the main process.
One tricky point is that the child process have to handle correctly the pipes destroying, if not it could got an error and close anyway. In this example the node child process seems to have no problem with this but it could be different with other scenario.
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
console.log('Start Main')
let child = spawn('node', ['child.js'], { detached: true })
child.unref() // With this the main process end after fully disconnect the child
child.stdout.on('data', data => {
console.log(`Got data : ${data}`)
// In real case should be triggered just before the end of the main process
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Disconnect the child')
}, 5000)
console.log('Start Child')
setInterval(function() {
process.stdout.write('hello from child')
}, 1000)
Start Main
Got data : Start Child
Got data : hello from child
Got data : hello from child
Got data : hello from child
Got data : hello from child
Disconnect the child

Killing a process that spawned a process

I'm having trouble stopping a node.js process that spawns a child process. If I run the .js process from Terminal, I can stop it using Ctrl+C. But if I spawn it from a NodeJS app, I cannot kill it using kill("SIGINT") -- it just keeps going and continues to report stdout.
Here's the setup. I have a script, lets call it docker.js and it does this:
// docker.js
child_process.spawn("docker-compose", ["up", "-d", ...args], { stdio: 'inherit' });
The docker-compose up command does a lot of things and runs for awhile, sometimes for several minutes.
If I run ./docker.js from Terminal, I can consistently break out at any point by pressing Ctrl+C.
If I spawn docker.js from inside a different NodeJS app (in my case an Electron app), using spawn() or fork():
// DockerApp.js
const dir = `path/to/dockerjs/file/`;
// Tried this with and without `detached: true`
const child = spawn("node", [`./docker.js`, ...args], { cwd: dir, env, detached: true });
// Also tried this, which uses Electron's packaged node process
const child = fork(`./docker.js`, args, { cwd: dir, env, silent: true });
And I listen for stdout and stderr and close:
child.stdout.on("data", data => {
console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
child.stderr.on("data", data => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);
child.on("close", code => {
console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);
Everything works fine (I see expected output and eventually "close" after completion), but if I try to stop the process before completion like this:
child.kill("SIGINT"); // Equivalent to Ctrl+C in terminal
The child process just keeps running, and I keep getting docker-compose output through stdout.
I've tried for awhile but I cannot figure out how to stop docker.js when spawned as a child process from NodeJS/Electron app. I thought Ctrl+C from Terminal and child.kill("SIGINT") would have the same behavior, but it doesn't.
Can anyone explain what is going on here? And how can I reliably kill this docker.js child process from my NodeJS app?
Try something like this in child process:
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
console.log('Received SIGINT');

Ensure child exits when parent does

I am spawning a child process in node and have sometimes noticed that the child process does not exit when the parent process exits.
var worker = child.fork(__dirname + '/process');
worker.on('exit', function(exitCode) {
if (exitCode != 0) {
process.on('exit', function() {
I am also trying to ensure that if the worker dies without a 0 error code it is started again. This seems to work just fine. However I have noticed that sometimes my child process is left hanging around after the parent is gone.
What exactly is 'process.on('exit'...' listening for? I.E. What happens when I press Ctrl-C, will exit pick that up? Do I need to listen for all parent exit signals?
Should I be listening for more on the child process as well? Like 'uncaughtException'?
Basically what is the proper way to launch a child process, ensure it stays up, but exits when the parent does?

Prevent sending data to stdin if spawn fails

In my Node.js (v0.10.9) code I'm trying to detect 2 cases:
an external tool (dot) is installed - in that case I want to send some data to stdin of created process
the external tool is not installed - in that case I want to display warning and I don't want to send anything to process' stdin
My problem is that I don't know how to send data to child's stdin if and only if the process was spawned successfully (i.e. stdin is ready for writing).
Following code works fine if dot is installed, but otherwise it tries to send data to the child although the child wasn't spawned.
var childProcess = require('child_process');
var child = childProcess.spawn('dot');
child.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('Failed to start child process: ' + err.message);
child.stdin.on('error', function(err) {
console.error('Working with child.stdin failed: ' + err.message);
// I want to execute following lines only if child process was spawned correctly
I'd need something like this
child.on('successful_spawn', function () {
From the node.js docs:
Example of checking for failed exec:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
child = spawn('bad_command');
child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
if (/^execvp\(\)/.test(data)) {
console.log('Failed to start child process.');
Have a look at core-worker:
This package makes it a lot easier to handle processes.
I think what you want to do is something like that (from the docs):
import { process } from "core-worker";
const simpleChat = process("node chat.js", "Chat ready");
setTimeout(() => simpleChat.kill(), 360000); // wait an hour and close the chat
.then(console.log.bind(console, "You are now able to send messages."))
.then(console.log.bind(console, "Chat closed"))
.catch(() => /* handle err */);
So if the process is not started correctly, none of the .then statements are executed which is exactly what you want to do, right?
