How to handle multiple feed permission in GetStream - getstream-io

I need to specify multiple permission for a single user, for example having full access to a specific feed but also have read access to an other one. but getstream only allows one specific permission per token.

Permissions are not configurable yet via APIs or Dashboard but if you reach out to Stream support email we can set that up for you.


Strapi:How Restrict user (non-admin) to access his data only

I'm using strapi.
User registered with local api getting all data same as super admin.
How to implement or which plugin setting restricts, non-admin user to access data that he has added. (Similar to author-admin role)
This depends. Do you mean access their own data via the default Strapi backend? if yes, you could give them the Author role. Authors can always onle edit their own content.
If you mean access via REST API, you should be able to accomplish this with a policy, where you can restrict specific access based on your code entirely.

Read only permission/scope for DocuSign API

As mentioned on the link, there are three access scopes DocuSign allows to fetch user's data : signature, extended and impersonation.
I am looking for a scope which allows me only read access. I need to build a dashboard of various activities/updates (getting the status of all envelopes, etc) of all the users of DocuSign at my company.
As per my understanding, I need 'signature' permissions/scope at-least as described under heading "Admin consent for internal applications" on
This means I will have access to create and delete the envelopes as well. Couldn't understand the 'extended' scope as well (as per my reading, it is helping to extend the access tokens validity and usage of refresh token any number of times).
Is their any other permission type (read scope only) that I can use based on my criteria?
Re read only scope. Not at this time. And since you want stats for all users' envelopes, you'll need Account Wide Rights. Full Admin is not necessary.
Perhaps an alternative might be to use the connect webhook system, and then track statistics as your app receives each notification message about changes to the users' envelopes.

A feed in which different users can add activities

In my app I want to have some feed where different users can add activities
How can I do this? Are there any settings of user rights?
It would help if you could elaborate on what you are trying to build (e.g. what kind of user ACL you are trying to offload to Stream) and whether you are using an SDK or the REST API directly. Multiple users can add activities to the same feed.
Regarding user rights, permissions they would be embedded in the JWT token when you're doing server-side authentication, as exposed here.

get stream list of all users in nodeJS

i'm using the javascript getstream integration library:
I've configured a user feed on my getstream dashboard, suppose i add few users as user:test1 user:test2 user:test3. Is there any way that i can get list of all users that are registered on the user feed group.
Similarly i want this to work for news updates posted by user, where he can see list of users and can follow them.
It is currently not possible to list all the feeds created on a certain feed group via API. You are responsible to store the users of your application within your own backend.

Accessing user information from instagram without user logging

I am working on an iphone app which uses instagram API..and I would like to know the following things..Is it possible to get data from instagram without user logging?If so, what type of data would be retrieved from it?Is it possible to access data of a specified user?Or is it only possible using social networking sites like facebook,tumblr etc?
Yes, with a valid client id, you can fetch user information for a specific user id. Information available includes name, bio, website, and profile picture. You can also return multiple users' data using the search endpoint.
Take a look at the User Endpoints documented here:
I also suggest reading Do you need to authenticate? section here:
NOTE: by providing a client id instead of a valid user token, you are counting against your own application's 5000 calls per-hour limit. If you plan on having a large user page, you would need to authenticate each user to avoid this limit.
