Matlab - Display trailing edge of a long strings in a listbox by hovering the mouse over the string - string

I have a Matlab listbox on which some strings are very long. I do not want to make listbox too wide just only because of these few long strings.
Is there anyway to display trailing edge of these long strings in my listbox by simply hovering the mouse over those strings without using scroll pane?

Perhaps, you can set the TooltipString property of your listbox. This is what is displayed when you hover the cursor on some object. It will not be a nice or user friendly but is better than nothing.
%Create a listbox
myListbox = uicontrol('Style','listbox');
%Callback function called each time the listbox value is changed
%It should also be called whenever the 'String' property is updated
function listboxCB(obj,evt)
%Get the value
if isempty(v)
%Get the string corresponding to that line
str = get(obj,'String');
str = str{v(1)}; %Show the first one (if 'multiselect' = 'on')
There may be some clever way by interacting directly with the underlying Java objects.

See Jan's answer using Java objects. Worked great.
% Prepare the Matlab listbox uicontrol
hFig = figure;
listItems = {'apple','orange','banana','lemon','cherry','pear','melon'};
hListbox = uicontrol(hFig, 'style','listbox', 'pos',[20,20,60,60], 'string',listItems);
% Get the listbox's underlying Java control
jScrollPane = findjobj(hListbox);
% We got the scrollpane container - get its actual contained listbox control
jListbox = jScrollPane.getViewport.getComponent(0);
% Convert to a callback-able reference handle
jListbox = handle(jListbox, 'CallbackProperties');
% Set the mouse-movement event callback
set(jListbox, 'MouseMovedCallback', {#mouseMovedCallback,hListbox});
% Mouse-movement callback
function mouseMovedCallback(jListbox, jEventData, hListbox)
% Get the currently-hovered list-item
mousePos = java.awt.Point(jEventData.getX, jEventData.getY);
hoverIndex = jListbox.locationToIndex(mousePos) + 1;
listValues = get(hListbox,'string');
hoverValue = listValues{hoverIndex};
% Modify the tooltip based on the hovered item
msgStr = sprintf('<html>item #%d: <b>%s</b></html>', hoverIndex, hoverValue);
set(hListbox, 'Tooltip',msgStr);
end % mouseMovedCallback


Changing Value of Combo Box to another Value in VB

I am trying to change the value of a combo box value "Black Shredded - 7.90" to just show "Black Shredded" when it is selected
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim strString1 As String
Dim strString2 As String
strString1 = cboProduct.SelectedItem
intIndex = strString1.IndexOf(" ")
strString2 = strString1.Remove(intIndex + 9)
If cboProduct.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
cboProduct.Text = strString2
End If
I went through the values and they show as they should but it isn't changing the combobox value what could I be doing wrong?
If you have just added Strings to the ComboBox in the first place then you need to replace the existing item with the new value. This:
cboProduct.Text = strString2
should be this:
cboProduct.Items(cboProduct.SelectedIndex) = strString2
You can just use 0 rather than cboProduct.SelectedIndex, given that you have already confirmed that that is the index at that point.
Setting the Text property doesn't affect the items at all. If DropDownStyle is set to DropDown then the specified text will be displayed but no item will be selected. If DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList then the item with that text will be selected, if one exists. Either way, no item is added or changed.

Update an Excel style in VBA

My Excel macro reads the answers to a survey from a set of Excel files. The answers of a survey contain a score (from 1 to 4) and a description. The goal is to generate a a matrix. Each cell of the matrix has a color that represents the score. I would like the user to be able to modify the layout of these cell. To make it easy to the user, I created a template matrix and a button. The user should be able to modify the layout of the cells and on a click of a button, a set of styles (Score 1, Score 2,...) should be generated. Once the matrix is created, the Workbook should be to function without the survey files.
I have tried a couple of things:
Try 1
ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add "Score 1", BasedOn:=cell1
This gives errors. I don't fully understand when they occur, but one of the causes is when the user modifies the cell layout by selecting another style.
Try 2
ThisWorkbook.Styles("Score 1").Delete
ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add "Score 1", BasedOn:=cell1
This is not a good idea: all cells loose their styling when it is executed a second time.
Try 3: Current
Copy the most frequently used properties of the cells layout and copy them to the style. If this style is deleted by the user, it is recreated. This procedures is not ideal, since most style properties won't be covered.
Is there a way to update a cell style that is more general? I would like there to be as little room as possible to make the workbook in an inconsistent and non-functional state.
I sticked with try 3. Because it required a lot of code for all properties that seemed possible to be edited, and because of copying borders is tricky, I post the result.
'xR1_Template: the cell to base the style on
'nm_Style: the name of the style
Public Function Upsert_Style(xR1_Template As Excel.Range, nm_Style As String) As Excel.Style
Dim xStyle As Excel.Style
Set xStyle = Fn.TryGet(ThisWorkbook.Styles, nm_Style)
If Fn.IsNothing(xStyle) Then
Set xStyle = ThisWorkbook.Styles.Add(nm_Style)
End If
xStyle.Font.Color = xR1_Template.Font.Color
xStyle.Font.Bold = xR1_Template.Font.Bold
xStyle.Font.Name = xR1_Template.Font.Name
xStyle.Font.Italic = xR1_Template.Font.Italic
xStyle.Font.Size = xR1_Template.Font.Size
xStyle.Font.Strikethrough = xR1_Template.Font.Strikethrough
xStyle.Font.Subscript = xR1_Template.Font.Subscript
xStyle.Font.Superscript = xR1_Template.Font.Superscript
xStyle.Font.Underline = xR1_Template.Font.Underline
xStyle.Interior.Color = xR1_Template.Interior.Color
xStyle.Interior.Pattern = xR1_Template.Interior.Pattern
xStyle.Interior.PatternColor = xR1_Template.Interior.PatternColor
'NOTE: necessary to delete all borders first. There's no way to delete them one by one.
xStyle.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
Dim iBorder As Long
For iBorder = 1 To xR1_Template.Borders.Count
Dim xBorder As Excel.Border
'NOTE: The Borders property claims to work with xlBordersIndex argument, but this is not true.
' Normal indexing is used.
Set xBorder = xR1_Template.Borders(iBorder)
'NOTE: "none-style" borders (=no border), should be skipped.
' Once they are retrieved using the Borders property, they are always visible.
' Setting them with xlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone does not hide them.
If xBorder.LineStyle <> XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone Then
Dim xBorder_Style As Excel.Border
Set xBorder_Style = xStyle.Borders(iBorder)
xBorder_Style.Color = xBorder.Color
xBorder_Style.LineStyle = xBorder.LineStyle
xBorder_Style.Weight = xBorder.Weight
End If
Next iBorder
xStyle.AddIndent = xR1_Template.AddIndent
xStyle.FormulaHidden = xR1_Template.FormulaHidden
xStyle.HorizontalAlignment = xR1_Template.HorizontalAlignment
xStyle.IndentLevel = xR1_Template.IndentLevel
xStyle.NumberFormat = xR1_Template.NumberFormat
xStyle.NumberFormatLocal = xR1_Template.NumberFormatLocal
xStyle.Orientation = xR1_Template.Orientation
xStyle.ShrinkToFit = xR1_Template.ShrinkToFit
xStyle.VerticalAlignment = xR1_Template.VerticalAlignment
xStyle.WrapText = xR1_Template.WrapText
xStyle.IndentLevel = xR1_Template.IndentLevel
Set Upsert_Style = xStyle
End Function

Can I use a string as a name in Visual Basic to change an objects properties?

My Idea is not too hard. I have a button, a string called "progname", a TextBox and three Progressbars.
When I enter a number into the TextBox and press the button, the following code run's through.
Dim progname As String
progname = "Progressbar" & TextBox1.Text
Now I have a string called "progname" with relevant value.For an example "Progressbar2".
What I want to achieve is write something like:
progname.Value += 1
Which can't be done, as "Value" is not a Member of "String". How can I do this?
Overall what I want, is to be able to select one of the three progressbars by typing one of the numbers 1-3 into the TextBox and then change that ones porperties.
Yes you can.
A basic example is this, which searches your form for controls with the name matching your string. It then changes the type to a ProgressBar so you can access all the methods ..
Dim progbar As ProgressBar = CType(Me.Controls.Find(progName, False)(0), ProgressBar)
progbar.Value += 1

Tkinter selecting text by index

I am implementing a search function in python with Tkinter and would like to select the first match it comes to. I have seen many examples with creating a tag_config to highlight the background of the indexed range, however I would like to select the text (the same way one would by clicking at the first index, then shift clicking the last index).
Thus far I have got both the start and end index of the area I need to select, I just don't know the command to "select" the text with that information.
My current code (that uses a highlight approach) is:
def search_command():
word = askstring("Search", "Enter word to search")
length = len(str(word))
pos =, '1.0', stopindex=END)
row, col = pos.split('.')
endlen = int(col) + length
end = row + '.' + str(endlen)
textPad.tag_add("found", pos, end)
The "found" tag just highlights the background of the text rather than selecting it.
Any help with finding the correct function would be greatly appreciated.
The selection is defined by the "sel" tag. Apply that tag to the range of text you want selected:
textPad.tag_add("sel", pos, end)

c# listbox i have trouble with

I created a list in a button ADD:
List <string> Names = new List<string>();
textBox1.Text = " ";
I created another button SHOW NAMES and i want these names I entered in the list, to be listed in the listbox? How can this be done?
First, you need to move that first line outside of the button click method, because if you declare the list inside the method, it will be gone once that method returns.
For your SHOW NAMES method, if all you want to do is display the list, you could use a TextBlock instead of a listbox, and it will be a little easier:
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
tb.text = string.Concat(Names);
