Confusing about CSRF protection strategies - security

I am testing a web application. CSRF is applied and sent in cookies and header but not in the form as hidden input. The csrf token does not change for every request but it change during the session. How often should the csrf token change ? Should it change per session or per request ? should the client or the server set the csrf token ? what is the best strategy to apply csrf protection? double submit cookie ? Triple Submit Cookie ? or any other new strategy ?

I'm just going to attempt to answer your questions one by one here.
How often should the CSRF token change?
You can change your CSRF token once per session. Changing it once per request offers no real security advantage and if anything, only serves as an easy way to waste resources and limit usability. For example, a user will not be able to hit the "back" button because they will have an outdated CSRF token, or if they try to resubmit a form with new values (such as after a validation error) it may not send.
Should it change per session or per request?
As discussed, it should change per session. The only time that a user should be given a new token per request is at login. This is to prevent a session fixation attack leading to a CSRF attack possibility.
For example: An attacker accesses the site and generates a new session. They take the session ID and inject it into a victim's browser (eg via writing cookie from a vulnerable neighbour domain, or using another vulnerability like jsessionid URLs), and also inject the CSRF token into a form in the victim's browser. They wait for the victim to log in with that form, and then use another form post to get the victim to perform an action with the still-live CSRF token.
To prevent this, invalidate the CSRF token and issue a new one in the places (like login) that you're already doing the same to the session ID to prevent session fixation attacks.
Should the client or the server set the CSRF token?
The server - always on the server! You want to generate the token from a trusted source, as per OWASP guidelines. This ensures that you know exactly where the token is generated and limits attack surface since an attacker cannot control what happens on the server.
What is the best strategy to apply CSRF protection?
I think CSRF is a very in-depth topic and can't really be summed up in just a few words. This is where a little research and reading can go a long way. I would recommend you take a look at the OWASP CSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet.


CSRF prevention using local storage and cookie

The following talk at 40:08min, Hubert mentions that the best way to prevent a CSRF attack is to do the following:
Generate a random id server side - lets call this the CSRF id.
Add this id to your jwt cookie. Also add a response header with the id (e.g. csrfId: xxx)
Have the client save the id to local storage.
On each request, the client should append a header with this id.
On each request, the server should verify that the id in the received cookie matches the one in the received header.
My question is: what would stop the CSRF attacker reading the cookie manually, getting the ID and then adding that to the attack request?
Also, wont localstorage leave the ID vulnerable to a XSS + CSRF combination attack? (I'm not sure this is possible)?
what would stop the CSRF attacker reading the cookie manually, getting the ID and then adding that to the attack request?
Setting the cookie attribute HttpOnly makes it inaccessible to Javascript. Using a custom request header prevents an attacker from adding the ID to the attack request:
«This defense relies on the same-origin policy (SOP) restriction that only JavaScript can be used to add a custom header, and only within its origin. By default, browsers do not allow JavaScript to make cross origin requests with custom headers.» -
Also, wont localstorage leave the ID vulnerable to a XSS + CSRF combination attack? (I'm not sure this is possible)?
CSRF protection can be bypassed if you have a XSS vulnerability, regardless of using localstorage.
However, OWASP explicitly recommends not storing the CSRF token in cookies or local storage.
So I think your question is warranted, and I don't understand how that can be the best way to prevent a CSRF attack.
If I may, I recommend you check out the OWASP CSRF prevention cheatsheet if you haven't seen it already.

Is CSRF middleware needed if HTTPOnly cookie is used? And should it be session-based?

Now authorization sheme looks like this:
If the user input the correct data, the server generates a unique sessionKey, inserts it into the session table with FK for this user. In response to a JSON request, I send this sessionKey. The web client sets this key it in a cookie.
But the problem is that if the web client stores this cookie, JS will have access to them, and it is not safe.
The alternative is to set the HTTP-Only cookie. But it is not clear whether it is necessary to use CSRF middleware in this case. Does the HTTPOnly attribute solve the problem of XSS / CSRF attacks? If it does not decide and you need a CSRF middleware, then the csrf cookie must be a session cookie.
The problem is that all the csrf middlewares for my framework do not allow to use of the session csrf cookie. Alternatively, write my own middleware.
Do I understand correctly that the csrf middleware stores the token that I gave to the client in RAM and verifies on every request? But then what's the point of this token if it can be intercepted in the same way as an authorization cookie?
Let's start with stating that Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) are two different animals.
XSS is about embedding malicious code into a site to have it executed on the client machine. No HTTPOnly flag can mitigate this.
CSRF is about embedding malicious code on some third party site and sending you the link to the third party site. The malicious code can try to fire GET/POST request (which can bypass browsers Same Origin Policy) and execute some unwanted actions on the site the user is logged to. It's easier to understand this with an example:
You are logged into your site on You are authenticated with a cookie.
Someone sends you a link to You open the link in a separate browser tab.
Malicious code is being executed and fires a request to Cookie will be attached, request will be authenticated and executed.
The answer is no - the HTTPOnly flag will not mitigate any of this. But let us concentrate on solving CSRF issue. What options do you have?
In fact you have many:
IMO the easiest could be passing the sessionKey not over a cookie, but over an Authorization header. This can not be done automatically by the browser so you would be safe from CSRF attacks.

node user authentication with cookie

I am going to write a server api that responsible for user authentication. From my limit knowledge and understanding, when a user login with username and password, session will be created and auth cookie with username will save into cookie. When the user request for the next page, the user information in the cookie will send to server and server will recognize it. so my question is what if another person manually copy the existing cookie info and create the same cookie in a browser of another computer? Will it skip the login stage? Can anyone explain in details how to prevent this in details? thanks
Yes, it will most likely skip the login stage. What you describe is a form of session hijacking, or cookie hijacking. Using cookies over unencrypted connection (ie. HTTP instead of HTTPS) is not a secure solution because anyone can steal and use the same cookie and this is usually enough to get full access with no need to authenticate. (It can be - though it usually isn't - made harder to exploit but not impossible.)
Soon there will be no reason not to use HTTPS (see my answer to other question for details).
In addition to making sure that no one can read the cookie (using HTTPS and HttpOnly) you also have to make sure that no one can guess the session ID (eg. it cannot be a sequential or small number or anything like that).
See also:
Session hijacking on Wikipedia
Session hijacking on OWASP
Session fixation on Wikipedia
Session fixation on OWASP
Session riding (XSRF, CSRF)

Why not use session ID as XSRF token?

Why does Play Framework use [a signed version of the session id] as Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) prevention token, rather than the session ID itself?
(With XSRF prevention token, I mean a magic value that must be included in a form submission, for the webapp to accept the form.)
If there's an eavesdropper s/he'll find both the XSRF token and the SID cookie anyway (?).
If there's an XSS exploit, then the malicious JavaScript code can read both the XSRF token and the SID cookie (?).
An attacker cannot construct a valid XSRF token, given a SID, since s/he doesn't have the secret key used when signing the SID to obtain the XSRF token. -- But how could it happen that an attacker gets hold of only the SID, not the XSRF token? Is that far-fetched?
If the SID is sent in a HTTP Only cookie, then an attacker wouldn't have the SID even if s/he found the XSRF token, and perhaps the attacker really needs the SID? -- Is this far-fetched?
Code snippets:
Here Play constructs it's XSRF token (getId returns the session ID):
public String getAuthenticityToken() {
return Crypto.sign(getId());
Here Play checks that a <form> has a valid XSRF token:
protected static void checkAuthenticity() {
if(Scope.Params.current().get("authenticityToken") == null ||
Scope.Session.current().getAuthenticityToken())) {
forbidden("Bad authenticity token");
Play has changed the way it generates XSRF tokens, now the SID is no longer used, instead a random value is signed and used! (I just updated my Play Framework Git repo clone from old Play version 1.1 to new 1.2. Perhaps I should have done this ... yesterday, hmm.)
public String getAuthenticityToken() {
if (!data.containsKey(AT_KEY)) {
data.put(AT_KEY, Crypto.sign(UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
return data.get(AT_KEY);
Well, then why did they do this change?
I found the commit:
[#669] Fix again and apply for Flash and Errors as well
From issue #669:
create session only when absolute necessary
A session cookie is created on every request of a resource. play should only create a session cookie if there is really data to be stored in the session.
So they're using a random value, not the SID, because the SID might not yet have been created. Well that's a reason not to use a derivative of the SID as XSRF token. But doesn't clarify why they signed/hashed the SID, in the past, when they were using it.
The first thing to say is that you can reuse the session ID as the CSRF token, insofar as it will protect you fine against CSRF and does not automatically create any serious security holes. However, for somewhat sound reasons, OWASP used to explicitly recommend against it. (They now don't address the question at all.)
The argument against reusing the session ID as the CSRF token can be summarized as follows (key points in bold, with justification beneath):
The session ID being acquired by an attacker is generally a more serious security breach than the CSRF token being acquired by an attacker.
All that an attacker gains from having the CSRF token (assuming that some other secure piece of information, like the session ID, hasn't been reused as the CSRF token) is the ability to perform CSRF attacks. This gives them two huge limitations that they wouldn't have if they actually acquired a session ID:
They still need to lure the user with the corresponding session token to an attack page (or have them read an attack email, or view an attack ad in an iframe, etc.) to exploit the CSRF token in any way at all. With the session ID, they'd just need to put it in their browser and then use the website as if they were that user.
While they can send requests using the user's credentials, the Same Origin Policy still prevents them from viewing the responses to those requests. This may (or may not, depending on the structure of the API you're protecting and the attacker's ingenuity) mean in practice that while the attacker can perform actions on the user's behalf, they cannot acquire sensitive information that the user is authorized to view. (Which of these you care more about depends upon the context - one assumes that an attacker would tend to prefer taking the contents of your bank account to merely knowing how much that is, but that they'd also rather know your medical history than vandalise it.)
The CSRF token is potentially easier for an attacker to acquire than the session ID
XSS attacks are likely to permit an attacker to acquire the CSRF token, since it's common practice to bake it into the DOM (e.g. as the value of an <input> element in a <form>. Session cookies, on the other hand, can be kept secret even in the face of a successful XSS attack using the HttpOnly flag, demanding more up-front work from an attacker to usefully exploit an XSS vulnerability.
If the CSRF token is being sent back to the server as a request parameter rather than a custom HTTP header (guaranteed to be the case when including it in ordinary HTML <form> submits), then web server access logs will generally log the CSRF token on GET requests (as it's part of the URL). Thus an attacker who manages to view the access log would be able to acquire many CSRF tokens.
Pages or scripts that the CSRF token is baked into may be cached in the user's browser, permitting an attacker to retrieve them from the cache (conceivably relevant after the user has, for example, used a public machine in a library or internet cafe, and then either cleared their cookies but not their cache, or used a 'Log Out' button that removes their session cookie from the browser without invalidating it server-side).
But if you're reusing the session ID as the CSRF token, then any attack that permits them to acquire the CSRF token automatically gives them the session ID as well.
Therefore you should not reuse the CSRF token as the session ID, since it makes the session ID more vulnerable.
To be honest, I kind of regard everything above as more of a theoretical concern than a practical one. The weak point in the argument is point 2; the only realistic vulnerabilities I can think of that could be used for acquiring CSRF tokens but not for acquiring session cookies are still really serious vulnerabilities. If you have an XSS hole on your site, or an attacker has access to your freaking server logs, chances are you're totally fucked anyway. And in most libraries and internet cafes I've been to, the staff were not security-savvy and it'd be pretty easy to install a keylogger undetected and just harvest passwords - there'd be no need for an attacker to go to the effort of waiting for people to use the machine and then ripping the contents of their browser cache.
However, unless your circumstances somehow make it difficult to store an additional random token for CSRF alongside the random session ID, why not just do it anyway for whatever modest security benefit it gives you?
A pure CSRF attack doesn't have access to the browser's cookies so when you say "eavesdropper", that's only going to be achievable if they're sniffing packets (i.e. no SSL, public wifi).
Depending on the configuration of the Play Framework (I'm not familiar with it so take this as general web app advice), the session and authentication cookies will almost certainly be flagged as HttpOnly so they they're unable to be read from the client via XSS.
Ultimately, the idea of using the synchroniser token pattern to protect against XSRF is to use a unique value (preferably cryptographically strong), known only to the server and the client and unique to that session. Based on this goal, Play Framework seems to do just fine.
Perhaps Play Framework doesn't want the SID in the HTML. An end user, Bob, might download a Web page, and if there's a <form> in that Web page, the SID would be included in the downloaded HTML (if the SID itself is used as XSRF token). If Bob then emails his downloaded page to Mallory, then Mallory would find the SID and could impersonate Bob!?
(Another minor reason not to use the SID: As I mentioned in my update, the SID might simply not be available. Perhaps it's generated as late as possible, to save CPU resources.)

Tricky question for good understanding of CSRF

My friend and I have a pari for beer.
From wikipedia:
Requiring a secret, user-specific
token in all form submissions and
side-effect URLs prevents CSRF; the
attacker's site cannot put the right
token in its submissions
The atacker can use browser cookies indirectly, but he can't use them directly!
That's why he can't put the cookies into the link using document.write()
Let us look how the logout link is generated. Is it secure way? Can this GET request be faked?
function logout(){
echo '<a href="?action=logout&sid='.htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['sid']).'>Logout</a>';
sid is a session ID, generated for every session
on the server side, the following checking is performed:
Absolutely not! Never use session identifiers for CSRF protection.
As far as why? Well, the answer is simple. Doing so opens the door for session hijacking attacks. Imagine someone copies and pastes the link for some reason into an email or onto the web. Now, the person on the other end of the email has the session identifier of that session. Sure, if they click the link it won't activate the session, but someone who knows what they are doing will still be able to use it.
And don't use a secret cookie either. Cookies are transmitted on every request. So the mere existence of a cookie does not verify that the user intended to make the request.
How to do it instead? Follow the OWASP recommendations. Use a unique, random token that's issued on each request and is associated with the session. Then verify that the token is valid on submission and then invalidate the token! It should be a one-time-use token only. Have it submitted by the form, and not attached to a link directly...
This prosed security system is immune to CSRF. The reason why this works is because in a CSRF attack the browser keeps track of the cookie, so the attacker doesn't need to know the cookie value when he is building the request. If this proposed security system where vulnerable to CSRF an exploit like the following Proof of Concept would log out a browser:
<img src=http://victim_site/index.php?action=logout&sid= />
Clearly in this case sid needs a value, and an attacker cannot obtain this value without using XSS, which makes this a moot point. Using xss an attacker can read a CSRF token to forge requests. This was used in the MySpace worm Sammy.
The use of the cookie a valid, however weaker form of CSRF protection. One problem is that it totally undermines http_only cookies. Ideally a CSRF token and a session id should be a Cryptographic nonce. However, it is more secure to have them be separate values.
Edit: This answer is at least partially wrong. Using the session ID as a CSRF token could lead to session hijacking if, eg, links are copy+pasted around. See ircmaxell's answer and comments.
Yes, because the session ID is both random and associated with the user, it would be an acceptable form of CSRF protection.
That said, it would be even safer to use a different random number, on the off chance that malicious JavaScript is able to grab the session cookie (and session ID)… But if I had to choose between “no CSRF token” and “session ID as a CSRF token”, I'd always pick the session as a CSRF token.
The only potential problem with using session IDs as CSRF tokens is: if someone was able to steal a CSRF token, they would also be able to hijack the associated session… But I can't think of a sensible scenario where that would be an issue.
Now, from the discussion on Marc B's answer, below: using a nonce would provide other benefits (like preventing duplicate form submissions)… But it isn't any more secure against CSRF attacks than the session ID (with the one caveat I mention in the first second paragraph).
See also: CSRF Validation Token: session id safe?
And what's to stop someone from editing the HTML that you send them, as well as the cookie, which you've also send them? Both are are under the control of the user.
With firebug I can trivially change the contents of any page, as well as any cookie.
Now, if you'd modified your version so that the SERVER stores that ID, then it would be harder to hack...
$_SESSION['form_token'] = 's33krit valu3';
if ($_POST['form_token'] == $_SESSION['form_token']) {
... everything's ok ...
Since the session data is kept on the server, out of the attacker's hands, this is far more secure than trusting the attacker won't think to modify the cookie.
You owe your friend a beer.
