`(a -> b) -> (c -> d)` in Haskell? - haskell

This is yet another Haskell-through-category-theory question.
Let's take something simple and well-known as an example. fmap?
So fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, omitting the fact that f is actually a Functor. As far as I understand, (a -> b) -> f a -> f b is nothing but a syntax sugar for the (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b); hence conclusion:
(1) fmap is a function producing a function.
Now, Hask contains functions as well, so (a -> b) and, in particular, (f a -> f b) is an object of the Hask (because objects of the Hask are well-defined Haskell types - a-ka mathematical sets - and there indeed exists set of type (a -> b) for each possible a, right?). So, once again:
(2) (a -> b) is an object of the Hask.
Now weird thing happens: fmap, obviously, is a morphism of the Hask, so it is a function, that takes another function and transform it to a yet another function; final function hasn't been applied yet.
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b. For each item i of type a there exists a morphism apply_i :: (f a -> f b) -> f b defined as \f -> f (lift i), where lift i is a way to build an f a with particular i inside.
The other way to see it is GHC-style: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. On the contrast with what I've written above, (a -> b) -> f a is mapping to the regular object of the Hask. But such a view contradicts fundamental Haskell's axiom - no multivariate functions, but applied (curried) alternatives.
I'd like to ask at this point: is (a -> b) -> f a -> f b suppose to be an (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) -> f b, sugared for simplicity, or am I missing something really, really important there?

is (a -> b) -> f a -> f b suppose to be an (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) -> f b, sugared for simplicity
No. I think what you're missing, and it's not really your fault, is that it's only a very special case that the middle arrow in (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) can be called morphism in the same way as the outer (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) can. The general case of a Functor class would be (in pseudo-syntax)
class (Category (──>), Category (~>)) => Functor f (──>) (~>) where
fmap :: (a ──> b) -> f a ~> f b
So, it maps morphisms in the category whose arrows are denoted ──> to morphisms in the category ~>, but this morphism-mapping itself is just plainly a function. Your right, in Hask specifically function-arrows are the same sort of arrows as the morphism arrows, but this is mathematically speaking a rather degenerate scenario.

fmap is actually an entire family of morphisms. A morphism in Hask is always from a concrete type to another concrete type. You can think of a function as a morphism if the function has a concrete argument type and a concrete return type. A function of type Int -> Int represents a morphism (an endomorphism, really) from Int to Int in Hask. fmap, however has type Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Not a concrete type in sight! We just have type variables and a quasi-operator => to deal with.
Consider the following set of concrete function types.
Int -> Int
Char -> Int
Int -> Char
Char -> Char
Further, consider the following type constructors
[] applied to Int returns a type we could call List-of-Ints, but we usually just call [Int]. (One of the most confusing things about functors when I started out was that we just don't have separate names to refer to the types that various type constructors produce; the output is just named by the expression that evaluates to it.) Maybe Int returns the type we just call, well, Maybe Int.
Now, we can define a bunch of functions like the following
fmap_int_int_list :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
fmap_int_char_list :: (Int -> Char) -> [Int] -> [Char]
fmap_char_int_list :: (Char -> Int) -> [Char] -> [Int]
fmap_char_char_list :: (Char -> Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]
fmap_int_int_maybe :: (Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
fmap_int_char_maybe :: (Int -> Char) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Char
fmap_char_int_maybe:: (Char -> Int) -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Int
fmap_char_char_maybe :: (Char -> Char) -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Char
Each of these is a distinct morphism in Hask, but when we define them in Haskell, there's a lot of repetition.
fmap_int_int_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_int_char_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_char_int_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_char_char_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_int_int_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_int_char_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_char_int_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_char_char_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
The definitions don't differ when the type of f differs, only when the type of x/xs differs. That means we can define the following polymorphic functions
fmap_a_b_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_a_b_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
each of which represents a set of morphisms in Hask.
fmap itself is an umbrella term we use to refer to constructor-specific morphisms referred to by all the polymorphic functions.
With that out of the way, we can better understand fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b.
Given fmap f, we first look at the type of f. We might find out, for example, that f :: Int -> Int, which means fmap f has to return one of fmap_int_int_list or fmap_int_int_maybe, but we're not sure which yet. So instead, it returns a constrained function of type Functor f => (Int -> Int) -> f Int -> f Int. Once that function is applied to a value of type [Int] or Maybe Int, we'll finally have enough information to know which morphism is actually meant.

Now weird thing happens: fmap, obviously, is a morphism of the Hask, so it is a function, that takes another function and transform it to a yet another function; final function hasn't been applied yet.
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b. For each item i of type a there exists a morphism apply_i :: (f a -> f b) -> f b defined as \f -> f (lift i), where lift i is a way to build an f a with particular i inside.
The notion of application in category theory is modelled in the form of CCC's - Cartesian Closed Categories. A category 𝓒 is a CCC if you have a natural bijection 𝓒(X×Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(X,Y⇒Z).
In particular this implies that there exists a natural transformation 𝜺 (the evaluation), where 𝜺[Y,Z]:(Y⇒Z)×Y→Z, such that for every g:X×Y→Z there exists a 𝝀g:X→(Y⇒Z) such that, g = 𝝀g×id;𝜺[Y,Z]. So when you say,
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b.
The way you go from (f a -> f b) to the f b, or using the notation above, from (f a ⇒ f b) is via 𝜺[f a,f b]:(f a ⇒ f b) × f a → f b.
The other important point to keep in mind is that in Category Theory "elements" are not primitive concepts. Rather an element is an arrow of the form 𝟏→X,where 𝟏 is the terminal object. If you take X=𝟏 you have that 𝓒(Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(𝟏×Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(𝟏,Y⇒Z). That is, the morphisms g:Y→Z are in bijection to elements 𝝀g:𝟏→(Y⇒Z).
In Haskell this means functions are precisely the "elements" of arrow types. So in Haskell an application h y would be modelled via the evaluation of 𝝀h:𝟏→(Y⇒Z) on y:𝟏→Y. That is, the evaluation of (𝝀h)×y:𝟏→(Y⇒Z)×Y, which is given by the composition (𝝀h)×y;𝜺[Y,Z]:𝟏→Z.

For the sake of completeness, this answer focuses on a point that was addressed in various comments, but not by the the other answers.
The other way to see it is GHC-style: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. On the contrast with what I've written above, (a -> b) -> f a is mapping to the regular object of the Hask.
-> in type signatures is right-associative. That being so, (a -> b) -> f a -> f b is really the same as (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b), and seeing (a -> b) -> f a in it would be a syntactic mix-up. It is no different from how...
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
... doesn't mean that partially applying (++) will give us an [a] list (rather, it gives us a function that prepends some list).
From this point of view, the category theory questions you raise (for instance, on "need[ing] one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b") are a separate matter, addressed well by Jorge Adriano's answer.


Explanation of <$> and <*> when used with functions

I am learning haskell currently and I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around how to explain <$> and <*>'s behavior.
For some context this all came from searching how to use an or operation when using takeWhile and the answer I found was this
takeWhile ((||) <$> isDigit <*> (=='.'))
In most of the documentation I have seen, <*> is used with a container type.
show <*> Maybe 10
By looking at
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
It tells me that <*> keeps the outer container if its contents and applies the right to the inside, then wraps it back into the container
a b f a f b
([Int] -> String) -> [Just]([Int]) -> [Just]([String])
This makes sense to me, in my mind the f a is essentially happening inside the container, but when I try the same logic, I can make sense to me but I cant correlate the logic
f = (+) <$> (read)
so for f it becomes
a b f a f b
([Int] -> [Int -> Int]) -> ([String] -> [Int]) -> ([String] -> [Int -> Int])
So f being the container really confuses me when I try and work out what this code is going to do. I understand when I write it out like this, I can work it out and see its basically equivalent to the .
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
b c a b a c
([Int] -> [Int -> Int]) -> ([String] -> [Int]) -> ([String] -> [Int -> Int])
so it can be written as
f = (+) . read
Why not just write it as just that? Why wasn't the original snippet just written as
takeWhile ((||) . isDigit <*> (=='.'))
or does <$> imply something in this context that . des not?
Now looking at <*>, it seems like it is basicly exactly the same as the <$> except it takes two containers, uses the inner of both, then puts it pack in the container
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Just show <*> Just 10
f a b f a f b
[Just]([Int->Int]->[Int]) -> [Just]([Int->Int]) -> [Just]([Int])
However with functions, it becomes murky how things are being passed around to each other.
Looking at the original snippit and breaking it up
f1 :: Char -> Bool -> Bool
f1 = (||) . isDigit
f2 :: Char -> Bool
f2 = f1 <*> (== '.')
<*> behavior in f2 is
f a b f a f b
([Char] -> [Bool] -> [Bool]) -> ([Char] -> [Bool]) -> ([Char] -> [Bool])
So using previous logic, I see it as Char -> is the container, but its not very useful for me when working out what's happening.
It looks to me as if <*> is passing the function parameter into right side, then passing the same function parameter, and the return value into the left?
So to me, it looks equivalent to
f2 :: Char -> Bool
f2 x = f1 x (x=='_')
Its a bit of mental gymnastics for me to work out where the data is flowing when I see <*> and <$>. I guess im just looking for how an experienced haskell-er would read these operations in their head.
The applicative instance for functions is quite simple:
f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
You can verify for yourself that the types match up. And as you said,
(<$>) = (.)
(Ignoring fixity)
So you can rewrite your function:
(||) <$> isDigit <*> (=='.')
(||) . isDigit <*> (=='.')
\x -> ((||) . isDigit) x ((=='.') x)
-- Which can simply be rewritten as:
\x -> isDigit x || x == '.'
But it's important to understand why the function instance is as it is and how it works. Let's begin with Maybe:
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure :: a -> Maybe a
pure x = Just x
(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
_ <*> Nothing = Nothing
(Just f) <*> (Just x) = Just (f x)
Ignore the implementation here and just look at the types. First, notice that we've made Maybe an instance of Applicative. What exactly is Maybe? You might say that it's a type, but that isn't true - I can't write something like
x :: Maybe
- that doesn't make sense. Instead, I need to write
x :: Maybe Int
-- Or
x :: Maybe Char
or any other type after Maybe. So we give Maybe a type like Int or Char, and it suddenly becomes a type itself! That's why Maybe is what's known as a type constructor.
And that's exactly what the Applicative typeclass expects - a type constructor, which you can put any other type inside. So, using your analogy, we can think of giving Applicative a container type.
Now, what do I mean by
a -> b
We can rewrite it using prefix notation (the same way 1 + 2 = (+) 1 2)
(->) a b
And here we see that the arrow (->) itself is also just a type constructor - but unlike Maybe, it takes two types. But Applicative only wants a type constructor which takes one type. So we give it this:
instance Applicative ((->) r)
Which means that for any r, (->) r is an Applicative. Continuing the container analogy, (->) r is now a container for any type b such that the resulting type is r -> b. What that means is that the contained type is actually the future result of the function on giving it an r.
Now for the actual instance:
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Substituting (->) r as the applicative,
(<*>) :: ((->) r (a -> b)) -> ((->) r a) ((->) r b)
-- Rewriting it in infix notation:
(<*>) :: (r -> (a -> b)) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
How would we go about writing the instance? Well, we need a way to get the contained type out of the container - but we can't use pattern matching like we did with Maybe. So, we use a lambda:
(f :: r -> (a -> b)) <*> (g :: r -> a) = \(x :: r) -> f x (g x)
And the type of f x (g x) is b, so the entire lambda has type r -> b, which is exactly what we were looking for!
EDIT: I noticed that I didn't talk about the implementation of pure for functions - I could update the answer, but try seeing if you can use the type signature to work it out yourself!

Partially applying <*> with zip

I started to look at some Haskell code and found:
foo :: ([a] -> [b]) -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
let foo = (<*>) zip
I don't understand how this works, ap expects a f (a -> b) -> f a but zip is of type [a] -> [b] -> ([a, b]). I understand that f a -> f b would match [a] -> [b], but not f (a -> b).
Let's work out the types by hand. First, what are the types of the relevant expressions?
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
Now, we need to unify the type of zip with the type of the first argument to (<*>). Let's rename the unrelated as and bs:
Applicative f => f (a -> b)
[c] -> [d] -> [(c, d)]
First, what is f? What Applicative are we working in? The type of the bottom half is a function, so f must be ((->) [c]), or "functions taking a list of c as input". And once we've done that, we can see that:
f ~ ((->) [c])
a ~ [d]
b ~ [(c, d)]
Now that we've got the types to match up, we can look up the definition of (<*>) for functions:
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
pure = const
(<*>) f g x = f x (g x)
Substituting zip for f here, and rewriting as a lambda, yields:
(<*>) zip = \g x -> zip x (g x)
So, this needs a function from [a] -> [b] and an [a], and zips the input list with the result of calling the function on it.
That makes sense mechanically, but why? What more general understanding can lead us to this conclusion without having to work everything out by hand? I'm not sure my own explanation of this will be useful, so you may want to study the instances for ((->) t) yourself if you don't understand what's going on. But in case it is useful, here is a handwavy expanation.
The Functor, Applicative, and Monad instances for ((->) t) are the same as Reader t: "functions which have implicit access to a value of type t". (<*>) is about calling a function inside of an Applicative wrapper, which for functions is a two-argument function. It arranges that the "implicit" argument be passed to f, yielding another function, and calls that function with the value obtained by passing the implicit argument to g as well. So, (<*>) f, for some f, is "Give me another function, and a value x, and I'll pass x to both f and the other function".

Understanding the signature of <$>

I have the applicative <$> operator more or less figured out, but I can't understand the signature I'm getting with the following example:
ghci> let f x y z = x + y + z -- f::Num a => a -> a -> a -> a
ghci> f <$> Just 2 <*> Just 3 <*> Just 4
Just 9
This result I understand, but when checking the following type:
ghci> :t (<$> f)
(<$> f) :: Num a => ((a -> a -> a) -> b) -> a -> b --This makes no sense to me
That signature I would understand as : a function that takes a (a -> a- > a) -> b function and an a as parameters and returns a b. According to this reasoning , I should call this like :
(<$>f) f 4
which would result in an Integer.
Obviously this is not true, so can you please help me understand how to read the type of (<$> f)?
a function that takes a (a -> a- > a) -> b function and an a as parameters and returns a b.
This is correct.
According to this reasoning , I should call this like :
(<$>f) f 4
which would result in an Integer.
No, because f does not have type (a -> a -> a) -> b or one compatible with it. Instead it has type Num a => a -> a -> a -> a. That is, f takes three numbers and produces a number, whereas we're looking for a function that takes a function (of type a -> a -> a) as its first argument.
<$> takes as a second argument something of type g b, where g is any applicative functor.
You are passing f :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a as a second argument. Let's ignore the Num a context to keep things simple.
Hence, we look for g,b such that g b = a -> a -> a -> a.
Let's write the type of f in prefix form:
f :: (->) a ((->) a ((->) a a)) = g b
Hence, g = (->) a and b = ((->) a ((->) a a)). The latter is b = a -> a -> a in infix form.
It happens that (->) a is an applicative functor, so <$> f type checks. Note however that <$> is used on a completely different functor than the Maybe one you were using in your examples. Hence the confusion.
TL;DR: overloaded identifiers can shapeshift to many things adapting to their contexts, possibly in some unexpected way.

What is the general case of QuickCheck's promote function?

What is the general term for a functor with a structure resembling QuickCheck's promote function, i.e., a function of the form:
promote :: (a -> f b) -> f (a -> b)
(this is the inverse of flip $ fmap (flip ($)) :: f (a -> b) -> (a -> f b)). Are there even any functors with such an operation, other than (->) r and Id? (I'm sure there must be). Googling 'quickcheck promote' only turned up the QuickCheck documentation, which doesn't give promote in any more general context AFAICS; searching SO for 'quickcheck promote' produces no results.
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
Given that Monad is more powerful an interface than Applicative, this tell us that a -> f b can do more things than f (a -> b). This tells us that a function of type (a -> f b) -> f (a -> b) can't be injective. The domain is bigger than the codomain, in a handwavey manner. This means there's no way you can possibly preserve behavior of the function. It just doesn't work out across generic functors.
You can, of course, characterize functors in which that operation is injective. Identity and (->) a are certainly examples. I'm willing to bet there are more examples, but nothing jumps out at me immediately.
So far I found these ways of constructing an f with the promote morphism:
f = Identity
if f and g both have promote then the pair functor h t = (f t, g t) also does
if f and g both have promote then the composition h t = f (g t) also does
if f has the promote property and g is any contrafunctor then the functor h t = g t -> f t has the promote property
The last property can be generalized to profunctors g, but then f will be merely a profunctor, so it's probably not very useful, unless you only require profunctors.
Now, using these four constructions, we can find many examples of functors f for which promote exists:
f t = (t,t)
f t = (t, b -> t)
f t = (t -> a) -> t
f t = ((t,t) -> b) -> (t,t,t)
f t = ((t, t, c -> t, (t -> b) -> t) -> a) -> t
Also note that the promote property implies that f is pointed.
point :: t -> f t
point x = fmap (const x) (promote id)
Essentially the same question: Is this property of a functor stronger than a monad?
Data.Distributive has
class Functor g => Distributive g where
distribute :: Functor f => f (g a) -> g (f a)
-- other non-critical methods
Renaming your variables, you get
promote :: (c -> g a) -> g (c -> a)
Using slightly invalid syntax for clarity,
promote :: ((c ->) (g a)) -> g ((c ->) a)
(c ->) is a Functor, so the type of promote is a special case of the type of distribute. Thus every Distributive functor supports your promote. I don't know if any support promote but not Distributive.

Why use such a peculiar function type in monads?

New to Haskell, and am trying to figure out this Monad thing. The monadic bind operator -- >>= -- has a very peculiar type signature:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
To simplify, let's substitute Maybe for m:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
However, note that the definition could have been written in three different ways:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> ( a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> ( a -> b) -> Maybe b
Of the three the one in the centre is the most asymmetric. However, I understand that the first one is kinda meaningless if we want to avoid (what LYAH calls boilerplate code). However, of the next two, I would prefer the last one. For Maybe, this would look like:
When this is defined as:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
instance Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
(Just x) >>= f = return $ f x
Here, a -> b is an ordinary function. Also, I don't immediately see anything unsafe, because Nothing catches the exception before the function application, so the a -> b function will not be called unless a Just a is obtained.
So maybe there is something that isn't apparent to me which has caused the (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b definition to be preferred over the much simpler (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b definition? Is there some inherent problem associated with the (what I think is a) simpler definition?
It's much more symmetric if you think in terms the following derived function (from Control.Monad):
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
(f >=> g) x = f x >>= g
The reason this function is significant is that it obeys three useful equations:
-- Associativity
(f >=> g) >=> h = f >=> (g >=> h)
-- Left identity
return >=> f = f
-- Right identity
f >=> return = f
These are category laws and if you translate them to use (>>=) instead of (>=>), you get the three monad laws:
(m >>= g) >>= h = m >>= \x -> (g x >>= h)
return x >>= f = f x
m >>= return = m
So it's really not (>>=) that is the elegant operator but rather (>=>) is the symmetric operator you are looking for. However, the reason we usually think in terms of (>>=) is because that is what do notation desugars to.
Let us consider one of the common uses of the Maybe monad: handling errors. Say I wanted to divide two numbers safely. I could write this function:
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv _ 0 = Nothing
safeDiv n d = n `div` d
Then with the standard Maybe monad, I could do something like this:
foo :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
foo a b = do
c <- safeDiv 1000 b
d <- safeDiv a c -- These last two lines could be combined.
return d -- I am not doing so for clarity.
Note that at each step, safeDiv can fail, but at both steps, safeDiv takes Ints, not Maybe Ints. If >>= had this signature:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
You could compose functions together, then give it either a Nothing or a Just, and either it would unwrap the Just, go through the whole pipeline, and re-wrap it in Just, or it would just pass the Nothing through essentially untouched. That might be useful, but it's not a monad. For it to be of any use, we have to be able to fail in the middle, and that's what this signature gives us:
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
By the way, something with the signature you devised does exist:
flip fmap :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
The more complicated function with a -> Maybe b is the more generic and more useful one and can be used to implement the simple one. That doesn't work the other way around.
You can build a a -> Maybe b function from a function f :: a -> b:
f' :: a -> Maybe b
f' x = Just (f x)
Or, in terms of return (which is Just for Maybe):
f' = return . f
The other way around is not necessarily possible. If you have a function g :: a -> Maybe b and want to use it with the "simple" bind, you would have to convert it into a function a -> b first. But this doesn't usually work, because g might return Nothing where the a -> b function needs to return a b value.
So generally the "simple" bind can be implemented in terms of the "complicated" one, but not the other way around. Additionally, the complicated bind is often useful and not having it would make many things impossible. So by using the more generic bind monads are applicable to more situations.
The problem with the alternative type signature for (>>=) is that it only accidently works for the Maybe monad, if you try it out with another monad (i.e. List monad) you'll see it breaks down at the type of b for the general case. The signature you provided doesn't describe a monadic bind and the monad laws can't don't hold with that definition.
import Prelude hiding (Monad, return)
-- assume monad was defined like this
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> b) -> m b
return :: a -> m a
instance Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= f = Nothing
(Just x) >>= f = return $ f x
instance Monad [] where
m >>= f = concat (map f m)
return x = [x]
Fails with the type error:
Couldn't match type `b' with `[b]'
`b' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for >>= :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
at monadfail.hs:12:3
Expected type: a -> [b]
Actual type: a -> b
In the first argument of `map', namely `f'
In the first argument of `concat', namely `(map f m)'
In the expression: concat (map f m)
The thing that makes a monad a monad is how 'join' works. Recall that join has the type:
join :: m (m a) -> m a
What 'join' does is "interpret" a monad action that returns a monad action in terms of a monad action. So, you can think of it peeling away a layer of the monad (or better yet, pulling the stuff in the inner layer out into the outer layer). This means that the 'm''s form a "stack", in the sense of a "call stack". Each 'm' represents a context, and 'join' lets us join contexts together, in order.
So, what does this have to do with bind? Recall:
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
And now consider that for f :: a -> m b, and ma :: m a:
fmap f ma :: m (m b)
That is, the result of applying f directly to the a in ma is an (m (m b)). We can apply join to this, to get an m b. In short,
ma >>= f = join (fmap f ma)
