Hero card contains array of CardImages, which data was returned by Microsoft BotBuilder-Location and bot framework rendering cards. I have to make images(locations) clickable. Where can we include required changes and how we make images clickable.
Use the Buttons Feature of the HeroCard , you can use the Image to be displayed for the button and then you can configure the image to be clickable, or another option is to set the Tap Property of the CardImage object
I'm creating a Django website where I want to implement such functionality.
There will be one Dropdown list and one submit button. When user selects any item from dropdown list - An image according to user selection will be displayed.
ie. There's drop-down list containing names of animals and one submit button. When user selects any animal from list, photo/details of that animal should appear before pressing submit button.
I don't know how to create link between them. Any reference to such work or advice would be appreciate.
Thank you :)
You likely want to use async request with JavaScript here (look for AJAX or JS Fetch API)
Attach it to onchange event of select element and send it's value to django.
Django will have a view that processes this request and returns a JsonResponse with image url.
Alternatively you can load all urls before hand and just select them on page without request, but anyway if you don't want to press button to take change - you need JavaScript.
Expected behaviour: With respect to my use case, when the user clicks on image button, I must allow the user to only upload the image and hence I have to hide the URL tab.
Actual behaviour: Currently there is no such option to hide the URL and to display only upload tab.
I am developing one bot frame work project in that I have some requirement is like below.
whenever I click the button in Thumbnail card next I want to display the List of Items in horizontally after displayed the List of items, Next I click on any one List of item it will be redirected to My Own URL.
Present I am displaying Thumbnail Card like below
Now I want to display the list like below when I am click the button
None of the current channels support arbitrary card designs as of yet, so you are limited to the set provided by the channel (i.e. Skype, Facebook, Telegram, etc.)
I am currently working C# windows application can any one tell me how to add new icon for the
newly created barButtonItem tell me how to add new image for that button.
If i select large image Index property then it shows only the old icons that are available Can any one tell me how to add new image for the button.
It would depend on how you are using your barButtonItem
we use it with our own set of images. you can access those via
as stated here http://documentation.devexpress.com/#WindowsForms/DevExpressXtraBarsBarItem_Glyphtopic
you can also use a list of images and use the index field or set the large Glyph of Glyph property of the button
I want to create a Header on my j2me lcdui list Screen. How can I create it? When I click on my lcdui list screen, I will navigate to lcdui form screen, that time header will has to be same.
How can I create? I have used this class com.nokia.mid.ui.DirectUtils but failed.
You can insert an advertisement Image with empty String using List.insert.
list.insert(0, "", adImage);
But this image might be scrolled up if you have enough items in the list. If you need an advertisement image fixed under the title you might consider using LWUIT instead of LCDUI.