I would like to Add a button in the default view under the mail and calendar tabs in Outlook/OWA. The button is well displayed using the extensionpoints so far but they depend on the context (MessageReadCommandSurface, AppointmentOrganizerCommandSurface). If no mail is selected or when not in new appointment creation, buttons are not displayed.
I looked here but I do not find how. Any idea?
I have a grid which displays data from the SharePoint list.
On clicking of Edit icon, it should display a popup, where it allows users to edit Expiration date and notes field as per below screenshots.
Once user clicks on save, it should save the data back to SharePoint list and grid.
May I know how it can be achieved in SP2013 visual web part?
I have created the Outlook Web Add-in project and trying th create the dropdown menu by following the link under
It seems that dropdown menu just take static list. What i want to do is i have webservices which is returning some destination and link of that destionation . I want to display the list of all those destination under the dropdown and by clicking one of it, it opens the link into task pane.
Any tips ? how to display from webservice in dropdown menu.
It is not currently possible to dynamically populate the dropdowns, your best bet would be to have a single taskpane action, then render a selector page that dynamically shows the available options, then navigate to the page associated with that option. Feel free to upvote this User Voice suggestion to let us know that this feature is important to you.
Is it possible to access the current new item Id, (pre-creation) from a custom ribbon button action?
For example, I have created a new button within the Appointment Tab, so when someone creates a new appointment or meeting, my button is there on the right hand side of the ribbon. I have that wired up to a Click event. What I want to do here, is somehow access some sort of identifier to the currently being composed appointment/meeting, when that button is clicked.
So I'm wondering;
- does outlook create some sort of ID for the message, even before clicking 'Send' or 'Save' ? And if so is this obtainable?
Just thought I'd add, an alternative/workaround for me would be if I could somehow bind or add data to the appointment, which I could then retrieve through some sort of listener when the appointment gets created (which I would then have the ID for). I'm hoping this will definitely be possible given the other ribbon buttons perform actions on the appointment when it's created?
RibbonControl is passed as an argument to your event handler. RibbonControl.Context will be the Inspector object (or Explorer if your button is on the Explorer ribbon). Use the Inspector.CurrentItem property to retrieve the item.
I am building a share point site wherein I am trying to get multiple calenders in a single view. I have been able to overlay/merge calenders but I am unable to make the select/unselect of a calender from a set of merged calenders seamless.
Explaining using the feature from google calender - basically, when using multiple calendars in google calender, the calendars menu is on the left. clicking on each individual calendar will hide the calendar if it is already displayed or show it if it is hidden.
In sharepoint clicking the calendar in overlay view opens that particular calendar. what I want to achieve is a view where all calendars are overlayed and can be shown or hidden by a simple mouse input.
Has anyone done this before? Any pointers? Thanks
My problem is that: when In create a form with Infopath 2010 and I add a button control, the button does not appear when I open it in display mode. then I decide to add the button in the ribbon with sharepoint designer 2010 but this button appear only in the default display form. please I need someone help me to solve this problem. I'm new in sharepoint
Thank you
Are you using the stock button control built into InfoPath? If you are not, the button images need to be uploaded and checked in within the SharePoint site. InfoPath forms should display stock buttons out of the box with no trouble.
When using picture buttons, head to the picture button properties and deselect the option that says 'Hide picture button in read-only views'.