I have a tkinter Listbox and I'm using a StringVar().set() to set the values from a list. When I get the values back using StringVar().get(), they are converted to an awkward string format, like this:
"('Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3')"
What's the best way to avoid this conversion in the first place, or failing that, to convert the string back to the initial list?
You can use this snippet of code to reproduce the problem in its most simple form:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
values = tk.StringVar(root)
values.set(['Item1', 'Item2','Item3'])
It's not pretty, but I had come up with this:
values.get()[2:-2].split("', '")
As StringVar is inherited from Variable with overridden get() function which converts the stored value to string.
Using Variable will not have such conversion.
I am using f-strings for formatting strings and injecting variable values into the string, is there a way to set a format-spec for an entire module in python?
I am aware of Standard Format Specifiers which can be used to specify formats for each string, but how do I do it at once for the whole module?
f""" Some random string {value1}, some more text {value2:.2f} ... """
Here I am specifying the format for value2, but I want to set a format for all globally.
f"""% profits are {profit}"""
Had I set format spec to {profit:.2f} this will be set to two decimal places, but I want to set that :.2f globally so that number decimal places can be changed with one variable update.
Something like format-spec = ':.2f' and all the f-string injected values should be displayed as floats with two decimals (if its a numbers).
If I understand you correctly, you want to define a string format one time that is usable throughout a script. I would create a function, callable from anywhere in your script that produces the formatted string as shown below:
def create_string(v_str: str, v_num: float) -> str:
return f""" Some random string {v_str}, some more text {v_num:.2f} ... """
You can then use the create_string function from anywhere in your script and produce the desired output as illustrated below:
print(create_string('Some words here', 2.56))
which yields:
Some random string Some words here, some more text 2.56 ...
We have a mainframe file which we are trying to read using Complex Flat File Stage. The column has data type PIC X(1) which we are reading as char(1) and assigning to char (10). Problem is it converts to value "26" when the value should be 30. The value displayed in mainframe is x'30' (which seems to be hex). Is there a way to convert value correctly in datastage? Right now following is being implemented in the transformer:
I am importing text values into a transformation using a Fixed Width input step. Everything is coming in as a string. I want to convert some of the string values to integers with a decimal point at a specified spot. Here are some examples of the before (left hand side) and expected results (right hand side):
00289 --> 0028.9
01109 --> 0110.9
003201 --> 0032.01
I've tried numerous combinations of the Format mask in a Select Values step (meta data tab) but I can't get the values I'm looking for.
Can you anyone tell me what combination I can try for* Type/Length/Precision/Format/Encoding/Decimal/Group* attributes for these fields to get the desired output?
Have you tried another step the reach your goal? You can try to use e.g. User Defined Java Expression setting it in this way:
Java expression: new java.math.BigDecimal(text.substring(0,4) + "." + text.substring(4,text.length()))
Value type: BigNumber
But this will convert your input to:
00289 --> 28.9
01109 --> 110.9
003201 --> 32.01
Because its output is BigNumber format. BigNumber or Number format can be used for decimal numbers. You cannot use Integer for decimals because it has no decimal part.
If you want a String output leave out the new java.math.BigDecimal() part from the expression above and set Value type to String. It will produce these results:
00289 --> 0028.9
01109 --> 0110.9
003201 --> 0032.01
This is the one suggestion. Of course there are another ways of how to reach your goal.
I don't know if Matlab can do this, but I want to store some strings in a 4×3 matrix, each element in the matrix is a string.
test_string_01 test_string_02 test_string_03
test_string_04 test_string_05 test_string_06
test_string_07 test_string_08 test_string_09
test_string_10 test_string_11 test_string_12
Then, I want to write this matrix into a plain text file, either comma or space delimited.
Seems like matrix data type is not capable of storing strings. I looked at cell. I tried to use dlmwrite() or csvwrite(), but both of them only accept matrices. I also tried cell2mat() first, but in that way all letters in the strings are comma seperated, like
So is there any way to achieve this?
It is possible to shorten yuk's solution a bit.
strings = {
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(strings,2)-1),'%s\n'];
Cell array is the way to store strings.
I agree it's a pain to save strings into a text file, but you can do it with this code:
strings = {
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
for row = 1:size(strings,1)
fprintf(fid, repmat('%s\t',1,size(strings,2)-1), strings{row,1:end-1});
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', strings{row,end});
Substitute \t with , to get csv file.
You can also store cell array of strings into Excel file with XLSWRITE (requires COM interface, so it's on Windows only):
In most cases you can use the delimiter ' ' and get Matlab to save a string into file with dlmwrite.
For example,
will save a file named myfile.txt containing my_first_String.