How to fix 'You are using an incompatible schema.xml configuration file' error in drupal for solCloud configuration - linux

I am setting up SolrCloud configuration for already existed solr configuration with drupal-7. I have configured zookeeper in 3 different machines and SolrCloud in 2 other machines. All the conf files are present in the configs directory in zookeeper.
Everything is fine till here but communication between drupal and Solr in not happening due to the following error.
Error: "You are using an incompatible schema.xml configuration file. Please follow the instructions in the handbook for setting up Solr."
Currently, Application is running on drupal-7 and solr-7.x-1.13 module is installed.
Till now, I didn't touch any solr configuration files in drupal server.
What else configuration I have to modify here to resolve the schema.xml incompatibility error?
I tried by configuring solrCloud using 5.4.1 and 6.4.1 version but I am getting same error.

In my case, what fixed this issue was killing the solr process and then starting solr again.
First, find the relevant solr process by trying to start solr...
cd /base/path/for/your/solr
bin/solr start
You will see something like...
Port 8983 is already being used by another process (pid: 12345)
Kill whatever process ID is mentioned in the "already being used" message...
kill 12345
Now you should be able to start solr...
bin/solr start
After this restart of solr, I refreshed the page in Drupal and the "incompatible schema.xml" message was gone.

You will have to look at the solr error logs to see what part of your schema.xml is not right.
You'd really have to do this is each one of your solr cloud nodes, since there isn't any guarantee that zookeeper uploaded the correct schema.xml on all shards, and that's why you could be getting that error.
You could use zkcli to upload your configs (, and then reload your collection on all nodes to apply the changes, but even then there's no guarantee it'll work.
To save time and stress, you could just use a SaaS service, such as
You can get it setup for free and you get a UI to edit your config files, upload your config files to your server, and a lot of other nice UI features to manage your solr index.


Trivial Node.js via Passenger on DreamHost - Permission Denied

I tried setting up a do-nothing Node app, and it failed.
I developed some Node.js code offline in containers. I now want to try deploying it on DreamHost. I am doing it incrementally, adding features one by one. Starting with “Hello World” and going from there.
I set up a new subdomain and enabled Passenger. I was able to serve up an index.html file. I followed and installed Node and nvm (using the versions recommended in that artcle). I then installed a few packages I plan to use (most notably Express, the rest won’t come into play until later).
With just a Hello World app, that failed. The error message is below. But, I checked all the relevant files and they all have global read and execute permissions. I’m wondering if it is something else. I tried multiple Hello World examples for app.js, copied directly from different tutorials, none of which worked (but they do work locally). My more complex code also does not work, but that is the next step.
What am I missing? I followed the directions exactly. What other landmines do I have to look forward to? I really don’t want to spend time wrestling with infrastructure, I want it to “just work”, ideally.
An error occurred while starting the web application. It exited before signalling successful startup back to Phusion Passenger. Please read this article for more information about this problem.
Raw process output:
*** ERROR ***: Cannot execute /home/<user name>/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.3: Permission denied (13)
Unclear what solved the issue.
Ran through changing the permissions on the files, as would seem obvious. Changed '/home/<user name>/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.3' to '/home/<user name>/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.3/bin/node' in the .htaccess file. Neither of those seemed to solve it.
Repeated the process again later. Followed it by `touch <webapp directory>/tmp/restart.txt' and it started working. I had been editing files in the web app's directory, so it isn't clear what touching that file did.

jhipster warn org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient Broker may not be available

So I made a helloworld jhipster application and everything seems to be working fine but I'm getting this warning about every 3 seconds and it's clouding up my output:
WARN 542 --- [ad | producer-1] org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient : [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node -1 (localhost/ could not be established. Broker may not be available.
Anybody know what's causing this? It's apparently not critical because everything seems to be working but it is quite aggravating, since I have to scroll way up in the terminal to find any actually relevant output, like for example what port the application is running on.
It looks like you selected the option to use Apache Kafka when you generated your project. Using Kafka is completely optional and requires a few extra steps as described in the official documentation (Using Kafka).
If this is just a "Hello World" app your best option is probably to just regenerate the project without Kafka. Otherwise, you will have to follow the steps in the documentation I linked above.
Basic instructions to use Kafka
Install Docker Desktop if you don't have it already.
Restart your computer as requested, and remember to enable hardware virtualization in your BIOS if you have it disabled.
Navigate to the root folder of your project (where your /src/ folder is) and execute docker-compose -f src/main/docker/kafka.yml up -d
Wait for the process to complete.
Add .antMatchers("/api/<appName>-kafka/publish").permitAll() to your where <appName> is the name you gave while generating your project. Note that you must add this line before .antMatchers("/api/**").authenticated().
Now you can launch your application.
At this point everything is configured, so the 'Broker may not be available' messages should be gone.

Cassandra Nagios plugins

I am trying to monitor cassandra using nagios casandra plugins by following this link.
I do not see core config manager as I am using Nagios 3.3.1. How do we configure casandra specific checks using Nagios Core 3.3.1. Can anyone who did it point me to a good resource please.
Thank you in advance.
The Nagios Core version 3 manual can be found here:
Instead of performing steps 5 and 6 in the pdf you attached, you will have to add the server, the command, and the service check to the Nagios .cfg files manually.
Create the host object for the server using this page:
Create a command object for the new Cassandra check, using this:
Create the service object, the details are found here:
Remember that the items in 'red' on those pages are required in the object entries.

Resolving Mass-loading problems in WebSphere Commerce Instance creation

I am trying to create an instance using the Configuration Manager of WCS 7. I am working on a Win 7 x64 machine with DB2 9.5 64 bit version.
I am struck with this Massloading error when the instance creation happens :
In createInstanceANT.log file :
[Massload] Massloading
C:\IBM\WebSphere\CommerceServer\schema\xml\wcs.keys.xml Error in
MassLoading, please check logs for details.
The error log shows the following error :
[jcc][10165][10044][4.3.111] Invalid database URL syntax:
jdbc:db2://:0/WCSDEMO. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815
Error in massloading
WCSDEMO is the database name. The Massloader is not able to get the URL and port to connect. It is supposedly getting them from file but it is not working. The file has all the details of the DB to connect.
What could be the reason for this error and how to resolve it ? Is there any configuration change that I am missing ?
Can you provide some more details.
look inside the messages.txt file located in WC_install_dir/instances/instance_name/logs
and confirm what the exact issue is. If it is related to jdbc driver being wrong I may be able to help you.
I've been running into massloading problems with external systems. Eg. databases not on the same machine as the WAS installation.
In these cases I look for the
As you can see setting the loaderDBName to just the name of the database would look on the local machine. But by changing this statement so you load with the syntax
You'll be able to massload using the commerce standard scripts. These changes needs to be done in many scripts. Both for updating fixpacks and enabling features. If you run database updates without the changes it will crash at first and have done all the schema changes to the database that you then need to comment out before trying again.
IBM Software Support is your friend. They'll help you fix it.

Unable to start Message Engine in Websphere

I am facing a problem while starting the websphere message engine for one of the application deployed on websphere. This application is getting deployed automatically as a part of the installation of Websphere Lombardi 7.2 express edition. It's using websphere 7 internally to deploy it. When I try to start the message engine from the administrative console of websphere I am getting following error:
The messaging engine ProcessCenter01.twperfsvr-twperfsvr_bus cannot be started as there is no runtime initialized for it yet, retry the operation once it has initialized. For the runtime to successfully initialize the hosting server must be started, have its 'SIB service' already enabled, and dynamic configuration reload enabled. If this is a newly configured messaging engine and it is the first messaging engine to be hosted on this server, then it is most likely the 'SIB service' was not previously enabled and thus the server will need to be restarted. The messaging engine runtime might not be initializing because of an error while trying to start, examine the SystemOut.log of the hosting server to check for error messages indicating the problem.
After restarting the server, the same error shows. Can anyone help me to to find what gets loaded as a part of "initialization of runtime"? Are there any config files etc. that I need to check to solve this issue? I am suspecting some missing configuration causing error to load the runtime for this particular application.
I too faced this issue today had to delete all the files under the message store
check the directory-file path mentioned in
Application servers > server1 > Messaging engines > XXX.server1-primaryBus > File store
Just Enable the SIB Services For the particular Server.
Example:Server-->Application Server-->click on Server Name-->right hand side we can see SIB services-->Check box the Enable services.
This will solve your problem
Recently I have faced the same issue when I rebuilt the jvms in UAT envt. After searching on web I found that because of the old messages saved in the message store(flat files in my envt) the messaging engines was not getting initiated. After deleting the old messaging store and restarting the servers it got initialized.
I have struggled with this problem too.
In our situation the problem was that the file message store location was used that was already created for a different (or old) message-engine.
If you add a busmember to the service-bus and use a file store implementation, then you need to supply the path for the store and log folder. Make sure these locations don't exist yet, other wise you will run in the problem above. The message-engine for this member will use these folders.
If you have a script for creating the message-bus infrastructure, make sure that when you delete the bus or remove message-engines, that you remove the file store/log folders for these, before you re-run your script.
Another possibility is that you are using a external database as a data store, and the user that is used for the connection is not allowed to create a database. You might find a ffdc entry like this:
Then you have to go to your database administration tool and give DB2ADMIN the proper privileges. Then restart the server or cluster.
Finally this issue is been resolved. I did not create the schema in SQL Server with same name as that of the username I gave to connect SQL Server during the installation of WLE 7.2
Please find details about this at below link:
