vi replace visual mode selection with clipboard - linux

I know that this question has probably already been answered but I can't find it.
Here is what I want to do, imagine I have world in my clipboard.
And my file looks like :
Hello guys
I want to replace guys by world.
I know that :%s/guys/world/g would work but my section is actually huge.
I would like to select my selection with v (visual mode) then when I have the proper selection highlighted, paste my clipboard. I tried p it's not working.
Any help ?

I just did this on gvim 8.0.2. This post explains how to do it:
From that post:
Firstly, execute the command
:echo has('clipboard')
If it returns 1 you're good to go, otherwise check if your distro has a more full-featured vim package (or compile it yourself)
To copy to the clipboard, enter either visual, visual-block , or visual-line mode, select your text and press the sequence (not combo):
and your text is ready to be pasted into any other program or window.
Additionally you can execute that sequence in normal mode, however its behavior is not ideal (in my opinion). It yanks the remaining characters on the current line, after the cursor plus the characters on the next line up until the column of the cursor. Decent if your cursor is at column 0, otherwise kind of annoying.
By replacing the 'y' with a 'p' you get the same behavior you would expect from just 'p' in normal mode, however pasted from the system clipboard. On a modern setup, this is probably not as useful, as we have Ctrl-Shift-v, but I can certainly think of some use-cases for this.

Have you tried the normal paste command of terminal ctrl+shift+v? It works for me after selecting content through v.


How to use different registers in Vim to copy/paste from/to OS clipboard -- how exactly?

I've read this How to make vim paste from (and copy to) system's clipboard? and I know what the hotkeys are. But I'm unable to execute any of those commands. For example, what exactly should I press to call
"* or "+? In which mode also? I've tried different things and none of them worked.
I am assuming you've double-checked that :echo has('clipboard') returns 1. If it returns 0, you're out of luck since vim isn't compiled with access to the system clipboard.
If you have clipboard powers, then yanking and pasting inside of vim is done with pressing just the letter y and the letter p, in normal mode. Start doing this first, to confirm that you can yank and paste inside of vim. For instance, yank a line: yy and paste it p.
Next, confirm that you can yank inside of vim to the system clipboard with "*y. (That means pressing the double-quote (shift-'), then an asterix (shift-8), then the letter y, all in quick-ish succession. Toggle over to another app and paste with the regular control-V. (You may be able to look at the bottom left of status line to see what you are literally typing, which might help).
If that works, then the clipboard functionality is "good to go." If it doesn't you might need to tweak your .vimrc to get things working. Try setting the clipboard to unnamed: set clipboard=unnamed and retest step 3 again.

Vim does not like brackets

I have a problem that have been bothering me for days now.
Whatever I do, I simply cannot place any single {,},[ or ].
Every time I try, it takes me up to the next or previous paragraph. I've looked it up and I can't find a good way to unmap it and finally have my azerty keyboard to behave correctly so I can peacefully code
In the normal mode, press 'i' to enter the insert mode.
And you can start to edit your file.
After everything is done, press the 'ESC' key and then ':wq' to save your modification.
Vim / vi has several different modes. This dates back to the times when you would edit using a teletyper, i.e. no "visual" representation of the data you are editing, no mouse etc.
With only the "usual" keys at your disposal, you need to navigate in the data, you need to insert data, and you need to execute commands on the data. Not so coincidentially, these are the three modes of Vim / vi, and in each mode, the keys do something differently.
By default, the editor starts in the "normal mode", which you will use to navigate, and enter the other modes from.
In this mode, ) moves you to the end of the sentence, ( to the previous sentence. } and { do the same for paragraphs, combinations of [ and ] work with chapters.
If you enter "insert mode" (most simply by pressing i in "normal mode"), you can enter all the above letters normally. You exit "insert mode" by pressing <Esc>. You will recognize "insert mode" by -- INSERT -- being displayed in the bottommost line of the screen.
If you are in "insert mode", and pressing any of the above keys does move your cursor instead of entering the corresponding symbol, there is some (broken) configuration at work. Check your ~/.vimrc, and if necessary, rename it and try again with a "clean" configuration.
It is next to impossible to do Vim / vi justice in the scope of a SO answer. It is very much an expert-friendly editor, not a novice-friendly one. You need to actually learn how to use this editor, but it is absolutely worth it in the long run.
In insert mode, you should be able to insert brackets without trouble.
In normal mode, those correspond to motions.
To go to insert mode from normal mode, press i.
See: :h object-motions
Alright, Problem Solved ! I had to uninstall and reinstall the Ubuntu bash on windows 10 multiple times and it worked ! Thanks for the help everone !

How to copy all the text from vim editor using vim command line?

I want to select all the text from the vim editor, I tried the command :%y+ but getting error E850: Invalid register name. I get this command from this link. Please help me how to copy all the text from file which is open in vim. They are using yank, what is meaning of it..
I had a similar problem. Don't know why you got so many down votes.
The problem is that you haven't installed vim-gnome which takes about 24 MB and adds a feature to the inbuilt vim.
sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
then your command will work. :%y+ This command will copy all the text in system's clipboard.
TLDR: If you want to copy text in Vim to the system clipboard type ggVG"*y. Explanation below...
Vim runs in the terminal and, depending upon how you are using it and which type of Vim you are running, it's not really designed for you to select text with a mouse and copy and paste in the traditional way.
If you want to select all of the text using Vim then use ggVGy (note the uppercase VG in the middle). This command moves the cursor to the top of the file, enters visual mode, moves to the bottom of the file (thus, selecting all of the text) and then yanks (copies) it. You can then use p to put (paste) this code but only inside of Vim.
If you want to copy to the clipboard to use somewhere outside of Vim then try this:
First, select everything using the commands outlined above but without the final y: (ggVG). Then press "*y. This should now copy it to your operating system's clipboard and you can just paste (Ctrl/Cmd+v) anywhere you want outside of Vim. This can vary depending on what settings you have for Vim but it should work.
A brief explanation of the commands used. gg goes to the top of the file. V enters visual mode by lines. G goes to the end of the file. y yanks (copies) the text but not to the clipboard. p puts (pastes) the text.
The more advanced (i.e. cool) stuff:
" allows you to access registers. For example "a provides access to register a.
The * is the system clipboard so "* provides access to the system keyboard. Therefore, "*y yanks into the system clipboard.
While there's a great explanation of how to exploit the system clipboard in vim, it sounds like you're just having trouble getting your vim to access the clipboard in the first place. Try installing vim-gnome, it gives you the packages you need to get to the system clipboard.
For some reason, "* didn't work for me, but the exact same command with the "+ register did.
To select the whole file you can jump to the beginning, start visual mode, jump to the end:
This question is a few years old now, but I had this same problem on Linux Mint 18. I found using xclip worked for me. You can map the command vmap <F7> :!xclip -sel c<CR><CR> in your .vimrc to have your current selection in visual mode copied to the system clipboard.
Here is a thread containing the above (and other) solutions.
You can use
Vggy/vggy or,
To visually select any number of text and then copy it, in your case it is gg / G as you want all text on the file,
gg is to copy while your cursor is at bottom of the file, gg for go to top
G is to copy while your cursor is at top of the file
Or even you can always use
Vk(as number of time)y to copy the selected lines of text.

Pasting text in vim. A tedious operation?

I've been using vim for somewhat longer than a year now and during this time I have never feel really comfortable with the way vim works with yanking and pasting text (or maybe it is just me not using it in the most efficient way)
For example, I have the word "World" yanked onto a register, and I want to paste it after "Hello". (Note that there are no spaces on either of the words). So, what I would do is
Place cursor here, and press "p". Then, what I will end up with is
So, in order to avoid this, I have always to swith into insert mode, insert a espace, and go back into normal mode (or either make sure that the yanked word has a space before it). Be as it may, this is quite annoying behaviour I can't think of a solution for... Am I missing something here?
Suggestions will be appreciated.
option zero
just live with what you have now.
option one
create a mapping for your workflow. for example
nnoremap <leader>p i<space><esc>p
option two
:set ve=all
then you could move your cursor to anywhere and paste
option three
you could in insert mode use <c-o> do normal mode stuff or <c-r> to get register values
I recommend option zero
You can use the Smartput : Adjust spaces and commas when putting text plugin for that. It modifies the p / P commands (this can be toggled on / off).

Community Wiki: "Vim: Advanced usage of the yanking mechanism"

Community Wiki
As the documentation of the yank system shows (thanks Michal), The Vim yank system seems to be more intricate then a standard clipboard. I therefore think it beneficial if vim veterans could perhaps show us some different styles of making use of this mechanism. particularly with the usage of vim for complicated projects without the use of a heavyweight IDE (say C++ ?).
Original Question
Now that I am using vim for everything I type, rather then just for configuring servers, I wan't to sort out the following trivialities. I tried to formulate Google search queries but the results didn't address my questions :D.
Question one: How do I yank and replace multiple times ?
Once I have something in the yank history (if that is what its called) and then highlight and use the 'p' char in command mode the replaced text is put at the front of the yank history; therefore subsequent replace operations do not use the the text I intended. I imagine this to be a usefull feature under certain circumstances but I do not have a need for it in my workflow.
Question two: How do I type text without causing the line to ripple forward ?
I use hard-tab stops to allign my code in a certain way -- e.g.,
FunctionNameX ( lala * land );
FunctionNameProto ( );
When I figure out what needs to go into the second function, how do I insert it without move the text up ?
Question three Is there a way of having a uniform yank history across gvim instances on the same machine ? I have > 1 monitors. Just wondering, atm I am using highlight + mouse middle click.
Answer one: A relevant, if not particularly encouraging, qoute from the Vim docs (see :help put-Visual-mode):
When using a put command like |p| or |P| in Visual mode, Vim will try to
replace the selected text with the contents of the register. Whether this
works well depends on the type of selection and the type of the text in the
register. With blockwise selection it also depends on the size of the block
and whether the corners are on an existing character. (Implementation detail:
it actually works by first putting the register after the selection and then
deleting the selection.)
The previously selected text is put in the unnamed register. If you want to
put the same text into a Visual selection several times you need to use
another register. E.g., yank the text to copy, Visually select the text to
replace and use "0p . You can repeat this as many times as you like, the
unnamed register will be changed each time.
Answer two: R (the capital 'R') puts you in replace mode.
I'm missing answer three, I'm afraid.
Answer three: Not quite matching the "uniform yank history" spec, but "+y yanks to clipboard and "+p pastes from clipboard if a clipboard is available.
Yank into a buffer
:y b
yanks into buffer b
:p b
places it.
I think there are more named buffers available.
