What's the convention for when you offer an async variant of the same code? - signature

Let foo be sub or method. I have programmed a blocking and an async variant, so looking from the outside the essential difference is in the return value. I first thought of specifying it in the signature, but the dispatcher unfortunately only looks at the incoming end instead of both:
> multi sub foo (--> Promise) {}; multi sub foo (--> Cool) {};
> my Promise $p = foo
Ambiguous call to 'foo(...)'; these signatures all match:
:( --> Promise)
:( --> Cool)
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
Should I add a Bool :$async to the signature? Should I add a name suffix (i.e. foo and foo-async) like in JS? Both don't feel much perlish to me. What are the solutions currently in use for this problem?

Multiple dispatch on return type cannot work, since the return value itself could be used as the argument to a multiple dispatch call (and since nearly every operator in Perl 6 is a multiple dispatch call, this would be a very common occurrence).
As to the question at hand: considering code in core, modules, and a bunch of my own code, it seems that a given class or module will typically offer a synchronous interface or an asynchronous interface, whichever feels most natural for the problem at hand. In cases where both make sense, they are often differentiated at type or module level. For example:
Core: there are both Proc and Proc::Async, and IO::Socket::INET and IO::Socket::Async. While it's sometimes the case that a reasonable asynchronous API can be obtained by providing Promise-returning alternatives for each synchronous routine, in other cases the overall workflow will be a bit different. For example, for a synchronous socket API it's quite reasonable to sit in a loop asking for data, whereas the asynchronous API is much more naturally expressed in Perl 6 by providing a Supply of the packets arriving over the network.
Libraries: Cro::HTTP::Client offers a consistently asynchronous interface to doing HTTP requests. There is no synchronous API.
Applications: considering a lot of my application code, things seem to be either consistently synchronous or consistently asynchronous in terms of their API. The only exceptions I'm finding are classes that are almost entirely synchronous, except they have a few Supply-returning methods in order to provide notifications of events. This isn't really the case being asked about, however, since notifications are naturally asynchronous.
It's interesting that we've ended up here, in contrast to in various other languages where providing async variants through a naming convention is common. I think much of the reason is that one can use await anywhere in Perl 6. This is not the case in languages that have an async/await pair, where in order to use await one must first refactor the calling routine to be async, and then refactor its callers to be async, etc.
So if we are writing a completely synchronous bit of code and want to use something from a module that returns a Promise, our entire cost is "just write await". That's it. Writing in a call to await is the same length as a -sync or -async suffix, or a :sync or :async named argument.
On the other hand, one might choose to provide a synchronous API to something, even if on the inside it is doing an await, because the feeling is most consumers will just want to use it synchronously. Should someone wish to call it asynchronously, there's another 5-letter word, start, that will trigger it on the threadpool, and any await that is performed inside of the code will not (assuming Perl 6.d) block up a real thread, but instead just schedule it to continue when the awaited work is done. That's, again, the same length - or shorter - than writing an async suffix, named argument, etc.
Which means the pattern we seem to be ending up with (given the usual caveats about young languages, and conventions taking time to evolve) is:
For the simple case: pick the most common use case and provide that, letting the caller adapt it with start (sync -> async) or await/react (async -> sync) if they want the other thing
For more complex cases where the sync and async workflows for using the functionality might look quite different, and are both valuable: provide them separately. Granted, one may be a facade of the other (for example, Proc in core is actually just a synchronous adaptation layer over Proc::Async).
A final observation I'd make is that individual consumers of a module will almost certainly be using it synchronously or asynchronously, not a mixture of the two. If wishing to provide both, then I'd probably instead look to using export tags, so I can do:
use Some::Thing :async;
say await something();
use Some::Thing :sync;
say something();
And not have to declare which I want upon each call.


Is there a (pattern?) name to various concurrent computation?

I am looking for the name and info on a pattern (?) that I'm contemplating. As I don't know the name, it's difficult to search for it.
Here's what I'm trying to do, with a totally hypothetical example...
find-flight ( trip-details, 'cheapest') :: flight
I have this public function, find-flight(...), that accepts 2 parameters, trip-details and some instruction to apply. It returns a single flight, not a list of them.
When I call it with 'cheapest', the function will wait for all available flight results to come in from expedia, travelocity, hotwire, etc, to assure the cheapest flight is found.
When I call it with 'shortest-flight', the function would do the same kind of underlying work as 'cheapest' but would return the shortest flight. I'm sure you can come up with other instructions to apply.
BUT! I'm specifically interested in a variant of this: the instruction (implied or not) would be 'I-am-filthy-rich-and-I-want-to-buy-a-ticket-now'. In other words, the function would call all the sources such as expedia, orbitz, etc, but would return the very first internally received result, at any price point.
I'm asking because I want my public function to be as quick as possible. I can think of a number of strategies that would make it respond fast, but I'm not sure that I know which approach would be best considering that the parameter is unknown until called, right?
So I'm thinking about writing various versions of this function that would all be called by the public version. It'd return the first result. Then, the other strategies could optionally be aborted. If I did that, I could get some metrics on the function and further optimize.
If I were to write this in Java, I'd have a bunch of future objects that the function would loop through to see which one is done first. I'd return that one.
What's that called?
It's been proposed that the pattern is called Promise Race

Eliminating unnecessary wrapper functions in `.then` handlers?

I see the following approach often when working on certain projects that use Node.js and Bluebird.js:
function someAsyncOp(arg) {
return somethingAsync(arg).then(function (results) {
return somethingElseAsync(results);
This is, creating a wrapper function/closure around another function that accepts the exact same arguments. It seems this could be written more cleanly as:
function someAsyncOp(arg) {
return somethingAsync(arg).then(somethingElseAsync);
When I propose it to others, they usually like it and switch to it.
There is, however, an important caveat: if you're calling something like object.function, and the function relies on this (like console.log does), then this will lose its binding. You have to do object.function.bind(object):
return somethingAsync(arg).then(somethingElseAsync).catch(console.log.bind(console));
This does seem potentially undesirable, and the .bind call feels a little awkward. You can't go wrong with the let's-always-do-the-closure approach.
I can't seem to find any discussion on this on google, there doesn't seem to be anything in ESLint about unnecessary wrapper functions. I'm trying to find out more about it so here I am. I guess it's a case of I don't know what I don't know. Is there a name for this? (Useless use of closures?) Any other thoughts or wisdoms? Thank you.
Edit: someone's going to comment that someAsyncOp is also redundant, yes, it is, let's pretend it does something useful.
The discussion here is pretty straightforward. If your function is OK being called directly by the promise system, with the exact arguments and this value that will be in place when its called directly by the promise system and its return value is exactly what you want in the promise chain, then by all means, just specify the function reference directly as the .then() handler:
But, if your function isn't set up to be called directly that way, then you need a wrapper function or something like .bind() to fix the mismatch and call your function exactly as you want or set up the proper return value.
There's really nothing more to it than that. It's no different than specifying any callback anywhere in Javascript. If you have a function that already meets the specs of the callback exactly, then you can specify that function name as a direct reference with no wrapper. But, if the function you have doesn't quite work the way the callback is designed to work, then you use a wrapper function to smooth over the mismatch.
All callback functions have the same issue with passing obj.method as the callback. If your .method expects the this value to be obj, then you will probably have to do something to make sure that the this value is set accordingly before your function executes. The callbacks in .then() handlers are no different than callbacks for any other Javascript/node.js function such as setTimeout() or fs.readFile() or another other function that takes a callback as an argument. So, neither of the issues you mention is unique to promises at all. It just so happens that promises live by callbacks so if you're trying to make method calls via a callback, you will run into the issue with the object value getting passed appropriately to the method.
FYI, it is possible to code methods so that they are permanently bound to their own object and can be passed as obj.method, but that can only be used in your method implementation and has some other tradeoffs. In general, experienced Javascript developers are perfectly fine using obj.method.bind(obj) as the reference to pass. Seeing the .bind() in the code also indicates that you're aware that you need the proper obj value inside the method and that you have made a provision for that.
As for some of your bolded questions or comments:
Is there a name for this?
Not that I'm aware of. Technically it's "passing a named reference to a previously defined function as a callback", but I doubt that's something you can search for and find useful discussion of.
Any other thoughts or wisdoms?
For reasons, I'm not entirely sure of (though has been a topic of discussion elsewhere), Javascript programming style conventions seem to encourage the use of anonymous inline callbacks rather than defining a method or function elsewhere and then passing that named reference (like you would be more likely to do in many other languages). Obviously, if you put the actual code to process the callback in an inline anonymous function, then neither of the issues you mention comes up. Using arrow functions in ES6 now even allows you to preserve the current value of this in the inline callback. I'm not saying that this is an answer to your question just an observation about common Javascript coding conventions.
You can't go wrong with the let's-always-do-the-closure approach.
As you seem to already know, it's a waste to wrap something if it doesn't need wrapping. I would vote for wrapping only when there's a mismatch between the specification for the callback and the already existing named function and there's a reason not to just fix the named function to match the specification of the callback.

When do I use a self message and a recursive message in UML?

I came across the following post however had a hard time understanding it - self message(non recursive) vs self recursive message.
I also came across the example at http://www.zicomi.com/messageRecursion.jsp hoping a real world scenario would help but that confused me further. Why would you need a recursive message when the order has been passed to the kitchen and chef. I would thought all you would have needed is a self message i.e. the chef completing the order and then passing it to the waiter.
The chef example is arguably "wrong" in what it shows and describes.
Simply put, a message to self just means that the method that is to be invoked next happens to be in the same class of objects. E.g. a call to SavingsAccount.withdraw(anAmount) may call SavingsAccount.getBalance() to determine if there are enough funds to continue with the withdrawal.
A recursive call is a special case of a call to self in that it is to the same method (with a different state, so that it can eventually return out of the recursive calls). Some problems lend themselves to this solution. An example is factorial (see Factorial). To do a factorial without recursion would be impossible (at least for all cases but the simplest, due to the volume of inline code needed). If you look in the factorial code example, you'll see that the call is changed by one each time (factorial(n-1)) and stops when n reaches zero. Trying to do this inline for a value like 1,000,000 would not be feasible without recursion.

What programming languages will let me manipulate the sequence of instructions in a method?

I have an upcoming project in which a core requirement will be to mutate the way a method works at runtime. Note that I'm not talking about a higher level OO concept like "shadow one method with another", although the practical effect would be similar.
The key properties I'm after are:
I must be able to modify the method in such a way that I can add new expressions, remove existing expressions, or modify any of the expressions that take place in it.
After modifying the method, subsequent calls to that method would invoke the new sequence of operations. (Or, if the language binds methods rather than evaluating every single time, provide me a way to unbind/rebind the new method.)
Ideally, I would like to manipulate the atomic units of the language (e.g., "invoke method foo on object bar") and not the assembly directly (e.g. "pop these three parameters onto the stack"). In other words, I'd like to be able to have high confidence that the operations I construct are semantically meaningful in the language. But I'll take what I can get.
If you're not sure if a candidate language meets these criteria, here's a simple litmus test:
Can you write another method called clean which:
accepts a method m as input
returns another method m2 that performs the same operations as m
such that m2 is identical to m, but doesn't contain any calls to the print-to-standard-out method in your language (puts, System.Console.WriteLn, println, etc.)?
I'd like to do some preliminary research now and figure out what the strongest candidates are. Having a large, active community is as important to me as the practicality of implementing what I want to do. I am aware that there may be some unforged territory here, since manipulating bytecode directly is not typically an operation that needs to be exposed.
What are the choices available to me? If possible, can you provide a toy example in one or more of the languages that you recommend, or point me to a recent example?
Update: The reason I'm after this is that I'd like to write a program which is capable of modifying itself at runtime in response to new information. This modification goes beyond mere parameters or configurable data, but full-fledged, evolved changes in behavior. (No, I'm not writing a virus. ;) )
Well, you could always use .NET and the Expression libraries to build up expressions. That I think is really your best bet as you can build up representations of commands in memory and there is good library support for manipulating, traversing, etc.
Well, those languages with really strong macro support (in particular Lisps) could qualify.
But are you sure you actually need to go this deeply? I don't know what you're trying to do, but I suppose you could emulate it without actually getting too deeply into metaprogramming. Say, instead of using a method and manipulating it, use a collection of functions (with some way of sharing state, e.g. an object holding state passed to each).
I would say Groovy can do this.
For example
class Foo {
void bar() {
println "foobar"
Foo.metaClass.bar = {->
prinltn "barfoo"
Or a specific instance of foo without effecting other instances
fooInstance.metaClass.bar = {->
println "instance barfoo"
Using this approach I can modify, remove or add expression from the method and Subsequent calls will use the new method. You can do quite a lot with the Groovy metaClass.
In java, many professional framework do so using the open source ASM framework.
Here is a list of all famous java apps and libs including ASM.
A few years ago BCEL was also very much used.
There are languages/environments that allows a real runtime modification - for example, Common Lisp, Smalltalk, Forth. Use one of them if you really know what you're doing. Otherwise you can simply employ an interpreter pattern for an evolving part of your code, it is possible (and trivial) with any OO or functional language.

What does it mean for something to "compose well"?

Many a times, I've come across statements of the form
X does/doesn't compose well.
I can remember few instances that I've read recently :
Macros don't compose well (context: clojure)
Locks don't compose well (context: clojure)
Imperative programming doesn't compose well... etc.
I want to understand the implications of composability in terms of designing/reading/writing code ? Examples would be nice.
"Composing" functions basically just means sticking two or more functions together to make a big function that combines their functionality in a useful way. Essentially, you define a sequence of functions and pipe the results of each one into the next, finally giving the result of the whole process. Clojure provides the comp function to do this for you, you could do it by hand too.
Functions that you can chain with other functions in creative ways are more useful in general than functions that you can only call in certain conditions. For example, if we didn't have the last function and only had the traditional Lisp list functions, we could easily define last as (def last (comp first reverse)). Look at that — we didn't even need to defn or mention any arguments, because we're just piping the result of one function into another. This would not work if, for example, reverse took the imperative route of modifying the sequence in-place. Macros are problematic as well because you can't pass them to functions like comp or apply.
Composition in programming means assembling bigger pieces out of smaller ones.
Composition of unary functions creates a more complicated unary function by chaining simpler ones.
Composition of control flow constructs places control flow constructs inside other control flow constructs.
Composition of data structures combines multiple simpler data structures into a more complicated one.
Ideally, a composed unit works like a basic unit and you as a programmer do not need to be aware of the difference. If things fall short of the ideal, if something doesn't compose well, your composed program may not have the (intended) combined behavior of its individual pieces.
Suppose I have some simple C code.
void run_with_resource(void) {
Resource *r = create_resource();
C facilitates compositional reasoning about control flow at the level of functions. I don't have to care about what actually happens inside do_some_work(); I know just by looking at this small function that every time a resource is created on line 2 with create_resource(), it will eventually be destroyed on line 4 by destroy_resource().
Well, not quite. What if create_resource() acquires a lock and destroy_resource() frees it? Then I have to worry about whether do_some_work acquires the same lock, which would prevent the function from finishing. What if do_some_work() calls longjmp(), and skips the end of my function entirely? Until I know what goes on in do_some_work(), I won't be able to predict the control flow of my function. We no longer have compositionality: we can no longer decompose the program into parts, reason about the parts independently, and carry our conclusions back to the whole program. This makes designing and debugging much harder and it's why people care whether something composes well.
"Bang for the Buck" - composing well implies a high ratio of expressiveness per rule-of-composition. Each macro introduces its own rules of composition. Each custom data structure does the same. Functions, especially those using general data structures have far fewer rules.
Assignment and other side effects, especially wrt concurrency have even more rules.
Think about when you write functions or methods. You create a group of functionality to do a specific task. When working in an Object Oriented language you cluster your behavior around the actions you think a distinct entity in the system will perform. Functional programs break away from this by encouraging authors to group functionality according to an abstraction. For example, the Clojure Ring library comprises a group of abstractions that cover routing in web applications.
Ring is composable where functions that describe paths in the system (routes) can be grouped into higher order functions (middlewhere). In fact, Clojure is so dynamic that it is possible (and you are encouraged) to come up with patterns of routes that can be dynamically created at runtime. This is the essence of composablilty, instead of coming up with patterns that solve a certain problem you focus on patterns that generate solutions to a certain class of problem. Builders and code generators are just two of the common patterns used in functional programming. Function programming is the art of patterns that generate other patterns (and so on and so on).
The idea is to solve a problem at its most basic level then come up with patterns or groups of the lowest level functions that solve the problem. Once you start to see patterns in the lowest level you've discovered composition. As folks discover second order patterns in groups of functions they may start to see a third level. And so on...
Composition (in the context you describe at a functional level) is typically the ability to feed one function into another cleanly and without intermediate processing. Such an example of composition is in std::cout in C++:
cout << each << item << links << on;
That is a simple example of composition which doesn't really "look" like composition.
Another example with a form more visibly compositional:
Wikipedia Link
Composition is useful for readability and compactness, however chaining large collections of interlocking functions which can potentially return error codes or junk data can be hazardous (this is why it is best to minimize error code or null return values.)
Provided your functions use exceptions, or alternatively return null objects you can minimize the requirement for branching (if) on errors and maximize the compositional potential of your code at no extra risk.
Object composition (vs inheritance) is a separate issue (and not what you are asking, but it shares the name). It is one of containment to derive object hierarchy as opposed to direct inheritance.
Within the context of clojure, this comment addresses certain aspects of composability. In general, it seems to emerge when units of the system do one thing well, do not require other units to understand its internals, eschew side-effects, and accept and return the system's pervasive data structures. All of the above can be seen in M2tM's C++ example.
composability, applied to functions, means that the functions are smaller and well-defined, thus easy to integrate into other functions (i have seen this idea in the book "the joy of clojure")
the concept can apply to other things that are supposed be composed into something else.
the purpose of composability is reuse. for example, a function well-build (composable) is easier to reuse
macros aren't that well-composable because you can't pass them as parameters
lock are crap because you can't really give them names (define them well) or reuse them. you just do them inplace
imperative languages aren't that composable because (some of them, at least) don't have closures. if you want functionality passed as parameter, you're screwed. you have to build an object and pass that; disclaimer here: this last idea i'm not entirely convinced is true, therefore research more before taking it for granted
another idea on imperative languages is that they don't compose well because they imply state (from wikipedia knowledgebase :) "Imperative programming - describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state").
state does not compose well because although you have given a specific "something" in input, that "something" generates an output according to it's state. different internal state, different behaviour. and thus you can say good-bye to what you where expecting to happen.
with state, you depend to much on knowing what the current state of an object is... if you want to predict it's behavior. more stuff to keep in the back of your mind, less composable (remember well-defined ? or "small and simple", as in "easy to use" ?)
ps: thinking of learning clojure, huh ? investigating... ? good for you ! :P
