Packaging Software Ideas - node.js

We have a migration tool to migrate the customers data between different applications. I am looking for ideas to make it very easy for the customer to use this tool. Right now they invoke shell scripts with some options and get the data dump, but I want to make this even more easier for the end customer. Tool is written in nodejs

pkg could be what you're looking for.
From the package description:
This command line interface enables you to package your Node.js
project into an executable that can be run even on devices without
Node.js installed.
Use Cases
Make a commercial version of your application without
Make a demo/evaluation/trial version of your app without
Instantly make executables for other platforms
(cross-compilation) Make some kind of self-extracting archive or
installer No need to install Node.js and npm to run the packaged
application No need to download hundreds of files via npm install to
deploy your application. Deploy it as a single file Put your assets
inside the executable to make it even more portable Test your app
against new Node.js version without installing it


Angular + Electron app: query web API or DataBase according to deskop or web mode

I would like to build an app using Angular + Electron. My app should be able to run both on desktop and browser platforms. I'm considering to use angular-electron starter kit (but I'm open to other possibilities).
What concerns my is the way I read and write data. The data must be stored in a MySQL database. Ideally I would like to:
make the app call an api when NOT running on Electron (browser mode)
make the app query directly the mysql database when running on Electron (desktop mode)
I know I could check for window && window.process && window.process.type to let the app understand wheter running on Electron or not, however I'm a bit concerned about how to handle this. Also because I probably need to import node packages like mysqljs but ONLY in the desktop mode.
You can simply pass in different environment files in Angular during build this allow you to control the environment variables so that you can tell that it is a web app build or an electron app build.
But if you are importing binary packages this is where it gets tricky. I dont think there is a clean way for you to do conditional imports. I did not manage to find a way to do it cleanly and sort of maintained another repository for all my services that needs to import binary files.
To import the binary files you will also need to edit some webpack settings to tell angular to not compile/include the binary files during the build process so that you can use you librarys like mysqljs that require binary files. There is also some settings on the electron end to make binary files compatible for different platforms ie Windows, Mac , Linux. Basically it is really a pain to do it.
Link to how to edit webpack settings for angular 7+
I will totally suggest you not to do it unless you really have a very good reason that you need to use these libraries.
EDIT 10/1/19
Okay I was referring to the MySqlJs but it seems like it does not have native modules modules. Native/binary modules basically means javascript code that relies on c++ compiled binaries(Or any native language like rust...).
For my case I was using the grpc modules which has a native dependency. Had to switch to grpc-web in the end.
I will add some footnotes here if you ever need them
Node.js / npm - anyway to tell if a package is pure JS or not?

NodeJS app for end-user distribution

I'm looking for the proper way to distribute/deploy a node.js app that would run as a small webserver on the user's machine.
Is there a stub method or install script or a "install wizard" that would download all node_modules dependencies, download the latest nodejs binary, set up the environment, etc... or I have to distribute it bulk with everything packed? Is there any guide for that purpose?
Edited :
You could install node and npm, download your dependencies by running npm install in the command line (first declare them within your package.json) only then users can run your script. This is how you do development in Node.js, or deploy to a development server. See using npm. You could automate that with a shell script if that is what you are after.
However, when distributing programs to end-users that might not be the best approach. Linux users are used to a package (.deb for instance) and Windows users are used to an .exe or a setup wizard.
That is why I recommended the tools below. I also assumed you were targeting Windows as this is less of a problem is unix-like environments.
If you want a single file (.exe), pkg and nexe are made for that purpose. These Node.js tools are used by the developer to compile JavaScript code into a single executable binary that is convenient for end-users and Windows deployment. The resulting .exe file is very light and does not require node to be installed on the end-user’s computers.
Electron along with electron-packager can produce setup wizards, but it installs a lot of files even for the smallest program. Your program will include all of node and webkit, that is why it produces heavy installs.
NSIS can also create a setup wizard, it is simple and does common stuff well (copying files, running shell scripts).
Original answer:
Short answer is: not really.
You have to keep in mind that Javascript is and has always been interpreted, so until recently never compiled to binary as you might do with other languages. Some exploration has been going on, but essentially you won’t get a "good practice" answer.
The long answer is, maybe, for some limited use cases:
There is the fresh new pkg that does exactly this, and it looks promising.
There has been nexe for a while, it works great for some use cases (maybe yours). Native/compiled modules are still an issue however.
Electron might work for a full blown app with a significant user interface, but it is not light or compact.
You could always use browserify to concatenate and uglify all your code with the modules you use and then make an installer with something like NSIS to setup node and your script. Native modules would still be a problem however.

Repeatable installs of a Go application?

I am from the NodeJS/JavaScript world where I have npm and dependencies written down in the package.json. When I deploy it, I know that I just need to run npm install and all the dependencies consumed by the app will be installed.
How is it supposed to be done for a Go project? Suppose I have a source code of the app which I deploy remotely by, say, running git pull. Now, how do I make sure the dependencies are present? What I see is I need to install a package manager manually then install dependencies using it?
What's a standard way of deploying a Go app on a server?
First of all, you're indeed thinking like a JS developer. Go is compiled, and thus the proper way to deploy a Go app is not to use the source code at all - you build it on your build server, and deploy a binary. So on the server level you simply don't care anymore, the only place where you need dependencies is the build system.
Now, the standard way to do this in go is to vendor dependencies with your source, that is make sure they are included in the git repo. Another approach is the express them in a manifest file and fetch them with an external tool. These are both more reliable than the naive approach, of simply using go get in build time, fetching the current version of your dependencies (this requires no manifest file).
There are many tools for vendoring management, to name two: Godep and gb

How to bundle a third party binary with Electron?

I am still new to the electron ecosystem and desktop development in general but what I wish to do is to interface with a third party, open source application that comes bundled in with my software. First, I am unsure on what the package options to distribute should be. Is it customary to have two downloads, one for users that already have the third party binary installed, and another one that includes it? Also how do I go about actually packaging, and installing the binary? Should this be an option on my package.json? What kind of script should I execute? Are there any npm modules to facilitate this?
edit - is it possible to invoke npm from my main.js even though a user has not previously installed node? I know node is bundled with the electron package but is npm too?
-The binary in this case is PostgreSQL
There are a couple of options coming to my mind.
Bundle a 3rd party installer w/ your app. This is what I did recently. On the first run I check if the service that I need is installed / running and if not I call the 3rd party installer / start it. When the installer quits I simply app.relaunch() and start consumig it. Of course you'll need installers for each platform you plan to support. And you'll have to figure out ways to check if the software is installed (properly) for each platform.
Bundle binaries w/ you app. Of course you can bundle pretty much anything w/ your electron app. Again, you'll need binaries for each platform you plan to support. And of course they shouldn't be linked to anything that the default user doesn't have on his machine like SDKs and additional headers ...
Less comfy but you can alway add some start-up message or before-download massage telling the user that he needs software xy in order to run your application.
Derivate of 1/2: Download required stuff on demand. For your example this would mean checking the user's OS and arch and then just download the required installers or binaries if available. You could also build the stuff on the user's machine although this probably being the worst/biggest/most complex solution.
Then there's things like - you should always check npm if someone already built what you need ;)
I'd recommend using the great electron-builder which makes bundling stuff w/ your app a piece of cake.
Feel free to comment if you need more intel.

Provide Node.JS webapp "key in hand"

I am building a simple Node.JS application for a client. The webapp should be easy to deploy on each server instance (which are RedHat EL 6.3), "key in hand".
What is the best way to package a Node.JS app? Basically, I need an "installer" or "package" to:
Install Node.JS
Install the dependencies (npm install)
Populate the application files (CSS, JS, HTML, etc.)
You should deliver a self-contained package. Please check out the great site The Twelve-Factor App, specifically the build, release, run section. There is a lot of hard-won wisdom from experienced operations engineers embodied in that site.
In your app's repo, write a script (shell, node, whatever) that can generate a distributable archive
RPM or tar archive are the 2 most sensible choices for you. tar is more portable and simpler. RPM would integrate nicely with an RPM-based distribution. I would recommend starting with tar if you have not done a lot of software packaging/management work. RPM is significantly more complex than tar.
The tar archive should embed the node.js files within it. This will make your app easy to install and avoid sharing a system-wide node install thus creating artificial coupling. If you go the RPM route, you can specify node as a dependency in your RPM spec file (but you probably shouldn't - see below).
The archive should embed all of the npm dependencies as well. Don't run npm install at package install time. Consider using the npm shrinkwrap tool to manage your dependencies during development, but at deployment time they should be pre-bundled and ready to run.
Specifically, these are bad ideas you should avoid:
Do not download anything from the Internet during installation. This is brittle, slow, and potentially can throw you bad surprises including security problems
Do not build artifacts at install time that can be built at build time. So ship pre-build CSS files, requirejs optimized files, pre-compiled binaries, etc.
As to whether your application RPM should list node.js as a dependency or embed node into the RPM, here are some points to consider.
Embed node.js into your RPM
Single .rpm file to distribute
Allows your application to tightly control the node version it uses. (see below)
Higher reliability. The fact is your app is probably coupled fairly tightly to at least the minor version of node.js you develop on (0.8.x for example) or even a patch release (>= 0.8.12 < 0.9 for example). It's best to allow node.js to decouple your app from the OS, but don't be fooled into thinking your app will work reliably on a different version of node.js without testing & adjustment. Most commonly these days there's just 1 app running on the OS, and the notion of sharing node between apps incorrectly values conservation of disk space over proper decoupling and operational independence of applications.
It's unclear whether there are any official/reliable pre-built RPMs out there in yumland that will "just work".
Specify node.js as a dependency of your PRM
Follows the general philosophy of OS package management (avoid duplication, conserve disk space, etc)
RPM provides capabilities beyond TAR around inventory management, uninstallation, upgrade, etc. Since you are asking this question, you are probably not ready to address these properly yet, so you might want to start with tar and once you have a solid understanding of that, consider RPM upgrade scripts, etc.
The "single file to distribute" nice point can quickly become untenable once your app starts using a database or 3, supporting daemons for email, log aggregators, etc.
