Synchronous request in Node.js with async.retry - node.js

nodejs version v10.14.2
OS win7 sp1 64bit
I need the following four lines of code to execute in order
var res2 = await fetchData(url_2, file_path_2);
await console.log('step one.');
var res1 = await fetchData(url_1, file_path_1);
await console.log('step two.');
However, the actual order of their execution is
step one.
step two.
How can we achieve synchronous execution of these four lines of codes?
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var async = require("async");
(async() => {
var url_1 = '';
var url_2 = '';
var file_path_1 = fs.createWriteStream('./intelcenter/aaa.bbb.ccc.txt');
var file_path_2 = fs.createWriteStream('./intelcenter/harvard.txt');
var res2 = await fetchData(url_2, file_path_2);
await console.log('step one.');
var res1 = await fetchData(url_1, file_path_1);
await console.log('step two.');
async function fetchData(url,locpath) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
async.retry(request(url).pipe(locpath), function(err, result) {

Synchronous Code
I have added callback function for request module and passing the result via next method.
By Default async.retry will make 5 retry.
var fs = require("fs");
var request = require("request");
var async = require("async");
(async () => {
var url_1 = "";
var url_2 = "";
var file_path_1 = fs.createWriteStream("./intelcenter/aaa.bbb.ccc.txt");
var file_path_2 = fs.createWriteStream("./intelcenter/harvard.txt");
var res2 = await fetchData(url_2, file_path_2);
console.log("step one." + res2);
var res1 = await fetchData(url_1, file_path_1);
console.log("step two." + res1);
function fetchData(url, locpath) {
console.log("inside fetchData");
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function(next) {
request(url, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("inside request");
function(result) {
To know more about async.
Synchronous Code without async.retry
var fs = require("fs");
var request = require("request");
(async () => {
var url_1 = "";
var url_2 = "";
var file_path_1 = fs.createWriteStream("./intelcenter/aaa.bbb.ccc.txt");
var file_path_2 = fs.createWriteStream("./intelcenter/harvard.txt");
var res2 = await fetchData(url_2, file_path_2);
console.log("step one.");
var res1 = await fetchData(url_1, file_path_1);
console.log("step two.");
function fetchData(url, locpath) {
console.log("inside fetchData");
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
request(url, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("got result");


Nodejs request async problem for loop not work

I'm a beginner of nodejs, async bothers me.
I want my code run sequencely or it will breaks.
I have a for loop, and it simply doesn't work...
Here are all the codes:
const util = require('util');
const request = require('request');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
var host = "";
var url = "";
var len = 99;
var tab = /-(\d)-/.exec(url);
tab = tab[1] // '1' not '-1-'
function getLen(url) {
//you can ignore this function, it gives len=2
request(url, function (err, response, html) {
if (err) {
console.log('url:', url);
console.log('error:', err);
console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode);
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
var cls = '.ff-playurl-dropdown-%s';
$(util.format(cls, tab)).filter(function (){
var data = $(this);
len = data.html().match(/<a href=/g).length;
console.log("episode:", len);
getLink(len, function(){
getLen(util.format(url, 1)); //len = 2
var getLink = function(lengths, callback){
for (let i = 1; i <= lengths; i++) {
var tmp = util.format(url, i);
try {
request(tmp, function (err, res, html){
console.log('url:', tmp);
console.log("error:", err);
console.log("statusCode:", res && res.statusCode);
var reg = /src="(\/player.php?.{1,})"/;
var result = reg.exec(html);
} catch (error) {
here is my output:
episode: 2
First problem is these two /player*** link are from 57838-1-1.html
And one of them are not complete.
Second problem is the url output shows 57838-1-2.html twice.
Thanks for your kindly help.
Yesterday had the same problem, so I solved with:
Using request-promise
Replace the loop method arrTitles.Each with for (const jt of arrTitles)
Here a sample:
const request = require('request-promise');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
var getUrlData =
async function (url) {
try {
return await request.get(url);
catch (err) {
console.error(`${err}: ${url}`);
var run =
async function (pageUrl) {
var arrData =
await fn.getUrlData(pageUrl)
.then(response => readTable(response));
var readTable =
function (document) {
var $;
let arrData = [];
try {
$ = cheerio.load(document);
$('table tr')
function (trN) {
function (tdN) {
catch { }
return arrData;

Synchronous/sequential REST calls in loop

I'm trying to call a REST API in a "for" loop, however, the results aren't what I'm expecting.
I've attempted to wrap everything in a promise, but the order of operations is still off, executing it asynchronously rather than synchronously.
var https = require('https');
var zlib = require("zlib");
var axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
var page = 1;
var hasMore = "true";
function delay() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300));
async function getLocation(page) {
// notice that we can await a function
// that returns a promise
await delay();
var apiUrl = '' + page +
https.get(apiUrl, function(response) {
console.log("headers: ", response.headers);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var gunzip = zlib.createGunzip();
var jsonString = '';
gunzip.on('data', function(chunk) {
jsonString += chunk;
gunzip.on('end', function() {
obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
var url = obj.items[0];
.then(response => {
const html =;
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
gunzip.on('error', function(e) {
} else {
async function startGetLocation() {
var page = 1;
var hasMore = "true";
do {
await getLocation(page);
page = page + 1;
} while (page < 3);
Based on the sample code, I would have expected the below to output:
New York
However, it's outputting:
New York
The problem is that the callback function that you passed to the https.get() function gets executed asynchronously and that the getLocation function does not wait until this part resolves.
So you could simply wrap the https.get() call and the unzipping part in a promise, wait for it to resolve and then do the axios-part.
async function getLocation(page) {
await delay();
var apiUrl = '' + page +
const fetchAndUnzipPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(apiUrl, function (response) {
console.log("headers: ", response.headers);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var gunzip = zlib.createGunzip();
var jsonString = '';
gunzip.on('data', function (chunk) {
jsonString += chunk;
gunzip.on('end', function () {
obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
var url = obj.items[0];
gunzip.on('error', function (e) {
} else {
reject(new Error("Statuscode not as exepcted"));
return fetchAndUnzipPromise.then(url => {
return axios(url)
.then(response => {
const html =;
const $ = cheerio.load(html);

Wait for something in node.js

I'm trying to make a webscraper, but I can't get my function to wait for the second request to fill the name key on my object. It always return undefined.
const request = require('request');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const base_url = '';
const shop_url = '';
function getItems(category) {
var items = [];
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
request.get(shop_url + category, function(err, res, body) {
if(err) {
} else {
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
$('a', '.inner-article').each(function(i, el) {
var url = base_url + $(this).attr('href');
var isSoldout = false;
var name;
if($(this).find('div').attr('class', 'sold_out_tag').length === 1)
isSoldout = true;
request.get(url, function(err, res, html) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
name = $('h1', 'div').text();
items.push({name: name, url: url, isSoldout: isSoldout});
I expect the name key to be fill but no, i get undefined
Use the request-promise package which wraps request in Promise. Then you can use async/await to wait for result like:
const rp = require('request-promise');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const base_url = '';
const shop_url = '';
// notice async keyword
async function getItems(category) {
var items = [];
try {
// using await to wait for promise to resolve
const body = await rp.get(shop_url + category)
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
$('a', '.inner-article').each(function(i, el) {
var url = base_url + $(this).attr('href');
var isSoldout = false;
var name;
if($(this).find('div').attr('class', 'sold_out_tag').length === 1)
isSoldout = true;
try {
const html = await rp.get(url)
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
name = $('h1', 'div').text();
items.push({name: name, url: url, isSoldout: isSoldout});
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return items;
More about async/await at MDN

Node.js hangs on HTTP get when download files

I want to download a series of ts files, but every time I run this code, it will be stuck in the download process of a file without any error message.
However, if you put the url in the program in the address bar of the browser, or use a tool like wget, you can still download it.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
async function doRequest(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var req = https.get(url, function (response) {
req.end('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
req.on('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
(async() => {
for(let i = 21; i<100; i++)
var ts_url = ''+i+'.ts?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9obHMyLnZpZGVvcy5zcHJvdXR2aWRlby5jb20vMWU3YzhhOGZmMDUxODUwOTQ1MmM3ZWIyZTc1YTJhMWYvZTg0ODgzZmY2OWNiNjY3NTJiZDY3ODNjZGJhYTM1ZmIvKi50cz9zZXNzaW9uSUQ9MDZkN2ZhOWMtMDgxOS00Y2YwLTk0M2QtNzA2MGQzOGY2N2RkIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTQ2NzY3NjY4fX19XX0_&Signature=DTCQWVIdInCe2YIf-fxD4RDEHOXGUDK2pUwxV0cKPi0m~WwlLYIEFSmQkAbK-oV-uLU93E1O2TGizvrMDp6voFVnm-jLaOur1JRlJDBCP7T8KEYrkkU3Y3grZAKHmi0gQiVpVIKRgo7gnDKwMZ1NjosQPbaf1XDMpuHxAyKfPGgIRLpSEp4BZ1dqcfzs-YyYQzNaK-a3tYONmpyID3bZnF8sn2pMZonArCz24BQL0wEfXeS3HqxwVv85z641kKxQBGd~8lG88qUTpJCvqWmIZhikzWjGQPY~6ezgJMKhjJQIoPMVGZehT~NcAzPwXo84kd5ksaOdbh4paHsUe1096A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIB5DGCGAQJ4GGIUQ&sessionID=06d7fa9c-0819-4cf0-943d-7060d38f67dd';
await console.log('downloading '+i);
var file_ts_path = fs.createWriteStream(i+'.ts');
let responseRes = await doRequest(ts_url);
await responseRes.pipe(file_ts_path);
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
async function doRequest(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var req = https.get(url, function (response) {
req.end('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
req.on('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
(async() => {
for(let i = 21; i<100; i++)
var ts_url = ''+i+'.ts?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9obHMyLnZpZGVvcy5zcHJvdXR2aWRlby5jb20vMWU3YzhhOGZmMDUxODUwOTQ1MmM3ZWIyZTc1YTJhMWYvZTg0ODgzZmY2OWNiNjY3NTJiZDY3ODNjZGJhYTM1ZmIvKi50cz9zZXNzaW9uSUQ9MDZkN2ZhOWMtMDgxOS00Y2YwLTk0M2QtNzA2MGQzOGY2N2RkIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTQ2NzY3NjY4fX19XX0_&Signature=DTCQWVIdInCe2YIf-fxD4RDEHOXGUDK2pUwxV0cKPi0m~WwlLYIEFSmQkAbK-oV-uLU93E1O2TGizvrMDp6voFVnm-jLaOur1JRlJDBCP7T8KEYrkkU3Y3grZAKHmi0gQiVpVIKRgo7gnDKwMZ1NjosQPbaf1XDMpuHxAyKfPGgIRLpSEp4BZ1dqcfzs-YyYQzNaK-a3tYONmpyID3bZnF8sn2pMZonArCz24BQL0wEfXeS3HqxwVv85z641kKxQBGd~8lG88qUTpJCvqWmIZhikzWjGQPY~6ezgJMKhjJQIoPMVGZehT~NcAzPwXo84kd5ksaOdbh4paHsUe1096A__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIB5DGCGAQJ4GGIUQ&sessionID=06d7fa9c-0819-4cf0-943d-7060d38f67dd';
await console.log('downloading '+i);
var file_ts_path = fs.createWriteStream(i+'.ts');
let responseRes = await doRequest(ts_url);
await responseRes.pipe(file_ts_path);
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
async function doRequest(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var req = https.get(url, function (response) {
req.end('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
req.on('error', function(e) {
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log('re try to get ts ...'+e);
doRequest(url); })
(async() => {
for(let i = 21; i<100; i++)
var ts_url = ''+i+'.ts?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9obHMyLnZpZGVvcy5zcHJvdXR2aWRlby5jb20vMWU3YzhhOGZmMDUxODUwOTQ1MmM3ZWIyZTc1YTJhMWYvZTg0ODgzZmY2OWNiNjY3NTJiZDY3ODNjZGJhYTM1ZmIvKi50cz9zZXNzaW9uSUQ9MmFmN2JkNzEtODc3Mi00OThmLThjNzQtN2Y5NTQ3ZTgxYjA2IiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNTQ2NzEzNzU4fX19XX0_&Signature=hFOZlf5Iqf7k-LqVms1FT4LKoEM8psMVkCsdjoHGhKztNTzROyGgfHg34RYr3ezffQaQV6drXBuID1NMypQhwSXgJ-ZRAoGC3KnKtrfm9bSpK2Wq97sZf97D5PbBn7wNaJhmfvbztym-cRknztepOqM2v~KvCz6~esS99TOsWbtQFBZWLPacp5MV3v5eZ4wh2WJXX1jDqI1XmpZ0jyU2oJCXOgVbvU1aF86E7duvniDrbhmS1R00~tWTAETBbmBSubDw-7fGq7XzeZcFRfXbdwb0a9KwsAGh54lj1UBUMsDzEtH8vI8r9aC~MnFIRub1KxsFSOzUlRLYRp4GsPJQiQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIB5DGCGAQJ4GGIUQ&sessionID=2af7bd71-8772-498f-8c74-7f9547e81b06';
await console.log('downloading '+i);
var file_ts_path = fs.createWriteStream(i+'.ts');
let responseRes = await doRequest(ts_url);
await responseRes.pipe(file_ts_path);
You need to download a file, write it to stream, and then pipe it.
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
function doRequest(url, dest) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
https.get(url, res => {
let data = '';
res.on('data', (buffer) => {
data += buffer; // save downloaded data
res.on('end', () => {
var stream = fs.createWriteStream(dest);
stream.write(data, 'binary');
stream.on('finish', () => {
resolve('File Saved !');
}).on('error', function (e) {
reject('re try to get ts ...' + e);
for (let i = 21; i < 100; i++) {
var ts_url =
'' +
i +
doRequest(ts_url, i + '.ts')

nodejs: check until URL get's online

I need a "forever-watchdog" for checking if an URL is reachable or not. My case is that I have to see if a media stream gets online, and if, I would need to run a shell-script. If it's not reachable (404'd), I would keep trying again in x seconds.
Could anyone please guide me into the right directions, in terms on modules, or flowing? I had problems with resolving the destination with the
isReachable = require('is-reachable');
Thanks for helping!
Try this, should resolve you task
'use strict';
const co = require('co');
const request = require('request');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
let getRemoteSourceStatusPromise = function(urlForCheck){
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
request(urlForCheck, function(error, response){
console.log('send request...');
return reject(error);
let result = false;
console.log('Resource response statusCode ' + response.statusCode);
if(200 === response.statusCode){
result = true;
return resolve(result);
let callShScriptPromise = function(){
let shScriptPath = './';
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
console.log('Calling sh...');
function (error) {
if (error)
return reject(error);
let sleep = function (sleepInterval) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, sleepInterval);
let loopGenerator = function* (urlForCheck, sleepInterval){
let bShScriptStarted = false;
let bSourceStatus = yield getRemoteSourceStatusPromise(urlForCheck);
if(bSourceStatus === true){
bShScriptStarted = yield callShScriptPromise();
bShScriptStarted = false;
yield sleep(sleepInterval);
//Starting loop
co(loopGenerator('', 30000))
.catch(function (error) {
const rp = require('request-promise');
const checkIfOnline = (() -> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
rp( url ).then( response => {
// this is where you run your script
setTimeout( resolve(checkIfOnline()), 5000 );
You can send requests to the URL repeatedly. Something like this:
//I don't know how you create nodejs server, I just leave out that part.
//I use request module. sudo npm install --save request
var request = require('request');
var URL = '';
var X = 5000; //5 seconds
var sendRequest = function(){
request(URL, function(error, response, body){
if(response.statusCode === 200){//If good
runScript(); //This is the function you write to run sh
setTimetout(sendRequest, X);//run the function again no matter what
If you want a better forever loop, I suggest you use promise.
var rp = require('request-promise');
var options = {
uri : '',
json : true
var X = 5000; //5 seconds, the actual time is 5 seconds plus the time to resolve
var sendRequest_promise = function(){
//return a request promise
return rp(options).then(function(response){
return response;
var sendRequest = function(){
if(response.statusCode === 200){
setTimeout(sendRequest(), X);
