I have a macro that goes through a list of text, extracts the dollar amounts, increase them by 12%, and replaces the text with the updated dollar amounts.
This what a couple rows of data looks like:
This is the result after I run the macro:
I would need the 72.8 to be 72.80 tho, for example.
Sometimes the result would just have 1 decimal place and sometimes it would have 3. The Round function works fine for me with truncating the result down to 2 decimal places, but doesn't help adding a 0 to keep the number at two decimal places.
I need a way to have fill the second decimal place with a 0 if the result only has 1 decimal place.
This is the macro:
Function onlyDigits(s As String) As String
' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit"). '
Dim retval As String ' This is the return string. '
Dim i As Integer ' Counter for character position. '
' Initialise return string to empty '
retval = ""
' For every character in input string, copy digits to '
' return string. '
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(s, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1)
End If
' Then return the return string. '
onlyDigits = retval
End Function
Sub ChangeDollarAmount()
Dim qtyspec As String
Dim previousDollarIndex As Integer
Dim dollarSignCount As Integer
Dim dollarString As String
Dim originalDollarAmount As String
Dim changedDollarAmount As Double
Dim isANumber As Boolean
previousDollarIndex = 1
' row count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For Each cell In Range("K2:K" & lastrow)
Debug.Print cell.Formula
previousDollarIndex = 1
qtyspec = cell.Formula
dollarSignCount = (Len(cell.Formula) - Len(Replace(cell.Formula, "$", ""))) / Len("$")
' loop through dollar amounts in text
For i = 1 To dollarSignCount
isANumber = False
previousDollarIndex = InStr(previousDollarIndex + 1, cell.Formula, "$")
originalDollarAmount = Mid(cell.Formula, previousDollarIndex, 8)
Do While isANumber = False
If Not IsNumeric(Right(originalDollarAmount, 1)) Then
originalDollarAmount = Left(originalDollarAmount, Len(originalDollarAmount) - 1)
isANumber = True
End If
' extract only digits from dollar amount ($345.23 -> 34523)
dollarAmount = onlyDigits(originalDollarAmount)
' add decimal point and increase dollar amount by 12% (34523 -> 345.23 -> 386.66)
changedDollarAmount = Round(CDbl(dollarAmount) * 1.12 * 0.01, 2)
' update the dollar amount in the text
cell.Formula = Replace(cell.Formula, originalDollarAmount, "$" + CStr(changedDollarAmount))
Next i
Next cell
End Sub
changedDollarAmount = CDbl(dollarAmount) * 1.12 * 0.01
cell.Formula = Replace(cell.Formula, originalDollarAmount, Format$(changedDollarAmount, "$0.00"))
I'm trying to turn general data written as fractions like 3/4" or 13 7/32" into 3 place decimal numbers such as 0.750 or 13.219.
I have a working table replacement that handles 0 to 1" fractions. It can't handle the mixed numbers like 13 7/32". It leaves me with 13 0.219 which is why I need to replace " 0." with "." to join the 13 and 219 together with a decimal.
We do this data conversion in multiple steps and hand type because Excel tries converting some fractions like 3/4" into a date.
Original data
Resulting data
Sub FractionConvertMTO()
'this section works
For i = 6 To 70
Selection.Replace what:=Cells(i, 21).Value, Replacement:=Cells(i, 22).Value, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
'this section doesn't work
For i = 6 To 70
str1 = " "
str1 = Trim(Replace(str1, " ", "+"))
'this section changes the format.
For i = 66 To 130
Range("F6:H48").NumberFormat = "0.000"
'this section is supposed to add an = sign in front of the cell contents but doesn't work.
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("F6:H48")
Cell.Value = "=" & Cell.Value
Next Cell
'this section works to highlight the first cell
Worksheets("BOM").Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub
I dug up the following method from my library of useful functions. It converts numbers represented as a fractional string to the numeric equivalent. Simply loop through the cells needing conversion and call this method:
Public Function FractionToNumber(ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal Digits As Long = 0) As Double
Dim P As Integer
Dim N As Double
Dim Num As Double
Dim Den As Double
Value = Trim$(Value)
P = InStr(Value, "/")
If P = 0 Then
N = Val(Value)
Den = Val(Mid$(Value, P + 1))
Value = Trim$(Left$(Value, P - 1))
P = InStr(Value, " ")
If P = 0 Then
Num = Val(Value)
Num = Val(Mid$(Value, P + 1))
N = Val(Left$(Value, P - 1))
End If
End If
If Den <> 0 Then N = N + Num / Den
FractionToNumber = Round(N, Digits)
End Function
You may also code something like the following:
Sub FractionConvertMTO()
Dim rng As Range
Dim Arr As Variant
Arr = Worksheets("MTO").Range("F6:H48")
For Row = 1 To UBound(Arr, 1)
For col = 1 To UBound(Arr, 2)
str1 = Arr(Row, col)
pos1 = InStr(str1, " ")
pos2 = InStr(str1, "/")
If pos2 = 0 Then
N = val(str1)
Num = 0: Den = 1
If pos1 And pos1 < pos2 Then
N = val(Left$(str1, pos1 - 1))
Num = val(Mid$(str1, pos1 + 1))
N = 0
Num = val(Left$(str1, pos2 - 1))
End If
Den = val(Mid$(str1, pos2 + 1))
End If
Arr(Row, col) = N + Num / Den
Next col
Next Row
Worksheets("MTO").Range("F6", "H48") = Arr
End Sub
If you dispose of the newer dynamic array features (vers. 2019+,MS365) you might write the results in one go to the entire original range (target range) as follows (overwriting the existing range; otherwise define a given offset to identify another target range: rng.Offset(,n)=..).
Tip: make a backup copy before testing (as it overwrites rng)!
Note that this example assumes the " character (asc value of 34).
A) First try via tabular VALUE() formula evaluation
Caveat: converting blanks by VALUE() would be written as #VALUE! results, which would need a further loop. To avoid this you can prefix a zero to the formulae myFormula = "=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(" & """0""&" & rng.Address & ","""""""",""""))" so that results would be displayed as zero.
Sub ChangeToFractionValues()
'1) define original range to be replaced
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("BOM").Range("F6:H48")
'2) define tabular formula
Dim myFormula As String
'myFormula = "=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(" & rng.Address & ","""""""",""""))"
'Alternative to avoid #VALUE! displays for blanks:
myFormula = "=VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(" & """0""&" & rng.Address & ","""""""",""""))"
'Debug.Print myFormula
'3) overwrite original range (otherwise code an offset rng.Offset(,n).Value = ...
rng.Value2 = rng.Parent.Evaluate(myFormula)
End Sub
Conclusion due to comment:
Though fast, this approach has a big disadvantage: Excel interpretes date-like numbers as such, transforms them internally to dates by returning the numeric part here, so a cell input of 3/4" would return the corresponding date value of the current year for March 4th.
B) Reworked code based on direct cell evaluations in a loop //Edit
Similar to the above processing this approach is also based on evaluation, but collects all formulae as strings in a variant datafield array v, which allows to manipulate and evaluate each cell input individually:
Sub ChangeToFractionValues()
'1) define original range to be replaced
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("BOM").Range("F6:H48")
'2) assign formula strings to variant 1-based 2-dim data field array
Dim v As Variant
v = rng.Formula2
'3) evaluate results in a loop
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(v)
For j = 1 To UBound(v, 2)
v(i, j) = Evaluate("0" & Replace(v(i, j), Chr(34), ""))
Next j
Next i
'4) overwrite original range (otherwise code an offset rng.Offset(,n).Value = ...
rng.Value = v
End Sub
str1 = trim(Replace(str1, "0.", "."))
For Example,
I'd like a String such as, "This is a Bunch of Words in a sequence of 13 possible 1 words from a Dictionary or BookZZ or Libgen.io 1876" to give me a result of 19 (because "13", "1876" and "1" are numbers and should not be counted).
I created Two Functions which I'm trying to use within this Function I'm asking about:
The first one is the following:
' NthWord prints out the Nth Word of a String of Text in an Excel Cell such
' as A1 or B19.
Function NthWord(ActiveCell As String, N As Integer)
Dim X As String
X = ActiveCell
X = Trim(Mid(Replace(ActiveCell, " ", Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept("
", Len(ActiveCell))), (N - 1) * Len(ActiveCell) + 1, Len(ActiveCell)))
NthWord = X
' In the Excel SpreadSheet:
' Trim (Mid(Substitute(A1, " ", Rept(" ", Len(A1))), (N - 1) * Len(A1)
' + 1, Len(A1)))
End Function
The second one is the following:
'NumberOfWords returns the number of words in a String
Function NumberOfWords(ActiveCell As String)
Dim X As String
X = ActiveCell
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
If Len(Trim(X)) = 0 Then
i = 0
i = Len(Trim(X)) - Len(Replace(X, " ", "")) + 1
End If
NumberOfWords = i
' In the Excel SpreadSheet
' IF(LEN(TRIM(A1))=0,0,LEN(TRIM(A1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))+1)
End Function
My Attempt at printing the NumberOfNonNumberWords
Function NumberOfNonNumberWords(ActiveCell As String)
Dim X As String
X = ActiveCell
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
Dim i As Integer
If NumberOfWords(X) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To NumberOfWords(X)
If Not (IsNumeric(NthWord(X, i).Value)) Then
count = count + 1
End If
Next i
End If
NumberOfNonNumberWords = count
End Function
However, when I apply this function in the Excel Worksheet, I get an output of
and I'm not sure why. How do I fix this?
Split the whole string then count non-numeric elements.
function abcWords(str as string) as long
dim i as long, arr as variant
arr = split(str, chr(32))
for i=lbound(arr) to ubound(arr)
abcWords = abcWords - int(not isnumeric(arr(i)))
next i
end function
You could just use SPLIT() to split the text on a space delimiter, then count the non-numeric words:
Function num_words(ByVal text As String)
Dim txt_split
txt_split = Split(text, " ")
Dim total_words As Long
total_words = 0
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(txt_split) To UBound(txt_split)
If Not IsNumeric(txt_split(i)) Then
total_words = total_words + 1
End If
Next i
num_words = total_words
End Function
I am having trouble stripping any numbers from a string. In Excel, I have many string fields that may contain numbers. I only care about the number(s), the rest of the characters are unwanted and will be discarded. The number may be in any position, not a set location.
For example:
I based my code on this SO answer, but I can't seem to get it to work. The error message is 'Application-defined or object-defined error'.
Option Explicit
Function onlyDigits(s As String) As String
' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit"). '
Dim retval As String ' This is the return string. '
Dim i As Integer ' Counter for character position. '
' Initialise return string to empty '
retval = ""
' For every character in input string, copy digits to '
' return string. '
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(s, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1)
End If
' Then return the return string. '
onlyDigits = retval
End Function
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Will strip numbers from descriptions for basins, guy wires, water meters/valves & pull box
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim counter As Integer 'Index for the While Loop
Dim fCode As String 'Variable for column E, feature code
Dim fDesc As String 'Variable for column F, the descriptor
Do While Cells(counter, 1).Value <> "" 'While the first column has any data, keep looping
fCode = Cells(counter, 5).Value 'Populate feature code variable from column E
If (fCode = "XCB") Or (fCode = "XGW") Or (fCode = "XWV") Or (fCode = "XWM") Then
fDesc = Cells(counter, 6).Value
Cells(counter, 6).Value = onlyDigits(fDesc)
'do nothing
End If
counter = counter + 1
Loop 'Finishes checking for numbers within specific descriptors
Can someone point me in the right direction? It would be much appreciated!!
Do While Cells(counter, 1).Value
Here counter is zero but range indexes start at 1 hence the error.
theStr = "KT150"
Characters count is always 5 in total. I want to make sure that there is 3 numbers in theStr. How would I achieve this in Excel VBA?
You do not need VBA to get the number of digits in a string, but here is one way to count them:
Public Function KountNumbers(r As Range) As Long
Dim i As Long, t As String
t = r.Text
For i = 1 To Len(t)
If Mid(t, i, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then KountNumbers = KountNumbers + 1
Next i
End Function
for example:
Without VBA try this:
to get the number of numeric digits.
Your question is a little lacking in detail, but how about:
Sub test()
Debug.Print containsXnumbers("KT150", 3)
End Sub
Function containsXnumbers(sInput As String, xNumbers As Long) As Boolean
Dim x As Long
Dim numCount As Long
For x = 1 To Len(sInput)
If IsNumeric(Mid(sInput, x, 1)) Then numCount = numCount + 1
Next x
If numCount = xNumbers Then containsXnumbers = True
End Function
This should help:
Function onlyDigits(s As String) As String
' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit"). '
Dim retval As String ' This is the return string. '
Dim i As Integer ' Counter for character position. '
' Initialise return string to empty '
retval = ""
' For every character in input string, copy digits to '
' return string. '
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Mid(s, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(s, i, 1) <= "9" Then
retval = retval + Mid(s, i, 1)
End If
' Then return the return string. '
onlyDigits = retval
End Function
Dim myStr as String
myStr = onlyDigits ("3d1fgd4g1dg5d9gdg")
MsgBox (myStr)
Will return (in a message box):
*Code is exact copy of this SO answer
try with the below formula
Assume that your data are in A1. Apply the below formula in B1
=IF(AND(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"1",""),"2",""),"3",""),"4",""),"5",""),"6",""),"7",""),"8",""),"9",""),"0",""))=2,LEN(A1)=5),"3 character numerals","No 3 numerals found")
hi i have this problem finding a string on a text box
so far this what i have it only detect the comma char, now i i input 23pm,24,25am how will i do this with this code or anybody can give me the simple code?
Dim tdates() As String
Dim numberOfDates, xcount As Integer
tdates = Split(TXTDAYS.Text, ",")
numberOfDates = UBound(tdates)
Dim counter As Integer
' loop through each input
For counter = 0 To numberOfDates
Dim xdate As String
xdate = LCase$(tdates(counter))
If Len(xdate) <= 2 Then
xcount = xcount + 1
' if the original text has am or pm in it, add .5
If InStr(1, xdate, "am") > 0 Or InStr(1, xdate, "pm") > 0 Then
xcount = xcount + 0.5 'problem here it doesn't count
End If
End If
if there is a better way to do this by detecting the comma and the am pm string much better.
Split the text on comma. Then your array will have all of the whole words in it
Use InStr to search for am or pm.
Replace AM and PM with "" and check the remainder of the text for a number (for validating)
' split the input on a comma.
dim dates() as String = Split(TXTDAYS.Text, ",")
dim numberOfDates as Integer = UBound(dates)
dim counter as Integer
' loop through each input
For counter = 0 to numberOfDates
dim dateEntered as String = LCase$(dates(counter))
' make sure the text entered is a number (once am and pm are removed)
dim dateNumber as String = Replace(Replace(dateEntered, "pm", ""), "am", "")
if IsNumeric(dateNumber) Then
' if the original text has am or pm in it, add .5
if Instr(1, dateEntered , "am") > 0 Or Instr(1, dateEntered , "pm") > 0 Then
end if
' do something to indicate invalid input
end if
using instr()..
s = "admin#foo.com"
d = Mid(s, InStr(1, s, "#") + 1)
The variable d$ would end up with the string "foo.com". (Don't forget to check to make sure that the # sign is present, otherwise you would just end up with the whole source string.)
taken from this post..
VB6 Index of Substring