Hosting two SSL sites (different host name) on same server with different certificates and without ports (i.e. 443) - sharepoint

We have a SharePoint site hosted on port 443.
There is another site that should be hosted on same server and without port (i.e. 443).
Both the certificates are issued to different host names (i.e. not wildcard certificate).
How can I achieve above scenario?
Any help is much appreciated!
Edit: I'm working on IIS 8.

Best way to achieve this on IIS 8 is to use Server Name Indication. It allows the server to host multiple certificates for multiple sites under a single IP address.
For more detailed instructions, please refer here.


IIS 7.5 - can 2 sites run on same port with different FQDN certificate

We used to have a setup on IIS 7.5.
- 1 IIS has 2 websites both run on 443.
- It has different host names in the binding -,
- Both sites were bound to a wild card SSL cert - *,
and this worked fine for years.
Because of an audit, we had to move to a FQDN certificate.
Now when I bind the FQDN certificate on a site, it does not allow me to add a host name.
It says you can't start the second site as another website is already running on the same port.
This made sense until another internal team got it working. My guess is they used scripting to allow this on IIS instead of IIS GUI.
They have 2 websites running on the same port with different SSL certificate with no Hostnames.
I found out an odd thing about their setup and I was able to set it up like that too.
Have the sites with wild card certs and hostnames.
Change site one with the FQDN cert.
DON'T Change site 2 with FQDN cert.
It automatically takes the new certificate and keep the host name
They both stay up. If you look at site 2, it looks like it has a hostname binding. but if you edit that hostname is gone. See this figure.
Is IIS running 2 websites on the same port with different FQDN certificate an expected behaviour?
I am worried if they took advantage of a bug. I want to be sure if this is allowed before I do this in production.
They probably turned on SNI. SNI allows the server to discern between a host name and route it to the correct site and then send back the SSL cert associated with the site. The problem is, not all browsers support SNI handshakes. SNI only started with server 2012, so the other team might be running that. Previously, IIS couldn't do this, so each site had to have its own IP / SSL cert. Now, you can run all on 443 for one site, and IIS can figure out which site to respond with by looking at the request.

How to host multiple SSL sites on a single Host in IIS 7

I am having some trouble with hosing.
Currently on our server have have 6 or so IIS sites hosted. They are all http currently: and work on port 80 with the host names set.
Now I want to go an change them to use SSL. But this then removes the ability to use the Host headers.
I have tried using self generated ssl cert from within IIS Manager before I go out and buy real ones. But the issue I am having is that it seems that the SSL cert is linked to an IP address. I can add the ssl cert to one site. But after that When I try assign site 2. it says that there are no Ip addresses.
So My question which Im hoping someone can explain how it works when multiple sites are hosted with iis on the same machine.
Do I have to get a wildcard SSL Certificate?
Do I need to have a unique IP address for each site being hosted?
If not, could somebosy please help and try explain to me what I need to do in order to achieve this.

Bind multiple SSLs on single website in IIS 8+

I have one website configured for Windows Server 2012 IIS 8. This one website can be accessed by or (2 different top level domain names). Is it possible to configure SSLs for both?
Yes. You can configure two different domains with two different certificates for the same IP and port no(443). After providing the domain name in Binding, enable check box Require Server Name Identification(IIS8). If you do not enable this check box, two websites will have the same single certificate, if you change one website binding file, it will reflect in other website also.. I have experienced.
Please refer below link.
As Windows Azure web site is powered by IIS, you can see from the offerings that it is possible to bind multiple SSL to a single site,
The trick is to use SNI,
Yes you can add multiple https bindings each with their own separate ssl certificate to the same site in IIS. However you'll want to bind them to separate IP addresses so that the certificate for is bound using the IP address for, and the certificate for is bound using the IP address for But frankly, it'd be better practice to have one redirect to the other, or just make 2 sites in IIS and keep everything separate.

Can IIS6.0 host two SSL certificates?

We have a Windows Server 2003 machine running IIS6.0 that hosts two different websites. We purchased an SSL certificate for both domains, but then discovered we couldn't use both at once because SSL uses port 443, and I can't set both domains to use that port number.
So my question is, is it possible to host and on the same IIS 6.0 server? If so, how can I do this?
As #Bahri Gungor said the way to do this is for the server to have multiple IP addresses, have the different domains attach to different IPs and then you should be able to have each have a seperate SSL certificate.
Windows Servers can be assigned lots of IP addresses, then depending on your network setup you could change the DNS records for your different domains to point to the different IP addresses. Remember DNS changes take a while to role through the network (depending on their time-to-live). So you need to have the domain you move hosted on multiple IP addresses until all clients have the new DNS records.
See the following
How I assume you have things configured is serving both domains off the same port and the same IP address, and have IIS choose the different WebSite based on the host-header. The host-header as the name implies is part of the http headers sent to the server with the request, when using HTTPS this information is encrypted using the SSL certificate. So if your could have multiple certificates servered off the same port and IP address IIS would not know which certificate to decrepit the incoming request.
Wild Card Certificates
One way round this is if you have multiple sub-domains they can share one SSL certificate then you can use host-headers to choose which site the user is interested in
so if you had
You could get a certificate for
Then the websites for the subdomain could share one SSL certificate and the same IP address and port.

IIS 6: Set up 2 SSL web apps on the same server on port 443

I was asked to create a sharepoint web application with ssl on a server with sharepoint 2010 installed. The problem is that this port seems to be in use for hosting our subversion repository. So when i try to browse my sharepoint site, it just shows a page with my repository. I've read about installing certificates and configuring multiple sites on one port with host headers but i never succeeded to complete this job. I would really appreciate some help here.
Assuming you're talking about individual SSL certificates (as opposed to a single wildcard certificate), I believe each website HAS to have its own IP address. AFAIK it is not possible to run multiple websites with multiple SSL certificates under the same IP address.
Depending on who is hosting the server, you would need a new IP address to be allocated to the server, and then within IIS you use the new IP address against the hostheader of your new website. You should find that the certificate works correctly, if not then try removing the certificate from the website and re-allocating it.
You would only be able to use a wildcard certificate if the primary domains of the websites were the same (e.g. and
I've run into a similar situation before where the requirements dictated that we use 1 ip address, but the domains will be different (eg.,,
You can achieve this by using a Unified Communications certificate with Subject Alternative names. Currently, Digicert offers a UC certificate that can achieve this, but some other CA's will not.
Essentially you will have 1 certificate bound to :443 on the same ip address. The big drawback to this is that if the cert goes down, all the sites SSL will not work.
You have to manually (via powershell) bind each domain to port 443 however, but the instructions are fairly simple.
Server Name Indication would be another way, but it's not even an option in IIS 6
