request: how to pipe file and keep the response object - node.js

I use npm request. I want to download and write a file to the filesystem and after that-use the returned response object for further processing.
I know that I can pipe the response object directly but afterwards I have no response object more for further processing
var result = await request(builtReq).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(myFilePath));
So my implementation at the moment looks like this:
var result = await request(builtReq);
But I am not able to pipe the result object because the streamable state is false.
So I need a way to keep the return of the request and to write the file to the filesystem. Can I reset the stream state or somehow keep the response obj and write the file at the same time?
I tried to implement the write file manually via. fs.writeFile() after I received the response obj but I had problems with file encodings because I can receive anything and I ended up with broken files.
Has somebody an idea how to solve that?

Do you want the response object (this contains the status code and headers), or do you need the response body in-memory?
If you only want the response object, and still want the body written to a file, you can grab the response like so:
var response;
await request(builtReq).on('response', r => {
console.log('Response received: ' + r);
response = r;
console.log('Finished saving file, response is still ' + response);
If you need to process the actual body, you have a couple options:
Keep your existing code as-is, then just read the file off the disk right after it finishes (since you are using await, that would be the next line) and process it in memory.
Pipe the input stream to multiple places -- one to the file write stream, and the other to an in-memory buffer (using a standard on('data') handler). Once the stream finishes, the file is saved and you can process the in-memory buffer. See related question node.js piping the same readable stream for several different examples.

remember promises can only be resolved once.
so to solve your problem:
var promise = request(builtReq)
// now do what ever number of operations you need
promise.then(r=>console.log('i will still get data here :)');
promise.then(r=>console.log('and here !');
promise.then(r=>console.log('and here !!');
var result = await promise; // and here to !!
a promise once resolve, the .then will always get the result.


Incorect header check error from Zlib.gunzip() in Node.JS app using the HTTPS module

I have a Node.JS app and I am using the https module to make GET requests to a web server. The headers in the response coming back have the content-type set to gzip. I have directly inspected the data and it does appear to be compressed data and definitely not plain text.
I accumulate the chunks as they come in. I then try decompressing the accumulated data using zlib. So far everything I tried results in an "Incorrect header check" error when execute the decompression call. The code below shows the use of a Buffer object with type set to binary. I previously tried passing the accumulated data directly to the decompression call but that failed too.
Why doesn't this work?
// Make the request to the designated external server.
const httpsRequest = https.request(postOptions,
console.log('(httpsRequest) In request handler.');
// Process the response from the external server.
let dataBody = "";
// The data may come to us in pieces. The 'on' event handler will accumulate them for us.
let iNumSlices = 0;
extRequest.on('data', function(dataSlice) {
console.log('(httpsRequest:on) Received slice # ' + iNumSlices +'.');
dataBody += dataSlice;
// When we have received all the data from the external server, finish the request.
extRequest.on('end', function() {
// SUCCESS: Return the result to AWS.
console.log('(httpsRequest:end) Success. Data body length: ' + dataBody.length +'.');
console.log('(httpsRequest:end) Content: ');
let buffer = Buffer.from(dataBody, "binary");
// Check for GZip compressed data.
if (extRequest.headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
// Decompress the data.
zlib.gunzip(buffer, (err, buffer) => {
if (err) {
// Reject the promise with the error.
} else {
console.log(errPrefix + buffer.toString('utf8'));
} else {
console.log(errPrefix + dataBody);
let parsedDataBodyObj = JSON.parse(dataBody);
You may have it in you actual code - but the code snippet doesn't include a call to end(), which is mandatory.
It may be related to the way you accumulate the chunks with dataBody += dataSlice.
Since the data is compressed, this (probably) means that the type of a chunk is already a Buffer, and using += to concatenate it into a string seems to mess it up, even though you later call Buffer.from.
Try replacing it with making dataBody an empty array, then push chunks into it, then finally call Buffer.concat(dataBody).
Another options is that https.request already decompresses the data under the hood, so that once you accumulate the chunks into a buffer (as detailed in the previous section), all you're left with is to call buffer.toString(). I myself experienced it in this other answer and it seems to be related to Node.js version.
I'll end up this answer with a live demo of a similar working code which may come handy for you (it queries StackExchange API, gets a gzip compressed chunks, and then decompress it):
It includes a code that works on 14.16.0 (current StackBlitz version) - which, as I described, already decompresses the data under the hood - but not on Node.js 15.13.0,
It includes a commented-out code that works for Node.js 15.13.0 the latter but not for 14.16.0.

Buffering a Float32Array to a client

This should be obvious, but for some reason I am not getting any result. I have already spent way too much time just trying different ways to get this working without results.
TLDR: A shorter way to explain this question could be: I know how to stream a sound from a file. How to stream a buffer containing sound that was synthesized on the server instead?
This works:
var stream = ss.createStream();
ss(socket).emit('get-file', stream, data.bufferSource);
var parts = [];
stream.on('data', function(chunk){
stream.on('end', function () {
var blob=new Blob(parts,{type:"audio"});
server (in the 'socket-connected' callback of
var ss = require('');
// ....
ss(socket).on('get-file', (stream:any, filename:any)=>{
Now, the problem:
I want to alter this audio buffer and send the modified audio instead of just the file. I converted the ReadStream into an Float32Array, and did some processes sample by sample. Now I want to send that modified Float32Array to the client.
In my view, I just need to replaces the fs.createReadStream(filename) with(new Readable()).push(modifiedSoundBuffer). However, I get a TypeError: Invalid non-string/buffer chunk. Interestingly, if I convert this modifiedSodunBuffer into a Uint8Array, it doesn't yell at me, and the client gets a large array, which looks good; only that all the array values are 0. I guess that it's flooring all the values?
ss(socket).on('get-buffer', (stream:any, filename:any)=>{
let readable=(new Readable()).push(modifiedFloat32Array);
I am trying to use streams for two reasons: sound buffers are large, and to allow concurrent processing in the future
if you will convert object Float32Array to buffer before sending like this Readable()).push(Buffer.from(modifiedSoundBuffer)) ?

What's the node.js paradigm for socket stream conversation?

I'm trying to implement a socket protocol and it is unclear to me how to proceed. I have the socket as a Stream object, and I am able to write() data to it to send on the socket, and I know that the "readable" or "data" events can be used to receive data. But this does not work well when the protocol involves a conversation in which one host is supposed to send a piece of data, wait for a response, and then send data again after the response.
In a block paradigm it would look like this:
send some data
wait for specific data reply
massage data and send it back
send additional data
As far as I can tell, node's Stream object does not have a read function that will asynchronously return with the number of bytes requested. Otherwise, each wait could just put the remaining functionality in its own callback.
What is the node.js paradigm for this type of communication?
Technically there is a but its not recommended (maybe you can't be sure of the size or it blocks, not sure.) You can keep track of state and on each data event add to a Buffer that you keep processing incrementally. You can use readUInt32LE etc. on Buffer to read specific pieces of binary data if you need to do that (or you can convert to string if its textual data).
If you want to write it in your 'block paradigm', you could basically make some things a promise or async function and then
let specialReplyRes = null;
waitForSpecialReply = f => new Promise( res => specialReplyRes = res);
stream.on('data', (buff) => {
if (buff.toString().indexOf('special')>=0) specialReplyRes(buff.toString());
// ...
async function proto() {
let reply = await waitForSpecialReply();
const message = massage(reply);
Where your waitForSpecialReply promise is stored and resolved after a certain message is received through your parsing.

cannot pipe mp4 file in node.js

I am trying to pipe an mp4 file in my root directory to but I cannot get it to work, it start buffering for streaming but never plays the file.
here is my code
var http = require('http'),
server = http.createServer(),
fs = require('fs'),
rs = fs.createReadStream('./Practice/Jumanji.mp4');
server.on('request', function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'video/mp4'
The movie tries to load but never does.
You have two problems in your code that I see
Streams are one-time use objects, so once you fetch one video, a second request would fail because the stream was already closed. Your rs = fs.createReadStream('./Practice/Jumanji.mp4'); line should be inside the callback.
Likely the cause of your error in this case, is res.end();. That will immediately close res before your pipe has had time to write the video, so you are essentially saying "Send this stream" followed immediately by "Send nothing". You should delete that line, since the pipe will automatically close res when all the data is written.
All this said, there is a lot of error handling logic that your example is missing, which you may want to consider.

watching streaming HTTP response progress in NodeJS, express

i want to stream sizeable files in NodeJS 0.10.x using express#4.8.5 and pipes. currently i'm
doing it like this (in CoffeeScript):
app.get '/', ( request, response ) ->
input = P.create_readstream route
.pipe P.$split()
.pipe P.$trim()
.pipe P.$skip_empty()
.pipe P.$skip_comments()
.pipe P.$parse_csv headers: no, delimiter: '\t'
.pipe response
(P is pipedreams.)
what i would like to have is something like
.pipe count_bytes # ???
.pipe response
.pipe report_progress response
so when i look at the server running in the terminal, i get some indication of how many bytes have been
accepted by the client. right now, it is very annoying to see the client loading for ages without having
any indication whether the transmision will be done in a minute or tomorrow.
is there any middleware to do that? i couldn't find any.
oh, and do i have to call anything on response completion? it does look like it's working automagically right now.
For your second question, you don't have to close anything. The pipe function handles everything for you, even throttling of the streams (if the source stream has more data than the client can handle due to poor download speed, it will pause the source stream until the client can consume again the source instead of using a bunch of memory server side by completely reading the source).
For your first question, to have some stats server side on your streams, what you could use is a Transform stream like:
var Transform = require('stream').Transform;
var util = require('util').inherits;
function StatsStream(ip, options) {, options);
this.ip = ip;
inherits(StatsStream, Transform);
StatsStream.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
// here some bytes have been read from the source and are
// ready to go to the destination, do your logging here
console.log('flowing ', chunk.length, 'bytes to', this.ip);
// then tell the tranform stream that the bytes it should
// send to the destination is the same chunk you received...
// (and that no error occured)
callback(null, chunk);
Then in your requests handlers you can pipe like (sorry javascript):
input.pipe(new StatsStream(req.ip)).pipe(response)
I did this on top of my head so beware :)
