SharePoint Tables - Build URL using Project ID - sharepoint

I am trying to connect to a Sharepoint project.
This is the function that I have created.
(ReqURL as text, ReqTitle as text) =>
Source = SharePoint.Tables(ReqURL, [ApiVersion = 15]),
ReqData = Source{[Title=ReqTitle]}[Items]
But I don't want to pass the name of the Project (ProjectA) in the URL, but rather the project ID.
This is the project ID - 1100bd58-9019-f811-bgbd-00255e60673e
I am trying to pass the URL like,
and it is not working, what I am doing wrong here.


How to create an image import job using KTA SDK?

I am trying to create a job using SDK. Simple job with send email activity work like a charm!
But when I try to create a job with variables input folder to import few images it doesn't work at all. Am I missing very trivial settings ?
My process has classification activity & extraction activities
Variables : DefaultImportFolder
FYI : My process works fine if I set import settings -> import sources. That tells me there is no issue with my process process Smile. But when I try to run through console app with dynamic variables, it doesn't work.
Following is my sample code. Any help?
ProcessIdentity processIdentity = new ProcessIdentity
Name = "SDK TestProcess"
var jobService = new TotalAgility.Sdk.JobService();
JobInitialization jobInitialization = new JobInitialization();
InputVariableCollection variablesCollections = new InputVariableCollection();
InputVariable inputVariable = new InputVariable
Id = "DefaultImportFolder",
Value = #"\\FolderPath",
inputVariable = new InputVariable
Id = "ExportSuccess",
Value = "true"
var createJobAndProgress = jobService.CreateJob(sessionId, processIdentity, jobInitialization);
Console.WriteLine($"Job ID {createJobAndProgress.Id}");
As Suggested by Steve, tried with WithDocuments method Still no luck .....
JobWithDocumentsInitialization jobWithDocsInitialization = new JobWithDocumentsInitialization();
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.RuntimeDocumentCollection documentsCollection = new Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.RuntimeDocumentCollection();
Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.RuntimeDocument runtimeDoc = new Agility.Sdk.Model.Capture.RuntimeDocument
FilePath = #"FolderPath\abc.tif",
jobWithDocsInitialization.Documents = documentsCollection;
var jobIdentity = jobService.CreateJobWithDocuments(sessionId, processIdentity, jobWithDocsInitialization);
Console.WriteLine($"Job ID {jobIdentity.Id}");
A folder variable represents a reference to a folder that already exists in the KTA database, so you can't just set a file path to the variable. When you create a job via an import source, it is creating the folder and documents as part of creating the job.
To do the same in your code, you would use one of the "WithDocuments" APIs such as CreateJobWithDocuments which has parammeters specific to importing documents into the process, including by file path.
As discussed in this other answer (Kofax TotalAgility Send a PDF Document to Jobs Queue (KTA)), you may want to look at the sample code that is included with the product (that most people don't realize is available), and also look at other API functions for more context on the parameters needed for the "WithDocuments" APIs mentioned above.

Retrieve Documents from a Template

I created a template within my DocuSign developer Sandbox that contains one document. I'm using the C# SDK to try and send out an envelope to a user, based on a template.
Here's the code where I retrieve all of the templates.
TemplatesApi templateApi = new TemplatesApi(ApiClient.Configuration);
EnvelopeTemplateResults templateResults = templateApi.ListTemplates(AccountID);
The issue I am having is the EnvelopeTemplateResults does NOT have any documents associated with it.
When I use the REST API using POSTMAN, performing a GET to this URL, I can see that there's an envelopeTemplateDefinition, that has a Document on it, which is the one I want.
My question is, how, using the SDK API, can I get the envelopeTemplateDefinition ?
In order to have the ListTemplates method include the Documents info, you have to set an Include parameter:
var templatesApi = new TemplatesApi(apiClient.Configuration);
var listTemplatesOptions = new TemplatesApi.ListTemplatesOptions { include = "documents" };
var templateResults = templatesApi.ListTemplates(accountId, listTemplatesOptions);
If you are trying to get the Template Definition of a single template, the templatesApi.Get() method can be used with its own set of Include options:
var getTemplateOptions = new TemplatesApi.GetOptions { include = "documents" };
var templateDefinition = templatesApi.Get(accountId, templateId, getTemplateOptions);
Finally, if you're trying to get an actual PDF out of a specific template, that would be the templatesApi.GetDocument() method:
templatesApi.GetDocument(accountId, templateId, documentId);
Where DocumentId is the specific document you want to pull, or "Combined" if you want to pull all the documents in as a single PDF.
Chris, if you are using the v2 API, there's an endpoint:
GET /v2/accounts/{accountId}/templates/{templateId}/documents/{documentId}
you can try it here -
the c# SDK inside TemplateAPI has GetDocument() and UpdateDocument() methods

Getting document attachments using Kentico API

I created book store site on Kentico i used only their adminstration and display the data from my website using Kentico API's but am strugled in getting attachment files related to specific document i've got document data with no problem using
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
var documents = tree.SelectNodes("CMS.Product");
need also to get related attachment files like book PDFs.. i've tried to use
classes but i couldn't get the data .. I would appreciate if any one help me in that.
Actually am searching about something like GetAttachment().Where("AttachmentFile","Ënglish File")
You can filter the returned attachments based on their values in columns (CMS_Attachment table) by using a code like this:
var attachment = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachments()
.WhereEquals("AttachmentName", "Englishfile")
.WhereEquals("AttachmentExtension", "jpg")
if (attachment != null)
// attachment was found
This code will get one .jpg file where attachment name equals to "EnglishFile"
Solved after using something like
var Attachment = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachments(226, true);
This is from Kentico documentation. This example shows how to add an attachment and modify its metadata. You can ignore that part.You will have to make it generic to work for all examples.
Kentico 9 API Links
// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
// Gets a page
TreeNode page = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "/Articles", "en-us");
if (page != null)
// Gets an attachment by file name
AttachmentInfo attachment = DocumentHelper.GetAttachment(page, "file.png", tree);
// Edits the attachment's metadata (name, title and description)
attachment.AttachmentName += " - modified";
attachment.AttachmentTitle = "Attachment title";
attachment.AttachmentDescription = "Attachment description.";
// Ensures that the attachment can be updated without supplying its binary data
attachment.AllowPartialUpdate = true;
// Saves the modified attachment into the database

unable to change the account reference inside the contact using sdk in crm2011

I am unable to change the client by updating the contact using crm 2011 sdk.Here is the code i am using to do that :
Entity contact = new Entity();
contact.LogicalName = "contact";
contact.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
EntityReference clientLookup = new EntityReference();
clientLookup.Id = NewClientBId;
clientLookup.LogicalName = "account";
contact.Attributes.Add("parentcustomerid", clientLookup);
contact.Attributes.Add("contactid", workItem.Id);
SynchronousUtility.UpdateDynamicEntity(CrmConnector.Service, contact);
The code runs fine without any error but when i go to web portal and check the record ,it still points to the old account though updated the modofication time stamp.I also checked the sql profiler query which shows up as below :
exec sp_executesql N'update [ContactBase] set
[ModifiedOn]=#ModifiedOn0, [ModifiedBy]=#ModifiedBy0,
[ModifiedOnBehalfBy]=NULL where ([ContactId] =
#ContactId0)',N'#ModifiedOn0 datetime,#ModifiedBy0
as can be seen above the column i have updated is not even there in the set clause of the update query.Can anyone help me with this ?
I tested your code and it works:
Entity contact = new Entity();
contact.LogicalName = "contact";
contact.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
EntityReference clientLookup = new EntityReference();
clientLookup.Id = new Guid("3522bae7-5ae5-e211-9d27-b4b52f566dbc");
clientLookup.LogicalName = "account";
contact.Attributes.Add("parentcustomerid", clientLookup);
contact.Attributes.Add("contactid", new Guid("16dc4143-5ae5-e211-9d27-b4b52f566dbc"));
As you can see I used existing Id in my environment, and to perform the update I used
Reasons why your code is not working:
NewClientBId is not the right account Guid
workItem.Id is not the right contact Guid
the function SynchronousUtility.UpdateDynamicEntity has errors

Displaying Managed Property in Search Results - FAST Search for Sharepoint 2010

We are working with Fast Search for Sharepoint 2010 and had some backend setup done with creating some managed properties e.g. BestBetDescription, keywords etc.
From the front-end part we are creating an application what will fetch all these properties and display in a grid.
However while querying the backend we are NOT getting these managed properties (BestBetDescription) along with other properties such as Title, URL etc.
Following is my source code:
settingsProxy = SPFarm.Local.ServiceProxies.GetValue<SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsServiceProxy>();
searchProxy = settingsProxy.ApplicationProxies.GetValue<SearchServiceApplicationProxy>("FAST Query SSA");
keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(searchProxy);
keywordQuery.EnableFQL = true;
keywordQuery.QueryText = p;
keywordQuery.ResultsProvider = SearchProvider.FASTSearch;
keywordQuery.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
ResultTableCollection resultsTableCollection = keywordQuery.Execute();
ResultTable searchResultsTable = resultsTableCollection[ResultType.RelevantResults];
DataTable resultsDataTable = new DataTable();
resultsDataTable.TableName = "Results";
resultsDataTable.Load(searchResultsTable, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
return resultsDataTable;
The results are returned and I cannot see the Managed properties which we create in the resultDataTable.
Is there any property I missed or is this a backend issue ?
Hi if you are creating your custom Metadata Property then u should use this option to be selected
please check below link
You can find this option in :
central admin:- services :- fast search :- Metadata Property :- your property
I was missing a property KeywordQuery.SelectProperties
So the code looks something like this
String[] arrSearchProperties = new String[] { "Title", "body", "url" };
This will fetch you all the Managed Properties defined by you.
