sed isn't working when it's piped from another sed command - linux

I'm trying to prepare my output for a grep expression, but when I try to modify the data to get it in the format I want I'm having issues getting it the way I want.
I'm using the following command to get a list of IP addresses that I need.
PRIV_IP=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
--region "${REGION}" \
--output text \
--query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[PrivateIpAddress]' \
--filters Name=tag:TagA,Values="${TagAData}" \
Name=tag:TagB,Values="HOME" \
Name=tag:TagC,Values="MAIN" | sed 's/\./-/g' | sed 's/ /\\|/g')
This is the output of the command; it ignores the last sed statement.
echo $PRIV_IP
1-2-3-4 5-6-7-8 9-10-11-12
If I perform the sed manually it works as intended.
echo $PRIV_IP | sed 's/ /\\|/g'
Can someone provide some input on what I'm doing incorrectly?

It could be that your real command prints TABs but in your test they got converted to space already, e.g.
$ echo -e "A\tB"
$ echo -e "A\tB" | sed -e 's/ /X/g'
$ a=$(echo -e "A\tB"); echo $a
$ echo $a | sed -e 's/ /X/g')
Solution: replace all white space as suggested by the comments, i.e.
$ echo -e "A\tB" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]/X/g'


Using ssh inside a script to run another script that itself calls ssh

I'm trying to write a script that builds a list of nodes then ssh into the first node of that list
and runs a script which it's self is just a for i loop that calls
The first 2 lines seems to work ok, the list builds successfully, but then I get either get just the echo line of to print out or an error saying cat: gpcnodes.txt: No such file or directory
#gets the master node for the job
MASTERNODE=`qstat -t -u \* | grep $1 | awk '{print$8}' | cut -d'#' -f 2 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sed -e 's/$/.com/' | head -n 1`
#builds list of nodes in job
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE "qstat -t -u \* | grep $1 | awk '{print$8}' | cut -d'#' -f 2 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sed -e 's/$/.com/' > /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt"
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
ssh -qt $MASTERNODE /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
for i in `cat gpcnodes.txt `
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -qt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
cd /tmp
time perf record qhost >/dev/null 2>&1 | sed -e 's/^/${str}/'
perf report --pretty=raw | grep % | head -20 | grep -c kernel.kallsyms | sed -e "s/^/`hostname`:/"
When ssh -qt $MASTERNODE cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts/ is finished, the changed directory is lost.
With the backquotes replaced by $(..) (not an error here, but get used to it), the script would be something like
for i in $(cat /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt)
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -nqt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
or better
while read -r i; do
echo "### $i ###"
ssh -nqt $i /users/issues/slow_job_starts/
done < /users/issues/slow_job_starts/gpcnodes.txt
Perhaps you would also like to change your last script (start with cd /users/issues/slow_job_starts)
You will find more problems, like sed -e 's/^/${str}/' (the ${str} inside single quotes won't be replaced by a host), but this should get you started.
I added option -n to the ssh call.
Redirects stdin from /dev/null (actually, prevents reading from stdin).
Without this option only one node is checked.

how to echo the filename?

I'm searching in a .docx content with this command:
unzip -p *.docx word/document.xml | sed -e 's/<[^>]\{1,\}>//g; s/[^[:print:]]\{1,\}//g' | grep $1
But I need the name of file which contains the word what I searched. How can I do it?
You can walk through the files via for cycle:
for file in *.docx; do
unzip -p "$file" word/document.xml | sed -e 's/<[^>]\{1,\}>//g; s/[^[:print:]]\{1,\}//g' | grep PATTERN && echo $file
The && echo $file part prints the filename when grep finds the pattern.
Try with:
find . -name "*your_file_name*" | xargs grep your_word | cut -d':' -f1
If you're using GNU grep (likely, as you're on Linux), you might want to use this option:
Display input actually coming from standard input as input coming from file LABEL. This is especially useful when implementing tools like zgrep, e.g., gzip -cd foo.gz | grep --label=foo -H something. See
also the -H option.
So you'd have something like
for f in *.docx
do unzip -p "$f" word/document.xml \
| sed -e "$sed_command" \
| grep -H --label="$f" "$1"

Concatenating xargs with the use of if-else in bash

I've got two test files, namely, ttt.txt and ttt2.txt, the Content of which is shown as below:
(132) 123-2131
I've already tried the following commands in bash and it works fine:
if grep -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" ttt1.txt ; then echo "found"; fi
# with output 'found'
if grep -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" ttt2.txt ; then echo "found"; fi
But when I combine the above command with xargs, it complains error '-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `then''. Could anyone give me some explanation? Thanks in advance!
ll | awk '{print $9}' | grep ttt | xargs -I $ if grep --quiet -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" $; then echo "found"; fi
$ is a special character in bash (it marks variables) so don't use it as your xargs marker, you'll only get confused.
The real problem here though is that you are passing if grep --quiet -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" $ as the argument to xargs, and then the remainder of the line is being treated as a new command, because it breaks at the ;.
You can wrap the whole thing in a sub-invocation of bash, so that xargs sees the whole command:
$ ll | awk '{print $9}' | grep ttt | xargs -I xx bash -c 'if grep --quiet -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" xx; then echo "found"; fi'
Finally, ll | awk '{print $9}' | grep ttt is a needlessly complicated way of listing the files that you're looking for. You actually you don't need any of the code above, just do this:
$ if grep --quiet -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" ttt*; then echo "found"; fi
Alternatively, if you want to process each file in turn (which you don't need here, but you might want when this gets more complicated):
for file in ttt*
if grep --quiet -oE "(\(\d{3}\)[ ]?\d{3}-\d{4})|(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})" "$file"
echo "found"

Search for string within html link on webpage and download the linked file

I am trying to write a linux script to search for a link on a web page and download the file from that link...
the webpage is:
The link I am interested in is:
The original way I was doing this was using these commands..
lynx -dump -listonly &> output1.txt
cat output1.txt | grep "17" &> output2.txt
cut -b 1-6 --complement output2.txt &> output3.txt
wget -i output3.txt
I am hoping there is an easier way to search the webpage for the link "hd.reflection-black.7z" and save the linked file.
The files are stored on google drive which does not contain the filename in the url, hence the use of "17" in second line of code above..
#linuxnoob, if you to download the file (curl is more powerfull than wget):
curl -L --compressed `(curl --compressed "" 2> /dev/null | \
grep -o '<a .*href=.*>' | \
sed -e 's/<a /\n<a /g' | \
grep hd.reflection-black.7z | \
sed -e 's/<a .*href=['"'"'"]//' -e 's/["'"'"'].*$//' -e '/^$/ d')` > hd.reflection-black.7z
without indentation, for your script:
curl -L --compressed `(curl --compressed "" 2> /dev/null | grep -o '<a .*href=.*>' | sed -e 's/<a /\n<a /g' | grep hd.reflection-black.7z | sed -e 's/<a .*href=['"'"'"]//' -e 's/["'"'"'].*$//' -e '/^$/ d')` > hd.reflection-black.7z 2>/dev/null
You can try it!
What about?
curl --compressed "" | \
grep -o '<a .*href=.*>' | \
sed -e 's/<a /\n<a /g' | \
grep hd.reflection-black.7z | \
sed -e 's/<a .*href=['"'"'"]//' -e 's/["'"'"'].*$//' -e '/^$/ d'
I'd try to avoid using regular expressions since they tend to break in unexpected ways (e.g. the output is split in more than one line for some reason).
I suggest to use a scripting language like Ruby or Python, where higher level tools are available.
The following example is in Ruby:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
main_url = ARGV[0] # ''
filename = ARGV[1] # 'hd.reflection-black.7z'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(main_url))
url = doc.xpath("//a[text()='#{filename}']").first['href'],'w+') do |file|
open(url,'r' ) do |link|
Save it to a file like fetcher.rb and then you can use it with
ruby fetcher.rb hd.reflection-black.7z
To make it work you'll have to install Ruby and the Nokogiri library (both are available on most distro's repositories)

How to create a script to add sed command into a file (bash script)

I have .csv file that contain 2 columns delimited with ,.
I want to create a new file from file.csv and insert sed command like this:
sed -e 's,word1,word2,gI' \
-e 's,word3,word4,gI' \
-e 's,word5,word6,gI' \
How can I make a script to add sed command?
You can use sed to process each line:
echo -n 'sed ' ; sed -e "s/^\(.*\)/-e 's,\1,gl'\ \\\/" file.csv
will produce as requested
sed -e 's,word1,word2,gl' \
-e 's,word3,word4,gl' \
-e 's,word5,word6,gl' \
Your goal seams to be performing custom replacements from a file. In this case, I would not generate a file containing a bash script to do the job, but I would generate a sed script to do the job:
sed -e 's/^/s,/' -e 's/$/,gI/' file.csv > sed_script
sed -f sed_script <<< "word1"
We can even avoid to use the sed_script file with bash's process substitution:
sed -f <(sed -e 's/^/s,/' -e 's/$/,gI/' file.csv) <<< "word1"
Simplifying the sed script generation, it becomes:
sed -e 's/.*/s,&,gI/' file.csv > sed_script
sed -f sed_script <<< "word1"
sed -f <(sed -e 's/.*/s,&,gI/' file.csv) <<< "word1"
