ConvertFrom-Json complains of an unterminated string - string

I have a PowerShell script that pulls data from a DLL. The DLL returns the first 3000 characters of the JSON. Most of the time this is fine, because the complete json is less than 3000 characters. However, if a row returns a longer json I only get the first 3000 characters.
If I have a json that hit the cap and I run:
$myString = $returnedArray[$currentrow] | ConvertFrom-Json
I get:
ConvertFrom-Json : Unterminated string passed in. (3000):
The proper fix would be to deal with the source that is truncating the JSON. However, I don't have access to that source code (owned by a third party company).
Now that I have the output is this a question of just adding a string terminator? Or do I have to parse the JSON myself, figure out what it needs to correctly end the current field, and add it?
I have been trying various things to terminate the JSON string, but none have worked. For the moment my PowerShell script is simply skipping any row that fails the ConvertFrom-Json line.

You will need to parse the JSON string yourself and keep track of any strings or nested values so you can properly terminate them once you stop receiving the values.
Here is a short example of some Json that will be hard to terminate without tracking it in the first place.
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {


ADF: can't build simple Json file transformation (one field flattening)

I need a help in transforming simple json file inside Azure Data Flow. I need to flatten just one field date_sk in example here:
"date_sk": {"string":"2021-09-03"}
"is_influencer": 0,
"is_premium": -1,
"doc_id": "234"
Desired transformation:
"date_sk": {"string":"2021-09-03"}
to become
"dateToGroupBy" : "2021-09-03"
I create source stream, note the strange projection Azure picks, there is no "string" field anymore, but this is how automatic Azure transformation works for some reason:
Data preview of the same source stream node:
And here's how it suggest me to transform it in a separate "Derived Column" modifier. I played with the right part, but this is the only format (date_sk.{}) that does not display any error I was able to pick:
But then output dateToGroupBy field happens to be empty:
Any ideas on what could got wrong and how can I build the expected transformation? Thank you
Alright, it happened to be a Microsoft bug in ADF.
ADF stumbles upon "string" field name as JSON field, can't handle it, though schema and data validation passes through Ok, and showing no errors.
When I replace date_sk": {"string":"2021-09-03"} by date_sk": {"s1":"2021-09-03"} or anything other than string everything starts working just fine
and dateToGroupBy is filled with date values taken from date_sk.s1
When I return string back, it shows NULL in output values.
It supposed to either show error on verification stage or handle this field naming properly.

Azure : How to write path to get a file from a time series partitioned folder using the Azure logic apps

I am trying to retrieve a csv file from the Azure blob storage using the logic apps.
I set the azure storage explorer path in the parameters and in the get blob content action I am using that parameter.
In the Parameters I have set the value as:
So during the run time this path should form as:
but during the execution action is getting failed with the following error message
"status": 400,
"message": "The specifed resource name contains invalid characters.\r\nclientRequestId: 1e2791be-8efd-413d-831e-7e2cd89278ba",
"error": {
"message": "The specifed resource name contains invalid characters."
"source": ""
So my question is: How to write path to get data from the time series partitioned path.
The response of the Joy Wang was partially correct.
The Parameters in logic apps will treat values as a String only and will not be able to identify any functions such as concat().
The correct way to use the concat function is to use the expressions.
And my solution to the problem is:
You should not use that in the parameters, when you use this line concat('Directory1/','Year=',string(int(substring(utcNow(),0,4))),'/Month=',string(int(substring(utcnow(),5,2))),'/Day=',string(int(substring(utcnow(),8,2))),'/myfile.csv') in the parameters, its type is String, it will be recognized as String by logic app, then the function will not take effect.
And you need to include the container name in the concat(), also, no need to use string(int()), because utcNow() and substring() both return the String.
To fix the issue, use the line below directly in the Blob option, my container name is container1.
As mentioned in #Stark's answer, if you want to drop the leading 0 from the left.
You can convert it from string to int, then convert it back to string.

How do you iterate within an Azure Logic App Response component

I have an Azure MS SQL Server component that is returning multiple rows and feeding into a Response component.
The Body of the Response component looks like this:
I can make the number in the bracket 0 and get the first result. I can make it 1 and get the second result. But what I am trying to find is the syntax to loop through all the results that are passed so that it would effectively provide the following (assuming there were 2 results total:
Thanks in advance for advice on where to find the correct syntax or for examples of correct syntax.
It took me a while but figured out that I needed to do two things:
I had to run a for each after the Get Rows and within that I created a Data Operations - Compose component. Within that I was able to create a single JSON object with all the parameters.
From there I used #outputs command as shown below in the Body of the Response and it inserted the array brackets and the commas to delimit the Compose entries automagically.
Here is what the code in the Body of the Response looks like:
Note that 'Compose' is the default name given to the first Compose component you place in the application.

JSON stored in AWS EB environment variables is retrieved without quotes

I'm running a node.js EB container and trying to store JSON inside an Environment Variable. The JSON is stored correctly, but when retrieving it via process.env.MYVARIABLE it is returned with all the double quotes stripped.
E.g. MYVARIABLE looks like this:
{ "prop": "value" }
when I retrieve it via process.env.MYVARIABLE its value is actualy { prop: value} which isn't valid JSON. I've tried to escape the quotes with '\' ie { \"prop\": \"value\" } that just adds more weird behavior where the string comes back as {\ \"prop\\":\ \"value\\" }. I've also tried wrapping the whole thing in single quotes e.g. '{ "prop": "value" }', but it seems to strip those out too.
Anyone know how to store JSON in environment variables?
EDIT: some more info, it would appear that certain characters are being doubly escaped when you set an environment variable. E.g. if I wrap the object in single quotes. the value when I fetch it using the sdk, becomes:
\'{ "prop": "value"}\'
Also if I leave the quotes out, backslashes get escaped so if the object looks like {"url": "http://..."} the result when I query via the sdk is {"url": "http:\\/\\/..."}
Not only is it mangling the text, it's also rearranging the JSON properties, so properties are appearing in a different order than what I set them to.
So I would say this seems to be a bug in AWS based on the fact that it seems to be mangling the values that are submitted. This happens whether I use the node.js sdk or the web console. As a workaround I've taken to replacing double quotes with single quotes on the json object during deployment and then back again in the application.
Use base64 encoding
An important string is being auto-magically mangled. We don't know the internals of EB, but we can guess it is parsing JSON. So don't store JSON, store the base64-encoded JSON:
a = `{ "public": { "s3path": "" } }`
x = btoa(a) // store this as B_MYVAR
// "eyAicHVibGljIjogeyAiczNwYXRoIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZDJ2NHAzcm1zOXJ2aTMuY2xvdWRmcm9udC5uZXQiIH0gfQ=="
settings = JSON.parse(atob(process.env.B_MYVAR))
// ""
// Or even:
process.env.MYVAR = atob(process.env.B_MYVAR)
// Sets MYVAR at runtime, hopefully soon enough for your purposes
Since this is JS, there are caveats about UTF8 and node/browser support, but I think atob and btoa are common. Docs.

Should I Parse JSON Data Before Inserting To MongoDB?

So, I am receiving some JSON data from a client to my Node.JS server. I want to insert that json into my MongoDB instance using Mongoose.
I can insert the JSON as-is, and it works great, because it's just text. However, I want to parse it before insertion so that when I extract it later it will be all nice and neat.
So, this works:
And this doesn't:
So, should I even want to parse the JSON before insertion?
And if I should parse the JSON, how do I do it without throwing an error? I need to put everything in double quotes "", I believe, before it will parse, but for some reason whenever I make a string with double quotes and parse it, it turns everything all wrong.
Here is the JSON:
{ word: 'bundle',
[ { definition: 'A group of objects held together by wrapping or tying.',
partOfSpeech: 'noun' } ],
urlSource: 'testurl',
otherSource: '' }
And the error when I try to parse
throw err;
SyntaxError: Unexpected token o
So, should I even want to parse the JSON before insertion?
Convert the strings to JSON objects will benefit you later, when you need to make queries in your MongoDB database.
And if I should parse the JSON, how do I do it without throwing an error? I need to put everything in double quotes "", I believe, before it will parse, but for some reason whenever I make a string with double quotes and parse it, it turns everything all wrong.
You aren't receiving JSON documents. JSON documents must contain the keys quoted.
You can:
Use a library that recognizes invalid JSON objects (please don't)
Use eval (this is a security issue, so don't do it)
Fix the source of the problem, creating real JSON objects. This isn't difficult, you can see the JSON features here
