how to fetch payload from quick replies in botpress - bots

i am new to botpress and trying to make simple order bot with botpress. but not using messenger,etc just trying to make simple question answer bot. in available example on github uses content.yml but it gives error
[Renderer] Renderer not defined (#welcome)
at /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/botpress-pro-nightly-2018-12-24-darwin-x64/pizza/node_modules/botpress/src/renderers/index.js:163:13
module.exports = bp => {
Object.keys(renderers).forEach(name => {
bp.renderers.register(name, renderers[name])
bp.hear(/GET_STARTED|hello|hi|test|hey|holla/i, (event, next) => {
var yes=event.welcome.quick_replies[0].payload;'answer:', yes);
so i use this type of code in renderers.js it works but not able to fetch reply
module.exports = {
text: data => {
return {text: data.text, typing: !!data.typing}
'#welcome': data => ({
typing: true,
text: 'Hey there! Would you like to order?',
quick_replies: [
content_type: 'text',
title: 'Yes',
payload: 'Y'
content_type: 'text',
title: 'No',
payload: 'N'
}) ,
'#askLocation': data => ({
typing: true,
text: 'Please click this button for me to know where you are!',
quick_replies: [
content_type: 'location',
title: 'location',
payload: 'location'


Recaptcha v3 Invalid Input Response

I'm having a problem when trying to apply recaptcha into my web app.
Basically, it's returning the error message: "invalid-input-response"
What could I be doing wrong?
#nuxtjs/recaptcha 1.1.1
express-recaptcha 5.1.0
nuxt 2.15.8
node 16.15.9
Here is my configuration on front, I don't have certain about the recaptcha mode, if I should use base or enterprise.
modules: [
recaptcha: {
hideBadge: true,
mode: 'base',
siteKey: 'MY_SITE_KEY',
version: 3,
size: 'normal',
On index I don't know if has any problem here
Based on docs, it's only do that
On my action I'm sending the token alongside my data on that format
token: 'asdadsadadasdas',
review: {...}
async mounted() {
try {
await this.$recaptcha.init()
} catch (e) {
methods: {
getProduct: "getProduct",
postReview: "postReview",
async submit() {
const postReviewToken = await this.$recaptcha.execute('postReview')
try {
await this.postReview({
token: postReviewToken,
productId: this.$route.params.productId,
review: {
this.getProduct({ productId: this.$route.params.productId }); = {
title: "",
content: "",
} catch (error) {}
And on my api I just added the middleware as docs require
import { RecaptchaV3 } from 'express-recaptcha/dist'
const recaptcha = new RecaptchaV3(
)'/product/:id/review', recaptcha.middleware.verify, async (request: Request, response: Response) => {
if (request.recaptcha?.error) {
return response.status(400).json({ message: request.recaptcha.error })
const review = await{
data: {
select: {
id: true,
title: true,
content: true,

Declare the product id instead of the product informations

I'm trying to implement Stripe into my nodeJS script.'/create-checkout-session/', async (req, res) => {
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [
price_data: {
currency: 'usd',
product_data: {
name: '100 points',
unit_amount: 100,
quantity: 1,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: 'http://localhost:4200/success',
cancel_url: 'http://localhost:4200/cancel',
res.json({ id: });
But that's not what I want, I would like to add the id of the product in the HTML and then show this product or that product according to, in the checkout :
<button (click)="checkout('price_1L4kj8FkiBiEQqb0n2Huec06')" class="p-10 bg-green-200 text-black m-10">
.ts :
checkout(priceId) {
// Check the server.js tab to see an example implementation'http://localhost:3001/create-checkout-session/', { priceId })
switchMap(session => {
return this.stripeService.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId: session['id'] })
.subscribe(result => {
// If `redirectToCheckout` fails due to a browser or network
// error, you should display the localized error message to your
// customer using `error.message`.
if (result.error) {

Unable to Intercept Bot Response in Azure Bot Framework

I want to intercept all the messages exchanged between user and bot. PFB code that I have used to intercept. I am using Bot Diaolog framework for webchat. Here the issue is I am not able to extract values from activities object which contains messages sent from bot to user.
adapter.use(async (turnContext, next) => {
// pre-processing of the current incoming activity
console.log("adapture use::turnContext::" + turnContext.activity.text);
// hook up a handler to process any outgoing activities sent during this turn
turnContext.onSendActivities(async (sendContext, activities, nextSend) => {
// pre-processing of outgoing activities
await nextSend();
console.log("adapture use::activities::POST##::" + flat.stringify(activities));
// post-processing outgoing activities
await next();
// post-processing of the current incoming activity
console.log(`Processing activity ${} finishing. `);
To access the bot's responses, you can update the bot.js file (i.e. the file with the activity handlers defined) to something like the below.
In short, the onSendActivities() method keeps an array of the activities that have been passed in. You can cycle thru the activities pushing them into an array and then acting on a particular one. Or, react as each arrives. Further below are examples of each output.
const { ActivityHandler, MessageFactory } = require('botbuilder');
class EchoBot extends ActivityHandler {
constructor() {
const transcript = [];
this.onTurn(async (context, next1) => {
let responses = {};
logActivity(transcript, cloneActivity(context.activity));
context.onSendActivities(async (ctx, activities, next2) => {
responses = await next2();
activities.forEach((a) => logActivity(transcript, cloneActivity(a)));
console.log('TRANSCRIPT ', activities);
return responses;
await next1();
const logActivity = (transcript, activity) => {
if (!activity.timestamp) {
activity.timestamp = new Date();
const cloneActivity = (activity) => {
return Object.assign({}, activity);
module.exports.EchoBot = EchoBot;
Logging the transcript array: Shows the list of activities.
type: 'conversationUpdate',
id: '1hEUP37Da8S',
timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:04.910Z,
serviceUrl: '',
channelId: 'directline',
from: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1' },
conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
recipient: { id: 'somebot#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
membersAdded: [ [Object], [Object] ],
rawTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:04.9109865Z',
callerId: 'urn:botframework:azure'
type: 'message',
text: 'Hello and welcome!',
inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
speak: 'Hello and welcome!',
channelId: 'directline',
locale: undefined,
serviceUrl: '',
conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
from: { id: 'somebot#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
recipient: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1' },
timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:06.547Z
type: 'message',
id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g|0000001',
timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:08.704Z,
localTimestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:08.527Z,
localTimezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
serviceUrl: '',
channelId: 'directline',
from: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1', name: '' },
conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
recipient: { id: 'somebot#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
textFormat: 'plain',
locale: 'en-US',
text: 'Hi',
entities: [ [Object] ],
channelData: {
clientActivityID: '1631055668527tzwhm47a4qd',
clientTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:08.527Z'
rawTimestamp: '2021-09-07T23:01:08.704318Z',
rawLocalTimestamp: '2021-09-07T16:01:08.527-07:00',
callerId: 'urn:botframework:azure'
type: 'message',
text: 'Echo: Hi',
inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
speak: 'Echo: Hi',
channelId: 'directline',
locale: 'en-US',
serviceUrl: '',
conversation: { id: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g' },
from: { id: 'somebot#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
recipient: { id: 'dl_16310556645490.nc93iu9jr1', name: '' },
replyToId: '5JgOxxxxxxxxxxxxv6sw-g|0000001',
timestamp: 2021-09-07T23:01:09.147Z
Logging activities only: Shows the last item to have passed thru from either the bot or user.
type: 'message',
text: 'Echo: Hi',
inputHint: 'acceptingInput',
speak: 'Echo: Hi',
channelId: 'directline',
locale: 'en-US',
serviceUrl: '',
conversation: { id: 'AURKxxxxxxxxxJHpO-f' },
from: { id: 'somebot#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Some Bot' },
recipient: { id: 'dl_16310605730140.3nrm4evq6um', name: '' },
replyToId: 'AURKxxxxxxxxxJHpO-f|0000001'
Thank you Rajeesh Menoth. Posting your suggestions as an answer to help other community members.
For updating existing message we can pass NewActivityObject with the existing activity ID to the UpdateActivity method of the TurnContext Object
Below is the sample to pass new object ID
const newActivity = MessageFactory.text('The new text for the activity'); = activityId;
await turnContext.updateActivity(newActivity);
To update the existing card on button selection, you can use ReplyToId of incoming activity.
const message = MessageFactory.attachment(card); = context.activity.replyToId;
await context.updateActivity(message);
For Further information check Update Messages.

How does admin. messaging. AndroidNotification need to be configured for localization?

In the firebase documentation I found that admin. messaging. AndroidNotification has properties to provide localization to your notifications. Or at least that is what I understand from it.
In the docs they have bodyLocArgs and bodyLocKey to localize the body and titleLocArgs and titleLocKey. How do these need to be configured in order to localize my notification?
So let's say my client (the android device) is using en_US as his current language. Is my clients locale used to localize the notification?
This is what my current message
const translator = deviceData.language !== 'nl' ? languages.en :;
const title = `${translator['messageTitle' as keyof typeof translator]} ${group.displayName}`;
const body = `${sender.displayName} ${translator[type as keyof typeof translator]}`;
const systemTrayNotification: TokenMessage = {
token: deviceData.cloudMessagingToken,
notification: {
title: title,
body: body,
data: {
title: title,
body: body,
senderDisplayName: sender.displayName,
type: 'groupMessage',
messageType: type,
sentAt: new Date().toISOString(),
android: {
priority: 'high',
notification: {
priority: 'max',
channelId: '59054',
tag: 'groupMessage',
defaultSound: true,
defaultVibrateTimings: true,
bodyLocArgs: //what do I do here?,
bodyLocKey: //what do I do here?
titleLocArgs: //what do I do here?,
titleLocKey: //what do I do here?
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
category: 'groupMessage',
alert: {
title: title,
body: body,
aps: {
sound: 'default',
customData: {
title: title,
body: body,
senderDisplayName: sender.displayName,
type: 'groupMessage',
messageType: type,
sentAt: new Date().toISOString(),
Use like this.
body: jsonEncode({
'notification': <String, dynamic>{
'title_loc_args': [booking.shopName],
'body_loc_args': [
], //, bookingDate, bookingStart]),
'sound': 'true',
'mutable_content': 'true',
'content_available': 'true'
'priority': 'high',
'data': <String, dynamic>{
'id': '1',
'status': 'done'
'to': customerFCMToken
})).whenComplete(() {
print('sendBookingReceived(): message sent');
}).catchError((e) {
print('sendBookingReceived() error: $e');
try this and let me know if it is working or not.

Must provide source or customer stripe live mode

this is my first time using stripe and I am getting an error Must provide source or customer. once I went live. In the test mode I used "tok_mastercard" as my source but clearly when I went live it isn't valid. What am I missing here please help.
This is my POST request in the backend
amount: * 100,
currency: "usd",
source: req.body.token,
application_fee_amount: * 0.05 * 100,
transfer_data: {
//the destination needs to not be hard coded it needs to
//come from what property the renter is in
destination: req.renter.stripeConnectId,
// destination: "acct_1GOCMqDfw1BzXvj0",
.then((charge) => {
.catch((err) => {
this is my two functions in the frontend using react-native and node
handleCardPayPress = async () => {
try {
this.setState({ loading: true, token: null });
const token = await stripe.paymentRequestWithCardForm({
// Only iOS support this options
smsAutofillDisabled: true,
requiredBillingAddressFields: "full",
prefilledInformation: {
billingAddress: {
name: "",
line1: "",
line2: "",
city: "",
state: "",
country: "US",
postalCode: "",
email: "",
this.setState({ loading: false, token });
} catch (error) {
this.setState({ loading: false });
makePayment = async () => {
try {
//Mate the payment
const response = await"/payments", {
data: {
currency: "usd",
token: this.state.token,
Alert.alert("Success!", `Confirmation ID: ${}`, [
{ text: "Done" },
// navigate("Home");
} catch (err) {
//failiur and showing the error message
Alert.alert("Failed!", "Card declined.", [{ text: "Declined" }]);
Odds are pretty good that this.state.token doesn't contain what you think it does in the function call; I'd recommend logging that and seeing if that helps, and also logging req.body.token server-side.
