Polymer 1.0 Pagination Implementation - pagination

We are trying to implement pagination feature for an existing polymer based application. We are currently in polymer version 1.0. Is there any element in polymer 1.0 which can be used to implement pagination. Elements like pagination-input have dependencies of 2.0.
Any pointer to implement this feature in 1.x will be useful.

The pagination-input element by cforgeard has 2.0 dependencies however, a quick look into the code shows that this element could be easy downgraded to Polymer 1. Switching out the class based syntax and adjusting the dependency versions should do the trick.
I don't think there are any other pagination Elements


Bootsfaces vs Bootstrap

I have used Bootstrap while development of Web Application. Now I have started learning of BootsFaces. While learning very first question pop up in my mind is
What is Exactly difference between Bootstrap and BootsFaces? and
what are their pros and cons over each other?
I searched for these answers but there wasn't any answer which make my doubt clear. Please help me for these questions.
BootsFaces is a JSF component library which generates HTML that uses Bootstrap. BootsFaces allows you to easily work with Bootstrap in a JSF application. Comparing them would be more or less the same as comparing red paint to a red painted board.
Some info from the BootsFaces showcase on this subject, specifically on layouting:
Why BootsFaces? Why not using Bootstrap natively?
BootsFaces takes full advantage of Bootstrap's Grid system while maintaining the benefits of being a JSF framework. Actually, we believe it's more concise and more expressive than programming Bootstrap natively. Convince yourself: inspect the source code of the demo in your browser's source code view. After reformatting, the form is 81 lines. The JSF source is is 45 lines.
BootsFaces being a JSF framework means that you can leverage Bootstrap's layout feature using - for example - the JSF templating system and JSF's conditional rendering to achieve and maintain very complex layouts without much effort.
This website is an example itself: it uses a page template with ui:insert and ui:include and the pages are ui:compositions.
See also:
What is the need of JSF, when UI can be achieved with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and AngularJS

Vaadin layout using CSS flex-box?

Is there a Layout in Vaadin 8 (Vaadin Framework) or Vaadin 10 (Vaadin Flow) that uses the newer CSS flex-box (a.k.a. flexbox) feature?
This excellent tutorial makes it look like flex-box could be used to implement Vaadin’s GridLayout, VerticalLayout, and HorizontalLayout.
Vaadin 8
If you want to use flex-box in Vaadin 8, there are following options
If you prefer server side java API, there is add-on in directory https://vaadin.com/directory/component/flexlayout-add-on that has that.
You can always use CssLayout, and define CSS flex-box rules in your theme
The Board (https://vaadin.com/directory/component/vaadin-board) component is implemented using flex-box
Vaadin 10 (Flow)
All Layouts in Flow are implemented using Flex-box, making them function better together. There is also a FlexLayout in Flow, that gives Java API of flex-box in similar fashion than the add-on mentioned above. HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout are special cases flex-box, so there is less side effects when combining these (see: https://vaadin.com/docs/v10/flow/components/tutorial-flow-components-setup.html).

What is the equivalent tag for ScriptCollector?

We want to migrate our project from IBM WebSphere 6.1 to Tomcat 6, but in our JSP-JSF UI pages we have extensively used below IBM JSF tags.
And to replace above tags, we are trying to find the equivalent tags from Sun JSF or any other open source libraries, but we didn't find any equivalent tags.
I wanted to know whether any body has already worked on this kind of migration project, if yes can you please share the equivalent tags?
or if you solved it differently even that info also will be useful.
Thanks in Advance.
There's no standard JSF equivalent for the <hx:scriptCollector> (although the JSF 2.0 <h:head> comes close). The <hx:scriptCollector> is only required by those IBM-specific <hx:xxx> components. It's designed to collect all JavaScript files required by those <hx:xxx> components and then render the desired <script> tag(s) without potential duplicates when multiple components require the same JS files. It's not required by any standard JSF component.
In other words, just get rid of it without replacement.
As to other tags, just check the available standard components in tag documentation or Java EE tutorial. If none is available, just pick a component library like PrimeFaces or RichFaces. If you still can't figure out, ask an individual question for the particular tag.

Resolving CSS property for node

maybe my google-fu is just letting me down today, but i have not been able to find a way to resolve arbitrary properties of nodes in order to obtain a style attribute. For instance, I'd like to be able to ask a node 'What is your value (if any) for -fx-fill?'.
A simple application example: I'd like to build a custom legend for a chart. To do so, I'd have to ask a rendered node for their fill property. I could, of course, use my knowledge of the default-colorN classes and simply look up the fill, but it feels like this would be a very bad approach as is violates the whole idea of CSS.
Thanks in advance.
BTW: JavaFX version is 2.1
I'd like to be able to ask a node 'What is your value (if any) for -fx-fill?'
There is no public API for that yet. It is planned to add such an API in a future release.
See RT-17293 CSS Style Object Model in Java.
For the 2.0 and 2.1 release, you could probably find the information using undocumented, deprecated impl_ methods, but I wouldn't advise that.
For now, I'd advise just using css chart styling where-ever you can and supplementing it with a sprinkling of dynamic node.lookup() code where it is impossible to achieve the styling using css.

Are there any JSF component libraries that generate semantic and cross-browser html markup? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to use JSF to build clean CSS layouts without using tables?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm using RichFaces per a client requirement, but the markup it (and the stock JSF controls) generates is an awful mess of nested tables. Are there any control libraries out there that generate nicer markup? AJAX support is a huge plus!
There is ICEFaces which provides more semantic support than RichFaces .Also you can try Nitobi suite which also provides similar kinda solution.If you are not satisfied with any of these I suggest try to write your own part extending the Sun faces
Short answer: No I have not yet found one.
Your options include using less complicated controls and know what html the standard controls emit. Thing like h:panelGrid render as a table. There is nothing stopping you writing your own rendering family which produces more standards compliment html, but this would be a big time investment.
As for using RichFaces if you stick more to the a4j: namespace of tags you will still be getting the cross browser ajax with out all the mark up you don't like.
