Does soot can convert jimple file to java file? - soot

If can, how does soot convert?

Please read the documentation about the command line options. Yes it's possible.


How to Create .wgetrc format file in Linux

Hi anyone knows how to create .wgetrc file on Linux? I want to add user credentials in this file for building Yocto image purpose. Any helps will be very appreciated.
Here’s a sample .wgetrc file and here’s some documentation on the possible values you can set in it. The file should exist in $HOME/.wgetrc, you can use any text editor to create and edit it.

Header of file compiled by bluespec

I have a file with the .bo extension.
After some researches it seems be built with bluespec which is use with risc-V architecture.
My objective is to reverse this file.
When i do:
file data
So, I don't know if it's a good "format" for the file. Or what must be the return of the file command on a .bo file?
What is the basic header file for a verilog file?
Thanks for your help.
Verilog is definately not the language format of preference for using other software files except C,C++...I'd suggest to convert the bluespec file into C and then maybe you can get lucky.

Any equivalence of 'ldd' command in cmake?

Is there anyway in cmake to do something like 'ldd', i.e., given a target, get its linked libraries, and store them in a list?
If there is not, is there a way to do a command line 'ldd' (i know using COMMAND) and store the output to a cmake variable?
Well I pretty much get it
and use function
see this:
Since CMake 3.16, GET_PREREQUISITES is deprecated. Use file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) instead.

C on GNU/Linux, replace terminal strings

Actually when i open the terminal i got this default string:
I want to replace the above string whit this one:
How can i do this?
I'm developing in C on GNU/Linux).
Thanks in advance!
You need to set up your prompt as detailed here (I'm assuming you're using bash).
There are numerous options and capabilities. See here for a gallery of examples.
If you mean current path, then add the below line to your .bashrc file.
export PS1='<$PWD>:'
You can change an environmental variable using setenv/putenv from the standard library (stdlib.h), see "man setenv".
However, when the program ends the variable won't be saved.

xls to text converter

Anyone know of a free xls to text converter that can be run from the unix command line?
There is also the package catdoc (Ubuntu link) that includes a xls2csv utility.
A quick search of apt-cache turned up the Ubuntu package python-excelerator for excelerator, which includes py_xls2html, py_xls2csv and py_xls2txt utlities. Will this work for you?
Your question reminded me of anti-word. I looked up and found anti-excel. I have never used it, so I can't vouch for how well it work or whether it makes achievable the task you have at hand. Also, I remember using a utility called 'sc' on linux to created spreadsheets on the console---though, I do not know whether it is capable of interpreting XLS files.
I think gnumeric is better to convert document to csv
