Why is my Azure App Service charging two plans? - azure

I have several App services, some of them are on a Free tier and some of them are on a Shared tier.
For some reason Azure is charging both plans for each App Service and I don't undestand why.
Also, I checked their App Service Plan and it is on a Free Tier.
Any insights on this?

Try to list all your App Service Plans (the compute behind an App Service) in the Azure Portal. ("All services" and the App Service Plans in the navigation) This will give you an overview of App Service Plans and how many "apps" you have on them. Technically you can have an App Service Plan with no apps but with cost.
When you create new App Service (Web, Api ect.) you can choose to create a new App Service Plan or re-use an existing. You can therefore end up with re-creating new App Services Plans (with billing also) everytime you create and App Service.
Also be aware that when you scale out (more instances) you are billed for every instance (as a seperate App Service Plan).
List of App Service plans in the Azure Portal

Could it be that your App Service has a connected service (like Application Insights) that exists on another plan? Or if you have a deployment slot on the App Service that belongs to another plan?


App Service Plan and Reservation App Service

I am curious about the difference is when creating an App Service in the reservations for 3 years and just having an App Service Plan which I can add multiple App Services to ?
The cost is much lower than an App Service Plan, but I was wondering if its the exact same concept as an App Service Plan ?
Meaning I can create multiple App Services and have them all in the same App Service Plan ?
Or is the Reservation App Service for a single app alone ?
Yes, you can deploy multiple App Services in the same App Service Plan though it is normal or reserved.
You can also create multiple App Services within the same region or across regions supported by Azure in which this flexibility makes ASEs ideal for horizontal scaling feature.
Features of Normal ASP and Reserved ASP were almost same, and you'll get some discount on the Reserved ASP cost.
In the Middle of Reserved ASP, you can increase the Number of instances in that ASP based on your requirement or load balancing.
Refer to Azure App Service Pricing doc and How Reservation works in Azure App Service for more information.

What is different azure function app and app service plan?

What is different azure function app and app service plan ?
I think;
Function app is a core layer - where hosted code and execute
App service plan is higher layer of function app - it can be covering function app. For example, it can cover network layer for function app.
But I see in function app has Vnet integration feature and app service plan has virtual network integration too.
I am confused with it.
What is different azure function app and app service plan in network part ?
p/s: I have created virtual network and assign app service plan to that VNET. then I deployed a function app into app service, but this function does not stay in that VNET. how to verify that ?
There are a few things that will help you to understand this little better and you can also verify through Azure Portal. After all, it's all the hosting plan you want to use.
App Service Plan: This is something a root consumption plan you are paying for. kind of resources you want for much of your work. (I would say - choose this wisely)
Function App: This resource has 3-4 different kinds of hosting plan options
(i) Consumption plan (ii) Premium Plan (iii) App Service Plan (iV) ASE.
now, if you have notice - App Service Plan (item iii) is also one of the options. Not necessary that is only an option. So, in other words; Function App can sit outside the App Service plan (like Consumption plan) where it will deploy separately.
At this moment Question might come - what could be a difference. for that visit Microsoft's well-documented link here which states you are paying and resources are getting allocated during the function real-use whereas, App Service Plan uses your own app Dedicated service plan which you already have decided a lot earlier in the cycle.
Your last question - How do we confirm? well, Open App Service Plan inside Azure Portal and there is an essential section where you will find App(s)/ Slot(s). Click on that you will see how many app services/ function apps already sharing that specific App Service Plan like below:
An App Service Plan is the environment which you pay for.
You can then run different workloads including function apps within the App Service Plan. Grouping workloads in a single App Service Plan can save you money compared with having different App Service Plans for each App Function.
The VNET configuration is both at the App Service Plan and the App Service / Function App level. You do not necessarily want all App Services / Function Apps in the same App Service Plan to run on the same VNET.
The consumption plan is based on function runtime, which means only when your function is running else no.
Premium plan you need to specify prewarmed instances that will always be online. so it's kind of minimum fixed billing and it can go beyond if you use it for resources.
The app service plan (Dedicated plan) is Running function like other apps. It will use the same app service plan.
Refer to this documentation for more details.

Move Azure Web Apps into new Azure App Service Plan?

I have two Azure web apps that are in the same resource group but have two different app service plans.
web-app-1, in resource group web-app-group, has app service plan web-app-1-plan
web-app-2, in resource group web-app-group, has app service plan web-app-2-plan
I created a new app service plan called “web-app-3-plan”, in resource group web-app-group, which was created after the two web apps. Now I want to move both web apps into the new app service plan. All three plans are in the same region (West US) but have different pricing tiers (which shouldn’t matter).
When I go to web-app-1 and select “Change App Service plan” I only see the current plan in the dropdown list and an option to create a new plan (that starts with ASP-).
How do I move my web apps into “web-app-3-plan”, my new plan?
Thanks for contributing to Stack Overflow.
I tried to replicate your issue, and I was able to move the Web App to New ASP(App Service Plan) without any issues. Attached the screenshot for the same.
And after investigating your issue further,
The reason this might be occurring is because the App Service Plan is tied to a different webspace than the original App Service Plan of the web app, even though the newly created App Service Plan was moved to the same Resource Group.
What you can do to resolve the issue is, delete the newly created App Service Plan, and then create the new App Service Plan in the same Resource Group rather than moving it to the Resource Group( if you have done it) . This will ensure the App Service Plans are tied to the same webspace (on the same Resource Group and the same region).
Please refer to the below doc for more reference : Move an App to another App Service Plan
I hope this information helps.

How can I get reports of all memory usages and cpu usages by App Service on a single plan

Is there a way of showing memory/cpu consumption by App Service for all app services on an Azure App Service Plan?
Alternatively, is there any way of generating a report of resource consumption for multiple selected App Services?
UPDATE: The Metrics per Instance (App Service) report does not show each app on the plan. Only the apps in the resource group for the app you are viewing.
Check out the metrics per instance - app service plan section under the web app in Azure portal

How does scaling out work in Azure App Services?

I am trying to wrap my head around the concept of Azure App Service plan and Azure App Services, with no luck.
My understanding is that an App Service Plan defines the capacity and the pricing, all apps assigned to a specific App Service plan will share the same resources, is that right?
If that is right, then what is the benefit of the scaling-out? If the scale out will create more instances of the same app which at the end will be hosted on the same App Service Plan (sharing the same resources)?
I read almost all the official and non-official documentation about Azure App Service plan and App Services but couldn't find an answer to this question, they are all saying that scaling is working on the app level (not the app service plan) and at the same time saying that the apps assigned to the same app service plan are actually sharing the same resources, so what is the benefit of the scale-out feature?
My understanding is that an App Service Plan defines the capacity and
the pricing, all apps assigned to a specific App Service plan will
share the same resources, is that right?
If that is right, then what is the benefit of the scaling-out? If the
scale out will create more instances of the same app which at the end
will be hosted on the same App Service Plan (sharing the same
No one forces you to put all your apps on the same App Service Plan. When you create an App you put it into some App Service Plan. All the Apps on that (and only that) App Service Plan would share resources, but you could create a lot of App Service Plans.
Also, when you scale out you create more PaaS instances of the VM's hosting your App, so when you scale out you are not getting another App Pool in the same IIS, you are getting another App Pool on the other IIS on the other VM.
edit: to clarify the comment, the App Service Plan is a collection of Windows VM's with IIS installed on them. All the Apps assigned to that App Service Plan are hosted on ALL the instances of those VM's, when you scale out or scale up you change the number or capacity of those VM's.
There's no temporary App Service Plan. You pay for the Service Plan, not for the App. Apps cost nothing, they are simply consuming resources on the Service Plan, its the Service Plan that "eats" money. You are getting billed according to the Service Plan tier and scale.
Pricing is based on the size and number of VM instances you run.
As I know, the scale out would create multiple copies of your web app and add a Load Balance to distribute the requests between them automatically. And you don't need to configure the load balance separately by yourself.
Assuming that you create a website (a windows server with IIS), then your website would has the App Pool which defines the available resources for your website. Each instance could handle a limited number of requests, in order to reduce the response time, you could scale out your website into multiple instances, then each web-server could split the work load. For more details, you could refer to Scaling Up and Scaling Out in Windows Azure Web Sites and this tutorial for a better understanding of Azure Web App auto scale.
As #4c74356b41 said when you scale out you are going to get more physical resources (i.e VM's with more compute, memory and storage). Also one correction as per Azure documentation, scale out is going to effect all apps in app service plan. see below link and the point to note is
"The scale settings take only seconds to apply and affect all apps in your App Service plan. They do not require you to change your code or redeploy your application" -
The docs answer this clearly: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-hosting-plans#how-does-my-app-run-and-scale
In this way, the App Service plan is the scale unit of the App Service apps. If the plan is configured to run five VM instances, then all apps in the plan run on all five instances. If the plan is configured for autoscaling, then all apps in the plan are scaled out together based on the autoscale settings.
