Expose CSRF tokens to the client-side - node.js

I have a web application that consists of two parts:
app-front React application, that deployed in AWS CloudFront, and avaliable via app-example.com
app-api Node.js + Koa application, that deployed in EC2 instance (behind load balancer), and avaliable via api.app-example.com
app-api has CSRF protection, that uses a secret key in user session and token that is verified on the server side. (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet#Synchronizer_Token_Pattern)
How can app-api expose CSRF tokens to the app-front ?
There are several ways:
Include the token in html pages:
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{csrfToken}}">
But this method does not work for me, because app-api doesn't serve html pages (app-front located in AWS CloudFront)
Set CSRF tokens in cookies via AJAX
server.get('/csrf', (req, res) => {
res.cookie('_csrf' , res.locals._csrf, {expire : new Date() + 9999});
return res.json({
"status": "success"
But this is an additional request that I would like to avoid.
Maybe there is another solution?


Handle login for API and static page in node js

I'm working on MERN stack application. There are two types of endpoints in my applications. One for API and another for static routes (using handlebars in NodeJS). I have used the basic JWT token to secure the API endpoints which would be accessible by React App. But JWT is not useful for static routes.
So How can I use single authentication for both types of routes?
Static routes are preview URL which is generated by admin panel. Only authenticated users can access them. HubSpot has the same strategy for the pages, Preview URL of pages can only be accessible by authenticated users.
Is there any other way to authenticate both endpoint types?
We can try the following way to achieve this requirement.
Host a NodeJS on the primary domain where APIs and static routes will run. And Host a react app on a subdomain where the admin panel run.
so the domains would be as follows:
React path would be app.website.com
Node path would be website.com
A user can login via API in react app and store the token in cookies with the primary domain. Now we can verify JWT in static routes by retrieving that token from the cookie.
Store a token in cookie:
document.cookie = `token=${TOKEN};expires;;domain=${PRIMARY_DOMAIN};path=/`;
Middleware to check the authentication:
const { token } = req.cookies
jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET, (err, decoded) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(401).send("Unauthorized!");
req.user = decoded;

How to authenticate angular 10 client app from node/express js using passport-google strategy?

I'm building a web app that is being used on top of microservices architecture.
Using node/express js I have implemented auth service and products service both are listening on different ports like
http://localhost:8001 for authentication service
http://localhost:8002 for products service.
Kong Gateway used to authenticate and connect the microservices with jwt. Implemented passport-jwt and passport-local strategy to authenticate the users from client side using post calls.
Finally I have implemented the google auth on server side using passport-google strategy in this below URL
http://localhost:8001/auth/google -> it directs me to google auth consent screen after sign in it is redirecting to below Url
http://localhost:8001/auth/google/callback with token. it works fine at server end.
async googlecallback(req, res, next){
passport.authenticate('google', {
session: false,
}, (err, user, message) => {
if (!user) {
return next(new UnAuthorizedException(message))
const token = user.generateToken()
user = UserTransformer.transform(user)
user.token = token
this.Response(res, user, message) // sending response to client using custom method
})(req, res)
. When I come to authenticate the user from angular app client side. I'm unable to proceed further. just struggling here. :-(
How can I authenticate the user when they click google sign in button in angular 10 on client side?
My front end app Url like http://localhost:4002/account/login
Tried to use window.open("http://localhost:8001/auth/google","_blank") method, not working as expected.
res.setHeader('x-code', 'jwthere'); header method. Also tried to pass the JWT token with URL parameter. but both seems unsecure.
security is the major concern here. I want the google sign in like khanacademy social login

Access cookie data outside a component

I'm building a Next.js app using Strapi as a CMS and authentication server. I've managed to get a JWT from the auth endpoint, and have stored it in a cookie. To retrieve secured content from strapi I need to send this JWT in the header
I'm using Apollo to send graphQL queries to strapi, according to their documentation, I can easily set auth headers by adding this to utils/apollo.js
const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
// get the authentication token from local storage if it exists
const token = cookies.get('jwt') <-- This is what I'd like to do, but I can't figure out how to access cookies at this point.
// return the headers to the context so httpLink can read them
return {
headers: {
authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : "",
How can I access cookies in the app mentioned above. It's not part of a component, though it is used to build a HOC?
While using localstorage is an option, I've read that cookies are a safer way to store data.
Using cookies with secure isn't an option - I'm not sure if strapi allows it, and also because there are multiple frontend origins vercel builds previews for all branches
Once you set the cookie it will be passed in the Cookie header so you need to retrieve it from there, not the cookies object which is only available in the browser but not available in server-side requests. In addition, if you're using CORS you will need to enable credentials both in the client and server, specifically in the client you need to set credentials: 'include'. This is required setting for cookies to work.

ReactJs frontend & Passport NodeJs backend

I am building a project which is API RESTful with NodeJS, Express & Passport. And for the Frontend of this application I want to use ReactJS.
Can I create a separate project with create-app-react for my frontend and fetch my API while keeping the benefits of Passport ? Or I should send always the user's information in my request? Or serve my Frontend on the same server of the API?
Yes, you can have a client & a server on 2 differents port, and keep the benefits of Passport.
But for that, when you fetch you API use credentials : 'include'
Because, by default, fetch won't send or receive any cookies from the server, resulting in unauthenticated requests if the site relies on maintaining a user session (to send cookies, the credentials init option must be set).
fetch('https://example.com', {
credentials: 'include'
.then( res => {
// Some stuff...
.catch(err => {

Auth0 authentication of single-page-app on a different domain than the api

I'm trying add Auth0 authentication to my single-page-app. My app is running under a domain, say app.mycompany.com, whereas the api used by this app is running under a different domain, say api.mycompany.com.
I'm aware of this thread:
Single Sign On (SSO) solution/architecture for Single Page App (SPA)
and the auth0 articles and github repositories linked by here. But I have a feeling that my scenario is slightly simpler, as I don't necessarily want to have single-sign-on between several different single-page-apps. For a start I just want the seperation between the API and the app.
Here is what I have tried already:
I already started from the article React Login With Auth0 and downloaded the starter project. I can surely login without problems and it will leave me with an id_token in my localStorage containing a JWS issued by Auth0.
I can also login directly on api.mycompany.com (my FeathersJS API application) and I can see that during the OAuth redirecting process, the id_token token is magically translated to a feathers-jwt token issued by my Feathers application containing the internal ID of the user-object matching the auth0-ID. I also have implemented the logic used to map from the Auth0-ID to my internal ID. Furthermore all my Feathers hooks such as validation of token and population of the user are working.
What I cannot figure out is how to alter the react-application running under app.mycompany.com with an Auth0-token in localStorage, so that this token is translated to a feathers-jwt token by api.mycompany.com, in such a way that all succeeding API-calls automatically has the feathers-jwt token included so the API can validate the user and return the right data.
Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.
A couple of more background details:
The api is built on node.js and featherjs (which basically is an extension of Express)
The single-page-app is built on ReactJS and is served by a simple Express server, but it could be served by any server that can serve static files over http. The single-page-app makes http-requests to the api to read data and perform operations.
The api has the following lines of code taking care of the authentication:
const authentication = require('feathers-authentication');
const Auth0Strategy = require('passport-auth0').Strategy;
token: {
secret: 'mysecret',
payload: ['email', 'auth0Nickname'],
issuer: 'mycompany'
idField: 'id',
shouldSetupSuccessRoute: false,
auth0: {
strategy: Auth0Strategy,
domain: 'mycompany.eu.auth0.com',
'clientID': 'xxx',
'clientSecret': 'yyy'
I had exactly the same problem as you, I wanted to authenticate a user from a single page application, calling the API located on an other server.
The official auth0 example is a classic Express web application that does authentication and renders html page, but it's not a SPA connected to an API hosted on an other domain.
Let's break up what happens when the user authenticates in this example:
The user makes a request calling /auth/auth0 route
The user is automatically redirected to the Auth0 authentication process (Auth0 login form to choose the provider and then the provider login screen)
The user is redirected to /auth/success route
/auth/success route redirects to the static html page public/success.html, also sending a jwt-token cookie that contains the user's token
Client-side, when public/success.html loads, Feathers client authenticate() method reads the token from the cookie and saves it in the local storage.
From now, the Feathers client will authenticate the user reading the cookie from the local storage.
I tried to adapt this scenario to a single-page application architecture, implementing the following process:
From the SPA, call the authentication API with a source query string parameter that contains the SPA URL. For example: http://my-api.com/auth/auth0?source=http://my-spa.com
Server-side, in /auth/auth0 route handler, create a cookie to store that URL
After a successful login, read the source cookie to redirect the user back to the SPA, sending the JWT token in a cookie.
But the last step didn't work because you can't set a cookie on a given domain (the API server domain) and redirect the user to an other domain! (more on this here on Stackoverflow)
So actually I solved the problem by:
server-side: sending the token back to the client using the URL hash.
client-side: create a new html page that reads the token from the URL hash
Server-side code:
// Add a middleware to write in a cookie where the user comes from
// This cookie will be used later to redirect the user to the SPA
app.get('/auth/auth0', (req, res, next) => {
const { origin } = req.query
if (origin) {
res.cookie(WEB_CLIENT_COOKIE, origin)
} else {
// Route called after a successful login
// Redirect the user to the single-page application "forwarding" the auth token
app.get('/auth/success', (req, res) => {
const origin = req.cookies[WEB_CLIENT_COOKIE]
if (origin) {
// if there is a cookie that contains the URL source, redirect the user to this URL
// and send the user's token in the URL hash
const token = req.cookies['feathers-jwt']
const redirectUrl = `${origin}/auth0.html#${token}`
} else {
// otherwise send the static page on the same domain.
res.sendFile(path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'public', 'success.html'))
Client-side, auth0.html page in the SPA
In the SPA, I created a new html page I called auth0.html that does 3 things:
it reads the token from the hash
it saves it in the local storage (to mimic what the Feathers client does)
it redirects the user to the SPA main page index.html
html code:
function init() {
const token = getToken()
if (!token) {
console.error('No auth token found in the URL hash!')
// Save the token in the local storage
window.localStorage.setItem('feathers-jwt', token)
// Redirect to the single-page application
window.location.href = '/'
// Read the token from the URL hash
function getToken() {
const hash = self.location.hash
const array = /#(.*)/.exec(hash)
if (!array) return
return array[1]
And now in the SPA I can use the Feathers client, reading the token from the local storage when the app starts.
Let me know if it makes sense, thank you!
If you haven't done so, you should follow this article (React Login with Auth0) to implement the authentication on your React application. If you already tried to follow it, update your question with specific issues you faced.
Even though you currently not need SSO, the actual implementation of the authentication in your application will not vary much. By using Auth0 enabling SSO across your apps is mostly enabling configuration switches.
Finally for a full reference with all the theory behind the security related aspects of your exact scenario check:
Auth0 Architecture Scenarios: SPA + API
The full scenario I linked too covers the most comprehensive scenarios where an API is accessed by a multitude of client applications that may even be developed by third-parties that do not own the protected API, but want to access the data behind it.
It does this by leveraging recent features that are currently only available in the US region and that at a very high level can be described as an OAuth 2.0 authorization server delivered as a service.
Your particular scenario is simpler, both the API and client application are under control of the same entity, so you have another option.
Option 1 - Leverage the API authorization through Auth0 US region only (for now)
In this situation your client application, at authentication time, would receive an id_token that would be used to know the currently authenticated user and would also receive an access_token that could be used to call the API on behalf of the authenticated user.
This makes a clear separation between the client application and the API; the id_token is for client application usage and the access_token for API usage.
It has the benefit that authorization is clearly separated from authentication and you can have a very fine-grained control over authorization decisions by controlling the scopes included in the access token.
Option 2 - Authenticate in client application and API in the same way
You can deploy your client application and API separately, but still treat them from a conceptual perspective as the same application (you would have one client configured in Auth0 representing both client-side and API).
This has the benefit that you could use the id_token that is obtained after authentication completes to know who the user was on the client-side and also as the mechanism to authenticate each API request.
You would have to configure feathers API to validate the Auth0 id_token as an accepted token for accessing the API. This means that you don't use any feathers based on authentication on the API, that is, you just accept tokens issued by Auth0 to your application as the way to validate the access.
