Looking for Best Approach For update one in Mongoose - node.js

I am still kind of new to Mongoose in general. I am building my blogging app which has backend based on Node and MongoDB, I am using Angular for frontend.
I am creating my Restful API which is supposed to allow user click on a post and update it. However, I don't know for sure whether I am doing it the right way here.
This is the schema for my post:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
// Schema Is ONly bluePrint
var postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
title: {type: String, required: true },
content: {type: String, required: true},
}, {timestamps: true});
module.exports = mongoose.model("Post", postSchema);
In my angular service, I have this function to help me to send the http request to my backend server, the id for this function comes from backend mongoDB, title and content is from the form on the page
updatePost(id: string, title: string, content: string) {
console.log('start posts.service->updatePost()');
const post: Post = {
id: id,
title: title,
content: content
this._http.put(`http://localhost:3000/api/posts/${id}`, post)
.subscribe(res => console.log(res));
It appears to me that there are at least couple of ways of approaching this for creating my API
Method 1 ( works but highly doubt if this is good practice):
here I am passing the id retrieved from mongoDB back to server via my service.ts file to avoid the 'modifying immutable field _id' error
app.put("/api/posts/:id", (req,res)=>{
console.log('update api called:', req.params.id);
const post = new Post({
id: req.body.id,
title: req.body.title,
content: req.body.content
Post.updateOne({_id: req.params.id}, post).then( result=> {
res.json({message:"Update successful!"});
Method 2 I consider this is more robust than method 1 but still I don't think its good practice:
app.put("/api/posts/:id", (req, res)=> {
console.log('Post Not found!');
console.log('Found post:',post);
console.log('Save from update failed!');
res.json({message:"update success",data:p});
I am open to all opinions in the hope that I can learn something from guru of Mongoose and Restful : )

Justification to Choose findOneAndUpdate() in this scenario in simple words are as follow:
You can use findOneAndUpdate() as it updates document based on the
filter and sort criteria.
While working with mongoose mostly we prefer to use this function as compare to update() as it has a an option {new:
true} and with the help of that we can get updated data.
As your purpose here is to updating a single document so you can use findOneAndUpdate(). On the other hand update() should be
used in case of bulk modification.
As update() Always returns on of document modified it won't return updated documents and while working with such a scenario like
your we always returns updated document data in response so we
should use findOneAndUpdate() here


Is using Joi for validation on top of Mongoose good practice?

I'm developing a RESTful API with Node.js, Mongoose and Koa and I'm a bit stuck on what are the best practices when it comes to schemas and input validation.
Currently I have both a Mongoose and Joi schema for each resource. The Mongoose schema only includes the basic info about the specific resource. Example:
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
lowercase: true,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
phone: String,
city: String,
state: String,
country: String,
The Joi schema includes details about each property of the object:
email: Joi.string().email().required(),
firstName: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
lastName: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
phone: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
city: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
state: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
country: Joi.string().min(2).max(50).required(),
The Mongoose schema is used to create new instances of the given resource at endpoint handler level when writing to the database.
router.post('/', validate, routeHandler(async (ctx) => {
const userObj = new User(ctx.request.body);
const user = await userObj.save();
ctx.send(201, {
success: true,
The Joi schema is used in validation middleware to validate user input. I have 3 different Joi schemas for each resource, because the allowed input varies depending on the request method (POST, PUT, PATCH).
async function validate(ctx, next) {
const user = ctx.request.body;
const { method } = ctx.request;
const schema = schemas[method];
const { error } = Joi.validate(user, schema);
if (error) {
ctx.send(400, {
success: false,
error: 'Bad request',
message: error.details[0].message,
} else {
await next();
I am wondering if my current approach of using multiple Joi schemas on top of Mongoose is optimal, considering Mongoose also has built-int validation. If not, what would be some good practices to follow?
It is a common practice to implement a validation service even if you have mongoose schema. As you stated yourself it will return an validation error before any login is executed on the data. so, it will definitely save some time in that case.
Moreover, you get better validation control with joi. But, it highly depends upon your requirement also because it will increase the extra code you have to write which can be avoided without making much difference to the end result.
IMO, I don't think there's a definite answer to this question. Like what #omer said in the comment section above, Mongoose is powerful enough to stand its own ground.
But if your code's logic/operations after receiving input is pretty heavy and expensive, it won't hurt adding an extra protection in the API layer to prevent your heavy code from running.
Edit: I just found this good answer by a respectable person.

Cast error while executing a mongoose query

I am executing a query in mongoose where I need to find all the users in my database and sort them and limit the results to 10.
My query route is:(the route is "/user/top")
router.get('/top', middleware.ensureAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
User.find({}).sort({bestScore: 1}).limit(10).exec(function (err, result) {
else {
data: result
My User model:
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
image: String,
displayName: String,
The error while i call the url from postman
Output of mongodb query:
You can see that my _id is of type ObjectId .
Your data probably contains a document which looks like this:
_id: "top",
Since Mongoose expects that value to be an ObjectId by default you get this error. What you can do is map the _id field explicitly as a string:
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: String,
image: String,
displayName: String,
The issue you had is that your search route is going through findbyId. if you truly wanna search/find all users without using an Id, you need to make sure in your controller, your search comes before your getbyId. same also in your route. I had the same error here and I was able to solve it from my route by putting my search function before getbyId.
Also, when you are using postman, kindly enter the search parameter as seen in my own case study below;
take note the path and my parameter key and value:

(Mongoose) How to get user._id from session in order to POST data including this user._id

I am new in Mongoose.
I'm developing a MEAN stack To do list with user authentification.
(In other words, a user can register login and create, get, update and delete the to do's).
It means 2 schemas: 'users' and 'tasks'
With a relationship one to many: a user can have many tasks, many tasks belongs to a user.
This is how it looks the 'tasks' Schema:
const TaskSchema = new Schema({
type: String,
required: true
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
In order to build the CRUD methods I will need the user._id as a 'owner' attribute, otherwhise any user could have access to the tasks list, create update or delete a task,
To get the user._id it I was thinking two options:
Angular2 at the front end would get the user._id from the localStorage of the browser where was stored previously to keep the user logged in.
const user = localStorage.getItem('user');
And then send it in the same object as I send the 'title' attribute.
I think this option is too insecure as anyone from the front-end could send any id.
Get the current user._id at the back-end from the sessions. (I would't know how to do it though). And include it in the new task object at the POST method, something like this:
.post('/task', function(req, res, next){ function(req, res, next){
var task = new Task({
title: req.body.title,
owner : req.user._id /// Does not do nothing
"error":"Bad Data"
} else{
task.save(task, function(err, task){
Taking the second option (unless the former is better), how would you build the POST method?
Concretely, how can I get the current user._id from the session and include it the new Task object?
I look forward of receiving your feedback soon.
Thank you.
A bit different but:
User Model:
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
password: String
Tasks Model:
var taskSchema = mongoose.schema({
text: String,
author: {
id: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "User"
username: String
module.exports = mongoose.model("Task", taskSchema);
Create a task with post route:
var text = req.body.text;
var author = {
id: req.user._id,
username: req.user.username
var newTask = {text: text, author: author};
Task.create(newTask, function(err, addedTask){
// what you wanna do
Similarly with edit/update you can use a put route (edit) and delete route (method override for delete) with a 'checkTaskOwnership' middleware and then
Task.findByIdAndUpdate / Task.findByIdAndRemove
I think you should store user's _id in session. To store _id in the session use passport. It handles Authentication really well, and on successful authentication it stores users credentials in req.user. This req.user is present in all the requests. So for any Route, you can get the user's _id from req.user object. you wont need to send user's _id from the Frontend.
While saving Task use this:
var task = new Task({
title: req.body.title,
owner : req.user._id
Read PassportJS docmentation to get more detailed information about Session and Authentication.

Mongo / Express Query Nested _id from query string

Using: node/express/mongodb/mongoose
With the setup listed above, I have created my schema and model and can query as needed. What I'm wondering how to do though is, pass the express request.query object to Model.find() in mongoose to match and query the _id of a nested document. In this instance, the query may look something like:
Where object is a nested object that exists elsewhere in the database. I can easily query other fields. _id is the only one giving an issue. It returns an empty array of matches.
Can this be done?
This is an example and not the ACTUAL schema but this gets the point across..
let Category = mongoose.Schema({
name: String
let Product = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
// sample category..
name: 'Sample Category'
// sample product
name:'Sample Product',
description:'Sample Product Description',
category: {
name: 'Sample Category'
So, what I'm looking for is... if I have the following in express..
let query = req.query
This would allow me to specify anything I want in the query parameters as a query. So I could..
I can query by category.name like this, but I can't do:
This returns an empty array
Change your query to http://domain.com/api/object/57902aeec07ffa2290f179fe and try
app.get('/api/object/:_id', function(req, res) {
// req._id is Mongo Document Id
// change MyModel to your model name
MyModel.findOne( {'_id' : req._id }, function(err, doc){
// do smth with this document
or try this one
app.get('/api/object', function(req, res) {
var id = req.param('id');
MyModel.findOne( {'_id' : id }, function(err, doc){
First of all increase your skills in getting URL and POST Parameters by this article.
Read official Express 4.x API Documentation
Never mind I feel ridiculous. It works just as I posted above.. after I fixed an error in my schema.

Expressjs rest api how to deal with chaining functionality

I am building a restful API using express, mongoose and mongodb. It works all fine but I have a question about how to deal with requests that contain more functionality than just one find, delete or update in the database. My user model looks as follows:
var UserSchema = new Schema({
emailaddress: {type: String, unique: true},
firstname: String,
lastname: String,
password: String,
friends: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, unique: true}]
As you can see is the friends array just an array of ObjectIds. These ObjectIds refer to specific users in the database. If I want to retrieve an array of a user's friends I now have to look up the user that makes the request, then find all the users that have the same id as in the friends array.
Now it looks like this:
methods.get_friends = function(req, res) {
//find user.
User.findOne({_id: req.params.id}, function(err, user, next) {
if(err) next(err);
if(user) {
//find friends
User.find({_id: {$in: user.friends}}, {password: 0}).exec(function (err,
friends, next) {
if(err) next(err);
if(friends) {
Would it be possible to seperate the lookup of the user in a certain method and chain the methods? I saw something about middleware chaining i.e. app.get('/friends', getUser, getFriend)but would that mean that I have to alter the req object in my middleware (getUser) method and then pass it on? How would you solve this issue? Would you perhaps change the mongoose model and save all friend data (means that it could become outdated) or would you create a method getUser that returns a promise on which you would collect the friend data?
I will be grateful for all the help I can get!
Thank you in advance.
Mongoose has a feature called population which exists to help in these kinds of situations. Basically, Mongoose will perform the extra query/queries that are required to load the friends documents from the database:
User.findOne({_id: req.params.id})
.exec(function(err, user) {
This will load any related friends into user.friends (as an array).
If you want to add additional constraints (in your example, password : 0), you can do that too:
User.findOne({_id: req.params.id})
path : 'friends'
match : { password : 0 },
.exec(function(err, user) {
See also this documentation.
