Windows Registry access for Python script - python-3.x

I'm working on a Python 3.7 script that eventually will be a CLI program like reg.exe is. I'm aiming to include the ability to add, delete and query keys and subkeys. At this point, I can create a new Key and iterate through all keys within the specific path however; once I try to write a value to the new key I made, I get a WinError 5 - Access denied.
Is there a way I can include in the script a way to have access to write to the registry?
I'm still a beginner with Python and programming, I've had a look at documents but I cant figure this one out.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. My code soo far:
import winreg
reg_connection = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
reg_key = winreg.OpenKey(reg_connection, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\\")
winreg.CreateKey(reg_key, "New Key")
for key in range(3000):
show_sub_keys = winreg.EnumKey(reg_key, key)
except WindosError:
new_key_value = winreg.OpenKey(reg_connection, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\New Key")
winreg.SetValueEx(new_key_value, "New Value",0,winreg.REG_SZ, "This Value")

new_key_value = winreg.OpenKey(reg_connection, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\New Key")
Here you do not specify an argument for the optional access parameter, so the call passes the default value of KEY_READ. Hence you can only read from the key, but not write.
You should pass an argument for the access parameter, that specifies the permissions you need:
new_key_value = winreg.OpenKey(reg_connection, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\New Key", 0,
For further details, see the winreg reference.


Changing subdirectory of MLflow artifact store

Is there anything in the Python API that lets you alter the artifact subdirectories? For example, I have a .json file stored here:
MlFlow creates a 3/ key in s3. Is there a way to change to modify this key to something else (a date or the name of the experiment)?
As I commented above, yes, mlflow.create_experiment() does allow you set the artifact location using the artifact_location parameter.
However, sort of related, the problem with setting the artifact_location using the create_experiment() function is that once you create a experiment, MLflow will throw an error if you run the create_experiment() function again.
I didn't see this in the docs but it's confirmed that if an experiment already exists in the backend-store, MlFlow will not allow you to run the same create_experiment() function again. And as of this post, MLfLow does not have check_if_exists flag or a create_experiments_if_not_exists() function.
To make things more frustrating, you cannot set the artifcact_location in the set_experiment() function either.
So here is a pretty easy work around, it also avoids the "ERROR mlflow.utils.rest_utils..." stdout logging as well.
import os
from random import random, randint
from mlflow import mlflow,log_metric, log_param, log_artifacts
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
experiment = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name('oof')
experiment_id = experiment.experiment_id
except AttributeError:
experiment_id = mlflow.create_experiment('oof', artifact_location='s3://mlflow-minio/sample/')
with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:
log_param("param1", randint(0, 100))
log_metric("foo", random())
log_metric("foo", random() + 1)
log_metric("foo", random() + 2)
if not os.path.exists("outputs"):
with open("outputs/test.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("hello world!")
If it is the user's first time creating the experiment, the code will run into an AttributeError since experiment_id does not exist and the except code block gets executed creating the experiment.
If it is the second, third, etc the code is run, it will only execute the code under the try statement since the experiment now exists. Mlflow will now create a 'sample' key in your s3 bucket. Not fully tested but it works for me at least.

How can a Lambda function get the name of last modified file in given S3 path?

So, I am looking to have a Lambda function (python) that will pick up the
file name
date & time of creation
of the last created file in that directory (having certain suffix)
My use-case requires something like this:
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
file_name = get_file_name()
created_datetime = get_datetime()
if (current_datetime-created_datetime < 48 hours)
#do something with "file_name"
Please help with the above required functions
It is not possible to "get the last created file".
You will need to list the objects with that Prefix, then programmatically determine the latest object by sorting the list. You can also add some code to check the Suffix of the Key.
Give it a try and let us know if you have any specific issues.

How can retrieve values from Javascript variable

Don't know if its possible but i have written a script to download some mp3 files using python selenium which is working fine but i need to also grab some data that is stored in a javascript variable
I am trying to get "dfn=20190611-154434-123425015190- 123417133890" this data will always be changing for each download see below
onclick="var response = AjaxServerSide.LogURLAccess('C','http://crc-
I have tried this
download_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath(f'//*[#id="dnn_ctr545_Aggregator_ctr542_CallRecordingHistory_dgCallsRecorded"]/tbody/tr[{number}]/td[7]/input[3]')
data = driver.execute_script('response = AjaxServerSide.LogURLAccess')
I am getting None when i print the variable, any suggestion is it even possible?
I seem to have found a way around it by using
val = download_button.get_attribute("onclick") to get all the attributes what i will need to do now is slice the info that i need

Call multiple strings inside variable

Python scrub here.
Im still learning python so sorry.
Im trying to create a Dict(i think) that then behaves as a variable called fileshare and then want to call each entry inside the variable called fileshareARN. So basically inside the AWS ARN I want each share to be called. for example I want share-A, share-B, etc to be called each time. Im guessing I need to setup a function or a IF statement but im not sure.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('storagegateway')
fileshare = [share-A, share-B, share-C, share-D]
response = client.refresh_cache(
FileShareARN='arn:aws:storagegateway:us-west-1:AWS-ID:share/{Fileshare-variable, share-ID should go here}.format',
You're very close! A few notes to preface the answer to assist you on your Python journey:
Python does not allow hyphenated variable names, as hyphens are a reserved operator for subtraction. You only had them listed as placeholders, but figured it would be helpful to know.
lists, arrays, and dictionaries are all different data structures in Python. You can read about them more here: , but for your particular use case, if you're simply trying to store a collection of variables and iterate over them, a list or array work fine (although a dictionary is usable as well).
In Python, lists and arrays are iterables, which means that they have built-in functions that can naturally be iterated over to sequentially access their constituent values.
Let's go over an example using the following array:
fruits = ['apples','bananas','oranges'],
In other languages, you're probably used to having to define your own loop with the following syntax:
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOf(fruits); i++)
Python enables this same functionality much more easily.
for item in fruits:
Here, the scope of the term item within the loop is equal to the value that exists at that current index in the array (fruits).
Now, to perform this same functionality for your example, we can use this same technique to loop over your list of ARNs:
import boto3
client = boto3.client('storagegateway')
fileshare = [shareA, shareB, shareC, shareD]
for path in fileshare:
response = client.refresh_cache(
After changing the placeholder variables you had in fileshare, I wrapped the existing response variable execution with a for loop, and made a slight change to the string appending at the end of your FileShareARN variable.
Hope this helps, and welcome to Python!
Did some more research, found f.string formatting which seems to make python life easy. Also since I am deploying this in AWS Lambda I added a handler.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import boto3
def default_handler( event, context ):
client = boto3.client('storagegateway')
fileshare = ['share-A', 'share-B', 'share-C', 'share-D']
for path in fileshare:
response = client.refresh_cache(
FileShareARN = f"arn:aws:storagegateway:us-west-1:ARN-ID:share/{path}",
default_handler( None, None )

Opening another .py file in a function to pass agruments in Python3.5

I'm pretty new to Python and the overall goal of the project I am working on is to setup a SQLite DB that will allow easy entries in the future for non-programmers (this is for a small group of people who are all technically competent). The way I am trying to accomplish this right now is to have people save their new data entry as a .py file through a simple text editor and then open that .py file within the function that enters the values into the DB. So far I have:
def newEntry(material=None, param=None, value=None):
if param == 'density':
print('The density of %s is %s' % (material, value))
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(files=(''))
Then I have created with a simple text editor a file called that will hopefully be called by when newEntry is executed in the terminal. The idea here is that some user would just have to put in the function name with the arguments they are inputing within the parentheses. is simply:
# Some description for future users
newEntry(material='water', param='density', value='1')
When I run in my terminal nothing happens. Is there some other way to open and execute a .py file within another that I do not know of? Thank you very much for any help.
Your solution works, but as a commenter said, it is very insecure and there are better ways. Presuming your process(...) method is just executing some arbitrary Python code, this could be abused to execute system commands, such as deleting files (very bad).
Instead of using a .py file consisting of a series of newEntry(...) on each line, have your users produce a CSV file with the appropriate column headers. I.e.
Then parse this csv file to add new entries:
with open('entries.csv') as entries:
csv_reader = csv.reader(entries)
header = True
for row in csv_reader:
if header: # Skip header
header = False
material = row[0]
param = row[1]
value = row[2]
if param == 'density':
print('The density of %s is %s' % (material, value))
Your users could use Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other spreadsheet software that can export .csv files to create/edit these files, and you could provide a template to the users with predefined headers.
