Does X11 have a lifesign or constant stream? - linux

I have a fault tolerant application, where an X Server requests to start an Application on a remote client (by some other mechanism) and receive and display its X-window. Fault tolerance means that the server needs to detect loss of the connection to the client and then call a different back-up-client and start the application there and show the window.
My question is whether there exists a mechanism in the X11 protocol that allows to reliably detect in an X11-Server whether the connection has been broken or not.
Experiments show that when unplugging a cable connection it needs some TCP-Timeout to detect the connection loss on socket level. This is very OS-dependent. In our case it was abut 30 minutes after which the X-Server eventually closed the window.
So another assumption could be that the X11-stream constantly delivers some commands and the server could implement some logic like this: If the X11-stream does not deliver any X11 traffic for a timeout y (e.g. 3 seconds), we assume the connection is lost and actively close the window and establish the connection to the fall-back-client.
Is the assumption true? I did not see any such statement in the X11-protocol about how to detect connection loss. Is there any explicit lifesign that is regularly transmitted? Or is the assumption valid that there is constant traffic? Or could there be longer periods of inactivity where nothing is transmitted at all while the connection is perfectly up and running?
There is a NoOperation command from the client that could be used for such purpose. But do clients usually implement something like that as a lifesign?

I have a fault tolerant application, where an X Server needs to start an Application...
I don't think that an X server can "start an application". May be that some setup allows something similar to that, but normally is not so.
...whether there exists a mechanism in the X11 protocol that allows to reliably detect in an X11-Server whether the connection has been broken or not.
No, it does not exist. The X11 protocol is based on TCP/IP, which does not provide directly this "heartbeat". I think the assumption is that, if you click or otherwise stimulate an X11 window, the TCP layer will timeout or throw another error if the client application is gone.
I did not see any statement in the X11-protocol about how to detect connection loss.
There is a NoOperation command from the client that could be used for such purpose. But do clients usually implement something like that as a lifesign?
Maybe that some application uses that NoOperation, but the purpose would be different from what you need. I mean, the X11 server is like an extension from the point of view of an application; the application can have interest to know whether the server is up and working, but it is not true the contrary. And, anyway, even if the server could detect that the application is gone, probably there is no way to tell the server to launch another application.
Probably a special proxy could be deployed; it could launch the application and monitor the connection (in both ways) and take the required steps in case the application goes away. But then again, who would monitor the proxy application?

First of all, X Protocol relies completely on TCP to send/receive information.
You cannot safely put a timeout capable transaction in order to detect a timeout in TCP. TCP is designed to retransmit only those segments that have already been sent but no acknowledged. It is completely asynchronous, in the sense that you send a command, and you can receive many responses or events unrelated to that command, before you receive the response. There's no heartbeat mechanism on XProtocol (except that the NOOP command is sent to synchronize operations with the server, and you receive a response for it, but you cannot overuse it, as that slows down severely the X connection, just launch any client with the -synchronous option to see it, see X(7)). You can even have TCP connections alive for years without interchanging a single packet. There's some mechanism, activated by option SO_KEEPALIVE that makes tcp to employ such heartbeat on TCP for a connection that has no data to transmit, but the X11 protocol normally doesn't make use of it. You don't post any code, nor a description of how the system is configured. The standard XServer never starts a connection by itself, except when launched specifically to negotiate with an XDMCP server (and this is done on UDP protocol) to serve as an XTerminal.
From your words probably you don't know that the roles of server and client are exchanged in X Protocol (the client is the remote application that connects to the server to display its output, and the server is the application that controls your display, mouse and keyboard) There's no means for the server to create a new client, so you need to be creating this connection in other means (probably through SSH, but not described).
By the way, when you say:
Experiments show that when unplugging a cable connection it needs some TCP-Timeout to detect the connection loss on socket level. This is very OS-dependent. In our case it was abut 30 minutes after which the X-Server eventually closed the window.
That is not OS-dependent. It is precisely the standard behaviour when you don't have traffic to send, there's no packet exchanged, so no detection is made (except if your client ---remember, this is the remote application program that wants to show its data in your local server--- activates the SO_KEEPALIVE option, and it requires several losses before declaring a lost connection) In your case the amount of time is variable because timers don't start until there's some data sent over the unplugged connection, and this makes it variable (not OS dependant)
On other side, you cannot pretend the server is going to turn on your monitor in case you leave the office and turn it off by mistake or by accident. What is the fault tolerance specification in that case?
IMHO, in regard of the presentation protocol, the application should be ready to show you as much information about the system as soon as you activate the connection (but the connection must be something allowed to fail). What is important is the means you develop for the application to be fault tolerant, even in the case you are not there to see the display. Will be somebody be advised that no one is looking at the screen? Are you going to detect the absence of operators in that case? Don't take this as a flame, but common sense should imperate in this case.
In case you need to ensure the connectivity to the remote host is available, you need to use another means to check for it. I recommend you to have a simple application pinging the remote host and alerting in case you don't get a positive result. Or you can open a connection to the server and then close it as soon as you get a positive response from the server (the first packet, for example) This will lead us to the next step, that is to ensure that some human is looking at the (turned on) screen of the display :)
For example, you can run a client in parallel to the one you are interested in, and force a heartbeat by asking for some server atom name (or a root window property value) in a loop with some delay. This will make the connection fail or your client can alert in case it doesn't receive the answer in some configurable time.


Which is the better way to implement heartbeat on the client side for websockets?

On the Server side for websockets there is already an ping/pong implementation where the server sends a ping and client replies with a pong to let the server node whether a client is connected or not. But there isn't something implemented in reverse to let the client know if the server is still connected to them.
There are two ways to go about this I have read:
Every client sends a message to server every x seconds and whenever
an error is thrown when sending, that means the server is down, so
Server sends a message to every client every x seconds, the client receives this message and updates a variable on the client, and on the client side you have a thread that constantly checks every x seconds which checks if this variable has changed, if it hasn't in a while it means it hasn't received a message from the server and you can assume the server is down so reestablish a connection.
You can achieve trying to figure out on client side whether the server is still online using either methods. The first one you'll be sending traffic to the server whereas the second one you'll be sending traffic out of the server. Both seem easy enough to implement but I'm not so sure which is the better way in terms of being the more efficient/cost effective.
Server upload speeds are higher than client upload speeds, but server CPUs are an expensive resource while client CPUs are relatively cheap. Unloading logic onto the client is a more cost-effective approach...
Having said that, servers must implement this specific logic (actually, all ping/timeout logic), otherwise they might be left with "half-open" sockets that drain resources but aren't connected to any client.
Remember that sockets (file descriptors) are a limited resource. Not only do they use memory even when no traffic is present, but they prevent new clients from connecting when the resource is maxed out.
Hence, servers must clear out dead sockets, either using timeouts or by implementing ping.
I'm not a node.js expert, but this type of logic should be implemented using the Websocket protocol ping rather than by your application. You should probably look into the node.js server / websocket framework and check how to enable ping-ing.
You should set pings to accommodate your specific environment. i.e., if you host on Heroku, than Heroku will implement a timeout of ~55 seconds and your pings should be sent before this timeout occurs. disconnects clients when idle

I have a production app that uses (node.js back-end)to distribute messages to all the logged in clients. Many of my users are experiencing disconnections from the server. The normal use case for a client is to keep the web app open the entire working day. Most of the time on the app in a work day time is spent idle, but the app is still open - until the connection is lost and then the app kicks them out.
Is there any way I can make the connection more reliable so my users are not constantly losing their connection to the server?
It appears that all we can do here is give you some debugging advice so that you might learn more about what is causing the problem. So, here's a list of things to look into.
Make sure that is configured for automatic reconnect. In the latest versions of, auto-reconnect defaults to on, but you may need to verify that no piece of code is turning it off.
Make sure the client is not going to sleep such that all network connections will become inactive get disconnected.
In a working client (before it has disconnected), use the Chrome debugger, Network tab, webSockets sub-tab to verify that you can see regular ping messages going between client and server. You will have to open the debug window, get to the network tab and then refresh your web page with that debug window open to start to see the network activity. You should see a funky looking URL that has ?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=xxxxxxxxxxxx in it. Click on that. Then click on the "Frames" sub-tag. At that point, you can watch individual websocket packets being sent. You should see tiny packets with length 1 every once in a while (these are the ping and pong keep-alive packets). There's a sample screen shot below that shows what you're looking for. If you aren't seeing these keep-alive packets, then you need to resolve why they aren't there (likely some configuration or version issue).
Since you mentioned that you can reproduce the situation, one thing you want to know is how is the socket getting closed (client-end initiated or server-end initiated). One way to gather info on this is to install a network analyzer on your client so you can literally watch every packet that goes over the network to/from your client. There are many different analyzers and many are free. I personally have used Fiddler, but I regularly hear people talking about WireShark. What you want to see is exactly what happens on the network when the client loses its connection. Does the client decide to send a close socket packet? Does the client receive a close socket packet from someone? What happens on the network at the time the connection is lost.
webSocket network view in Chrome Debugger
The most likely cause is one end closing a WebSocket due to inactivity. This is commonly done by load balancers, but there may be other culprits. The fix for this is to simply send a message every so often (I use 30 seconds, but depending on the issue you may be able to go higher) to every client. This will prevent it from appearing to be inactive and thus getting closed.

Do I need to concern security about my game server? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a game server where clients can connect and communicate with via TCP. Any device can connect the server if it knows the IP and port.
I am wondering if I need to add some security to the server. For example,
(1) Add some encryption for the messages sent/received. (To prevent the protocol content is revealed)
(2) Add some key to the message so if the server cannot recognize the key after decryption, the message will be dropped. (To prevent unknown connections/messages flooding in)
Do you think these things are necessary and is there any other thing I should add for such a game server.
I would have rather posted this to the gamedev question but the mods there are apparently faster than here. Before you quote me, I'd like to point out that the following isn't based on 100% book-knowledge, nor do I have a degree in any of these topics. Please improve this answer if you know better, rather than comment and/or compete.
This is a pretty comprehensive list of client/server/security issues that I've gathered from research and/or experience:
The "back-end" server contains everyone's username, password, credit card details, etc., and should be a fortress. This server is for authentication only and should be on a private subnet; it will communicate only with the login server, only when a well-formed login request is received, and will only reply with "allow" or "deny". If you take people's personal information, you are obligated to protect it, and it would be wise to off-load the liability of everything security-related to a professional or hosting company. There is no non-critical attack to this server; if it is breached, you are finished. Many/most/all companies now draw their pretty login screen on top of another companies' back-end credit card/billing system.
Connections to the login server should be secure. The login server is just a message pump between the public login mechanism, the private data store, and the client/server connection state. For security purposes, any HTTP access to the login system should be hosted on a separate HTTP server; the WWW server crashing should not shut down your online game (my opinion).
Upon successful login and authentication, the server informs the client to begin listening for "bulk data" or to initiate an in-bound connection on a specific UDP port (could be random and per-connection-attempt). Either way, the server should remain silent and wait for the client to IDENT with some type of handshake to verify that the "alleged client" is actually your code. It is easier to guess when the server asks for input sequentially; instead rely on the client knowing the proper handshake when connecting to the world and drop those that don't. The correct handshake to use can be a function of the CPU clock-ticks or whatever. The TCP will be minimally used and/or disconnected from that point on. The initial bulk data is a good place to advertise the current server-side software revision so clients that are out-of-date can update. A common pool of UDP ports can be handed out among multiple servers and the clients can be load-balanced into the correct port/server. Within the game, "zone transfers" can mean a literal disconnect from one server/port and reconnection to a different server/port. In MMO's, this usually appears as a <2 second loading screen; enough time to disconnect, reconnect, start getting data, and synchronize to the new server clock, not to mention the actual content loading.
"World server" describes a single, multiple-client, state-pumping thread running on a single core of a single processor of a single blade. One, physical, server-of-worlds can have many worlds running on it at once. Worlds can be dynamically split/merged (in a quad-tree fashion), dividing the clients between them, again, for load-balancing; synchronization between the servers occurs at LAN speeds or better. The world server will probably only serve UDP connections and should have nothing to do except process state-changes to/from the UDP connections. UDP is "blind, deaf, and dumb", so-to-speak. Messages are sent with no flow control, no error checking, etc; they are basically assumed to be received as soon as they are sent and may actually arrive late, in the wrong order, or just never arrive. Using UDP, neither the server nor the client are ever stalled, hand-shaking, error-correcting, or waiting for data. Messages need time-stamps because they may arrive late and/or out-of-order. If a UDP channel gets clogged, switch valid clients dynamically to another (potentially random) port. The world server only initiates UDP connections with successfully authenticated clients and ignores all other traffic (world servers hosted separately from HTTP and everything else).
Overly simplified and, using only the position data as an example, each client tells the server "Time:Client###:(X, Y)" over and over. If the server doesn't hear, oh well. The server says "Time:listOfClients(X, Y)" over and over, to everyone at once. If one or more of the clients doesn't hear, oh well.
This implies using prediction/extrapolation on the client; the clients will need to "guess" what should be happening and then correct themselves to agree with the server when they start getting data again. Any time you get a packet with a "future" time, even if the packet doesn't make sense or isn't useful, you can at least advance the client clock to that point and discard any now-late packets, helping a lagging client to catch up.
Un-verified supposition:
Besides the existing security concerns, I don't see a reason why two or more clients could not maintain independent, but server-managed, UDP channels between each other. By notifying other clients within close game-proximity in addition to the server, the clients, themselves, can help to load-balance. The server should always verify that what the clients say happened could/should/would happen, and has the ability to undo all of it and reset both clients to it's own known-good state. The information that the clients are able to share, internally, should be extremely restricted; basically just the most-time-critical positional and/or state-data. Client's should probably not be allowed to request specific information and, again, rely only on "dumb" broadcasts. This begins to approach distributed/cloud computing, where the clients are actually doing a lot of the server work, while the server just watches and "referees," calling foul, when appropriate.
Client1 - "I fought Client2 and won"
Client2 - "I fought Client1 and won"
Server - "I watched and Client2 cheated. Client1 wins. (Client2 is forced to agree)"
The server doesn't necessarily even need to watch; if Client2 damages Client1 in an unusual/impossible way, Client1 can request arbitration from the server.
If the player moves around, but the data isn't getting to the server, the player experiences "rubber-banding", where the player appears to be moving on the client but, server-side, they are not. When the client gets the next server state, the client snaps the player back to where they were when the server stopped getting updates, creating the rubber-band effect.
This often manifests another way, too. If the server sees a player moving, then fails to receive the "stopped moving" message, the server will predict their continued path for all of the other clients. In MMO-RPG's, for example, you can see "lagging" players running directly into/at walls.
The last thing I can think of is just basic code security. This is especially important if your game is moddable. Mods are, by definition, a way for users to insert their own code into yours. If you are careless about the amount of "API" access you give away, inevitably, someone WILL feel the need to be malicious. Pay particular attention to string termination/handling if the language you are using requires it. Do not build your game from plain-text ASCII content files. If your game has even one "text box," someone WILL be trying to feed HTML/LUA/etc. code into it.
Lastly, paths should use appropriate system variables whenever possible to avoid platform shenanigans and/or access violations (x86/x64, no savegames in ProgramFiles, etc.)

Identifying remote disconnection in socket client

How do I find out from a socket client program that the remote connection is down (e.g. the server is down). When I do a recv and the server is down it blocks if I do not set any timeout. However in my case I cannot put any reliable timeout value to get around it since otherwise the recv times out even when the server is up but the response really takes longer than the timeout value that I have set.
Unfortunately, ZeroMQ just passes this on to the next layer. So the protocol you are implementing on top of ZeroMQ will have to handle this.
Heartbeats are recommended. Basically, just have one side send a message if the connection is otherwise idle. The other side can treat the absence of such messages as a failure condition and close the connection.
You may wish to modify your higher level protocols to be more robust. For example, you can submit a command, query its status, and allow the other side to forget about the command. That way, if the connection is lost, you can reconnect and query any outstanding commands. Any it doesn't have, you know didn't get through and can resubmit. Once you get a reply with the result of a command, you can tell the other side that it can now forget the response.
This allows you to keep the connection active while a long-running command is ongoing. Every so often you ask, "is everything okay". The other side responds, "yes". You can use long polling where the other side delays responding for a second or so while the command is in process. This allows it to return the results immediately rather than having to wait a second for your next query.
The specifics depend on your exact requirements, but you must design this correctly into your protocol.
If the remote host goes down without sending you a tcp FIN package then you have no chance to detect that. You can test that behaviour by firewalling a port after a connection has been established on that port. Your program will "hang" forever.
However, the Linux kernel supports a mechanism called TCP keep alives which are meant to close a tcp connection after a given timeout. If you can't specify a timeout for your application, than there isn't a reliable chance to use that. Last chance might be to use features of the application protocol (can you name it?), if that protocol does not support features for connection handling you may invent something on your own on top of that.

How to kill "CLOSE_WAIT" and "FIN_WAIT2" network connections

I created a game using node.js and All works well, but from time to time this game socket server doesn't respond to any connections. When I go to Process information -> Files and connections (in webmin), then I see there are many connections with CLOSE_WAIT and FIN_WAIT2 statuses. I think the problem is in these connections, because game fails when there are about 1,000 connections. Server OS is Ubuntu Linux 12.04.
How can I kill these connections or increase maximum allowed connections?
To add to Jim answer, i think there is a problem in your client handling of closing of socket connections . It seems your client is not closing the sockets properly(both server initiated and client initiated close) and that is the reason your server has so many wait states
You don't need to kill connections or increase the number allowed. You need to fix a defect in the application on one side of the connection, specifically, the side which does not initiate the close.
See Figure 13 of RFC 793. Your programs are at step 3 of the close sequence. The side which you see in FIN-WAIT-2 is behaving correctly. It has initiated the close and the TCP stack has sent a FIN packet on the network. The side in CLOSE-WAIT has the defect. The TCP stack on that side has received and acknowledged the FIN packet, but the application has failed to notice. How the application is expected to detect that the remote side has closed the connection will depend on your platform. Unfortunately, I am old, and don't know node.js or
What happens in C is that the socket appears readable, but a read() returns a zero-length packet. When the application sees this, it is expected to call close(). You will find something equivalent in the docs for node.js or
When you find it, considering answering your own question here and accepting the answer.
Linux has the SO_REUSEADDR option for setting socket parameters. It allows immediate reuse of the same port. Someone who knows your toolset can tell you how to set socket options. You may already know how. I do not know this toolset.
From older java docset:
