When I add new rows into Tabulator, I use some object with default values:
var defaults = { id: 11, country_id: 4 };
table.addRow( defaults );
table.addRow( defaults );
But Tabulator uses this object for data storage. Here all rows refer to the same data. Thus when one row is edited whole table is updated.
How to reproduce: open JS fiddle and edit country column
What is correct way to add rows into Tabulator?
The issue is because objects are passed by reference, if you want to pass the same object in to multiple rows you need to deep copy it to break the reference using the Object.assign function.
var defaults = { id: 11, country_id: 4 };
table.addRow(Object.assign({}, defaults));
table.addRow(Object.assign({}, defaults));
As workaround I do next:
var defaults = { id: 11, country_id: 4 };
var newRow = {};
for (var attr in defaults) {
newRow[attr] = defaults[attr];
table.addRow( newRow );
newRow = {};
for (var attr in defaults) {
newRow[attr] = defaults[attr];
table.addRow( newRow );
newRow = {};
for (var attr in defaults) {
newRow[attr] = defaults[attr];
table.addRow( newRow );
I have a field of type map that contains Maps of data in firestore.
I am trying to retrieve this data using a cloud function in node.js. I can get the document and the data from the field but i can't get it in a usable way. I have tried every solution i can find on SO and google but the below is the only code that can give me access to the data. I obviously need to be able to access each field with in the Map individually. in swift i build an array of String:Any but i can get that to work in Node.JS
const docRef = dbConst.collection('Comps').doc('XEVDk6e4AXZPkNprQRn5Imfcsah11598092006.724980');
return docRef.get().then(docSnap => {
const tagets = docSnap.get('targets')
}).catch(result => { console.log(result) });
this is what i am getting back in the console.
In Swift i do the following and am so far not able to find an equivalent in typescript. (i don't need to build the custom object just ability to access the keys and values)
let obj1 = doc.get("targets") as! [String:Any]
for objs in obj1{
let obs = objs.value as! [String:Any]
let targObj = compUserDetails(IDString: objs.key, activTarg: obs["ActivTarget"] as! Double, stepTarg: obs["StepTarget"] as! Double, name: obs["FullName"] as! String)
After spending a whole day working on it thought i had a solution using the below:
const docRef = dbConst.collection('Comps').doc('XEVDk6e4AXZPkNprQRn5Imfcsah11598092006.724980');
return docRef.get().then(docSnap => {
const tagets = docSnap.get('targets') as [[string, any]];
const newDataMap = [];
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(tagets)) {
const tempMap = new Map<String,any>();
const newreWorked = value;
for(let [key1, value1] of Object.entries(newreWorked)){
newDatMap.forEach(element => {
const name = element.get('FullName');
However the new data map has 6 seperate mapped objects. 3 of each of the original objects from the cloud. i can now iterate through and get the data for a given key but i have 3 times as many objects.
So after two days of searching an getting very close i finnaly worked out a solution, it is very similar to the code above but this works. it may not be the "correct" way but it works. feel free to make other suggestions.
return docRef.get().then(docSnap => {
const tagets = docSnap.get('targets') as [[string, any]];
const newDatarray = [];
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(tagets)) {
const tempMap = new Map<String,any>();
const newreWorked = value;
for(let [key1, value1] of Object.entries(newreWorked)){
newDatarray.forEach(element => {
const name = element.get('FullName');
const steps = element.get('StepTarget');
const avtiv = element.get('ActivTarget');
const UID = element.get('uid');
}).catch(result => { console.log(result) });
I made this into a little function that gets the underlying object from a map:
function getMappedValues(map) {
var tempMap = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(map)) {
tempMap[key] = value;
return tempMap;
For an object with an array of maps in firestore, you can get the value of the first of those maps like so:
let doc = { // Example firestore document data
items: {
0: {
id: "1",
sr: "A",
1: {
id: "2",
sr: "B",
2: {
id: "3",
sr: "B",
which would read { id: '1', sr: 'A' }
I am trying to update my existing record in my dynamodb table.
Like below I have an Item in my table
let params = {
TableName: proces.env.dynamoDbTable,
Item: {
productId: "id",
att1: val1,
att2: val2
I want to perform an update. I am using the aws dynamodb sdk's update method and passing it params like below
let aws = require('aws-sdk');
let dbb = new aws.DynamoDb.DocumentClient();
let params = {
TableName: process.env.tableName,
Key: {productID}
ExpressionAttributeNames: { "#updatedAt" : "updatedAt" }
ExpressionAttributeValues: {":u":moment().unix(), ":val1" : a, ":val2": b}
UpdateExpression: "SET att1 = :val1, att2: val2, #updatedAt: :u"
// a, b are passed as argument to function and are optional
When an argument goes missing the dynamo raises ExpressionAttributeValue missing exception and I know it is straight. Is there a way I can update my Item with the attributes provided
Unfortunately dynamodb does not make this easy. But you can use some fancy js to create the params object dynamically:
// for some object `attrs` we find which keys we need to update
const keys = Object.keys(attrs);
const values = Object.values(attrs);
// get a list of key names and value names to match the dynamodb syntax
const attributeKeyNames = keys.map((k) => '#key_' + k);
const attributeValueNames = keys.map((k) => ':val_' + k);
// create individual expressions for each attribute that needs to be updated
const expressions = attributeValueNames.map((attr, i) => {
return `${attributeKeyNames[i]} = ${attr}`;
// add the SET keyword to the beginning of the string
// and join all the expressions with a comma
const UpdateExpression = 'SET ' + expressions.join(', ');
// I use `zipObject()` from lodash https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#zipObject
// it makes an object map from two arrays where the first is the keys and
// the second is the values
const ExpressionAttributeValues = _.zipObject(attributeValueNames, values);
const ExpressionAttributeNames = _.zipObject(attributeKeyNames, keys);
// now you have all the params
const params = {
Key: {
Lucas D's answer works great. A couple of things to keep in mind though:
If you're sending an object with a unique key into your update function, you must remove that key before mapping your expression arrays or it will be included in the query and will get an error:
const newObject = {...originalObject}
delete newObject.unique_key
If you can't or don't want to use Lodash, you can use Object.assign to map your keys/values arrays:
const ExpressionAttributeValues = Object.assign(...attributeValueNames.map((k, i) => ({[k]: values[i]})));
const ExpressionAttributeNames = Object.assign(...attributeKeyNames.map((k, i) => ({[k]: keys[i]})));
I'm trying to create custom index policy on CosmosDB documents collection for include only 1 field in index.
The index policy looks like :
new IndexingPolicy
Automatic = true,
IndexingMode = IndexingMode.Consistent,
ExcludedPaths = new Collection<ExcludedPath>(new[]
new ExcludedPath { Path = "/*" }
IncludedPaths = new Collection<IncludedPath>(new[]
new IncludedPath
Path = "/Id/?",
Indexes = new Collection<Index>(new Index[] { new RangeIndex(DataType.String) {Precision = -1 } })
Then I do query on documents collection :
"SELECT x from x where x.Id != \"\" ",
new FeedOptions
MaxItemCount = 100,
RequestContinuation = null,
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = false,
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("entities"),
Such request throws an error: An invalid query has been specified with filters against path(s) excluded from indexing. Consider adding allow scan header in the request.
While almost same one (check for equality instead of unequality) gives correct result.
Did I configure index policy wrong or I need to specify some additional args when querying? Thanks
Your partition key path should also be included in the included paths. It's implicitly included as a filter because you're setting it in PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("entities").
I'm writing a small utility to copy data from one sqlite database file to another. Both files have the same table structure - this is entirely about moving rows from one db to another.
My code right now:
let tables: Array<string> = [
"OneTable", "AnotherTable", "DataStoredHere", "Video"
tables.forEach((table) => {
console.log(`Copying ${table} table`);
sourceDB.each(`select * from ${table}`, (error, row) => {
destDB.run(`insert into ${table} values (?)`, ...row) // this is the problem
row here is a js object, with all the keyed data from each table. I'm certain that there's a simple way to do this that doesn't involve escaping stringified data.
If your database driver has not blocked ATTACH, you can simply tell the database to copy everything:
ATTACH '/some/where/source.db' AS src;
INSERT INTO main.MyTable SELECT * FROM src.MyTable;
You could iterate over the row and setup the query with dynamically generated parameters and references.
let tables: Array<string> = [
"OneTable", "AnotherTable", "DataStoredHere", "Video"
tables.forEach((table) => {
console.log(`Copying ${table} table`);
sourceDB.each(`select * from ${table}`, (error, row) => {
const keys = Object.keys(row); // ['column1', 'column2']
const columns = keys.toString(); // 'column1,column2'
let parameters = {};
let values = '';
// Generate values and named parameters
Object.keys(row).forEach((r) => {
var key = '$' + r;
// Generates '$column1,$column2'
values = values.concat(',', key);
// Generates { $column1: 'foo', $column2: 'bar' }
parameters[key] = row[r];
// SQL: insert into OneTable (column1,column2) values ($column1,$column2)
// Parameters: { $column1: 'foo', $column2: 'bar' }
destDB.run(`insert into ${table} (${columns}) values (${values})`, parameters);
Tried editing the answer by #Cl., but was rejected. So, adding on to the answer, here's the JS code to achieve the same:
let sqlite3 = require('sqlite3-promise').verbose();
let sourceDBPath = '/source/db/path/logic.db';
let tables = ["OneTable", "AnotherTable", "DataStoredHere", "Video"];
let destDB = new sqlite3.Database('/your/dest/logic.db');
await destDB.runAsync(`ATTACH '${sourceDBPath}' AS sourceDB`);
await Promise.all(tables.map(table => {
return new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
await destDB.runAsync(`
SELECT * FROM sourceDB.${table}`
Query parsed from URL, example :
Or it can be
I could do
Model.find({year: 2014}).where('cat').equals('sonny')
But what if there a second example? How can I make it dynamic?
You can set the query to a variable and add multiple conditions:
var query = Model.find();
For dynamic, just pass the query to a for loop and iterate through an array of your filter objects:
var query = Model.find();
var filters = [
{fieldName: "year", value: "2014"},
{fieldName: "cat", value: "sonny"}
for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
Building on the cdbajorin's answer - I suspect many coders are trying to take input from a form and dynamically build a Mongoose filter from the end users input. (or at least that was my scenario).
If you 'name' the html input fields the same as your Mongoose Schema name
<input type='text' name='person.address'>
Then in your code you can use the req.body object
var query = Model.find();
for (var fieldName in req.body)
if(req.body.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) //no inherited properties
if(req.body[fieldName]) //get rid of empty fields
query.exec(function(err,data){console.log('QUERY EXECUTE : ' + err, data, data.length);});