How to rewrite the following function in point-free style, removing the parameter x from the definition completely (the other two may stay):
between min max x = (min < x) && (x < max)
This is not an assignment, just a question. I don't know how to proceed. I can turn it into a lambda function
between min max = \x -> (min < x) && (x < max)
but this is not point-free, as x is still there. Please help.
It can be done using the Reader applicative:
between min max = \x. (min < x) && (x < max)
{ Convert infix comparisons to sections }
= \x. ((min <) x) && ((< max) x)
{ Move infix (&&) to applicative style }
= \x. (&&) ((min <) x) ((< max) x)
{ Lift to applicative style using the applicative instance of `(->) a` }
= \x. (pure (&&) <*> (min <) <*> (< max)) x
{ Eta-reduce }
= pure (&&) <*> (min <) <*> (< max)
{ Optionally simplify for idiomatic style }
= (&&) <$> (min <) <*> (< max)
Another solution (needs import of Control.Applicative):
between min max = liftA2 (&&) (min <) (max >)
Using Control.Arrow we can reach this nearly obfuscated code:
(min <) &&& (< max) >>> uncurry (&&)
This relies on the predefined >>> for left-to-right composition, f &&& g = \x -> (f x, g x), and uncurrying. also suggests the following unreadable code:
between = (. flip (<)) . ap . ((&&) .) . (<)
By operator sections transformation,
between min max x = (min < x) && (x < max)
= ((&&) . (min <)) x ((< max) x)
Now this fits a pattern for S-combinator, S f g x = (f x) (g x). There are many ways of encoding it in Haskell, but the main two are via Applicative and via Arrows:
_S f g x = (f x) (g x)
= (f <*> g) x
= uncurry id . (f &&& g) $ x
The second gives us
between a z = uncurry (&&) . ((a <) &&& (< z))
And the first, even more fitting
between a z = (&&) <$> (a <) <*> (< z)
= liftA2 (&&) (a <) (< z)
= (a <) <^(&&)^> (< z) -- nice and visual
(<^) = flip (<$>)
(^>) = (<*>)
But we could also fiddle with other combinators, with much less satisfactory results though,
_S f g x = f x (g x)
= flip f (g x) x
= (flip f . g) x x
= join (flip f <$> g) x
= (flip f =<< g) x
= (f x . g) x
= (. g) (f x) x
= ((. g) =<< f) x
which illustrates nicely the dangers of pointlessness in the pursuit of the pointfree.
There's one more possibility that makes sense (syntactically), which is
_S f g x = (f x) (g x)
-- = foldr1 ($) . sequence [f,g] $ x -- not valid Haskell
-- sequence [f,g] x = [f x,g x]
This is not a valid Haskell in general because of the typing issues, but in our specific case it does give rise to one more valid definition, which also does seem to follow the inner logic of it nicely,
between a z = -- foldr1 ($) . sequence [(&&).(a <), (< z)] -- not OK
= foldr1 (&&) . sequence [(a <), (< z)] -- OK
= and . sequence [(a <), (> z)]
because (a <) and (> z) have the same type.
This question already has answers here:
Haskell function composition operator of type (c→d) → (a→b→c) → (a→b→d)
(6 answers)
Closed last year.
I am learning haskell at the moment and trying to figure out all the rules of prefix, infix, precedence, etc.
While trying to implement a function which appends two lists and sorts them I started with:
appendAndSort :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
appendAndSort = sort . (++)
which does no compile.
appendAndSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
appendAndSort = (sort .) . (++)
on the other hand does work.
Why do I have to add a second dot at sort and parentheses around it?
Let's start with a version that uses explicit parameters.
appendAndSort x y = sort (x ++ y)
Writing ++ as a prefix function rather than an operator yields
appendAndSort x y = sort ((++) x y)
Knowing that (f . g) x == f (g x), we can identify f == sort and g == (++) x to get
appendAndSort x y = (sort . (++) x) y
which lets us drop y as an explicit parameter via eta conversion:
appendAndSort x = sort . (++) x
The next step is to repeat the process above, this time with (.) as the top most operator to write as a prefix function,
appendAndSort x = (.) sort ((++) x)
then apply the definition of . again with f == (.) sort and g == (++):
appendAndSort x = (((.) sort) . (++)) x
and eliminate x via eta conversion
appendAndSort = ((.) sort) . (++)
The last step is to write (.) sort as an operator section, and we're done with our derivation.
appendAndSort = (sort .) . (++)
The expression (f . g) x means f (g x).
Coherently, (f . g) x y means f (g x) y.
Note how y is passed as a second parameter to f, not to g. The result is not f (g x y).
In your case, (sort . (++)) x y would mean sort ((++) x) y, which would call sort with first argument (++) x (the function which prepends the list x to its list argument), and with second argument y. Alas, this is ill-typed since sort only takes one argument.
Consequently, this is also invalid
appendAndSort x y = (sort . (++)) x y
hence so is this
appendAndSort = sort . (++)
By contrast, ((f .) . g) x y does work as expected. Let's compute:
((f .) . g) x y
= -- same reasoning as above, y is passed to (f.), not g
(f .) (g x) y
= -- application associates on the left
((f .) (g x)) y
= -- definition of `(f.)`
(f . (g x)) y
= -- definition of .
f ((g x) y)
= -- application associates on the left
f (g x y)
So this really makes y to be passed to g (and not f).
In my opinion the "idiom" (f .) . g isn't worth using. The pointful \x y -> f (g x y) is much simpler to read, and not terribly longer.
If you really want, you can define a custom composition operator to handle the two-argument case.
(.:) f g = \x y -> f (g x y)
Then, you can write
appendAndSort = sort .: (++)
I have been wondering how different standard Haskell functions could be implemented point-free. Currently, I am interested in uncurry and I feel this one is quite non-trivial.
The main problem is that we are unable (or as it seems to me) to group the arguments. If we had uncurry (in fact, uncurry ($) would suffice) in use, the solution would have been quite simple:
Make a tuple (f, (x, y)).
Apply assoc1 :: (a, (b, c)) -> ((a, b), c) to the tuple and get ((f, x), y).
Apply the uncurried ($) to the first element of the pair and get (f x, y).
Apply the uncurried ($) to the pair itself and get f x y.
Without the uncurried ($) we would have to extract both elements of the pair separately. E.g.:
uncurry f pair = f (fst pair) (snd pair)
I do not reckon this to be a smooth way to implement something point-free.
In fact, we have got this uncurried ($) at our behest: Control.Arrow.apply (other useful for the solution combinators could also be imported from Control.Arrow). Therefore:
import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (&&&), first, app)
myUncurry = let myAssoc1 = (fst &&& (fst . snd)) &&& (snd . snd)
in (,) >>> (>>> myAssoc1 >>> first app >>> app)
Yet, this feels a small bit like cheating.
Are there any other approaches towards this problem which do not require anything like app?
join on functions gives you (a -> a -> b) -> a -> b, so:
myUncurry f = join (\x y -> f (fst x) (snd y))
myUncurry f = join (\x -> f (fst x) . snd)
myUncurry f = join ((.snd) . f . fst)
myUncurry f = join ((.fst) ((.snd) . f))
myUncurry f = join ((.fst) ((.) (.snd) f))
myUncurry = join . (.fst) . \f -> (.) (.snd) f
myUncurry = join . (.fst) . ((.snd).)
join . (.fst) . ((.snd).) is very readable indeed
The artless, mechanical solution, by "pushing lambdas inward".
uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
uncurry f p = f (fst p) (snd p)
uncurry f = \p -> f (fst p) (snd p)
uncurry f = (<*>) (\p -> f (fst p)) (\p -> snd p)
uncurry f = (<*>) (f . fst) snd
uncurry = \f -> (<*>) (f . fst) snd
uncurry = flip (\f -> (<*>) (f . fst)) snd
uncurry = flip ((<*>) . (\f -> f . fst)) snd
uncurry = flip ((<*>) . (. fst)) snd
With Lambda Calculus' S combinator, Sabc = (a <*> b) c = a c $ b c,
uncurry f (x,y) = f (fst (x,y)) (snd (x,y))
= (f . fst <*> snd) (x,y)
uncurry f = (<*> snd) (f . fst)
= (<*> snd) . (. fst) $ f
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry = (<*> snd) . (. fst)
Still it's much more readable (and somewhat elucidating) with one explicit argument left there, as seen above:
uncurry f = f . fst <*> snd
But then this variant, shown by Jon Purdy in the comments,
uncurry f = liftA2 f fst snd
just might be the clearest.
This is because for functions, the monad and the applicative are equivalent in power,
(k =<< f) x = k (f x) x = flip k x (f x) = (flip k <*> f) x
-- i.e., uncurry f = flip (f . fst) =<< snd
and liftA2 f fst snd means, by definition,
= [ f a b | a <- fst ; b <- snd ]
do { a <- fst ;
b <- snd ;
return (f a b)
= \x -> let
{ a = fst x ;
b = snd x ;
in const (f a b) x
(the first one written with Monad Comprehensions). Thus,
uncurry f x = liftA2 f fst snd x
= let
{ a = fst x ;
b = snd x ;
in f a b
f (fst x) (snd x)
(f . fst <*> snd) x
(flip (f . fst) =<< snd) x
flip (f . fst) (snd x) x
(flip (f . fst) . snd) x x
join (flip (f . fst) . snd) x
join (flip (f . fst) <$> snd) x
following the well known equivalence, k =<< m = join (fmap k m) (and for functions, (<$>) = fmap = (.)).
So we've found yet another expression here,
uncurry f x = join (flip (f . fst) . snd)
= liftA2 f fst snd
= f . fst <*> snd
= flip (f . fst) =<< snd
The liftA2 one just might be the clearest and the least noisy.
I had a couple of hours of fun today trying to understand what the arrow operator applicative does in Haskell. I am now trying to verify whether my understanding is correct. In short, I found that for the arrow operator applicative
(f <*> g <*> h <*> v) z = f z (g z) (h z) (v z)
Before I proceed, I am aware of this discussion but found it to be very convoluted and much more complicated than what I hope I derived today.
In order to understand what the applicative does I started from the definition of the arrow applicative in base
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
pure = const
(<*>) f g x = f x (g x)
and then proceeded to explore what the expressions
(f <*> g <*> h) z
(f <*> g <*> h <*> v) z
yield when expanded.
From the definition we get that
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
Because (<*>) is left associative, it follows that
f <*> g <*> h = (f <*> g) <*> h
= (\x -> f x (g x)) <*> h
= \y -> (\x -> f x (g x)) y (h y)
(f <*> g <*> h) z = (\y -> (\x -> f x (g x)) y (h y)) z
= (\x -> f x (g x)) z (h z)
= (f z (g z)) (h z)
= f z (g z) (h z)
The last step is due to the fact that function application is left associative. Similarly
(f <*> g <*> h <*> v) z = f z (g z) (h z) (v z)
This, to me, provides a very clear intuitive idea of what the arrow applicative does. But is this correct?
To test the result I ran, for example, the following,
λ> ((\z g h v -> [z, g, h, v]) <*> (1+) <*> (2+) <*> (3+)) 4
which conforms to the result derived above.
Before doing the expansion above I found this applicative very difficult to understand, since extremely complicated behaviour can result from its use because of currying. In particular, in
(f <*> g <*> h <*> v) z = f z (g z) (h z) (v z)
functions can return other functions. Here is an example:
λ> ((\z g -> g) <*> pure (++) <*> pure "foo" <*> pure "bar") undefined
In this case z=undefined is ignored by all functions, because pure x z = x and the first function ignores z by construction. Furthermore, the first function takes only two arguments but returns a function taking two arguments.
Yes, your calculations are correct.
Say I have functions
g :: a -> b, h :: a -> c
f :: b -> c -> d.
Is it possible to write the function
f' :: a -> a -> d
given by
f' x y = f (g x) (h y)
in point free style?.
One can write the function
f' a -> d, f' x = f (g x) (h x)
in point free style by setting
f' = (f <$> g) <*> h
but I couldn't figure out how to do the more general case.
We have:
k x y = (f (g x)) (h y)
and we wish to write k in point-free style.
The first argument passed to k is x. What do we need to do with x? Well, first we need to call g on it, and then f, and then do something fancy to apply this to (h y).
k = fancy . f . g
What is this fancy? Well:
k x y = (fancy . f . g) x y
= fancy (f (g x)) y
= f (g x) (h y)
So we desire fancy z y = z (h y). Eta-reducing, we get fancy z = z . h, or fancy = (. h).
k = (. h) . f . g
A more natural way to think about it might be
┌───┐ ┌───┐
x ───│ g │─── g x ───│ │
/ └───┘ │ │
(x, y) │ f │─── f (g x) (h y)
\ ┌───┐ │ │
y ───│ h │─── h y ───│ │
└───┘ └───┘
Enter Control.Arrow:
k = curry ((g *** h) >>> uncurry f)
Take a look at online converter
It converted
f' x y = f (g x) (h y)
f' = (. h) . f . g
with the flow of transformations
f' = id (fix (const (flip ((.) . f . g) h)))
f' = fix (const (flip ((.) . f . g) h))
f' = fix (const ((. h) . f . g))
f' = (. h) . f . g
This is slightly longer, but a little easier to follow, than (. h) . f. g.
First, rewrite f' slightly to take a tuple instead of two arguments. (In otherwords, we're uncurrying your original f'.)
f' (x, y) = f (g x) (h y)
You can pull a tuple apart with fst and snd instead of pattern matching on it:
f' t = f (g (fst t)) (h (snd t))
Using function composition, the above becomes
f' t = f ((g . fst) t) ((h . snd) t)
which, hey, looks a lot like the version you could make point-free using applicative style:
f' = let g' = g . fst
h' = h . snd
in (f <$> g') <*> h'
The only problem left is that f' :: (a, a) -> d. You can fix this by explicitly currying it:
f' :: a -> a -> d
f' = let g' = g . fst
h' = h . snd
in curry $ (f <$> g') <*> h'
(This is very similar, by the way, to the Control.Arrow solution added by Lynn.)
Using the "three rules of operator sections" as applied to the (.) function composition operator,
(.) f g = (f . g) = (f .) g = (. g) f -- the argument goes into the free slot
-- 1 2 3
this is derivable by a few straightforward mechanical steps:
k x y = (f (g x)) (h y) -- a (b c) === (a . b) c
= (f (g x) . h) y
= (. h) (f (g x)) y
= (. h) ((f . g) x) y
= ((. h) . (f . g)) x y
Lastly, (.) is associative, so the inner parens may be dropped.
The general procedure is to strive to reach the situation where eta-reduction can be performed, i.e. we can get rid of the arguments if they are in same order and are outside any parentheses:
k x y = (......) y
k x = (......)
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Another trick is to turn two arguments into one, or vice versa, with the equation
curry f x y = f (x,y)
so, your
f (g x) (h y) = (f.g) x (h y) -- by B-combinator rule
= (f.g.fst) (x,y) ((h.snd) (x,y))
= (f.g.fst <*> h.snd) (x,y) -- by S-combinator rule
= curry (f.g.fst <*> h.snd) x y
This is the same as the answer by #chepner, but presented more concisely.
So, you see, your (f.g <*> h) x1 just becomes (f.g.fst <*> h.snd) (x,y). Same difference.
1(because, for functions, (<$>) = (.))
(g ~> h ~> id) f
f $* g $$ h *$ id
lurryA #N2 (f <$> (g <$> _1) <*> (h <$> _2))
lurryA #N5 (_1 <*> (_2 <*> _4) <*> (_3 <*> _5)) f g h
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I'm playing around with formulating Applicative in terms of pure and liftA2 (so that (<*>) = liftA2 id becomes a derived combinator).
I can think of a bunch of candidate laws, but I'm not sure what the minimal set would be.
f <$> pure x = pure (f x)
f <$> liftA2 g x y = liftA2 ((f .) . g) x y
liftA2 f (pure x) y = f x <$> y
liftA2 f x (pure y) = liftA2 (flip f) (pure y) x
liftA2 f (g <$> x) (h <$> y) = liftA2 (\x y -> f (g x) (h y)) x y
Based on McBride and Paterson's laws for Monoidal(section 7) I'd suggest the following laws for liftA2 and pure.
left and right identity
liftA2 (\_ y -> y) (pure x) fy = fy
liftA2 (\x _ -> x) fx (pure y) = fx
liftA2 id (liftA2 (\x y z -> f x y z) fx fy) fz =
liftA2 (flip id) fx (liftA2 (\y z x -> f x y z) fy fz)
liftA2 (\x y -> o (f x) (g y)) fx fy = liftA2 o (fmap f fx) (fmap g fy)
It isn't immediately apparent that these are sufficient to cover the relationship between fmap and Applicative's pure and liftA2. Let's see if we can prove from the above laws that
fmap f fx = liftA2 id (pure f) fx
We'll start by working on fmap f fx. All of the following are equivalent.
fmap f fx
liftA2 (\x _ -> x) (fmap f fx) ( pure y ) -- by right identity
liftA2 (\x _ -> x) (fmap f fx) ( id (pure y)) -- id x = x by definition
liftA2 (\x _ -> x) (fmap f fx) (fmap id (pure y)) -- fmap id = id (Functor law)
liftA2 (\x y -> (\x _ -> x) (f x) (id y)) fx (pure y) -- by naturality
liftA2 (\x _ -> f x ) fx (pure y) -- apply constant function
At this point we've written fmap in terms of liftA2, pure and any y; fmap is entirely determined by the above laws. The remainder of the as-yet-unproven proof is left by the irresolute author as an exercise for the determined reader.
If you define (<.>) = liftA2 (.) then the laws become very nice:
pure id <.> f = f
f <.> pure id = f
f <.> (g <.> h) = (f <.> g) <.> h
Apparently pure f <.> pure g = pure (f . g) follows for free. I believe this formulation originates with Daniel Mlot.
Per the online book, Learn You A Haskell:Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids, the Appplicative Functor laws are bellow but reorganized for formatting reasons; however, I am making this post community editable since it would be useful if someone could embed derivations:
identity] v = pure id <*> v
homomorphism] pure (f x) = pure f <*> pure x
interchange] u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u
composition] u <*> (v <*> w) = pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w
function composition] (.) = (b->c) -> (a->b) -> (a->c)
application operator] $ = (a->b) -> a -> b
Found a treatment on Reddit