Azure deployment for QnA service fails in portal - invalid template - azure

I'm trying to deploy Azure QnA service via Azure portal. When I populate all fields and start deployment it fails with the following message:
The template deployment 'Microsoft.CognitiveServicesQnAMaker' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '....'. See inner errors for details. Please see for usage details.

If you have deployed the resource from a custom template or from a template saved to your account that is similar to the procedure shown here -> ( and if you are receiving an invalid template deployment error according to validation procedure then you can follow below steps to resolve the issue. Hope this helps!
Get Correlation ID of the deployment operation event by following the steps that are illustrated here -> (
Run the command Get-AzureRMLog -CorrelationId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -DetailedOutput to see if the output of it has any specific information regarding the root cause of the issue.
Find the exact error code and validate it here -> ( For example, if your error code is InvalidTemplate then check your template syntax for errors and follow this ( link to resolve invalid template error.


Azure Data Explorer error when creating cluster: subscription '' is not registered

While working on this official tutorial Create an Azure Data Explorer cluster and database, I am getting the following error when creating a Cluster. Question: What I may be missing and how the issue can be resolved?
I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription - MPN
My online search shows similar error here but the context seems different since those error messages are related to The subscription not registered to use namespace. Not sure if there is a relevance to my error.
{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"SubscriptionNotRegistered","message":"The subscription 'a86d7e9f-210d-48e8-8f5e-528015d1c998' is not registered."}]}
Using the link provided in the error, I got the following:
When I click on the 'write cluster resource' link from the above screen:
The error is because you did not register the Kusto resource provider as described here
However, once you create a new cluster for the first time on a given subscription and it fails because the provider is not registered, Kusto tries to register it for you. So if you try again it should just work, if not please follow the process in the link.

Validation error deploying Azure Functions using Azure DevOps

I am facing validation error while deploying Azure Functions using Azure DevOps. Please find the below error.
I am using ARM template and parameterized. If i provide a new storage account name am able to deploy from DevOps, if i use an existing storage account name, getting below error. Any suggestions?
The template deployment 'azuredeploy-20200714-XXXXXX-gjhj' is not
valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is
'XXXXXXXX'. See inner errors for details. Details:
PreflightValidationCheckFailed: Preflight validation failed. Please
refer to the details for the specific errors.
for request parameters are invalid: kind."}] At least one resource
deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for
details. Please see for usage details.
Details: InvalidValuesForRequestParameters: Values for request
parameters are invalid: kind. Check out the troubleshooting guide to
see if your issue is addressed:
Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.

Arm template validation fails through Azure Devops release, works from powershell and test-AzResourceGroupDeployment

I have a release setup that I'm trying get out through Azure Devops release pipelines. This is based on another release that I've cloned and works fine.
The issue is that the template is failing a validation check and not going any further. Strange thing is i'm able to check the syntax successfully with new-AzResourceGroupDeployment and test-AzResourceGroupDeployment. It reports no errors and has been deploying fine.
Using Azure Devops release the error coming back is:
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2632844Z ==============================================================================
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2633634Z Task : ARM template deployment
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2634204Z Description : Deploy an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template to all the deployment scopes
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2634534Z Version : 3.1.19
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2634945Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2635504Z Help :
2020-02-26T12:26:16.2635948Z ==============================================================================
2020-02-26T12:26:16.8677026Z ARM Service Conection deployment scope - Subscription
2020-02-26T12:26:16.8760315Z Checking if the following resource group exists: myResourceGroup.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.2234188Z Resource group exists: true.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.2259290Z Creating deployment parameters.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.2558066Z The detected encoding for file 'd:\a\r1\a\_Azure-Infrastructure\myResourceGroup\deployment\azuredeploy.json' is 'utf-8'
2020-02-26T12:26:17.2561303Z The detected encoding for file 'd:\a\r1\a\_Azure-Infrastructure\myResourceGroup\deployment\' is 'utf-8'
2020-02-26T12:26:17.5304032Z Starting template validation.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.5304834Z Deployment name is Release-vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/95
2020-02-26T12:26:17.5877973Z ##[warning]Validation errors were found in the Azure Resource Manager template. This can potentially cause template deployment to fail. Template validation failed. Error: {"message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''."}.. Please follow
2020-02-26T12:26:17.5890527Z Starting Deployment.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.5891348Z Deployment name is Release-vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/95
2020-02-26T12:26:17.6289831Z There were errors in your deployment. Error code: undefined.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.6291819Z ##[error][object Object]
2020-02-26T12:26:17.6295387Z ##[error]Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.
2020-02-26T12:26:17.6399260Z ##[section]Finishing: ARM Template deployment: Resource Group scope
​Looking the log above, I'm not sure if it's failing on the validation errors or on the error near the end with a undefined error code.
The task is from another subscription and it's listed in the Azure Resource Manager connection on the task and also lists the subscription and the resource groups in the subscription.
Anyone any ideas on how I can get this working or where to start troubleshooting?
your deployment name is:
fairly certain that's not allowed (/). so you need to set your deployment name to something reasonable.
ps. : might not be allowed as well
Did you look at the Activity Log in Azure portal?
All deployment attempts are logged here. Look in particular at the JSON pane, often the real issue is only displayed here.
Otherwise, if it doesn't reach Azure, can you double check the service connection in Azure DevOps? (in particular the related user permission in Azure)

Azure Portal - Unable to Create a Signal R Service

I tried creating Signal R service with a Deployment failed message shown below.
Deployment to resource group '' failed. Additional details
from the underlying API that might be helpful: At least one resource
deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for
details. Please see for usage details
I can see the service created in my Signal List even after getting the above error while creating it.
However, in the overview tab I can see the below error.
After clicking on the above error, I can see the code that says "Invalid RG"
Is there any problem with my RG?
It seems to be a problem of azure SignalR itself, I try to create the service via portal and powershell, and get the same error.
I have opened a issue in the Github, you could trace it for progress.
It works fine in the portal today, seems something wrong with it yesterday.

Creating a Service Fabric cluster using resource manager template

No luck today, I'm receiving an InvalidTempalteDeployment error, I'm using the deploy and parameter json file:
Error message:
Test-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "SF-API-Research" -TemplateFile "D:\Research\101-Azure\SF-API-Re
search-ARM-Template\azuredeploy.json" -TemplateParameterFile "D:\Research\101-Azure\SF-API-Research-ARM-Template\azuredeploy.parameters.js
Code : InvalidTemplateDeployment
Message : The template deployment 'a0ece8f8-b9b1-490e-b8c4-61e5ee2fb1ce' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The
tracking id is '6f58292f-759e-44b8-8ddf-83e279244a21'. See inner errors for details. Please see for
usage details.
Details : {Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.PSResourceManagerError,
Azure portal is showing an No found image that prevent me from selecting. I tested with different computers and different browsers.
Any idea?
This is because you have to fill all the details in before you can get the custom ARM template. I noticed you missed some information in your screenshot such as node type count.
