Docker difference docker run[...] docker container run [...] - linux

Is it difference between this commands?
docker container run -d --name moby-counter --network moby-counter -p 8080:80 russmckendrick/moby-counter
docker run -itd --name moby-counter --network moby-counter -p 9090:80 russmckendrick/moby-counter
In addition then why in second command uses -i(Interactive) and -t(TTY)?

docker container run is equivalent to docker run, as well as nearly all docker container commands can be found without container subset.
About -it. t creates console (tty), and i forwards your input to docker. That means you can use -t when you just need to observe the output, but you need both when container expects some input from you.


Docker container don't start

Hi I've got a problem with docker. I'm using it on s390x Debian, everything was working fine but now i can't start my containers. Old containers are working but when i create new container using for example: docker run ubuntu then i'm trying docker start [CONTAINER] my container don't start. When i use docker ps -a I've got all of my containers, but after when I use docker ps i can't see my new container. As you can see on scr. I created container with name practical_spence and ID 3e8562694e9f but when i use docker start, it's not starting. Please help.
As you do not specify a CMD or entrypoint to run, the default is used which is set to "bash". But you are not running the container in interactive terminal mode, so the bash just exits. Run:
docker run -it ubuntu:latest
to attach the running container to you terminal. Or specify the command you want to run in the container.
You container did start but exit instantly as it has nothing to do. You can start like this docker run -d ubuntu sleep infinity. Then use docker ps to see the running container. You can of course exec into it to do something docker exec -it <container> bash. You can stop it docker stop <container>. Re-start it docker start <container>. Finally delete (stopped) it as you don't need it anymore docker container rm <container>.

Docker: Alias command name to run another sibling docker container

I know how to -v the docker socket into a container to make the host's docker daemon available inside a container. Fine.
I have a dockerized application A that can operate on files on the host.
I have another dockerized application B that wants to use that application A to operate on files on the host, but is hardcoded to call /usr/bin/A filename.
How do I alias /usr/bin/A within container B, so that it will call out to the other container, like
docker run -ti --rm A filename
You could just replace /usr/bin/A in container B with a shell script:
docker run -ti --rm A "$#"
You could do this in the image itself (via your Dockerfile), or you could bin-mount the script when you start container B (docker run -v /path/to/my/script:/usr/bin/A ...).
Now you run /usr/bin/A some_filename and it should do the right thing, assuming that you can successfully run docker inside the container.

Can not see files from Docker in Zeppelin

I'm using Docker for a course about Spark.
I've set up my environment like this:
docker pull bigdatauniversity/spark2
docker run -it --name bdu_spark2 -P -p 4040:4040 -p 4041:4041 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 bigdatauniversity/spark2:latest /etc/ -bash
Then I exited Docker and ran this:
docker start bdu_spark2
docker attach bdu_spark2
Now, when I go into Zeppelin I can't find the files given for the course.
I tried finding out if there is another Zeppelin process running at another port so I ran in the Docker console:
docker ps
However, the command docker is not recognised:
bash: docker: command not found
I also tried running docker exec -it docker ps but I got the same result.
So how can I see the files from the Docker container in Zeppelin?

docker run container, how to rerun

I build container with:
docker build -f -t dave/xyz .
after that I run docker with:
docker run -it \
--env='LDAP_USER=uid=bot_for_git,ou=bots,dc=company,dc=org' \
--env='LDAP_PASS=' --volume=/srv/docker/xyz/data1:/data \
-p 8010:8010 -p 9989:9989 dave/xyz
and verified that's all ok.
what is next?
My guess, that I should run docker ps, take container id from there, and to run container with the same preferences (environment, port mapping, volumes mapping) I should run:
docker start -a container_id
am I right?
And what about rebuilding image, if change and rebuild dave/xyz, does container with container_id get
update automatically, or I should repeat docker run -it step?
docker build [...] creates an image. You can see your images with docker images. You may give that image a specific name with the --tag=[...] option:
docker build --tag="superuser/bestimage:latest" .
docker run [...] <imageId> takes that image and starts a container. You can see active containers with docker ps (all with docker ps -a). If you used the tag above, docker run -it superuser/bestimage:latest may be used.
When you rebuild an image, a new image with a new id is created. You may see that through docker images.
does container with container_id get update automatically
No. In order to update your container, you must first remove the container with docker kill <id> and then start a new one with docker run -it <newID>.
Your initial guess
docker start -a container_id
is close but to be able to interact with the container's terminal, include the -i option, as follows:
docker start -ai container_id

Docker volumes-from not working when launching container with -H host flat

Looking at shipyard, I noticed that the deploy container launches containers on the host ( redis, router, database, load balancer, shipyard)
This is done by using the -H flag.
So I decided to try this to deploy my apps as this would make deployment tons easier ( versus systemd, init.d ).
I was able to get about 70% there, but the thing that broke was --volumes-from tag.
The container starts, but the volume it's mounting to is empty. I have a simple example posted here.
If you run these commands on host. it works fine.
on_host$ docker run --name data joshuacalloway/data
on_host$ docker run --volumes-from data ubuntu cat /data/hello.txt
However if you do this in a container. It is broken.
on_host$ docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock joshuacalloway/deploy -s
in_container:/# docker ps -----> this shows docker processes on the host
in_container:/# docker rm data ---> this removes docker container data that was created above
in_container:/# docker run --name data joshuacalloway/data
in_container:/# docker run --volumes-from data ubuntu cat /data/hello.txt
