Docusign Integration with my application with single sign on process - docusignapi

Our web application procedure is like
The docusign account user needs to use his/her own credentials to log in our application and can see the documents in our application sent him by our client.
For this how can we proceed with docusign .
any procedure with restapi will be helpful for us.

Yes this is a common workflow- you need to use OAuth which let's you accomplish this in a secure way so that your application never sees the user's account credentials (instead it gets a valid access token to use on their behalf).
Since you have a web app you should use the Authorization Code Grant flow, the steps for Auth Code grant are:
Request the Authorization Code
Obtain the Access Token
Retrieve User Account Data
In Step #1 your app needs to construct the proper authorization URI including query parameters and direct the user there so they can sign in using the standard DocuSign login. Once the user logs in and grants consent they are redirected back to your app along with an authorization code as a query parameter.
In Step #2 you use the authorization code retrieved from the first step to exchange for an access token. This is an actual API call (as opposed to simply redirecting the user like step 1).
Step #3 is another API call your app needs to make to finally get the user's account data and base_uri where you can then start making requests on their behalf.
For more info see the following guide from the DS Dev Center:
Authorization Code Grant


Getting Consent from DocuSign in a Console App context

I am struggling to get access tokens from .net console app context. I am getting them and they work, but they expire too fast.
I checked the other two threads in stackoverflow, in both answers it was stated, that once you get the consent per IK and per user, you don't have to do it anymore. However once I get the bearer token from the return_url and use it to request the access tokens a few minutes after the bearer was obtained, I get response with "error_description:expired_client_token".
So me manually obtaining bearer from the browser in order to set it as a parameter (again manually) in my console app and having the bearer expiration duration just a few minutes doesn't match "Consent is needed only once, ever, per a specific integration and a user".
I see that docusign uses cookies' values/expiration and can probably reverse engineer a GET call to account-d.docusign to get the bearer from the console app context, but that's not what I'd expect from an API provider.
For reference I'm using the following URL to manually get the bearer from the browser:
But as stated above, it does expire in a few mins to get the aforementioned error_description
Thank you in advance!
Response type = code is the Authorization Code grant flow.
But for a console app where the implementation of the application is downloaded to the user's machine, the Implicit grant flow must be used.
This is because the Authorization Code grant flow includes a second API call, from the app to the OAuth Service Provider. This second call is used to exchange the authorization code for an access token. This second call requires a secret value, but there is no guaranteed method for keeping a secret in an app that's downloaded to the user's machine.
The Implicit grant flow immediately returns the access token to your app for use in calling the API.
Using the Implicit grant with a console app
Here are the steps. I also discuss this use case in my Electron React apps post.
The key is to use Private-Use URI Scheme Redirection to handle the authentication and receive the resulting access token. See RFC 8252 ยง7.1
Your app registers a http private scheme such as com.example.name_of_my_app with the operating system (windows). This way, any URL like com.example.name_of_my_app://app will be directed to your application to be processed.
Configure your DocuSign client id (integration key) to enable implicit grant and to use com.example.name_of_my_app://app as a return URL. No secret is needed.
When a user wants to authenticate with DocuSign via your app:
Your app initiates the implicit grant flow with the DocuSign OAuth Service Provider by "opening" the URL
Windows should open the default browser to the URL. The result will be the authentication page from DocuSign. Your app should NOT open a web view or similar. The operating system's browser should be automatically activated.
After the authentication is done, consent will be requested if needed.
Next, DocuSign will respond to the browser with a redirect to the redirect_uri. This will trigger your application and give your application the access token needed for API calls to DocuSign.
For some operating systems, your app can close the browser window that was created as a result of its URL open.
See the blog post for more info.
As Ben says, your specific problem is that the authorization code that you receive back in the first step of the Authorization Code grant flow only lasts a minute or so. During that time, you exchange it for an access token (which lasts for 8 hours). But as I say above, you should not be using the authorization code grant flow, you should be using the implicit grant flow.
The token in the response only lasts about 2 minutes. Its true that consent is only needed once, but your problem is not consent.

Azure Active Directory Token

I'm new to using Azure Active Directory authentication with a Web API. Right now the login page on my Single Page Application simple directs the user to the Microsoft login page where they enter their credentials and then are redirected back to my SPA. Upon the redirect the access token is now part of the URL. Is it possible to get that token via JSON rather than part of the URL? Is that a security risk making the token visible to user like that? If there is no other way to get the token what's the best way of processing that? Should I read the URL and pull the token from there and then redirect the user again to the actual website?
You have to be mindful in implicit flow the token will still be maintained at the client site (local storage normally). So even if you are hiding the token from URL , you still will be storing at client side and that's one of things you have to manage in SPA. You will have to send token with every HTTP request to your web api to get that authenticated on that end.
In implicit flow tokens are shortlives and you can't issue refresh token for longer period of access. For this kind of flow you need to use official library (ADAL.js)
More resources
You can use ADAL.js library to acquire the token. There is a pre defined function which you have to call after the Ad authentication or at the beginning check if you are logged in, you can use isauthenticated function to check if you have already logged in, and use getaccesstoken function to acquire the token after authentication.

Google API Authentication Tasks API

I want to create a Lambda function that uses the Google Tasks API to add tasks every evening at a certain time.
I am unsure of how to authenticate with my account and be able to store access tokens / credentials securely in my lambda environment variables.
As I understand it since my lambda is making a request on behalf of a user (which will always be me in this case) it seems like everything in the docs points to needing to use OAuth2.0 to authenticate which makes sense since you'd want the user's permission to make changes in their account. However since I only want to do so on my account, I wanted to know if there was a way to simply authorize my account without doing a OAuth flow which I don't believe is possible from a lambda since I won't be responding to it every time it runs.
How would I authenticate my application so I can make calls to the tasks API and be authenticated against my account?
This is surprisingly more work than I'd imagined and unfortunately google doesn't generate developer tokens which would have solved a lot of this problem.
Authorization & Consent
There are no immediate ways of authorizing your account for the app that you've created without going through the consent flow. Some cloud service providers generate a developer token for testing your app with your credentials - but google doesn't seem to have this functionality. Not for the Tasks API anyways. AdWords API talks about a developer token but I'm not sure if it's the same concept.
You won't have to re-authorize once you've given consent. This general principal applies to other OAuth using parties, unless the level of consent changes (example: the app starts asking for write permissions in addition to previously consented read) you won't get re-prompted. If permission levels change, you'll get re-prompted.
Now - the second part - how do you make one?
Google explains it in detail here - but I'll further simplify because you don't need to setup a web-server for your case, you're only doing this for yourself.
Our goal is to only to get you the initial refresh token. Once you've retrieved the refresh token, you can use that from your Lambda to retrieve a new access + refresh token whenever you're accessing the tasks API. You just need to keep the refresh token stored somewhere, so you can continuously keep on accessing the tasks API. You're just looking to get the access + refresh token.
Head over to and create a new application.
After the creation, click 'Enable APIs and Services' and look for Tasks API.
Proceed with creating the credentials and make sure you select you'll be calling this API from a Web Server. Selecting Browser (JavaScript) would only give you an access token and not a refresh token, because they would trust you to store the refresh token on your server, but not on a browser. An access token is time-limited to (conventionally) 60 minutes.
You should also select the User Data / Information and not the App Data / Information for the types of data you want to access. The app one is generally used for GSuite.
Set your redirect uri to be http://localhost:8080 - This is where you normally would need a web-server but we'll just redirect back to your machine and get the parameter from here. It obviously won't find a web-server but the parameter we want is in the url, we'll just copy it.
Now here comes the authentication part. Google's auth url is:
We will add parameters to this url
access_type=offline // so your daemon app can access it offline
response_type=code // required if you have access_type=offline
scope= // what do you want to access to
redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080 // where would google send the code
so the whole thing should look like
Go to this URL and you should get prompted for consent.
Consent to it and google should redirect you to http://localhost:8080/?code= We'll need that code. That needs to be sent to google to get an access + refresh token.
Code exchange: Make a post request to Google. You can use PostMan. Again normally all of this would be automatically handled by a webserver (detect code parameter, make post request etc..) - but we just need the refresh token here, so we can stick that into our Lambda app.
POST to:
with parameters:
code=<the code you've retrieved>
Google should return you the access token and the refresh token. From this point on you need to save the refresh token into your Lambda app - and if it's running on a scheduled job on every bootup:
Read the refresh token
Call Google for a new refresh token + access token
Save the new refresh token.
Use the access token to access your Tasks API.

Microsoft Graph API: how to get access token without browser

I would like to upload a given file to Sharepoint. I'm using the Microsoft Graph API.
The documentation follows this workflow:
1. If no token, redirect the user to the Microsoft signin page.
2. The user is then redirected to the application, with an access token
3. Use access token to have an authorization bearer
4. Do what you gotta do...
My problem is the sign-in part. I don't want my users to be redirected to the Microsoft signin page. I want my application to connect and get the access token in the background (with cURL or whatever).
How can I do that? Why is the "open in browser" necessary?
I tried to replicate the sign-in process, but all I get back is the HTML response from the signin page.
Thanks in advance.
Your application act as a single-tenant service or daemon app.
The documentation about this scenario is here :
The application must be registered in the AzureAD directory corresponding to the Office365 tenant
A first request is made by passing the application unique identifier and secret key as registered in the directory. This request returns an access token
The access token can now be used in the Authorization header of the following request to the Microsoft Graph API.
This method (of using Client ID and Secret) works well but there are other ways which may be better suited for similar scenarios.
The one major thing which is missing in access token generated this way is a user, meaning the token only contains the identity of the OAuth application (client) which called it but is not associated with any user for the request.
This could have a couple of implications:
Since the token is not associated with a specific user you will not know who performed the operation. In your example, you would not know who uploaded the file (and other similar information may be missing).
Access token without users will not work at all for some methods. For those, you need a delegated token.
Creating a delegated token requires some effort, if you are interested you can find the details in my article:
Getting Access Token for Microsoft Graph Using OAuth REST API

how to get Azure Active Directory B2C working with Bot Framework?

so far I've not been able to get this working with the bot framework. I spent all day but only managed to get .net api example ( working with AD B2C. I'm not sure where it grabs the bearer token that I want to pass to BotUserData...
I've tried following
but in reality the solution does not build successfully and I've resorted to just taking code from there and into my bot framework sample template....however, when it asks me to login through MS and I do, I am not able to proceed and it doesn't seem like that blog is using the AD B2C policies.
so how do you integrate AD B2C with Bot Framework? Is it possible to call /Account/SignIn URL from bot framework to authenticate the user? Afterwards, how would you capture the token and pass it to BotUserData?
You might want to take a look to the Facebook Auth sample to get an idea of a potential flow for the Auth scenario. For Azure AD, you need to do a similar flow.
Let's say your user send a "Login" message to your bot. The bot should respond with an auth URL and ask the user to login to the service using that URL. You can use the GetAuthorizationRequestURL method of ADAL for that.
Then you will have a Web API which will basically expose an endpoint that will be the reply URL of Azure AD. Once the users completes the login, a message will be posted to your Web API where you will be able to get the authorization code and perform the calls to get the Access Token. After that, you can just do the same they are doing in the Facebook Sample Web API which involves resuming the conversation with the Bot, sending a message with the access token (so it can be persisted in the PerUserInConversationData bag (check this line of code).
After that you have the access token available to perform any call that requires an access token.
There are two new samples that you might want to take a look since they are implementing the workflow being discussed.
GraphBot from the BotBuilder repo.
AuthBot from Mat Velloso
Hope this helps.
Follow this tutorial for Bot side code development, i focus on configuration at B2C and Azure level here:
OAuth Connection
Client id
This is taken from the Application ID field in your B2C app's properties. It's the equivalent of a Microsoft app ID taken from any other AAD app registration.
Client secret
This is generated using the steps in this tutorial.
Select Keys and then click Generate key.
Select Save to view the key. Make note of the App key value. You use the value as the application secret in your application's code.
Use AAD V2 configuration in oAuth settings in bot channel registration - new oauth connection settings.
Fill the above details by following the steps and values we got from them.
Authorization/Token/Refresh URL
I followed on this one with
for the Authorization URL and
for the Token and Refresh URL's.
For I used the URL format ( rather than the GUID format, but using the GUID also seems to work.
is the name of a user flow, like B2C_1_userflow. I created one with this tutorial.
Using the scopes openid offline_access I am able to sign in successfully, but to my astonishment the token returned is empty.
Then I found this document which suggests using the client ID itself as a scope.
When I reuse the value from the Client id field in my Scopes field, a token is returned successfully and my bot is able to use the connection.
You can combine this with other scopes as needed, but for the sake of experimentation I highly recommend getting the simplest implementation to work first.
Let me know if these instructions work, and if they don't then we'll see if the difference lies in how we've set up our B2C apps.
As a bonus, I should mention that after you get a token you can paste it into to decode it and see if it recognized your B2C user correctly. Always refresh the page when pasting a new token to make sure it doesn't keep showing you the information from the last token.
Referred this document.
