where can i find the java documentation for hybris platform APIS - sap-commerce-cloud

I am searching for hybris APIS java documentation (documentation generated by javadoc tool), unfortunately, I am not found right place.
Can any one help me where can I get java documentation for hybris core platform apis.

If you have access to Hybris Help, look for "JavaDocs and API Documentation". There are different kinds of APIs / JavaDocs available.


How to find the alternative class/method for harmonyOS in androidOs?

I am a fresher who works on HarmonyOS where we have to map android imports to respected to HarmonyOs using an excel sheet, which consists of alternative imports but some are missing in that Excel. where can I find all the alternative methods?
There is no direct substitution or mapping between the methods of HarmonyOS and Android. You need to query the official APIs based on the site requirements to find a method that meets the requirements.
API reference documents provide you guidance in using the APIs of different programming languages, as well as standards and specifications required for app development with these APIs.
Java API References
JS API References
You can refer this example for Java Harmony OS APIs for Android developers.
For some classes direct one to one mapping might not be available for now.
In HarmonyOS developer doc there is Reference Document Outline for Java APIs, Native APIs. Please check https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-references/reference-document-outline-0000001115016824

Spring Integration IDE

I remember seeing the palette in Spring Tool Suite (long time back) to design the Spring Integration work flow which I cannot find in Spring Tool Suite 4.x. Can someone tell me if it is available as a separate add-on or how do I enable it?
See the answer to this question and associated comments.
It is not currently available in STS 4.x, although, as stated by Martin Lippert there, the 3.9.x tooling can still be installed.
Bear in mind that it was limited to a single XML configuration file and many modern Spring Integration applications use Spring Boot auto-configuration and the Java DSL which cannot be rendered by the graph; Spring Integration now provides a runtime graph that can be rendered by a number of tools and works with any configuration technology.

Does Oracle's JavaCard SDK allow one to develop simtoolkit

I am trying to develop a SIMToolkit application.
i am complete new to this. I want to know what IDEs can be used to develop STK apps for SIM Cards.
Also I would like to know if JavaCard SDK allows to access call-related functions in STK.
Yes, it supports. You may use Gemalto's IDE which is actually an Eclipse integrated with JavaCard SDK. It is a pretty well-developed IDE which also supports STK apps for SIMCards with pretty much good ready-to-use examples.
All the APIs are documented in ETSI 102 241 specification. You don't need Gemalto's super expensive SDK. ETSI web site will provide all the documentation and JAR files.

OpenCMIS supported ECM

We are planning to develop an application that can work with any ECM systems. SO we planned to use CMIS.
As our application is in Java, I came across openCMIS. It seemed all useful.
But now I need to know, which all repositories are tested/supported with openCMIS?
OpenCmis will be really helpful for many ecm systems but it is not a one common answer for all of them.
For example, for IBM CM or Filenet there is IBM CMIS which comes bundled with Content Navigator. Please note this is also lacking some basic functionalities and i developed that just recently. (on the latest version)
I would recommend to build the java application using the most relevant CMIS apis you need and for the closest specific ECM product.If you want to build it in a way which works on all ECM platforms then the coding needs to be in different way.
like - identify which ecm system is being called by your java program
and then load the classes or functions for that specific system.
Hope the above helps :)
This page lists CMIS servers:
OpenCMIS is one the mostly used CMIS libraries, and I would say it is the most-tested CMIS library you can find.
I have not seen any "official supported list", but OpenCMIS at least works for Alfresco, IBM FileNet, NemakiWare, and most CMIS servers I have tried. A notable exception seems to be IBM Connections, because of a IBM Connections bug.

javax.microedition package documentation

I have to design a mobile application as my mini project. I cannot find the documentation of javax.microedition in my java folder. I tried searching it online, but all the websites have vague information. I need proper details of this package. Where can I find it?
tried searching it online, but all the websites have vague information
Did you try different search engines? I always switch to alternative engine when I feel that one I usually prefer doesn't do the trick.
Don't know if your case but to me results of search for "javax.microedition package" were totally different depending on engine. While one engine ("good") gave me a needed link at the top of the very first page, another had it buried at 7th page ("bad", really bad).
Anyway, there's pretty detailed and accurate answer at SDN Mobility Reference FAQ - J2ME Package Listing:
What package names are defined in the J2ME environment?
The J2ME environment introduces a number of Java packages. These are almost exclusively placed into the package javax.microedition. The few exceptions are technologies that could be used in one or more other editions of the Java platform as well. For example, because you might use Bluetooth technology in either J2ME or J2SE, the Java APIs for Bluetooth specification (JSR 82) uses the package names javax.bluetooth and javax.obex.
The table shows the package names specified by the J2ME JSRs, as defined by the Java Community Process (JCP). It includes...
...continue reading at above link if you're interested in more details
