Azure DataLake (ADLS) BulkDownload Bad Request - azure

I am trying to download the file from adls using the BulkDownload method using BulkDownload but I am getting a BAD Request response as below:
Error in getting metadata for path cc-
Operation: GETFILESTATUS failed with HttpStatus:BadRequest Error: Uexpected
error in JSON parsing.
Last encountered exception thrown after 1 tries. [Uexpected error in JSON
However, if I try to download the file through azure client shell it works.
I am using the BulkDownload as follow:
Is anyone else facing the same issue for BulkDownload call?

I got this fixed as the srcPath is the relative path ("/HelloWorld/test.txt") in the azure datalake storage, previously I was the using the absolute path ("adl://


The remote name could not be resolved: ''

Faced a data copy issue using Azure Fabric Data - minIO
In Azure Fabric Data, I set up a connection to my minIO server, the test connection goes well, I see all the bucket
BUT when I try to access the contents of the cart I get an error
The operation has timed out"
or "The file operation is failed. A WebException with status NameResolutionFailure was thrown. The remote name could not be resolved: '' Activity ID: 0794a825-7ba4-dfec4cfc8846"
Judging by the error, I need to adjust the "path style" URLs
But I can't find an example of how to do it right.
Can you suggest
Registered two parameters in the configuration file
Here is my suggestion. To resolve the issue of "The operation has timed out" or:
The file operation is failed. A WebException with status NameResolutionFailure was thrown. The remote name could not be resolved
…while accessing the contents of a bucket in Azure Fabric Data using minIO, you need to set up the "path style" URLs correctly.
You have registered two parameters in the configuration file, MINIO_DOMAIN and MINIO_SERVER_URL. To use path style URLs, set MINIO_SERVER_URL to http://(host):9000.
Here is an example:
Make sure to replace with the actual hostname or IP address of your minIO server.

Jira Rest API Calls in Azure Data Factory

Good Day
I configured a Pipeline Copy Data job in Azure Data Factory to extract data from Jira with an API call using the rest API connector in Azure.
When i configure and test the connection it is successful.
Now when i try to preview the data in the Copy container i get the following error.
Does anyone know what this error means and how do i bypass it?
I believe i am not the first one trying to extract data from Jira via Rest API.
Thank you and Regards
Error occurred when deserializing source JSON file ".Check if the data
is in valid JSON object format.Unexpected character encountered while
parsing value:<.Path".....
I think the error already indicates the root cause.You data format is invalid JSON format,you could try to simulate rest api invoke to make sure if the situation exists.ADF can't help you handle the illegal deserialization.
In addition,according to the connector doc,ADF supports JIRA connector.Maybe you could try to have a try on that.

Reading data from Azure Blob Storage into Azure Databricks using /mnt/

I've successfully mounted my blob storage to Databricks, and can see the defined mount point when running"/mnt/"). This has size=0 - it's not clear if this is expected or not.
When I try and run"/mnt/<mount-name>"), I get this error: / is not found
When I try and write a simple file to my mounted blob with dbutils.fs.put("/mnt/<mount-name>/1.txt", "Hello, World!", True), I get the following error (shortened for readability):
ExecutionError: An error occurred while calling z:com.databricks.backend.daemon.dbutils.FSUtils.put. : java.util.NoSuchElementException: An error occurred while enumerating the result, check the original exception for details.
Caused by: The specified resource does not exist.
All the data is in the root of the Blob container, so I have not defined any folder structures in the dbutils.fs.mount code.
thinking emoji
The solution here is making sure you are using the 'correct' part of your Shared Access Signature (SAS). When the SAS is generated, you'll find there are lots of different parts of it that you can use - it's likely sent to you as one long connection string, e.g:
When you define your mount point, use the value of the SharedAccessSignature key, e.g:

Azure .Net SDK Error : FsOpenStream failed with error 0x83090aa2

We are trying to download a file present in Data Lake Store. I have been following the below tutorial which uses .Net Azure SDk.
As we have already the file present in Azure Data Lake Store , I just added the code to download the file
FileCreateOpenAndAppendResponse beginOpenResponse = _dataLakeStoreFileSystemClient.FileSystem.BeginOpen("/XXXX/XXXX/test.csv", DataLakeStoreAccountName, new FileOpenParameters());
FileOpenResponse openResponse = _dataLakeStoreFileSystemClient.FileSystem.Open(beginOpenResponse.Location);
But it's failing with the below error
failed with error 0x83090aa2 ().
While debugging we inspected the beginOpenResponse.Location that been used in the second line code. It seems to the correct value as below
The error does not provide much information to track down the problem.
I agree that the store errors are currently non-printable comment. We are working on improving this.
According to my store developer, 0x83090aa2 is access check failed. Can you please check if you have access to the storage account and/or the path is correct?

How to handle DNS-lookup failure to Azure Blob Storage

(I'm quite new to Windows Azure development, so I hope I'm using the right terms.)
We have an Azure Worker Role that is supposed to fetch data stored in Blob Storage.
Somehow we occasionally get the following error message:
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.StorageServerException: The server encountered an unknown failure: The remote name could not be resolved: '' ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
This seems strange, since requests only a second before and/or after works as expected.
If I understand things correctly, the CloudBlob class has internal retry functionality. It seems that this is not considered as a "retryable" error. Is this perhaps handled by the Transient Error Handling Block (Topaz), or do we have to handle this specific error in some other way?
