When used in table cell(td), ngDraggable not giving target container attributes where an item is being dropped - ngdraggable

As mentioned in Question it always gives the object/attributes of the item being dragged rather than the item on which it is being dropped. This issues comes when ng-drag and ng-drop is used on table cell/row.
I Searched on forums but there was no solution given. Later found that it is mentioned in ngdraggable forums that it does not support table.

I have fixed the issue for self by passing additional attributes in case of drop event
Below are the code changes inside directive. I am sharing the below as reference example and it may help someone struggling with same issue.
.directive('ngDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$window', '$document', 'ngDraggable', function ($parse, $timeout, $window, $document, ngDraggable) {
var onDragEnd = function (evt, obj) {
if (attrs.ngDropSuccess) {
onDropCallback(scope, {$data: obj.data, $event: obj, $target: scope.$eval(scope.value), $dropTarget:amTarget});
the below 2 lines passes the target container attributes to the caller
This has fixed the issue for me as I am passing target container attributes. Here below is the usage.
<td ng-drag="true" ng-drag-data="obj" data-allow-transform="true" ng-drop="true" ng-drop-success="onDropComplete($data,$event,$dropTarget)" > Row 1 </td>
added below in controller:
$scope.onDropComplete= function (data, event, dropTarget) {
// debugger;
var target = dropTarget.$$element[0];
"dropTarget" holds the details and attributes of object where item was dropped.


Accessing an element of an array in TSX

I have a TSX file, with a state including:
tickets: Ticket[],
I now want to change one specific element inside the array, and reset the state, my idea:
onClick = (ticket: Ticket, i: number) => {
var newTitle = window.prompt('hello')
ticket.title = newTitle ? newTitle : ticket.title
var tickets = [this.state.tickets]
tickets[i] = ticket
// set state
Besides the usual "OBject could be undefined" errors, I'm mainly getting stuck at:
Type 'Ticket' is missing the following properties from type 'Ticket[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 28 more. TS2740
It's as if they still consider tickets[i] to be of type Tickets[]. (I've done other checks and that seems to be the problem).
Do you know why this is the case? And how can still achieve my goal?
Thank you
There's a lot that's wrong here including multiple mutations of state.
Array of Arrays
The particular error that you've posted:
Type 'Ticket' is missing the following properties from type 'Ticket[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 25 more.
Is caused by this line:
var tickets = [this.state.tickets]
You are taking the array of tickets from state and putting it into an array. This variable tickets is an array with one element where that element is the array from your state. In typescript terms, it is [Ticket[]] or Ticket[][]. So each element of that array should be Ticket[] instead of Ticket. When you try to set an element with a Ticket then you get an error that it should be Ticket[].
State Mutations
As a rule of thumb, don't mutate anything in React if you aren't certain that it's safe. Just setting ticket.title is an illegal mutation of state which will prevent your app from re-rendering properly. The Ticket object that is passed to onClick is (presumably) the same object as the one in your state so you cannot mutate it.
Instead, we use array.map (which creates a copy of the array) to either return the same Ticket object or a copied one if we are changing it. We don't actually need the ticket as an argument. If the tickets have some unique property like an id then you could also pass just the ticket and not i.
onClick = (i: number) => {
const newTitle = window.prompt("hello");
if (newTitle) {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
tickets: prevState.tickets.map((ticket, index) =>
index === i ? { ...ticket, title: newTitle } : ticket

How do I prevent a re-render of a large list?

I have a 60x30 grid for a game editor and as cells are updated, a new array is created to hold the state.
The problem is that when I update that grid array, this changes the property and it causes render() to recreate the grid. This seems almost obvious but then what do my options become?
If this is overly specific, imagine just a huge list of items and you have an immutable array in which one of the items properties must change.
render() {
return html`
${this.data?.cells.map((row) => {
return row.map((cell) => {
return html`<editor-cell .data="${cell}"></editor-cell>`;
Coincidentally, I had the same problem on Angular with a for loop only it had trackBy which used the index or item.id to prevent the recreation of a list of items. I just accepted the unicorns for that but here it is the same issue.
What am I missing about immutable states here? I totally understand why this is happening in that, its a new array and so lit element just renders what it deems a new array. I want that, but once the grid has been rendered, I don't understand the separation between rendering and data updates. I'm either missing a key lifecycle understanding, or my approach to state is just totally whack.
If you update the complete array this change the memory reference and then lit-html has to re-render the whole array because it doesn't know what item changes.
In the lit-html documentation you have a section about Repeating templates that explain that very well.
In your case you should use repeat directive, that performs efficient updates of lists based on user-supplied keys:
render() {
return html`
${repeat(this.data?.cells, row => row.id,
row => html`${repeat(row, cell => cell.id,
cell => html`<editor-cell .data="${cell}"></editor-cell>`
Notice the importance of the second argument, that it's the guaranteed unique key for each item.

How to override template file item-list.html.twig for field_slider_images in Drupal 8?

I want to override the item listing template file core/themes/classy/templates/dataset/item-list.html.twig for listing the fields field_slider_images as well as field_blog_tags respectively of their's multiple values of the field.
I have selected "Unordered List" in the view.
Please do check the attached image.
I have created following files :
But, this is not rendered for the listing of the fields.
When I have created item-list.html.twig then only it will access.
However, both fields have different data to style and I am not able to get the current field name which is loading it's data in item-list.html.twig.
Had a brief look at this and it doesn't seem that 'item-list' to have suggestions, which is quite unfortunate.
In this situation there are two options:
Create your own suggestion which would accomplish exactly what you need.
You'll have to do something like this:
/*add new variable to theme with suggestion name*/
function hook_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['item_list']['variables']['suggestion'] = '';
//send a value to newly added variable to use it build the suggestion
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#suggestion'] = 'field_slider_images';
//use newly added variable to build suggestion
function hook_theme_suggestions_THEME_HOOK(array $variables) {//THEME_HOOK=item_list
$suggestions = array();
$suggestions[] = 'item_list__' . $variables['suggestion'];
return $suggestions;
Now you should be able to use item-list--field-slider-images.html.twig
Second option is to do what others in core did: use a new theme
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#theme'] = array(

Chunk is called with unique data, but renders duplicate content

Guess my problem is closely related to this one : Snippet duplicates content when used multiple times on page
The elements of my problem are the following ...
$modx->loadedResources : an (empty) array registered in the main $modx object via a snippet on page load. The array holds resource id's of the resources fetched from the DB randomly, so the same resource isn't shown twice on the same page.
loadRandomResource : a snippet using XPDO-style querying to load a random resource from the DB. It uses $modx->parseChunk() to fill the placeholders in the chunk with the resource data. With each call, it appends the id of the fetched resource being fetched to the $modx->loadResources array.
I used some debugging to check if the resource id's were properly being stored in my array, each time I fetch a new random resource, which happens to be the case. I then checked if the db returns different results, each time I call the loadRandomResource snippet, and it does. I can also confirm that it doesn't return duplicate results (I exclude the already loaded resource ID's in my XPDO query).
However, when calling the snippet at 3 various locations throughout my page template, all 3 snippet calls render the same resource, which is weird, since my debug shows that unique data is being loaded from the DB, and being sent to the chunk for rendering.
Please find below both the snippet code, as well as the chunk mark-up.
Does anyone have any ideas? Any help is much appreciated!
loadRandomResource snippet
$criteria = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
$whereOptions = array(
'parent' => 2,
'deleted' => false,
'hidemenu' => false,
'published' => true
if (!empty($modx->loadedResources)) {
$whereOptions['id:NOT IN'] = $modx->loadedResources;
$resources = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $criteria);
$output = '';
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
$fields = $resource->toArray();
$fields['tv.tvPersonalPicture'] = $resource->getTVValue('tvPersonalPicture');
$fields['tv.tvJobTitle'] = $resource->getTVValue('tvJobTitle');
$output .= $modx->parseChunk('cnkTeamListItem', $fields);
$modx->loadedResources[] = $fields['id'];
return $output;
cnkTeamListItem chunk
<img src="[[+tv.tvPersonalPicture]]" alt="[[+pagetitle]]" />
<h2>[[+pagetitle]]<br /><span>[[+tv.tvJobTitle]]</span></h2>
I found the answer myself, solution is a bit odd though ...
I was calling my custom snippet 3 times in my template, uncached. Each call though exactly looked the same ...
[[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember']]
Even though I had the exclamation mark in place, still ModX was caching the call, within the same page request.
So when I added a random unique value to each of the 3 calls, the issue was solved.
Call 1 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='123465']]
Call 2 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='987654']]
Call 1 : [[!loadRandomResource? &type='teammember' &unique='666666']]
Don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but I thought that the exclamation mark prevented caching, both across different pageviews, as well as within the same page view. Anyhow, thx for helping.
I use this code for rendering chunks in snippents:
// get chunk or template
$tplRow = $modx->getOption('tplRow', $scriptProperties, '');
// get template
if (substr($tplRow, 0, 6) == "#CODE:") {
$tplRow = substr($tplRow, 6);
} elseif ($chunk = $modx->getObject('modChunk', array('name' => $tplRow), true)) {
$tplRow = $chunk->getContent();
} else {
$tplRow = false;
// render template
$field = array(); // your fields
if ($tplRow) {
$chunk = $modx->newObject('modChunk');
$output[]= $chunk->process($fields);
} else {
$output[]= '<pre>' . print_r($fields, 1) . '</pre>';
You do realize you could have done this with getResources, don't you?

dijit.Tree search and refresh

I can't seem to figure out how to search in a dijit.Tree, using a ItemFileWriteStore and a TreeStoreModel. Everything is declarative, I am using Dojo 1.7.1, here is what I have so far :
<input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" name="search_fruit" id="search_fruit" onclick="search_fruit();">
<!-- store -->
<div data-dojo-id="fruitsStore" data-dojo-type="dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore" clearOnClose="true" urlPreventCache="true" data-dojo-props='url:"fruits_store.php"'></div>
<!-- model -->
<div data-dojo-id="fruitsModel" data-dojo-type="dijit.tree.TreeStoreModel" data-dojo-props="store:fruitsStore, query:{}"></div>
<!-- tree -->
<div id="fruitsTree" data-dojo-type="dijit.Tree"
The json returned by fruits_store.php is like this :
"items":[{"id":"OYAHQIBVbeORMfBNZXFGOHPdaRMNUdWEDRPASHSVDBSKALKIcBZQ","name":"Fruits","children":[{"id":"bSKSVDdRMRfEFNccfTZbWHSACWbLJZMTNHDVVcYGcTBDcIdKIfYQ","name":"Banana"},{"id":"JYDeLNIGPDBRMcfSTMeERZZEUUIOMNEYYcNCaCQbCMIWOMQdMEZA","name":"Citrus","children":[{"id":"KdDUfEDaKOQMFNJaYbSbAcAPFBBdLALFMIPTFaYSeCaDOFaEPbJQ","name":"Orange"},{"id":"SDWbXWbTWKNJDIfdAdJbbbRWcLZFJHdEWASYDCeFOZYdcZUXJEUQ","name":"Lemon"}]},{"id":"fUdQTEZaIeBIWCHMeBZbPdEWWIQBFbVDbNFfJXNILYeBLbWUFYeQ","name":"Common ","children":[{"id":"MBeIUKReBHbFWPDFACFGWPePcNANPVdQLBBXYaTPRXXcTYRTJLDQ","name":"Apple"}]}]}]}
Using a grid instead of a tree, my search_fruit() function would look like this :
function search_fruit() {
var grid = dijit.byId('grid_fruits');
grid.query.search_txt = dijit.byId('search_fruit').get('value');
How to achieve the same using the tree ? Thanks !
The refreshing of a dijit.Tree becomes a little more complicated, since there is a model involved (which in grid afaik is inbuilt, the grid component implements query functionality)
Performing search via store
But how to search, thats incredibly easy whilst using the ItemFileReadStore. Syntax is as such:
query: {
name: 'Oranges'
onComplete: function(items) {
dojo.forEach(items, function(item) {
console.log(myTree.model.store.getValue(item, "ID"));
Displaying search results only
As shown above, the store will fetch, the full payload is put into its _allItemsArray and the store queryengine then filters out what its told by query argument to the fetch method. At any time, we could call fetch on store, even without sending an XHR for json contents - fetch with query argument can be considered as a simple filter.
It becomes slightly more interesting to let the Model know about this query.. If you do so, it will only create treeNodes to fill the tree, based on the returned results from store.fetch({query:model.query});
So, instead of sending store.fetch with a callback, lets _try to set model query and update the tree.
// seing as we are working with a multi-parent tree model (ForestTree), the query Must match a toplevel item or else nothing is shown
myTree.model.query = { name:'Fruits' };
// below method must be implemented to do so runtime
// and note, that the DnD might become invalid
Refreshing tree with new xhr-request from store
You need to do exactly as you do with regards to the store. Close it but then rebuild the model. Model contains all the TreeNodes (beneath its root-node) and the Tree itself maps an itemarray which needs to be cleared to avoid memory leakage.
So, performing following steps will rebuild the tree - however this sample does not take in account, if you have DnD activated, the dndSource/dndContainer will still reference the old DOM and thereby 'keep-alive' the previous DOMNode hierachy (hidden ofc).
By telling the model that its rootNode is UNCHECKED, the children of it will be checked for changes. This in turn will produce the subhierachy once the tree has done its _load()
Close the store (So that the store will do a new fetch()).
this.model.store.clearOnClose = true;
Completely delete every node from the dijit.Tree
delete this._itemNodesMap;
this._itemNodesMap = {};
this.rootNode.state = "UNCHECKED";
delete this.model.root.children;
this.model.root.children = null;
Destroy the widget
Recreate the model, (with the model again)
Rebuild the tree
Creds; All together as such, scoped onto the dijit.Tree:
new dijit.Tree({
// arguments
// And additional functionality
update : function() {
this.model.store.clearOnClose = true;
delete this._itemNodesMap;
this._itemNodesMap = {};
this.rootNode.state = "UNCHECKED";
delete this.model.root.children;
this.model.root.children = null;
