Rapidminer Decision Tree results - decision-tree

Sorry I am new to rapidminer and am a bit confused about the results of my decision tree. I have increased the minimal leaf size which has resulted in a smaller more readable decision tree, however I lost 2% in my accuracy results. I have been asked to explain why, but I'm at a loss as to what a better tree but less accuracy says about my data.
Any help us much appreciated.

Increasing the minimal leaf size prevents very specialized leaves, which only "match" very few examples. This is usually done to prevent overfitting, which in its extreme form is simply reproducing the training data with 100% accuracy. Still, you expect to make the model more robust on real, new data. So depending on your way to estimate the accuracy, you expect some drop in accuracy when forcing the algorithm to create a more general model.
Also, when talking about a "more readable" tree, don't try to interpret the nodes individually. Don't assume the attribute in the root node is the most important one. It is always the combination of the attributes on your way to the leaf.


How do I analyze the change in the relationship between two variables?

I'm working on a simple project in which I'm trying to describe the relationship between two positively correlated variables and determine if that relationship is changing over time, and if so, to what degree. I feel like this is something people probably do pretty often, but maybe I'm just not using the correct terminology because google isn't helping me very much.
I've plotted the variables on a scatter plot and know how to determine the correlation coefficient and plot a linear regression. I thought this may be a good first step because the linear regression tells me what I can expect y to be for a given x value. This means I can quantify how "far away" each data point is from the regression line (I think this is called the squared error?). Now I'd like to see what the error looks like for each data point over time. For example, if I have 100 data points and the most recent 20 are much farther away from where the regression line/function says it should be, maybe I could say that the relationship between the variables is showing signs of changing? Does that make any sense at all or am I way off base?
I have a suspicion that there is a much simpler way to do this and/or that I'm going about it in the wrong way. I'd appreciate any guidance you can offer!
I can suggest two strands of literature that study changing relationships over time. Typing these names into google should provide you with a large number of references so I'll stick to more concise descriptions.
(1) Structural break modelling. As the name suggest, this assumes that there has been a sudden change in parameters (e.g. a correlation coefficient). This is applicable if there has been a policy change, change in measurement device, etc. The estimation approach is indeed very close to the procedure you suggest. Namely, you would estimate the squared error (or some other measure of fit) on the full sample and the two sub-samples (before and after break). If the gains in fit are large when dividing the sample, then you would favour the model with the break and use different coefficients before and after the structural change.
(2) Time-varying coefficient models. This approach is more subtle as coefficients will now evolve more slowly over time. These changes can originate from the time evolution of some observed variables or they can be modeled through some unobserved latent process. In the latter case the estimation typically involves the use of state-space models (and thus the Kalman filter or some more advanced filtering techniques).
I hope this helps!

What is the difference between growing a tree based learning algorithm vertically as compared to horizontally?

I came across the tree based algorithm Light GBM and I have read that it grows the trees vertically meaning that the Light GBM grows tree leaf-wise (while some other algorithms grow level-wise). I was just wondering and thinking: What is the advantage of growing a tree vertically? Are there any?
A difference (not necessarily an advantage) which I can see is the way you need to define early-stopping criteria while growing the tree. Any thoughts on this?
As described in this section of LightGBM's documentation
LightGBM uses leaf-wise (or what XGBoost calls lossguide) tree growth because it can achieve lower loss (i.e. better fit to the training data) than depth-wise tree growth, holding the number of leaves constant.
In leaf-wise tree growth, the split with the largest gain is chosen, regardless of its level of depth.
A difference ... I can see is the way you need to define early-stopping criteria while growing the tree
It's true that in this type of tree growth, you now have to consider two closely-related ways to prevent overfitting:
maximum depth (max_depth in LightGBM)
total allowed number of leaves (num_leaves in LightGBM)
I'm assuming this is what you meant by "early-stopping criteria", but wanted to also note that the phrase "early stopping" has a special meaning in GBMs that isn't related to how individual trees are grown. Early stopping, as XGBoost, LightGBM, and other GBM libraries refer to it, means "if performance on held-out data fails to improve for n iterations, stop training".

What are the things to note in order to maximize the auc_roc_score?

What are the tips & tricks to improve our auc_roc_score?
Is balanced data required?
Is recall is more important than precision?
Is oversampling is usually better than undersampling?
Thanks again!
This is highly dependent upon the type of data in use and the type of model it is trained on along with the hyper parameters being currently used. The ROC is just the outcome of how well the data pre processing and model building is done. Thus you must look into ways of improving your model. Also precision and recall are useful in their own ways. It depends on the scenario.
Like precision answers the question :
What proportions of the predicted True labels were actually correct ?
whereas recall answers :
What proportion of the actually correct labels were identified correctly ?
Thus you would want a higher recall in case of identifying a corona patient while you would prefer a higher precision when it comes to the fact that the cost of acting is high and the cost of not acting is low.
Also, what exactly do u mean by balanced data varies from situation to situation.
Thus if you could specify the kind of model, problem and data in use, we may be able to help you more.
Please share the code of your model for the same.

Feature scaling and its affect on various algorithm

Despite going through lots of similar question related to this I still could not understand why some algorithm is susceptible to it while others are not.
Till now I found that SVM and K-means are susceptible to feature scaling while Linear Regression and Decision Tree are not.Can somebody please elaborate me why? in general or relating to this 4 algorithm.
As I am a beginner, please explain this in layman terms.
One reason I can think of off-hand is that SVM and K-means, at least with a basic configuration, uses an L2 distance metric. An L1 or L2 distance metric between two points will give different results if you double delta-x or delta-y, for example.
With Linear Regression, you fit a linear transform to best describe the data by effectively transforming the coordinate system before taking a measurement. Since the optimal model is the same no matter the coordinate system of the data, pretty much by definition, your result will be invariant to any linear transform including feature scaling.
With Decision Trees, you typically look for rules of the form x < N, where the only detail that matters is how many items pass or fail the given threshold test - you pass this into your entropy function. Because this rule format does not depend on dimension scale, since there is no continuous distance metric, we again have in-variance.
Somewhat different reasons for each, but I hope that helps.

How to collapse a RandomForest into an equivalent decision tree?

The way I understand it, in creating a random forest, the algorithm bundles a bunch of randomly generated decision trees together, weighting them such that they fit the training data.
Is it reasonable to say that this average of forests could be simplified into a simple decision tree? And, if so - how can I access and present this tree?
What I'm looking to do here is extract the information in the tree to help identify both the leading attributes, their boundary values and placement in the tree. I'm assuming that such a tree would provide insight to a human (or computer heuristic) as to which attributes within a dataset provide the most insight into determining the target outcome.
This probably seems a naive question - and if so, please be patient, I'm new to this and want to get to a stage where I understand it sufficiently.
RandomForest uses bootstrap to create many training sets by sampling the data with replacement (bagging). Each bootstrapped set is very close to the original data, but slightly different, since it may have multiples of the some points and some other points in the original data will be missing. (This helps create a whole bunch of similar but different sets that as a whole represent the population your data came from, and allow better generalization)
Then it fits a DecisionTree to each set. However, what a regular DecisionTree does at each step, is to loop over each feature, find the best split for each feature, and in the end choose to do the split in the feature that produced the best one among all. In RandomForest, instead of looping over every feature to find the best split, you only try a random subsample at each step (default is sqrt(n_features)).
So, every tree in RandomForest is fit to a bootstrapped random training set. And at each branching step, it only looks at a subsample of features, so some of the branching will be good but not necessarily the ideal split. This means that each tree is a less than ideal fit to the original data. When you average the result of all these (sub-ideal) trees, though, you get a robust prediction. Regular DecisionTrees overfit the data, this two-way randomization (bagging and feature subsampling) allow them to generalize and a forest usually does a good job.
Here is the catch: While you can average out the output of each tree, you cannot really "average the trees" to get an "average tree". Since trees are a bunch of if-then statements that are chained, there is no way of taking these chains and coming up with a single chain that produces the result that's the same as averaged result from each chain. Each tree in the forest is different, even if same features show up, they show up in different places of the trees, which makes it impossible to combine. You cannot represent a RandomForest as a single tree.
There are two things you can do.
1) As RPresle mentioned, you can look at the .feature_importances_ attribute, which for each feature averages the splitting score from different trees. The idea is, while you can't get an average tree, you can quantify how much and how effectively each feature is used in the forest by averaging their score in each tree.
2) When I fit a RandomForest model and need to get some insight into what's happening, how the features are affecting the result, I also fit a single DecisionTree. Now, this model is usually not good at all by itself, it will easily be outperformed by the RandomForest and I wouldn't use it to predict anything, but by drawing and looking at the splits in this tree, combined with the .feature_importances_ of the forest, I usually get a pretty good idea of the big picture.
