AZ extension botservice not found - azure

I'm trying to create a new bot using the v4 bot framework. For that I'm following the enterprise bot template: In the readme it says I should run az extension add -n botservice. When I run this, I get an error that the extension 'botservice' can't be found. How do I solve this?

The documentation hasn't been updated yet. The current version of azure-cli (2.0.53) ships with botservice as a core module. Azure CLI 2.0.53 does not use the botservice extension. Run
az extension remove -n botservice
and then try to continue the steps of the tutorial from there.


Django app 'deployment successful' to Azure, but URL is just showing the default page instead of my code's app

I'm trying to deploy my app to Azure app service through VScode and I followed tutorial steps and can see this within my output on Azure App Service output terminal:
11:24:00 PM trendallarchive: Activating virtual environment...
11:24:00 PM trendallarchive: Could not find or requirements.txt; Not running pip install
I can see there was an issue with my requirements.txt file, but I'm not sure why it couldn't find it. Would this be the cause of my code not deploying? even though it says deployment successful? If the requirements.txt file exists then how come I am receiving this output?
Thanks in advance

Unable to find template: react when using neu create <appname> --template react

I've been trying to use Neutralino to build a lightweight desktop app.
Following this article:
I encountered an error when I tried to use the following code:
neu create testName --template react
The error says: Unable to find template: react
I installed neu-cli using npm i -g #neutralinojs/neu with no errors
It looks like templates are being removed in favor of a more minimalistic default template. The docs on their page (including the start template) are for version < 2.0.0.
As of version 2.0.0, templates have been removed as a valid CLI command and I've yet to find a good replacement.
For the time being use neu create *project name* for the minimal template
Removal of templates source: "we have removed all the templates..."
See this discussion

Error from Azure function: ModuleNotFoundError

I followed the official documentation to set up my requirements.txt file. My understanding was that the function should be able to use modules if they are in requirements.txt. Here is an example of what that file looks like, with all the modules and their versions written in this way:
However, when I look at the function's logs, I can see that it keeps throwing the error, "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'azure.common'". This is the first module I try to import in What am I doing wrong?
It seems the modules you use in your function are all old version(such as azure-common==1.1.12, azure-keyvault==1.0.0.....). So could you please install the modules with the latest version. You can search them on this page and for example if install the latest azure-common module, just run the command pip install azure-common(no need the version number) it will install the latest version of the module.
And then use the command below in your VS code to generate the "requirements.txt" automatically.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Then deploy the function code from local to azure by the command:
func azure functionapp publish <function app name> --build remote
It will deploy the code to azure and install the modules according to the content in the "requirements.txt" which you generated just now.
Hope it helps~

Azure Function Java : The binding type(s) blobTrigger are not registered

Have created a blob trigger in java by following functions-reference-java. The trigger works locally, however in the portal it says
Error: The binding type(s) 'blobTrigger' are not registered.
Have followed these instructions to update the azure-function-core
My Function app details:
Runtime version: 2.0.12246.0 (~2)
Plaftform: 64-bit
How to get the extensions installed ?
Function app error
I resolved it myself. extensions.csproj was missing from my pipeline.
I manually added it via the portal and ran the following in the kudu prompt.
dotnet build extensions.csproj -o bin --no-incremental --packages D:\home\.nuget

How to use latest version of nodejs on azure mobile-service runtime

I am trying to integrate google-api-nodejs-client with azure mobile-services. I get following runtime error trying to use sample code from googleapis:
Error: Unable to load endpoint plus("v1"): Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
This error seems to be due to reason that googleapis only support nodejs version 0.10 and higher, whereas azure mobile-services are running nodejs version 0.8.28.
Is there a way I can use more latest version of nodejs on azure mobile-service?
A workaround suggested by David Ebbo on Azure Support Site
You may want to try something like this as a workaround:
at the root of the repo, you'll find a .deployment file that has:
command = ..\ZumoDeploy.cmd
Change it to
command = deploy.cmd
And create a deploy.cmd next to it containing:
set NPM_JS_PATH=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\npm\1.4.9\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js
Commit both files and push.
