Extracting type T from Option<T> - rust

I have some code generated by bindgen that has function pointers represented by Option<T>.
pub type SomeFnPointerType = ::std::option::Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn ( /* .. large number of argument types .. */)
-> /* return type */
> ;
I want to store the unwrapped values in a structure. However, there are no type aliases for the inner function pointer types, so how can I define that structure? I cannot refactor the code because it's automatically generated.
I want to do something like this (in C++'ish pseudo code):
struct FunctionTable {
decltype((None as SomeFnPointerType).unwrap()) unwrappedFn;
/* ... */
or maybe just SomeFnPointerType::T if that is allowed.
Is it possible to achieve that in Rust? If not, the only way I see it is to manually define those types by copy-pasting code from the generated file into a separate handwritten file and keep the types in sync manually.

You can define a trait that exposes the T as an associated type.
trait OptionExt {
type Type;
impl<T> OptionExt for Option<T> {
type Type = T;
type MyOption = Option<fn()>;
fn foo(f: <MyOption as OptionExt>::Type) {
fn main() {
foo(|| {});


Refer to generic type of struct in macro

I need to use an attribute of the generic type of a struct in a macro.
A slightly contrived but minimal example would be if I wanted to implement a method for a generic struct, that returned the minimum value of its generic type.
struct Barn<T> {
hay: T
macro_rules! impl_min_hay{
($barntype:ident) => {
impl $barntype {
fn min_hay(&self) -> ????T {
type SmallBarn = Barn<i8>;
type BigBarn = Barn<i64>;
fn main() {
let barn = SmallBarn { hay: 5 };
println!("{}", barn.min_hay());
How would I resolve from SmallBarn to get the generic type and thus it's MIN attribute?
The actual problem I am trying to solve is a change to this macro. The macro is applied to, among others, BooleanChunked, which is defined as:
pub type BooleanChunked = ChunkedArray<BooleanType>
And I need to use an attribute of BooleanType
The only general solution I can think of is to define a trait that allows you to get at the type parameter (the syntax for this is <Type as Trait>::AssociatedType):
trait HasHayType {
type HayType;
impl<T> HasHayType for Barn<T> {
type HayType = T;
macro_rules! impl_min_hay{
($barntype:ident) => {
impl $barntype {
fn min_hay(&self) -> <$barntype as HasHayType>::HayType {
<$barntype as HasHayType>::HayType::MIN
Here's the complete program on play.rust-lang.org.
That said, once you have a trait, you don't really need the macro – you can just implement min_hay on the trait (this example makes use of the widely used num-traits crate, because this approach needs a trait for "things that have minimum values"):
use num_traits::Bounded;
trait HasHayType {
type HayType: Bounded;
fn min_hay(&self) -> Self::HayType;
impl<T: Bounded> HasHayType for Barn<T> {
type HayType = T;
fn min_hay(&self) -> T {
And here's what that looks like as a complete program.
(And of course, once you've done that too, you don't really need the separate trait either: you can inline the definition of HasHayType into Barn, using a where clause if you want to be able to handle Barns with non-numerical hay types in addition to the ones where you'd use the macro. Presumably, though, the actual situation you have is more complex than the cut-down example you used for the question, so I gave the more complex versions in case the simplified versions wouldn't work.)
As a side note, min_hay doesn't actually need the &self parameter here; you could remove it, in order to be able to learn the minimum amount of hay without needing a barn to put it in.

Writing a Rust struct type that contains a string and can be used in a constant

I'm getting started with Rust. I want to have a struct that contains (among other things) a string:
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Foo {
string_field: &str, // won't compile, but suppose String or Box<str> or &'a str or &'static str...
And I want to be able to declare constants or statics of it:
static FOO1: Foo = Foo {
string_field: "",
And I also want to be able to have it contain a string constructed at runtime:
let foo2 = Foo {
string_field: ("a".to_owned() + "b").as_str(),
I could add a lifetime parameter to Foo so that I can declare that the string reference has the same lifetime. That's fine, except that it then seems to require an explicit lifetime parameter for everything that contains a Foo, which means that it complicates the rest of my program (even parts that don't care about being able to use constant expressions).
I could write
enum StringOfAdequateLifetime {
Static(&'static str),
Dynamic(Box<str>), // or String, if you like
struct Foo {
string_field: StringOfAdequateLifetime,
and that seems to work so far but clutters up writing out literal Foos.
It seems obvious enough that the desired runtime behavior is sound: when you drop a Foo, drop the string it contains — and if it's static it's never dropped, so no extra information is needed to handle the two cases. Is there a clean way to ask Rust for just that?
(It seems like what I could use is some kind of "smart pointer" type to hold the string that can also be written as a constant expression for the static case, but I haven't seen one in the standard library, and when I tried to genericize StringOfAdequateLifetime to apply to any type, I ran into further complications with implementing and using the various standard traits like Deref, which I suspect were due to something about the differences between Sized and non-Sized types.)
The rust standard library has a built-in type for this exact use case, Cow. It's an enum that can represent either a reference or an owned value, and will clone the value if necessary to allow mutable access. In your particular use case, you could define the struct like so:
struct Foo {
string_field: Cow<'static, str>
Then you could instantiate it in one of two ways, depending on whether you want a borrowed constant string or an owned runtime-constructed value:
const BORROWED: Foo = Foo { string_field: Cow::Borrowed("some constant") };
let owned = Foo { string_field: Cow::Owned(String::from("owned string")) };
To simplify this syntax, you can define your own constructor functions for the type using a const fn to allow using the borrowed constructor in a constant context:
impl Foo {
pub const fn new_const(value: &'static str) -> Self {
Self { string_field: Cow::borrowed(value) }
pub fn new_runtime(value: String) -> Self {
Self { string_field: Cow::Owned(value) }
This allows you to use a simpler syntax for initializing the values:
const BORROWED: Foo = Foo::new_const("some constant");
let owned = Foo::new_runtime(String::from("owned string"));

How to store a struct into a variable in Rust?

Rust allows declaring a structure inside a function but it doesn't allow assigning a variable with it in a simple way.
fn f1() -> (something) {
struct mystruct {
x: i32,
let s = mystruct;
fn f2(s: something) {
let obj = s { x: 5 };
fn main() {
let s = f1();
Is it possible to store a struct into a variable in a different way? How do I write the struct type correctly? In my project, I want to declare a struct inside a function and create instances inside of another one.
How to store a struct into a variable in Rust?
Rust is a statically typed language, and as such it is not possible to store a type into a variable, then use this variable to construct an instance of the type.
This is the reason you are not able to express what the type of s is; there is simply no vocabulary in the language for this.
Depending on what you want to do, you may wish to look into:
Generics: fn f2<T: Default>() would allow creating an instance of any type T implementing the Default trait.
Run-time polymorphism: A factory function FnOnce(i32) -> Box<Trait> could produce an instance of any type implementing Trait from a i32.

How do I get a function pointer from a trait in Rust?

How do I get over something like this:
struct Test {
foo: Option<fn()>
impl Test {
fn new(&mut self) {
self.foo = Option::Some(self.a);
fn a(&self) { /* can use Test */ }
I get this error:
error: attempted to take value of method `a` on type `&mut Test`
--> src/main.rs:7:36
7 | self.foo = Option::Some(self.a);
| ^
= help: maybe a `()` to call it is missing? If not, try an anonymous function
How do I pass a function pointer from a trait? Similar to what would happen in this case:
impl Test {
fn new(&mut self) {
self.foo = Option::Some(a);
fn a() { /* can't use Test */ }
What you're trying to do here is get a function pointer from a (to use Python terminology here, since Rust doesn't have a word for this) bound method. You can't.
Firstly, because Rust doesn't have a concept of "bound" methods; that is, you can't refer to a method with the invocant (the thing on the left of the .) already bound in place. If you want to construct a callable which approximates this, you'd use a closure; i.e. || self.a().
However, this still wouldn't work because closures aren't function pointers. There is no "base type" for callable things like in some other languages. Function pointers are a single, specific kind of callable; closures are completely different. Instead, there are traits which (when implemented) make a type callable. They are Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce. Because they are traits, you can't use them as types, and must instead use them from behind some layer of indirection, such as Box<FnOnce()> or &mut FnMut(i32) -> String.
Now, you could change Test to store an Option<Box<Fn()>> instead, but that still wouldn't help. That's because of the other, other problem: you're trying to store a reference to the struct inside of itself. This is not going to work well. If you manage to do this, you effectively render the Test value permanently unusable. More likely is that the compiler just won't let you get that far.
Aside: you can do it, but not without resorting to reference counting and dynamic borrow checking, which is out of scope here.
So the answer to your question as-asked is: you don't.
Let's change the question: instead of trying to crowbar a self-referential closure in, we can instead store a callable that doesn't attempt to capture the invocant at all.
struct Test {
foo: Option<Box<Fn(&Test)>>,
impl Test {
fn new() -> Test {
Test {
foo: Option::Some(Box::new(Self::a)),
fn a(&self) { /* can use Test */ }
fn invoke(&self) {
if let Some(f) = self.foo.as_ref() {
fn main() {
let t = Test::new();
The callable being stored is now a function that takes the invocant explicitly, side-stepping the issues with cyclic references. We can use this to store Test::a directly, by referring to it as a free function. Also note that because Test is the implementation type, I can also refer to it as Self.
Aside: I've also corrected your Test::new function. Rust doesn't have constructors, just functions that return values like any other.
If you're confident you will never want to store a closure in foo, you can replace Box<Fn(&Test)> with fn(&Test) instead. This limits you to function pointers, but avoids the extra allocation.
If you haven't already, I strongly urge you to read the Rust Book.
There are few mistakes with your code. new function (by the convention) should not take self reference, since it is expected to create Self type.
But the real issue is, Test::foo expecting a function type fn(), but Test::a's type is fn(&Test) == fn a(&self) if you change the type of foo to fn(&Test) it will work. Also you need to use function name with the trait name instead of self. Instead of assigning to self.a you should assign Test::a.
Here is the working version:
extern crate chrono;
struct Test {
foo: Option<fn(&Test)>
impl Test {
fn new() -> Test {
Test {
foo: Some(Test::a)
fn a(&self) {
println!("a run!");
fn main() {
let test = Test::new();
Also if you gonna assign a field in new() function, and the value must always set, then there is no need to use Option instead it can be like that:
extern crate chrono;
struct Test {
foo: fn(&Test)
impl Test {
fn new() -> Test {
Test {
foo: Test::a
fn a(&self) {
println!("a run!");
fn main() {
let test = Test::new();
(test.foo)(&test); // Make sure the paranthesis are there

Convenient 'Option<Box<Any>>' access when success is assured?

When writing callbacks for generic interfaces, it can be useful for them to define their own local data which they are responsible for creating and accessing.
In C I would just use a void pointer, C-like example:
struct SomeTool {
int type;
void *custom_data;
void invoke(SomeTool *tool) {
StructOnlyForThisTool *data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
/* ... fill in the data ... */
tool.custom_data = custom_data;
void execute(SomeTool *tool) {
StructOnlyForThisTool *data = tool.custom_data;
if (data.foo_bar) { /* do something */ }
When writing something similar in Rust, replacing void * with Option<Box<Any>>, however I'm finding that accessing the data is unreasonably verbose, eg:
struct SomeTool {
type: i32,
custom_data: Option<Box<Any>>,
fn invoke(tool: &mut SomeTool) {
let data = StructOnlyForThisTool { /* my custom data */ }
/* ... fill in the data ... */
tool.custom_data = Some(Box::new(custom_data));
fn execute(tool: &mut SomeTool) {
let data = tool.custom_data.as_ref().unwrap().downcast_ref::<StructOnlyForThisTool>().unwrap();
if data.foo_bar { /* do something */ }
There is one line here which I'd like to be able to write in a more compact way:
While each method makes sense on its own, in practice it's not something I'd want to write throughout a code-base, and not something I'm going to want to type out often or remember easily.
By convention, the uses of unwrap here aren't dangerous because:
While only some tools define custom data, the ones that do always define it.
When the data is set, by convention the tool only ever sets its own data. So there is no chance of having the wrong data.
Any time these conventions aren't followed, its a bug and should panic.
Given these conventions, and assuming accessing custom-data from a tool is something that's done often - what would be a good way to simplify this expression?
Some possible options:
Remove the Option, just use Box<Any> with Box::new(()) representing None so access can be simplified a little.
Use a macro or function to hide verbosity - passing in the Option<Box<Any>>: will work of course, but prefer not - would use as a last resort.
Add a trait to Option<Box<Any>> which exposes a method such as tool.custom_data.unwrap_box::<StructOnlyForThisTool>() with matching unwrap_box_mut.
Update 1): since asking this question a point I didn't include seems relevant.
There may be multiple callback functions like execute which must all be able to access the custom_data. At the time I didn't think this was important to point out.
Update 2): Wrapping this in a function which takes tool isn't practical, since the borrow checker then prevents further access to members of tool until the cast variable goes out of scope, I found the only reliable way to do this was to write a macro.
If the implementation really only has a single method with a name like execute, that is a strong indication to consider using a closure to capture the implementation data. SomeTool can incorporate an arbitrary callable in a type-erased manner using a boxed FnMut, as shown in this answer. execute() then boils down to invoking the closure stored in the struct field implementation closure using (self.impl_)(). For a more general approach, that will also work when you have more methods on the implementation, read on.
An idiomatic and type-safe equivalent of the type+dataptr C pattern is to store the implementation type and pointer to data together as a trait object. The SomeTool struct can contain a single field, a boxed SomeToolImpl trait object, where the trait specifies tool-specific methods such as execute. This has the following characteristics:
You no longer need an explicit type field because the run-time type information is incorporated in the trait object.
Each tool's implementation of the trait methods can access its own data in a type-safe manner without casts or unwraps. This is because the trait object's vtable automatically invokes the correct function for the correct trait implementation, and it is a compile-time error to try to invoke a different one.
The "fat pointer" representation of the trait object has the same performance characteristics as the type+dataptr pair - for example, the size of SomeTool will be two pointers, and accessing the implementation data will still involve a single pointer dereference.
Here is an example implementation:
struct SomeTool {
impl_: Box<SomeToolImpl>,
impl SomeTool {
fn execute(&mut self) {
trait SomeToolImpl {
fn execute(&mut self);
struct SpecificTool1 {
foo_bar: bool
impl SpecificTool1 {
pub fn new(foo_bar: bool) -> SomeTool {
let my_data = SpecificTool1 { foo_bar: foo_bar };
SomeTool { impl_: Box::new(my_data) }
impl SomeToolImpl for SpecificTool1 {
fn execute(&mut self) {
println!("I am {}", self.foo_bar);
struct SpecificTool2 {
num: u64
impl SpecificTool2 {
pub fn new(num: u64) -> SomeTool {
let my_data = SpecificTool2 { num: num };
SomeTool { impl_: Box::new(my_data) }
impl SomeToolImpl for SpecificTool2 {
fn execute(&mut self) {
println!("I am {}", self.num);
pub fn main() {
let mut tool1: SomeTool = SpecificTool1::new(true);
let mut tool2: SomeTool = SpecificTool2::new(42);
Note that, in this design, it doesn't make sense to make implementation an Option because we always associate the tool type with the implementation. While it is perfectly valid to have an implementation without data, it must always have a type associated with it.
